Overlapping events
Deforestation of beech forests for the production of charcoal.
Emergence of the municipalities
First smallpox vaccination in the arrondissement of Malmedy
In the arrondissement of Malmedy, the first children are vaccinated against smallpox.
- Norbert Thunus, Les premières vaccinations dans notre arrondissement, in: Malmedy-Folklore, t. 62, 2009-2010, p. 151.
Steam engine in Eupen
The first steam engine is installed in the city.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 63
Border treaty between the Netherlands and Prussia
The neighboring states sign a treaty in Aachen, according to which, among other things, the Kelmiser Galmeiberg becomes a neutral territory.
- Herbert Ruland
Eupen in the Archdiocese of Cologne
Compulsory education in Prussia
Compulsory education is introduced in Prussia. The Prussian specifications now also become authoritative for the schools of today’s East Belgium.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 59
First premium and savings bank
The first premium and savings bank is established in Eupen.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 60
Connection Eupen-Monschau
The state road between Eupen and Monschau is opened.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 60
Overlapping events
Workers' unrest in Eupen
The working population of Eupen expresses its dissatisfaction. Their living conditions are not satisfactory. Thus, this year there are no less than three riots:
- In Werth Square, protesting workers await the distribution of the capital assets of the Workers’ Health Insurance Fund on March 12.
- On March 20, window panes are broken.
- A violent collision occurs on July 21. The angry workers fight back against the military. In the process, a nutcase is killed.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 63
Inauguration of the Peace Church
After four years of construction, the Protestant Peace Church on the Klötzerbahn can open its doors.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 60
Church of the Sacred Heart on the Heidberg
The Church of the Sacred Heart is inaugurated on the Heidberg.
Connection Eupen-Malmedy
The road from Eupen to Malmedy is opened.
New Chamber of Commerce in Eupen
A new chamber of commerce is established in Eupen. It replaces the consultative chamber from the French period.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 61
Commissioning of the Herbesthal-Eupen branch line
- Herbert Ruland
Eradication of the wolf?
On this day, probably one of the last wolves in the Malmedy district is killed in the Emmels forest by Michael Zangerlé. Another firing is documented for 1870 on Baraque Michel. The Prussian authorities had strongly encouraged the hunting of wolves by offering high premiums for killed animals.
- Johann Wiesemes, Forestry and Agriculture, in: Nidrum. Zwischen Lebenskampf und Lebenslust, Bevormundung und Selbstbestimmung, Nidrum 1998, pp. 224-277, here pp. 254-257.
In Eupen, cholera claims 192 lives.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 61
Inauguration St. Joseph's Church
Archbishop Paul of Cologne consecrates the Joseph Church under the Haas. – The church has been under construction since 1854 and was not completed until 1869.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 60
Last shooting of a wolf
For the last time, the Prussian authorities are notified of the shooting of a wolf and rewarded with a premium. This launch was made on Baraque Michel by the innkeeper Johann Joseph André from Bévercé.
- Johann Wiesemes, Forestry and Agriculture, in: Nidrum. Between Life Struggle and Lust for Life, Paternalism and Self-Determination, Nidrum 1998, pp. 224-277, here pp. 254-257.
Joseph parish founded
The Archbishop of Cologne establishes a St. Joseph parish.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 61
Recollection boarding school closed
One consequence of the Kulturkampf: the girls’ secondary school on the Heidberg, including the boarding school for recollects, is closed. As a substitute, a private school for girls is then established in the convent rooms. – In 1888, the recollects will return and manage the teaching again themselves.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 61
By train to Raeren
A railroad connection Eupen-Raeren is opened.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
Nazareth House
A Kneipp institute is established in Eupen.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
Oebähnchen opened
The branch line from Dolhain in Belgium to the lower town of Eupen is inaugurated.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
Foundation of the Club Wallon
Young people from Malmedy, who dislike the Germanization efforts of the German Reich in Prussian Wallonia, found the Club Wallon. The spiritual father of this group is Abbé Nicolas Pietkin. His companions included his nephew Henri Bragard, Abbé Bastin and Guillaume Bodet.
- H. Christmann_139; http://www.rcw.be/historique.php?PHPSESSID=649d98031c57256e550f13f9af39819b (Orginalperson: Henri Bragard)
First dairy in Büllingen
Construction of water pipes
Eupen newspaper appears for the first time
The “Eupener Zeitung” is published for the first time. Its owner will sell it in 1909.
- H. Christmann_22; A. Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
Slaughterhouse in Eupen
The slaughterhouse is opened in Eupen.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
The civic newspaper is published for the first time
Publication of the new “Bürgerzeitung
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
New district gazette for the Malmedy district
The official gazette is advertised by the Landrat and later replaced by the Landbote.
- Christmann_34
"Our third national language"
The Old Belgian Germanist Heinrich Bischoff is the author of the work “Our Third National Language”. The professor of German language and literature at the University of Liège published excerpts of this work in the Eupen News in the early 1930s.
- Christmann, H.: Presse und gesellschaftliche Kommunikation in Eupen- Malmedy zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen, p. 283
Eupener Zeitung becomes Eupener Nachrichten
The publisher of the “Eupener Zeitung” sells the paper, which then reappears as “Eupener Nachrichten”.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 62
Eupen News
The company Esch & Co acquires the Eupener Bürgerzeitung and founds the Eupener Nachrichten. The paper is molting to a circulation of 2000 copies.
- H. Christmann_23
Airships over St. Vith
Several airships participating in the international competition flying in Cologne crossed Saint Vith and the surrounding towns.
- SVZ, 3.7.1909
First female high school graduate from the Malmedy district
Johanna Schumacher, Malmedy, was the first woman from the Malmedy district to pass the Abitur examination at the municipal boys’ secondary school in Aachen. She attended the girls’ high school for two years, a Belgian boarding school for five years, then acquired the necessary knowledge of Latin and mathematics in private lessons. In 1910 she finally entered the Sekunda of the girls’ secondary school St. Ursula in Aachen. The high school graduate would like to study medicine.
- SVZ, 21.2.1914
Laws on the war situation
At the very beginning of the war, the mayors put the population to severe tests. Violation of the orders or sabotage is punishable by death.ä
- Doepgen_60
Violation of the neutrality of Belgium
Reich Chancellor von Bethmann von Hollweg admits in the Reichstag session that he has violated Belgium’s internationally guaranteed neutrality by invading Belgium.
- Doepgen_26
Fortress Liège falls
Barely two weeks after the German invasion of Belgium, the fortress of Liège has to be abandoned.
- Doepgen_28
War Economy
The Prussian Ministry of the Interior introduces strict stock control and food restrictions.
- Doepgen_60
First female high school graduate from the Malmedy district
Johanna Schumacher, Malmedy, was the first woman from the Malmedy district to pass the Abitur examination at the municipal boys’ secondary school in Aachen. She attended the girls’ high school for two years, a Belgian boarding school for five years, then acquired the necessary knowledge of Latin and mathematics in private lessons. In 1910 she finally entered the Sekunda of the girls’ secondary school St. Ursula in Aachen. The high school graduate would like to study medicine.
- SVZ, 21.2.1914
Laws on the war situation
At the very beginning of the war, the mayors put the population to severe tests. Violation of the orders or sabotage is punishable by death.ä
- Doepgen_60
Violation of the neutrality of Belgium
Reich Chancellor von Bethmann von Hollweg admits in the Reichstag session that he has violated Belgium’s internationally guaranteed neutrality by invading Belgium.
- Doepgen_26
Fortress Liège falls
Barely two weeks after the German invasion of Belgium, the fortress of Liège has to be abandoned.
- Doepgen_28
War Economy
The Prussian Ministry of the Interior introduces strict stock control and food restrictions.
- Doepgen_60
Memorandum of renowned Belgian politicians
23 Belgian personalities speak out from France. In their memorandum to King Albert, the Belgian government and diplomatic representatives abroad, they express their views on reparations and possible peace terms.
- Doepgen_30
Woodrow Wilson's 14-point program
The American president presents the so-called program of world peace to Congress. This vision is to become the basis for subsequent peace negotiations.
- Doepgen_63
Right of self-determination
In front of the Congress, the American President Wilson proclaims the right of self-determination of the peoples.
- Doepgen_63
Overlapping events
Request for incorporation of Malmedy in Belgium
Among the critics of the Germanization efforts of the German Empire were mainly pro-Belgian Walloons. Among them the Catholic clergy, the French, educated, wealthy bourgeoisie of the town of Malmedy and the so-called “Club Wallon” Henri Bragards. From this group of the population there are already early efforts to demand the annexation of Malmedy into Belgium by petitions to the King or the Belg. To advance plenipotentiary of the peace conference. – This group will intensify its efforts during the referendum.
- Christmann, H.: Presse und gesellschaftliche Kommunikation in Eupen- Malmedy zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen, p. 139 [Fussnote]f.
Censorship lifted
Abolition of wartime military censorship
- Christmann_41
Idea of a referendum
The District Administrator of Malmedy, v. Korff, reports to the President of the Government in Aachen that Belgium intends to arrange a referendum in Prussian Wallonia on the cession of the territory.
- Doepgen_84
The Great War ends near Compiègne with the signing of the Armistice Treaty.
War machinery in retreat
22 divisions of the 17. and 18th Army are on the march back. The soldiers move through the Venn and Eifel regions in the direction of the Rhine. (From 12.11.1918 to 29.11.1918)
- Doepgen_60
British troops enter Eupen soil
Open press censorship
During the transitional period of changing local commanders and until the occupation by the Belgians, the print media are subject to open press censorship. Evidence of this are white spots or references such as censorship gap in the newspapers. The Allied Council of Five lifts censorship in July 1919.
- H. Christmann_43f; H. Christmann_53
Permit requirement for assemblies
During the interim period of occupation, public gatherings of any kind require a permit. This includes not only political gatherings, election meetings or rallies. Even carnival events have to be cancelled.
- H. Christmann_45
Behavior in public
During the period of transitional command, public behavior is regulated in such a way that respect must be shown to regimental flags, civilian or uniformed representatives of the occupying powers.
- H. Christmann_46
Occupation of the districts of Eupen-Malmedy
Victorious troops enter the districts of Eupen and Malmedy. (From 01.12.1918 to 21.12.1918)
- Doepgen_61
English occupation in the district of Malmedy
The Malmedy district comes under English occupation. In the process, the British allow the Belgians to establish a military mission in the city.
- H. Christmann_41
Comité de Politique Nationale
In December, the Comité de Politique Nationale is launched. The men around the young lawyer Pierre Nothomb, the liberal Léon Hennebicq and the socialists Jules Destrée and Louis Piérard, envisioned a larger and more resistant Belgium, which in the future would include Luxembourg, Dutch Limburg, Zeeland, parts of the Rhineland and German East Africa. The envisaged annexation of Eupen-Malmedy is part of the project and thus to be promoted positively to the Belgian public. Particularly in Prussian Wallonia, invitations are extended in this spirit to lectures on, among other things, the merits of the Belgian constitution.
- H. Christmann_59
Passage of enemy troops
The English artillery was followed by Belgians of all branches of the armed forces, who occupied the town halls; Belgian local commanders took command.
- H. Christmann_41
Ban on distribution of newspapers on the right bank of the Rhine and ban on books
Since the beginning of the occupation by the British, there has been a ban on distributing newspapers on the right bank of the Rhine in the occupied territory on the left bank of the Rhine. Newspapers from British-occupied territory are subject to approval. These restrictions were relaxed or lifted in the 1920s. – The banned books included mainly German history and school textbooks.
- H. Christmann_47f
Commissioner for Neutral Moresnet
A Belgian commissar takes over the administration of Neutral Moresnet, as it is said, in retaliation for the same behavior on the German side during the occupation.
- Doepgen_84
Restriction of the freedom of communication
The British and French local commanders restrict freedom of communication by, among other things, blocking mail and freight. To facilitate censorship, regulations are in place regarding letter mail. Mail addressed to the French administration must be in French. Telephone calls require authorization.
- H. Christmann_51
French local command in Eupen
The local command of Eupen was only briefly in French hands when the French flag was hoisted on the Eupen town hall.
- H. Christmann_41
The French take over the administration in Eupen.
After the departure of the British and Belgians, the Eupen local command eventually passed into the hands of French occupation forces. The tricolor is hoisted on the town hall.
- H. Christmann_41
Foundation of the Malmedy District Agricultural Association
Like the people of Eupen, the Malmedy district association joined the Flemish Catholic Boerenbond. He had his own central dairy and loan office and published the trade journal Der Landbote.
- K. Pabst_376
Conditional freedom of the press, assembly and speech
In connection with the elections to the German National or Prussian National Assembly, the English General Foch grants freedom of the press, assembly and speech on condition that public order is maintained and that the occupying authorities are dealt with in a proper manner.
- H. Christmann_52
"La Warche"
Governor Baltia estimates the sheet as germanophobe et belge. During the period of the referendum, the probelgic mouthpiece of the editor Henri Bragard bears the subtitle Boches, votez pour votre Vaterland! – La Warche goes in a few months after the end of the Baltia regime.
- H. Christmann_94
Flying pigeon with high support
The German-language, old Belgian paper “Die Fliegende Taube”, published in Aubel, finds strong sales in Eupen, Malmedy and Sankt Vith.
- Christmann_116
Whereabouts of Eupen-Malmedy with the German Reich
The mayor of Eupen, Count Wolff Metternich, addresses a letter to the American President Wilson. His goal: the retention of Eupen-Malmedy by the German Reich. In the run-up to the annexation of the counties envisaged by the Belgian side, however, his petition remains unsuccessful.
- H. Christmann_160f. (Original person: Count Wolff METTERNICH)
Paris Peace Conference
The convening of the peace conference prompts the participating governments to clarify their respective goals. Security policy and the right of peoples to self-determination come to the fore as special criteria. (From 18.01.1919 to 21.01.1919)
- Doepgen_65
Permanent supervision of the administration
The Belgian occupation relies on administrative control and appoints the civil controllers Xhaflaire for Eupen, Schnorrenberg for Malmedy and Kept for Saint Vith.
- H. Christmann_50
Prohibition of municipal elections
The commander-in-chief of the allied occupation forces, General Foch, forbids the holding of municipal elections.
- H. Christmann_49 (Original person: General Ferdinand FOCH (1851-1929))
County council against the connection to Belgium
In February 1919, the majority of the Malmedy County Council, or elected representatives, voted against annexation to Belgium. At the same time, the right of self-determination of peoples and a general and secret referendum are demanded.
- H. Christmann_156
In favor of remaining with Germany
The people’s representation of the area, elected to the Malmedy County Council, advocates remaining in Germany. Although 10 of the 24 voting representatives were absent, the 14 present voted unanimously in favor of Prussia.
- Doepgen_91
Petition to the Belgian Government
The director of the Vieille Montagne mining company and some landowners of Belgian origin circulate a petition in February and March in some mayoralties of the Eupen district. About 500 people sign their names in favor of annexation of the district to Belgium.
- Doepgen_89
Pro-German campaign
Dr. Schiltz, a pharmacist born in Malmedy and working in St. Vith, initiates a pro-German campaign. With the German administration behind him, he has the population protest in lists against the annexation of Eupen-Malmedy. During a 14-day circulation of the list, over 50% of German speakers and about 1,200 Walloons sign up.
- H. Christmann_160; Doepgen_92
Restitution of Malmedy to Belgium proposed
Resolution [Entschluss?] of the Malmedy City Council majority urging the Paris Peace Conference to annex Malmedy and the neighboring Eifel counties to Belgium.
- Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in the belg. Government and Party Policy 1914-1940 (1964), p. 274
Belgian civil mission in Eupen-Malmedy
The civilian inspectors are Léon Xhaflaire for Eupen and Adolf Schnorrenberg for Malmedy.
- Doepgen_99
Hope for unconditional right to self-determination
The German peace delegation submits its comments on the draft treaty. It still has hopes for a revision of the articles concerning Eupen, Malmedy and Moresnet. The supranational League of Nations is to oversee the people’s decision.
- Doepgen_83
Protest of the Archbishop of Cologne against the reorganization of ecclesiastical relations
With the announcement of the territorial cession demands of the Versailles Peace Treaty draft, considerations are also voiced regarding the detachment of the regional deaneries of Eupen, Malmedy and St. Vith, which belong to the Archdiocese of Cologne, and their assignment to a Belgian diocese (Liège and/or Namur). While the Archbishop of Cologne, von Hartmann, vigorously protests against such a separation, the Belgian government is eager to prevent the German clergy from influencing the population in the cession area. – The competent Vatican curia institution is in principle prepared to place the territory under the authority of a Belgian bishop, but for the time being is taking a wait-and-see attitude until civil law developments are completed.
W. Jousten_56-79; K. Pabst_1982_29-34; K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Government and Party Policy 1914-1940 (1964), pp.316-319.
Belgian crew in Eupen
After the French troops left the Malmedy district, the Belgians occupied this position.
- H. Christmann_41
Free choice of the Eupen-Malmedy population
The President of the Peace Conference, Clemenceau, affirms the free decision-making of the Eupen-Malmedy delegates, but rejects the revisionist ideas of the German delegates. His arguments: Eupen-Malmedy had been unjustly separated from Limburg, Liège and Luxembourg in 1814/15. Also, the Elsenborn camp and the strategic railroads had been built by German militarism for offensive purposes.
- Doepgen_83
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles is signed. This includes the law on the government of the territories annexed to Belgium. This is also referred to in the literature as the framework law that will determine the legal status of the newly acquired parts of the country in the following years.
Unit Eupen-Malmedy
In 1919, the government of the Reich establishes the Eupen-Malmedy Department in the Foreign Office in Berlin. Its task is to find ways and means to make clear to the population of Eupen-Malmedy the interest of the Reich government in their remaining in the German Reich. – It was not until January 1920 that the department intensified its efforts and activated state and private associations as mediating bodies.
- H. Christmann_144
Welcoming the "new population" ...
Foreign Minister Hymans already welcomed the Eupen-Malmedy people as a new population in the national community in a proclamation in the Chamber at the end of July. From then on, the Belgian government takes an equally offensive approach in the press, or through poster campaigns, in order to gain the favor of a large part of the Eupen-Malmedy population. – All conceivable doubts about the Eupen-Malmedy districts remaining in Belgium are thus clearly counteracted at an early stage.
- H. Christmann_56
Belgian censorship
After the abandonment of censorship by the British and French occupiers in July 1919, the Belgian occupation maintains its censorship office in Eupen City Hall. In August of the same year, it also sets up one in Malmedy. – The Belgian intention does not only aim at a balance between Eupen and Malmedy, but aims at a stricter exercise of censorship.
- H. Christmann_53
Belgian administration in the district of Malmedy
The Belgian wish for an independent administration of the Malmedy district was met by the English General Foch only on August 6, 1919. It loads the belg. Foreign Office to occupy the Malmedy district and administer it itself.
- H. Christmann_42
Belgian cavalry in the districts of Malmedy and Eupen
As a result of the takeover of the Malmedy district by Belgian authorities, a squadron of Belgian cavalry establishes itself in the district town. They also move into garrisons in Eupen and the Elsenborn camp. (From 11.08.1919 to 12.08.1919)
- H. Christmann_42; Doepgen_101
Belgian application to the League of Nations
Belgium applies to the League of Nations for final state sovereignty over the annexed territory.
Replacement of the British occupation in Malmedy by Belgian troops
Thus the Belgian annexation of Malmedy is de facto completed.
- Pabst Eupen-Malmedy in the belg. Government and Party Policy 1914-1940 (1964), p. 276
Approval of the Affiliation Act by the Belgian Chamber of Deputies
The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hymans, is the author of the bill that is to regulate the administration of the Eupen-Malmedy area after the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles. Now the so-called framework law is passed. For its implementation, the king nominates a chief commissioner, General Hermann Baltia. The latter, who is to exercise all legislative and executive power, will be answerable only to the prime minister. The commissioner is to be assisted in an advisory capacity by a 12-member panel. Furthermore, an inter-ministerial committee has to prepare the gradual adaptation of the districts of Eupen-Malmedy to the legal Belgian administration and legal form.
- H. Christmann_64
League of Nations agrees
League of Nations gives final approval to definitive annexation at its 9th session.
Law in the Official Gazette
Publication of the Affiliation Act in the Belgian Official Gazette
The new governor
General Baltia appointed governor of the incorporated territories
Extension of the mandates of the municipal councils
The future chief commissioner for Eupen-Malmedy, the belg. General Baltia, decides to extend the mandates of the municipal councils, bypassing new elections.
- H. Christmann_49
Baltia restricts rights of the municipal council
The mayor appointed in 1920 by the Eupen municipal council by secret ballot was rejected by the General Commissioner Baltia. Instead, he imposes the Verviers sub-commissioner Jules de Grand Ry on the council. – The latter is transferred in May 1925. Once again, the commissioner circumvents the right of the local council and appoints county commissioner Xhafflaire as de Grand Ry’s successor.
Influencing communication policy
Already during the occupation of the English and French, the Belg. authorities worked to influence social communication. And that is with the goal of creating a favorable atmosphere that will help promote a probelgic vote in the referendum. The Baltiaregime in Malmedy uses the association of the press and propaganda office with informing services to readjust the social discourse. The authorities around the High Commissioner rely on anonymous leaflet distribution and personnel communication. The latter uses persuasion, spreading rumors, or monitoring (and convicting) pro-German agitators. (From 01.01.1920 to 01.06.1920)
- H. Christmann_132ff
Probelgic propaganda
During the referendum, offensive pro-Belgian propaganda is carried out by both economic interest groups from Old Belgium (director of the Vieille Montagne) and the mayors appointed by the governorate. (From 01.01.1920 to 30.06.1920)
- H. Christmann_141f
Mandate extension
The mandates of the elected German municipal representatives have expired. However, they are extended until the first Belgian municipal elections in the New Belgian territories.
Overlapping events
Eupen News
The company Esch & Co acquires the Eupener Bürgerzeitung and founds the Eupener Nachrichten. The paper is molting to a circulation of 2000 copies.
Foundation of the Landsmannschaft Eupen-Malmedy-Monschau
The Deutscher Schutzbund, an association of clubs for border and foreign Germans, was founded in 1919. – An initiative of this association leads to the foundation of the Landsmannschaft Eupen-Malmedy-Monschau in Berlin, which is joined by 20 Eupen-Malmedy citizens. It develops (too late) a lively activity, publishes the magazine Echo from Eupen-Malmedy-Monschau and maintains close relations with the Eupen-Malmedy Department. Its primary objective is to promote the influence of social communication in Eupen-Malmedy by means of contacts and information points.
- H. Christmann_145
Transfer of state sovereignty to Belgium
With the entry into force of the peace treaty, Belgium thus officially obtains provisional sovereignty over the territory of Eupen-Malmedy, which from now on belongs to the judicial district of Verviers.
- Pabst_1964_279; Doepgen_102
Nuncio Nicotra becomes Apostolic Administrator for Eupen-Malmedy
With the aim of preventing potential propagandistic agitation by the clergy during the period of the referendum, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Kingdom of Belgium, Sebastian Nicotra, is appointed Apostolic Administrator for the Cession Area for a period of six months from the ratification of the Versailles Peace Treaty. He may attend exclusively to spiritual matters and must also ensure that the authority of Cologne’s Cardinal Archbishop Schulte, who continues to function lawfully as local Ordinary, is preserved. (From 10.01.1920 to 10.07.1920)
- W. Jousten_79-91 (Original Person: Sebastiano NICOTRA ; Karl Joseph SCHULTE)
Entry into force of the peace treaty
Belgium obtains provisional sovereignty over the territory of Eupen-Malmedy. The former Prussian district councils have handed over their offices and departed. They will be replaced on January 13 by the Belgian administrative controllers Schnorrenberg and Xhaflaire.
Proclamation of Baltia and Charter of the Governorate
From this day on, the transition of Eupen-Malmedy to the free form of government of the Belgian people is set in motion and all the advantages inherent to the Belgian nationality are guaranteed. Explicitly, Baltia declares to take seriously the “principle of equality” and to prevent attempts at Wallonization.
- K. Pabst_437; H. Christmann_69
End of unconstitutionality
The declaration of the commissioner bridges the occurred constitutionless state of the two counties Eupen and Malmedy.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 279.
German district councils are replaced
Belgian administrative controllers, already acting on behalf of the Belgian occupation, take the places of the district councils.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 289.
Baltia's welcome in Eupen
Although the dean of Eupen had refused to receive Baltia at the church door, he was welcomed by officials and clergy.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 281.
Mandate referendum
District commissioners Xhaflaire and Schnorrenberg are assigned to conduct the referendum. They are given control of the lists in which the population must register.
- Doepgen_129
Implementation of the referendum
There are 33,726 eligible voters who can voice their protest during about 6 months. (From 26.01.1920 to 23.07.1920)
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 285.
Baltia makes its entrance in Malmedy
Decree on the referendum
Between January and July 1920, all Eupen-Malmedy residents of legal age are given the opportunity to express their opposition to the annexation of the districts of Eupen and Malmedy or parts thereof by Belgium in open registers displayed in the cities of Eupen and Malmedy. The modalities of implementation are described in the decree, the text of the decree is published in the local press.
- H. Christmann_131
Eligible to participate in the referendum
According to the implementing decree, all men and women of the two districts of Eupen and Malmedy are eligible for the interview, provided they have German citizenship, are 21 years old, and have lived in Eupen-Malmedy since August 1, 1914.
- Pabst_1964_281; Doepgen_123
Dissolution of the district self-government
The organs of district self-government (district assemblies and district committees) are dissolved and replaced by the establishment of two district deputations, jointly as deputations of the High Royal Commissioner. The powers of the former county bodies are assumed by the High Commissioner. Its tasks: New ordinances of the governorate; special implementing regulations for the Belgian laws to be gradually introduced in Eupen-Malmedy.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 289.
Restriction of the freedom of assembly
County Commissioner Xhafflaire decrees that meetings of a political character, party meetings, or those at which a speaker is to appear, must be submitted to the mayor for his information eight days before they are to be held. Furthermore, the meetings must be scheduled in public places so that the police can also have access there. – Surveillance, prohibition of speech, withdrawal of words, closure of the meeting, … are among the means of control.
- H. Christmann_82
Bearing is Belgian
The Belgian army occupies the Elsenborn military training area.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Official announcement organs
In March 1920, three local press organs were designated by the Generalgouvernement as official news organs: in the Malmedy district, Die Warche for the Walloon and the Malmedy-St. Vither Volkszeitung for the German-speaking part, as well as the Korrespondenzblatt for the district of Eupen. – The corresponding decree, which is to be valid for only one year, imposed as a condition on the three papers the publication of all decrees and decisions of the governorate, with legally binding force.
- H. Christmann_96
Auxiliary agent sand
Sand, a former officer in the German colonies in Africa and a chauffeur in Belgium since November 1913, is assigned by General Baltia to the Sûreté Militaire in Eupen-Malmedy as an auxiliary agent.
- Doepgen_168
District Commissioners
The administrative controllers Xhafflaire (Eupen) and Schnorrenberg (Malmedy) become district commissioners. (Later District Commissioners)
Removal from office of the German local mayors
A decree provides that mayors still in office may at the same time – on condition that they take the oath of office – remain in office as mayors until the Belgian municipal elections.
Proclamation of the general strike in Eupen because of the "plebiscite
The Christian Trade Union Eupen-Malmedys, in consultation with the board members of the Eupen and Aachen Center, takes the decision to call a general strike. Economic and political demands of the Christian workers against annexation-minded Belgium are the motives.
- H. Christmann_157
Protest rally
In the afternoon, several thousand strikers on the Kaperberg agree on a 5-point program of economic demands. Furthermore, a general and secret popular sentiment is urged. – Due to expected restrictions, the protest rally of Eupen workers could neither be publicly estimated nor officially announced in the press. The day and hour of the manifestation therefore had to be successfully communicated by word of mouth.
- H. Christmann_125
General strike against the secession and the modalities of the referendum
Eupen’s Christian trade unions, which still belong to the German federation, call for a strike. They demonstrate against the detachment from Germany and the modalities of the referendum.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 285.
King visits the Elsenborn camp
The Belgian King Albert I travels by plane to the military training area Elsenborn. From there he went – according to “La nation belge” incognito to Malmedy, where he visited Governor General Baltia.
- SVZ, 8.5.1920
Memorandum of the Eupen-Malmedy Unit
In his memorandum, the author Dr. Voigt attempts to take a position on the problematic case of Eupen-Malmedy. He also seeks clarification on what interest the Belgian Foreign Ministry might have in an eastward expansion.
- Doepgen_111
Belgian border villages
Losheim, Losheimergraben and Kehr become Belgian. They are assigned to the municipality of Manderfeld.
- Lüttgens, 1792-1980
Uncertainty about the ecclesiastical legal situation
After the administrator’s powers had been tacitly extended, two competing ecclesiastical jurisdictions now appeared in the cession territory, and a hybrid situation arose in which the targeted influencing of the social situation through a persuasive communication and press policy was omnipresent. Cardinal Secretary of State Gasparri already informs the Belgian government at the end of 1920 that St. Francis of Assisi is not a member of the Belgian government. The Holy See was prepared to separate the area from the Archdiocese of Cologne and to adapt the ecclesiastical borders to the political ones. For his part, Cardinal Archbishop Mercier of Brussels had sought a reorganization of the Belgian diocesan landscape from the government and the Roman Curia. St. Finally, the Holy See intends to clarify the uncertain legal situation by elevating the territory of Eupen-Malmedy to an independent diocese with a special administrative structure. But it is not until the fall of 1921 that this decision is implemented. (From 01.07.1920 to 01.09.1921)
- W. Jousten_118-142; K. Pabst_1982_40-44; (Original Person: Pietro GASPARRI Désiré-Joseph MERCIER)
End of the "referendum
Only 271 people protested against the cession of Eupen-Malmedy by entering their names in the lists.
Belgian request for state sovereignty
The result of the referendum prompts Belgium to apply to the League of Nations for recognition of its final sovereignty over the annexed territory.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 287.
High Commissioner and Governor Hermann Baltia receives the title of Baron.
- Memorandum Eupen-Malmedy and its Governor, 28.10.1923;
Military convention with France
In the spirit of a close alliance policy, Belgium concludes a convention with France.
- Doepgen_68
Final affiliation
At its 9th session, the League of Nations finally approves the annexation of the territory to Belgium.
Eupen-Malmedy Belgian
Until September 1920 inclusive, the population of Eupen-Malmedy remained unaware of the result of the referendum. More time passes waiting for the decision of the League of Nations. – It is only about four months after the referendum that Brussels press papers – not those in Eupen-Malmedy – receive the official notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to which the incorporation of the districts is now final. – Years were to pass before the final annexation of the districts was clarified and before the Eupen-Malmedy people were made aware of the consequences of this annexation.
- H. Christmann_108f
Folklore foundation
Baltia founds the local history association, which was to maintain Eupen-Malmedy’s historical and cultural links with its neighboring Belgian communities.
- K. Pabst_426
Minister Destrée in Malmedy
The Minister of Arts and Sciences, Jules Destrée, visits the districts of Eupen-Malmedy during four days.
- SVZ, 25.5.1921
Collège Patronné is created
The Realgymnasium on the Kaperberg becomes an Episcopal school.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 63
Official Journal - Journal officiel Malmedy-Eupen
Instead of the three local newspapers authorized to publish official notices in the previous year, the Official Journal – Journal officiel Malmedy-Eupen is now published. Although the government’s own publication monopolizes official notices from its own printing house by now, Baltia finds it appropriate from 1922 to increase the degree of announcement of important government decisions by additional publication in the local press.
- H. Christmann_97f
A new diocese
St. See elevates Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith to a new diocese.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 66
Ecclesiastical detachment from Cologne
The papal bull “Ecclesia universae” separates the former districts of Eupen-Malmedy from the Archbishopric of Cologne and places them under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Liège. It is the birth of the independent diocese of Eupen-Malmedy.
Publication of the papal bull "Ecclesiae universae
On September 20, 1921, exactly one year after the League of Nations decision on the definitive affiliation of Eupen-Malmedy, Cardinal Schulte took leave of his 42 parishes with 65 diocesan priests and about 61,000 Catholics in a letter to the deans of Eupen, Malmedy and St. Vith. – The deaneries had been established as a new diocese according to the Dismemberment Bull Ecclesiae universae, dated July 30, 1921, by Pope Benedict XV. The peculiarity of the papal instruction was that this new diocese was joined to the diocese of Liège on an equal footing (aeque principaliter) and placed under the jurisdiction, direction and administration of one and the same bishop in real union. The bull had been sent to Belgium only on September 5, and Liège’s Bishop Martin Hubert Rutten received it only on September 13, since when he has held the title of Bishop of Liège and Eupen-Malmedy.
- W. Jousten_175-185; Acta Apostolicae Sedis 13(1921)467-469; (Original person: BENEDICT XV Martin-Hubert RUTTEN).
Introduction of the Belgian Criminal Code
Baltia introduces the first major parts of the Belgian legal system and criminal procedure code.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 294.
Enthronement ceremonies of the new bishop
On the afternoon of October 11, 1921, which had been declared a public holiday, Bishop Rutten solemnly took possession of his new diocese in the presence of Nuncio Nicotra in the Malmedy parish church, which had been elevated to the status of a cathedral. He then visits the deaneries of Malmedy, St. Vith and Eupen. The office of episcopal delegate for Eupen-Malmedy, provided for in the papal bull, whose legal status is equivalent to that of an episcopal vicar general, is entrusted by Rutten to his auxiliary bishop of Liège, Jacques Joseph Laminne.
- W. Jousten_185-194
Diocese of Eupen-Malmedy becomes legally effective.
As executor of the papal bull, Nuncio Nicotra issued the implementing decree Auctoritate apostolica Nobis, with the recording of which the full legal effect of the diocesan elevation came into effect.
- W. Jousten_185-194
Belgian canon law enters into force.
By decree, Governor Baltia abolishes the Prussian ecclesiastical law that had continued to apply until then and introduces Belgian religious legislation. The decree also decreed a new territorial redefinition of deaneries, parishes and subordinate pastoral units.
- W. Jousten_256-261 Belgisches Staatsblatt 01.07.1922; K. Pabst_317
Purchase of foreign newspapers
In November 1921, the ban on foreign newspapers receiving mail is lifted. However, the popularity of the daily newspapers, especially those in the German Reich, has now fallen short of its pre-occupation status (for financial reasons alone).
- H. Christmann_116
Final dissolution of the counties and mayoralties
The reorganization leads to the emergence of 30 independent Belgian mayoralties from 24 German mayoralties.
- K. Pabst_289
Request for application of the belg. Laws
The Malmedy City Council asks King Albert I in a letter for the definitive application of Belgian laws (…) and elections according to the Belgian system.
- H. Christmann_184
Permanent deputation and provisional arrondissement
The district deputations are merged into a permanent deputation. Although the Belgian provincial order is considered the model for this, the Eupen-Malmedy permanent deputation is only given an advisory function. The former Circles mutated into a prov. Arrondissement, which will consist of the three new (judicial) cantons of Eupen, Malmedy and St. Vith.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 289.
Introduction of the Belgian Municipal Code
- K. Pabst_293
Belgian elementary school law in force
The law dates back to 1921 and now becomes valid in New Belgium.
- K. Pabst_302
First Belgian municipal elections in Eupen-Malmedy
The people of Eupen-Malmedy show sympathy for the Catholic Party.
- K. Pabst_328
State recognition of the diocese
The civil recognition of the Diocese of Eupen-Malmedy takes place within the framework of the budgetary legislation for the Ministry of Justice. Thus, the instruction made in the papal bull Ecclesiae universae is approved on the part of the State and, at the same time, the grants and benefits registered in the State budget for the religious service in the territory of Eupen-Malmedy receive their justification.
- W. Jousten_256-261; Belgisches Staatsblatt, 01.07.1922
King Albert visits the Elsenborn camp
King Albert I visits the Elsenborn military training area to present flags to the regiments stationed there.
- SVZ, 21.5.1922
District association of the Eifelverein
Former Eupen-Malmedy local groups of the Reichsdeutscher Eifelverein unite to form a district association and join the Reichsdeutscher Hauptverband.
- H. Christmann_191
Association of participants in the war Eupen-Malmedy
A war participants association is founded for Eupen-Malmedy. It is affiliated with the Walloon Fédération Nationale des Invalides and is close to the Catholic Union.
- H. Christmann_493
Business associations for province
To the catholic deputy Pierre David from Verviers, the economic associations of Eupen and Malmedy speak out in favor of keeping the two districts together and annexing them to Belgium as an independent province.
- H. Christmann_228; (Original person: Pierre DAVID (1872-1948))
Liberal movement
The first local groups of a liberal party are formed in Eupen and Malmedy. – Until the elections of 1925, they will remain in the shadow of the CVP and the Belgian Labor Party.
- H. Christmann_188
Foundation of the Christian People's Party (CVP) for Eupen City and Countryside
The Christian People’s Party is the successor of the Center Party. The founder is considered to be a general federation of Catholic associations that came together in Eupen in 1920.
- H. Christmann_186
Dissolution Negotiations
With the political efforts for a complete assimilation of Eupen-Malmedy, not only the dissolution of the special governorate is aimed at, but also the dissolution of the special bishopric. Governor Baltia advocates that the deaneries of Eupen and Malmedy be added to the diocese of Liège and the deanery of St. Vith to the diocese of Namur. Only two years after the successful intervention with Pope Benedict XV, the Belgian Vatican envoy Beyens, after consultation with Foreign Minister Jaspar and Cardinal Mercier, asks Pope Pius XI to abolish the young diocese on November 15, 1923. A high-ranking assembly of cardinals deliberated on the Belgian request on March 20, 1924, and St. Francis of Assisi gave his approval. The Holy See declared on April 4, 1924, that it was ready to carry out the definitive assignment of the diocese of Eupen-Malmedy in its entirety to the diocese of Liège after the complete civil annexation of the territory had taken place. (From 01.04.1923 to 10.04.1924)
- W. Jousten_204-217; K. Pabst_1982_53-54; K. Pabst_1964_350-351
Provisional committee on the subject of affiliation
Representatives of most of the Eupen-Malmedy organizations have formed a committee. Together they go public and discuss the annexation to Belgium with the population. Their motto: As those whom it concerns (…) be asked and heard before a definitive decision in the chamber.
- H. Christmann_213 (Original Person: Dr. Bartz, Weismes)
"Gathering of citizens of all estates from the city and the countryside".
The Provisional Committee, which sees itself as the spokesman for the entire population of Eupen-Malmedy, insists on the unity of the New Belgian territory. In the Eupen Jünglingshaus, he informs the population and agrees with those present on the following demands for the final annexation: no separation of Eupen-Malmedy, equal rights for the German language, creation of a German-speaking court of first instance, and retention of the social insurance introduced in Prussian times. Those present charged the Belgian Labor Party and the Christian People’s Party with supporting and forwarding the demands.
- H. Christmann_214
Common political demands for Eupen-Malmedy?
The journalist from Weismes, Dr. Karl Bartz, tries to find a unified position on the affiliation of the political forces in Eupen-Malmedy. Its five demands (under the title “the people’s firm will”) are: the unconditional unity of Eupen-Malmedy, the establishment of a judicial district, a court of first instance, the preservation of German languages in administration and school, and guaranteed representation of Eupen-Malmedy in the Belgian parliament.
- H. Christmann_216
Assembly of people not bound by party politics
The Eupen city councillors of the Economic Voters’ Association invite to the Hotel Koch. Aspects of the annexation of Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium are discussed. The same event will take place on 11.08. in the hall Nicolet in Malmedy (and also St. Vith). Those present agree on a 5-point resolution.
- H. Christmann_215
Parish reapportionment and state salary
The Royal Decree determines the pastors and assistant pastors eligible for a state salary as well as the final parish boundaries.
- W. Jousten_256-261; Belgisches Staatsblatt, 01.07.1922
Assemblée Wallonne takes a stand in the affiliation debate
The opinion leader Henri Bragard rejects the unity of Eupen-Malmedy expected by the German speakers and demands, among other things, the immediate annexation of the Walloon localities around Malmedy to Belgium.
- H. Christmann_230
First parliamentary elections
Eupen-Malmedy residents take part in Belgian parliamentary elections.
The Provisional Committee transforms into a permanent committee
The committee summarizes all its amendments in a memorandum, which it sends to the king, ministers and deputies. The draft amendment calls for the consolidation of the former districts of Eupen and Malmedy into a separate arrondissement with the possibility of transforming it into a separate province after at least three years. Only this form of affiliation respects the customs and traditions that have developed over a hundred years of belonging to Prussia.
- H. Christmann_233
Eupen-Malmedy is the subject
Plenary debate on Eupen-Malmedy in the Chamber.
Adoption of the Integration Act
The “Loi de rattachement des cantons” replaces the provisional takeover law of 15.09.1919. The special administration of the area by the General Government is thus considered to be abolished. However, in the end, the suggestions of the Eupen-Malmedy people regarding a relative administrative autonomy have not been taken into account. The decision of the deputies is thus aimed at a rapid and close integration with the arrondissement of Verviers.
- H. Christmann_241
First participation of East Belgians in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate
In February, the corresponding bill occupied the main committee of the Chamber. – Now nothing stands in the way of a first-time participation of the Eupen-Malmedy population in elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
- Pabst_330
End of the special church status
The diocese of Eupen-Malmedy becomes part of the diocese of Liège. A Vicar General is assigned to serve as a contact person for the new Belgians. – Within a diocese, however, a second vicar general is an exception. In the case of Eupen-Malmedy, however, the appointment underscores the special position of the New Belgian territory. – The associated right to an Episcopal Vicar of German language is implemented only in 1978.
- Pabst_351
Announcement and execution of the papal bull "Apostolicis Litteris".
After the full political incorporation of Eupen-Malmedy into the Belgian state structure had taken place on March 6, 1925, Pope Pius XI decreed the dissolution of the diocese of Eupen-Malmedy and its incorporation into the diocese of Liège in the Bull Apostolicis Litteris dated April 15. To ensure the pastoral care of the German-speaking faithful, the Pope obliges the Bishop of Liège to appoint a special delegate who speaks the German language fluently. It was not until June 30, 1925 that the papal letter arrived at the nunciature in Brussels. However, Bishop Rutten receives the bull only on September 24, coinciding with its lawful execution by the nuncio through his implementing decree Cunctis ubique. – The bull had not been officially published and, moreover, the executed dissolution of the bishopric had been dated in Liège on November 16, 1925. (From 15.04.1925 – 16.11.1925)
- W. Jousten_218-226 K. Pabst_1982_54-56 K. Pabst_1964_351
Dissolution of the special government of the high commissioner
The administration of Eupen-Malmedy is transferred to the central authorities in Brussels and provincial offices in Liège. The corresponding transitional law ends on 31.12.1925.
Liberal Belgian Constitution
The liberal Belgian constitution now also applies to Eupen-Malmedy.
Split Eupen-Malmedy between two electoral districts?
In the run-up to the provincial council elections, the constituency question for the people of Eupen-Malmedy remains unresolved for a long time. When plans of the Ministry of the Interior become public, according to which the annexed Eupen-Malmedy should be divided into two electoral districts and these should be assigned to two existing Walloon constituencies, namely Spa and Dison, this sparks a lively debate in the written media.
- H. Christmann_247; Pabst_334
German as an administrative language
Bribosia, commissioner of the arrondissement, recommends that the Eupen authorities use bilingual correspondence with higher administrative levels. Reasons: The administrative staff does not have German language skills and the translation delays the processing. The Eupen municipal council objects, citing the constitution (German is the third national language) and Baltia’s proclaimed respect for the German language.
- H. Christmann_266
Belgian social legislation
The new legislation replaces the exemplary German requirements that had been in force until then. – Since 1840, the text of the law was to be the first to appear in German in the Belgian State Gazette (1926).
- K. Pabst_298
Kgl. Decree introducing the Belgian Constitution
The transitional law ends on 31.12.1925. With the entry into force of the decree on 01.01.1926, among other things, the use of languages in the administration is regulated.
- K. Pabst_343
Auxiliary Bishop Kerkhofs becomes Vicar General for the German-speaking New Belgians
Bishop Rutten addresses a greeting to the new faithful of the Liège diocese and appoints his auxiliary Bishop Kerkhofs as Vicar General for the new diocesan territory.
- W. Jousten_218-226; K. Pabst_1982_54-56; K. Pabst_1964_351
Locarno contracts
Between October 5 and 16, 1925, seven international agreements were discussed in Locarno, Switzerland. On December 1, 1925, the Security Pact was signed in London, but without mentioning anything about the German western border Eupen-Malmedy.
- Pabst_335; Pabst_460
The Belgian Constitution applies in Eupen-Malmedy.
Thus, the decrees of the High Commissioner Baltia lose their validity. The citizens of Eupen-Malmedy thus become de facto equal citizens.
- Pabst_336
Roman she-wolf on the "frontier of Latin culture".
The Assemblée Wallonne celebrates the homecoming of Prussian Wallonia as an act of historical justice.
- Pabst_437 (Original person: Rev. Pietkin)
Founding appeal of the Heimatbund Eupen-Malmedy-St.Vith
Beginning in April, there is a call for the formation of local groups “with the sole aim of bequeathing to our children, undiminished, our priceless values of mother tongue and native customs inherited from our fathers.”
- Pabst_379
Chamber elections
- Pabst_334
First representative of the New Belgians in the Chamber
Of the two most promising German-born but old Belgian candidates, Jenniges (Catholics) and Somerhausen (Socialists), only the latter is considered elected.
- H. Christmann_243; Pabst_361
Decree of the Minister of Culture on the mother tongue
All German-speaking students are assured that the school law regulations regarding the mother tongue are observed. This also includes the ban on starting foreign language instruction in the lower grades of elementary school.
- K. Pabst_449
Agreement on local border traffic
The Belgian government coordinates with the German side regarding the facilitation of contacts between the New Belgian population and the Reichsdeutsche.
- H. Christmann_252
Agreement on "local border traffic
The intentions of the Belgian government were to control and, above all, to restrict contacts between the Reich Germans and the New Belgians.
- H. Christmann_252
Separate referendum demanded
In an interview with the Dernière Heure, the Socialist city councillor Werson (Malmedy) advocates a new and separate referendum by canton.
- H. Christmann_325
Regional press reports return negotiations
The Eupen-Malmedy readership learns through the Eupen newspaper that the restitution of the former districts is a topic in Brussels government circles.
- H. Christmann_321
Foundation of historical societies
The historical association Folklore Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith, founded by Governor Baltia, splits into two sections. In Eupen, the association opens its own museum of local history, and in the south, the Malmedy-St. Vither Museum Society.
- H. Christmann_273
"Warrior thanksgiving" established
The establishment of the new War Participants Association complements the old association. The organization raises the minority consciousness of its members.
- H. Christmann_274
Local council elections
The debate on restitution characterizes the period before the elections. In the run-up to the event, two groups of opinion emerge: supporters and opponents of a return of Eupen-Malmedy to Germany.
- H. Christmann_338
French school remains
From the highest authority, municipal council resolutions have been repealed since 1925. Example: The decision of the Eupen municipal council to dissolve the French school in Eupen is annulled as an anti-Belgian decision.
- H. Christmann_256
Belgian Confederation for the Protection of the Interests of Eupen-Malmedy
The Federation for the Protection of the Interests of Eupen-Malmedy is to be understood as a counterpart to the revisionist Heimatbund. The B.E.M. is made up of factory owners and merchants from the upper middle class. Their goal: to strengthen relations between old and new parts of the country.
- Pabst_426
Request vote
Media articulate political interests … Six local newspapers approach the Belgian government as opinion leaders of their readership with the request to arrange an uninfluenced, free and secret ballot in Eupen-Malmedy. – Without success.
- H. Christmann_286
Connection of the Agricultural Association Malmedy-St. Vith to the Rhineland Farmers' Association
While the Agricultural Association of Eupen remains loyal to the Belgian Boerenbond, the new Eifel interest group hopes that the breakaway will not only strengthen the economy, but also lead to a genuine German attitude.
- H. Christmann_275
First representation in the Senate
The mayor of Eynatten, Esser, also a provincial councilor of the Catholic Party, is co-opted into the Senate. Jenniges, the former chamber candidate of Eupen-Malmedy, had renounced this office because the party had not granted him the advocacy of the right of self-determination of the Eupen-Malmedy people. Esser was to hold the mandate until 1929. – The differences of opinion between the Catholic Party and the consolidating Christian People’s Party in Eupen-Malmedy form the background of this personnel.
- H. Christmann_250
The "Grenz-Echo" appears
The “Grenz-Echo” appears for the first time. In its communication plan, it corresponds to that draft of General Baltia a. D., which requires only a resolutely Belgian newspaper to promote an unshakable patriotism among the Eupen-Malmedyans. – In the same year, it joins the demands of the Old Belgian press for the restriction of the freedom of communication in Eupen-Malmedy.
- H. Christmann_92; H. Christmann_265; Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 67
Catholic Day in Eupen under difficult conditions
This weekend a Catholic Day will be held in Eupen. Between 1,500 and 4,000 believers take part in the various events. In the run-up to the Catholic Day, there had been fierce tensions because the Belgian authorities feared a political event. Effectively, several Reich German speakers were denied entry into the territory transferred to Belgium in 1920. For linguistic reasons, the organizers did not want to rely on Belgian speakers.
- GE, 05.10.2004; Pabst, Eupen-Malmedy
Carpenter Mayor of the City of Eupen
An amendment in the Belgian Municipal Code, which prohibits the transfer of a mayor already appointed in another municipality, puts an end to the so-called mayor question in Eupen. – After Xhafflaire’s term of office (31.12.1926) the mayor’s chair was left vacant. The mayor Hugo Zimmermann, now transferred from Herbesthal to Eupen, ends the vacancy, but not the distrust of the Eupen-Malmedy people, who demand the right to municipal independence without restrictions (and until the late 1930s).
- H. Christmann_257f
Protest against mayoral appointment
Eupen city councillors call for a protest meeting.
- H. Christmann_257f
Nationality issue
The Belgian Minister of the Interior decrees that Eupen-Malmedy residents who automatically became Belgian citizens according to Art. 36 of the Treaty of Versailles, but who were not continuously registered in Eupen-Malmedy between 1914 and 1921, lose their citizenship. – They must now reapply for the latter by Aug. 20, 1929.
- H. Christmann_261
A Christian People's Party (CVP) for Eupen-Malmedy
The party expands to the whole of Eupen-Malmedy and acts as an indication of the intended right of self-determination of the population.
- H. Christmann_276
Taking the party program to the public
The Christian People’s Party, which initially covered only Eupen city and countryside, brought together all Catholic supporters of restitution. After contacting shop stewards also in Malmedy and Sankt Vith, the party goes public.
- H. Christmann_397
The Catholic Party takes over the Border Echo
As the Catholic people’s paper for the New Belgium areas of Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith, the newspaper sees itself as an organ for the primary promotion of economic interests as well as all justified interests of the homeland.
- H. Christmann_374
Catholic Union founded
Catholic opponents of restitution respond to the actions of the young independent regional Christian People’s Party. In Weismes they found the Catholic Union with the support of the Eupen-Malmedy politicians Kriescher and Esser.
- H. Christmann_397
Pledge of Allegiance
The President of the Agricultural Association Malmedy-St. Vith, Joseph Dehottay, visits the agricultural exhibition in Cologne. In his speech, he makes a declaration of loyalty to the great German homeland.
- H. Christmann_275
Secretariat of the Christian People's Party
In Eupen, the Christian People’s Party sets up an information and contact point.
- H. Christmann_276
Cancellation to the Eupen Fire Brigade Festival
The fire department festival in Eupen has to be cancelled. Reason: The Belgian state security wanted to permit the German brother associations the entry only under the condition that they left their helmet points and orders at home.
- H. Christmann_254
Foundation of the Family Allowance Fund East Belgium
The East Belgium Family Allowance Fund is founded. It is responsible for the payment of child benefits. The fund will be dissolved on May 15, 2019.
Opening of the Wetzlarbad in Eupen
New teaching law
The previous principle of the mother tongue in favor of the national language is abolished. If German also remains the language of instruction, it is now recommended without obligation to begin French instruction in the 3rd school year.
Local council elections
Expulsion of Chaplain Gilles
The chaplain working at St. Joseph in Eupen is secretly deported across the border by the gendarmerie. Reason: German propaganda activities as president of the Eupen Catholic Young Men’s Association. – The announcement of this measure only on the eve of the expulsion outraged the population.
- H. Christmann_255; Pabst_353
Influence on youth
Between 1934 and 1935, National Socialist groups of boys and girls emerge in Eupen-Malmedy.
- H. Christmann_449
In the fairway of the Heimatbund
The Heimatbund becomes a society for nature and local history, then a gliding club. The next offshoots are later the Saalschutz and the archery societies in Malmedy and St. Vith.
- K. Pabst_390
Performance of the Légion Nationale Belge
The grouping, aligned with the program of the fascist movement in Italy, makes its first appearance in Eupen. Its members distribute propaganda material.
- East Belgium & May 10_33
Expatriation law enters into force
The Belgian government strongly opposes all revanchist movements in Eupen-Malmedy. Nevertheless, it cannot completely prevent the formation of associations and agitations. Finally, it enacts a law for the deprivation of citizenship, which will apply exclusively to the Eupen-Malmedy population.
- Pabst_393
National Association of War Participants
As a third war participants’ association, the National Association of War Participants, also called Fédération Nationale des Anciens Combattants, is founded in Eupen-Malmedy. He attaches great importance to political neutrality. Their issues are communicated by the home loyalists.
- H. Christmann_494
Think piece in color
The practice sign of the National Socialist-minded Dr. Dohmen is painted over.
- H. Christmann_501
Protest against National Socialist press work
As a sign of resistance against the National Socialist press work, a written brick (“brick for Eupen-Malmedy) lands in the window of the publishing house of the Eupen newspaper.
- H. Christmann_501
House searches in Eupen-Malmedy
In circles loyal to the homeland, there are police house searches. Media and clothing are confiscated and arrests are made. (From 08.03.1935 to 09.03.1935)
- H. Christmann_467f
Provincial elections
- East Belgium & May 10_92
Brussels World Fair
Eupen-Malmedy gets its own pavilion. From the eastern cantons, only the mayors who are not members of the Home Loyal Front take part.
Court Language Act
The law grants more rights to the German language outside Eupen-Malmedy. On the other hand, there is a shortage of German-speaking judges.
- K. Pabst_346
Weser dam decided
The Minister of Public Works pays a visit to Eupen. He declares the Weser dams project decided. – That same year, construction companies move in.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 67
War Memorial Medals
In October 1935, all participants of the First World War are awarded the so-called War Memorial Medal. The loyalty of the honorees to the Belgian state is manifested in pageants held in Eupen, Malmedy and Saint Vith.
- H. Christmann_493
War Memorial Medals
In October 1935, all participants of the First World War are awarded the so-called War Memorial Medal. The loyalty of the honorees to the Belgian state is manifested in pageants held in Eupen, Malmedy and Saint Vith.
- H. Christmann_493
Expatriation and expulsion
In October, after a lengthy court hearing, Josef, Peter and Heinrich Dehottay as well as Heinrich Foxius are expatriated and deported in accordance with the so-called expatriation law. As publishers of the Landbote, they are charged with National Socialist communications policy. – This means that the system described in the belg. constitutional right to freedom of the press and freedom of expression specifically restricted in Eupen-Malmedy.
- H. Christmann_467f; Pabst_393
Rex magazine
The rexist Popular Front seeks the renewal of a political Catholicism. To communicate with her followers, she founds the newspaper Rex.
- H. Christmann_487
Fascist ideas
Since 1933, the Belgian Légion Nationale has been developing nationalist anti-democratic ideas. Beginning in 1936, it calls for the expulsion of foreigners, the condemnation of Jews who now cross the German-Belgian border on a daily basis, the removal of Belgian Jews from the newspaper industry, …
- H. Christmann_490
Pastoral letter of the German bishops
The Malmedy-St. Vither Volkszeitung publishes the German pastoral letter against the anti-faith writings in the Third Reich.
- H. Christmann_418
Foundation of the Loyal Front Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith
Members of the Christian People’s Party dissolve the party and join forces with those who are loyal to their homeland to form the Heimattreue Front. The party, from the beginning remotely led by the Cologne Gauleiter Grohé, was from now on to help convey National Socialist ideas to its members. The party advocates a return of Eupen-Malmedy to Germany. It soon includes its own youth association, from 1937 a Heimattreue Frauenschaft, from 1938 the Winterhilfswerk, Krieger- u. Turnverein.
- H. Christmann_439; Pabst_383; Pabst_400f.
Distribution of the newspaper "Der Landbote" massively restricted
The expatriation of the Dehottays also has consequences for the circulation of their press organ. The Belgian Post and Railway refrains from further distribution of the paper.
- H. Christmann_419
Glider pilots in "large-scale operation
In the run-up to the Belgian election campaigns, the gliding club sees itself particularly challenged. Over the years, the association had become the epitome of activist resistance to everything that was Belgian and un-German.
- H. Christmann_443
Home loyalty excluded
The Fédération nationale des Invalides is close to the Catholic Union. He organizes a meeting in which only the Home Loyal Front is not allowed to participate.
- H. Christmann_448
Parliamentary elections
The following parties are standing for election: Liberals, Catholic Union, Rex, Communists, Socialists Agrarians (House only) and Home Loyal Front (Senate only).
- David Mennicken: Die Heimattreue Front, Eupen 2016, p. 242ff.
Provincial Council Elections
The following parties are standing for election: Liberals, Catholic Union, Rex, Communists, Socialists Agrarians, Unionist Splinter List and Home Loyal Front.
- David Mennicken: Die Heimattreue Front, Eupen 2016, p. 242ff.
Program of the Home Loyal Front
The Heimattreue Front publishes its statutes. It positions itself as the political representation of the native population of Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith.
- H. Christmann_439
Goal: a German-language radio
In December, Rex deputy Wintgens raises the issue of a German-language radio program for Eupen-Malmedy. He hopes that this will enable him to counter National Socialist sentiment more effectively.
- H. Christmann_484
Emigration of priests from the Reich.
Reich German priests who fled from the Gestapo take over parishes in the Belgian Eifel. (Busch, Hütten, Trenz, Knichel)
- K. Pabst_433
Women's charity Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith
The Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland has suggested the establishment of a women’s society. In Eupen, eight women find themselves on this occasion. – By the end of the year, there should already be 37 of them.
- Christman_454
End for "Der Landbote
The press organ of the dissolved Christian People’s Party ceases publication. As a result, the pro-German opinion group loses an important means of communication.
- Christmann_420
Malmedy newspaper appears
The Malmedyer Zeitung für Stadt und Land, Heimatblatt für die Gebiete Malmedy und Sankt Vith is published on Wednesdays and Saturdays by the Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland.
- Christmann_421
Association of former Eupen-Malmedy people in Brussels
Intended as a counterpart to the Reichsdeutsche Landsmannschaft in Berlin, the Brussels group wants to take advantage of the contacts between people originating from the eastern cantons and those living in Old Belgium in order to take advantage of the orientation towards Belgium.
- K. Pabst_428
German-speaking Broadcasting Association
The DRB (German Broadcasting Association of Belgium) broadcasts for the first time in German. Language from Eupen.
Military Language Act
The law requires officers and NCOs of German-speaking units to pass an examination on a sufficient knowledge of German.
- K. Pabst: Eupen-Malmedy in der belg. Regierungs- u. Parteienpolitik 1914-1940 (1964), p. 415.
Spreading truths about National Socialism
The Grenz-Echo reports, among other things, on the hostility to religion of National Socialism. In September it publishes the pastoral letter of the German bishops on the anti-Catholic measures and attacks in Germany.
- H. Christmann_476
Patriotic voters' association forms
An alliance is formed against National Socialist propaganda, which is joined by representatives of all local opinion groups with the exception of the Rex movement. Border Echo supports the movement by communicating its talking points.
- H. Christmann_507
Winter Relief in Saint Vith
The Heimattreue Front organizes a so-called Winterhilfswerk on the National Socialist model.
- H. Christmann_440
Local council elections
- David Mennicken, Die Heimattreue Front, Eupen 2016, p. 242ff.
Groupement national belge
The Malmedy socialist Werson founds the non-partisan organization in Malmedy for open struggle against the HF organizations.
- K. Pabst_428
Democratic Homeland Bloc
In the Vaterstädtische Wahlvereinigung Eupens all non-National Socialist parties (without Rex) are represented. The Democratic Homeland Bloc emerges from this merger in December, clearly positioning itself against the Homeland Loyalist Front. Their actions follow the motto We are Belgians and we want to stay Belgians.
- K. Pabst_427
Magazine "Young People Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith"
A new four-page youth magazine is published under the title “Young People Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith”. From now on, it will be published once a month with a circulation of 1,000 copies. It is financed by the Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland, and its content is influenced by National Socialist ideas.
- H. Christmann_424
Attractiveness of the Folk German Youth Movement
So far, 660 young people have joined the National Socialist youth organizations of the communes in Eupen-Malmedy.
- H. Christmann_449
Eupen Women's Fellowship
The Eupen Women’s Aid Society now has around 100 members.
- H. Christmann_454
Parliamentary elections
The following parties are standing for election: Catholic Union, Socialists, Communists, Rex, Liberals and Home Loyal Front.
- David Mennicken, Die Heimattreue Front, Eupen 2016, p. 242ff.
Representation in the chamber
The probelgic Saint Vither railroad official Michel Freres is elected deputy and enters the Chamber as a candidate of the Catholic Party.
- H. Christmann_251
Foundation of the "Confédération des fraternelles d'après-guerre
In May, Eupen-Malmedy reservists form a local group of the Old Belgian Confédération des fraternelles d’après-guerre. It is the association of Eupen-Malmedy people who have served in the Belgian army until now. The group sees itself as a counterpart to the German nationalist Kameradschaftliche Vereinigung.
- H. Christmann_496
Working in the pro-German sense
The pastor of the Protestant Church in Eupen conveys that his church can indirectly practice folklore care without expecting difficulties.
- H. Christmann_457
Loyalty to the homeland in trade unions
The Association for Germanness Abroad reports that among the approximately 2,500 union members of Eupen-Malmedy, two-thirds belong to the Heimattreue Front.
- H. Christmann_448
A newspaper by the youth for the youth
Neuland is the title of the mainly religious magazine of the Catholic Young Scholars in Eupen-Malmedy, who specifically oppose Nazi influence.
- H. Christmann_498
Ban for "Young People
A ministerial decree puts an end to the publication of the National Socialist youth newspaper. This is a reaction to the medium’s communication of anti-democratic opinion pieces that are detrimental to Belgium’s reputation.
- H. Christmann_424
End of the "Malmedy-St. Vither Volkszeitung"
Because it (is) likely to exert an unfortunate influence on the spirit of the army and the population, the paper is banned by ministerial decree.
- H. Christmann_529
Draft State Protection Act
The prohibition of anti-national organizations is addressed and discussed in the parliament. The reason for this is the Communist Party, which does not want to disclose its financial backers suspected to be abroad. Meanwhile, the Heimattreue Front continues its actions unmolested.
- H. Christmann_534
Pamphlet ban
A royal decree prohibits the distribution of pamphlets of any kind in public. – Reichsdeutsche Propaganda will circumvent this requirement by now distributing its propaganda sheets by mail.
- H. Christmann_531
Invasion of the German Wehrmacht
The population of Eupen-Malmedy experiences the entry and passage of German troops. It is the beginning of the world war.
Eupen-Malmedy without newspaper
It was not until four days after the invasion that the German minitary authorities allowed the Eupener Zeitung, the Eupener Nachrichten, the Malmedy Zeitung and the Malmedy-St. Vither Volkszeitung again an appearance. (From 10.05.1940 to 14.05.1940)
- H. Christmann_536
Death of Josef Kerres (Eupen)
The convinced National Socialist and opponent of Belgium presents himself in the morning with swastika flag. As he demonstratively passes a barracks still occupied by Belgian troops with this symbol, a bullet hits him. The homeland movement stylized him as a martyr.
- Pabst_391
Reconnaissance Group 31 establishes its battlefield at Sourbrodt. The airmen are accommodated in the Elsenborn camp.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Führer Decree
Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith and Moresnet are declared parts of the German Empire and are explicitly not considered occupied enemy territory.
- H. Christmann_536
Annexation of East Belgium by the Third Reich
German currency, German prices and tariffs, German consumption regulations and market regulations are introduced.
Herwanger to replace Meher as district office manager in Eupen
Herwanger took Meher’s place as district office director in Eupen. Meher was accepted into the Reich leadership of the NSDAP. Meher had been building up the NSDAP structure in the district of Eupen since May 21, 1940.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
Nazi celebrities in Eupen
Federal Minister of the Interior Frick visits Eupen.
- East Belgium & May 10_43
West German Observer
An editorial office of the Westdeutscher Beobachter has set up shop in the Grenz-Echo building on Klosterstraße. The Eupen News is unceremoniously discontinued on this day and incorporated into the National Socialist press organ.
- H. Christmann_536
Integration into the Third Reich
German currency, German prices and tariffs, German consumption regulations and market regulations are introduced.
Reich organization leader in Eupen
Accompanied by Gauleiter Grohé and other party leaders, Reichsorganisationsleiter Ley addresses workers at the cable works and the population in Eupen. – In the afternoon, the same large rally is scheduled in Malmedy.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
New district court judge in Eupen
Court Assessor Dr. Deller was appointed as the new District Court Administrator in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Annulment of judgment in bankruptcy proceedings
The judgment of the Tribunal de commerce of Verviers of May 28, 1936, concerning the property of a widow was annulled on November 12, 1940.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.01.1941, p. 6.
Flood in Eupen
During the night of Tuesday, the Nöreth overflowed its banks and caused severe flooding in the Gospert and Wiesenweg in Eupen. (From 31.12.1940 to 01.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.01.1941, p. 6.
New entry of the Eupen worsted mill in the commercial register
Kammgarnwerke from Eupen was entered in the German Commercial Register.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.01.1941, p. 5.
Change in the local court of Eupen
A change in the management of the Eupen District Court. District Court Judge Dr. Dreßler was replaced by Senior District Court Judge Schäfer.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.01.1941, p. 5.
Conscription into the Wehrmacht
The inhabitants of the old Prussian districts of Eupen-Malmedy as well as Neutral-Moresnets receive German citizenship automatically (retroactively) (23.09.1941)and without formality as of May 18, 1940. (23.09.1941).
Levying of fees in accordance with the German Municipal Ordinance in Eupen
As of January 1, various regulations of the German municipal ordinance regarding garbage collection fees, street cleaning and sewer fees came into force in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.01.1941, p. 7.
Employee insurance Eupen-Malmedy-Moresnet
As of January 1, 1941, the Angstellenversicherung in the areas of Eupen, Malmedy and Moresnet was governed by Reichsrecht.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.01.1941, p. 6.
Service roll call of the NSDAP in Raeren
First service appel of the year 1941 in Raeren at Ludwig Pesch. Among others, local group leader Kalff and training leader Massing were present.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.01.1941, p. 5.
Flight instruction of the NSFK-Sturm 10/65 Eupen
Graduates of the Okotoberlehrgang observed the newcomers of the NSFK-Strum 10/65 Eupen during flight instruction of the NSFK and the Flieger-SS in Schwerfen. Among the NSFK observers were Josef Pankert and Hans Bandersander from Eupen, Josef Rüchen from Kettenis and Karl Lennartz and Josef Marechal from Malmedy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.01.1941, p. 2.
Celebration of the Winter Relief Fund of the German People in the Hotel Bosten
On the occasion of a collection of money, from January 4-5, 1941, (“Gaustraßenensammlung”) which was carried out by the Reichsschutzbund in Eupen, the Reviergruppe II of the Ortskreisgruppe Westeifel organized a celebration in favor of the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) in the Hotel Bosten in Eupen. The Eupen ADF quartet was responsible for the musical part of the evening. (From 03.01.1941 to 04.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.01.1941, p. 5.
Reichsschutzluftbund organizes evening in aid of the Winter Relief Fund
The Reichsschutzluftbund organized a festive evening in aid of the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 7.
New films in Eupen
Beate’s honeymoon at the Capitol in Eupen; A whole guy at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 10.
Film screening "Beate's Honeymoon" at Capitol Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 8.
19. supply section: food distribution
In the 19th supply section, the supply rights received special rations: Legumes, rice, tea, chocolate.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 8.
Comradeship evening of the SA in Kelmis
The SA-Sturm 42/174 of the Moresnet local group organized a comradeship evening in the Evertz hall.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 7.
Training of the National Socialist People's Welfare Organization (NSV)
29 people from the district of Eupen took part in a ten-day training course organized by the National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization (NSV) in Venau. (From 05.01.1941 to 14.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.01.1941, p. 5.
Dance and music evening at Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 10.
Dance and music evening at Hotel Zur Post in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 10.
Fire in the Bergkapellstraße Eupen
House fire in de Bergkapellstraße extinguished thanks to the volunteer fire department.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Opera Ball" in Raeren
The Gaufilmstelle came to Raeren for two screenings (16h30 and 19h30). The main film presented was the “Opera Ball” and the latest newsreel
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 7.
New entry in the commercial register
New registration of various businesses and companies in the Commercial Register.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 8.
Lecture about the resettlement of the Bessarabian and Dobruja ethnic Germans in Moresnet
Evening lecture for women about the resettlement of the Bessarabian and Dobruja ethnic Germans at the Evertz restaurant in Moresnet.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 8.
Sports evening of the girls group 3 Wesertal
Sports evening of the girls group 3 Wesertal in the hotel Bosten.
Tariff for milker Eupen-Malmedy
The Reichsarbeitsblatt contains a collective agreement for milkers. In the Rhineland, the tariff system was extended to the districts of Eupen and Melmedy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.01.1941, p. 5.
Registration of Jewish assets in Eupen-Malmedy
The registration of the property of Jews came into force in the districts of Eupen and Malmedy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 8.
Start course accounting for retail
The German Workers’ Front had organized a course on “Accounting for Retail Trade” at the girls’ school in Schilsweg.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
Comradeship evening of the SA in Eupen
The leader of SA-Sturm 31/174 Eupen held a comradeship evening at the Kurhotel Bredohl. Among those present were SA-Sturmmann Breuer, Cremer as well as Hans Malmendier, Sturmführer Deneffe, Führer der Brigarde and Oberführer Dahlem, Obersleutnant Meher, Ortsgruppenleiter Rexroth and Stahen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.01.1941, p. 5.
Lecture on the resettlement of the Bessarabian and Dobruja ethnic Germans in Hergenrath
Lecture evening for women about the resettlement of the Bessarabian and Dobruja ethnic Germans by the Cologne Gauabteilungsleiterin in the Hergenrather Lokal Bauens.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 8.
Sewing room of the local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 7.
District of Eupen admitted to the district group textile industry
The district of Eupen was admitted to the Aachen-Cologne district group of the textile industry economic group.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 7.
New municipal council appointed in Baelen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "Opera Ball" in Walhorn
The Gaufilmstelle showed the film “Opera Ball” in Walhorn.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.01.1941, p. 5.
Lecture on the resettlement of the Bessarabian and Dobruja ethnic Germans in Raeren and Kettenis
Lecture evening for women about the resettlement of the Bessarabian and Dobruja ethnic Germans by the Cologne Gauabteilungsleiterin in Raeren and Kettenis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.01.1941, p. 7.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Maternity services in the Eupen district. Mothers have the opportunity to have their babies examined free of charge.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.01.1941, p. 3.
Meeting of the heads of offices and cells in Eupen
The office and cell leaders of the Eupen district met in their local groups. Topics included German history from Charlemagne to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 and a presentation on Judaism.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.01.1941, p. 3.
Police report district Eupen 1940
Activity of the gendarmerie in December 1940, including one anti-state activity, six charges of violations of the Jewish protection regulations, etc.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Opera Ball" in Kettenis
The Gaufilmstelle showed the film “Opera Ball”.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.01.1941, p. 3.
Gas street collection in the district of Eupen successful
The Gau’s collection of money for the benefit of the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes in the district of Eupen was successful: 9,300 RM
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.01.1941, p. 5.
"Stamp Day" in Eupen
On the occasion of Stamp Day, a special postmark was issued in Eupen. (From 11.01.1941 to 12.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "Opera Ball" in Hergenrath
The Gaufilmstelle showed the film “Opera Ball” in Hergenrath in the local Bauens.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.01.1941, p. 5.
Foundation of a stallion keeping association
In the district of Eupen, a stallion keeping association was founded.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 7.
Comradeship evening of the railwaymen in Herbesthal
The first comradeship evening of the Herbesthaler Dienststellen, Bahnmeisterei and Betriebswerke of the German Reichsbahn in the Bredohlchen Saal in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.01.1941, p. 5.
New films in Eupen
Girl in the Antechamber at the Capitol in Eupen; A Little Night Music at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 12.
Sheep breeders meeting
Meeting for sheep farmers and interested people.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 7.
SA-Eupen at spa opening in Aachen
On the occasion of the opening of a new Kurhaus in Aachen, the SA Brigade 76 organized a flag march through Aachen, in which SA people from Eupen and Malmedy also participated for the first time.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.01.1941, p. 6.
Dance and music evening at Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 12.
Dance and music evening at Hotel Hermanns in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 12.
Dance and music evening at Hotel Zur Post in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 12.
Affiliation of the horticultural association with Reichsnährstand
The Eupen Horticultural Society joined the Reichsnährstand.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.01.1941, p. 7.
Stew Sunday in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.01.1941, p. 5.
General Assembly Horticultural Society
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.01.1941, p. 5.
Music evening of the NS community "Strength through Joy" at the Kurhotel Eupen
The district administration of Eupen organized a musical evening “Pearls of entertainment” at the Kurhotel Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.01.1941, p. 3.
Registration of old water rights in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.01.1941, p. 5.
District leadership of the NSDAP in the district of Eupen
District Manager Eupen: Stephan Gierets. Local group leaders: Eupen-City Hall (Walther Rexroth); Eupen-Wesertal (Johann Stahen); Kettenis (Peter Thissen); Herbesthal (Bernhard Dohmen); Moresnet (Josef Kriescher); Raeren (Wilhelm Kalff); Montzen (Erich Peters).
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.01.1941, p. 5.
Renovation of schools in Raeren
Elementary school was renamed Horst Wessel School. School Raeren-Berg renamed Josef-Ponten-Heim and served as a building for the Hitler Youth and for the Bund deutscher Mädel.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.01.1941, p. 5.
Police catch chicken thief in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.01.1941, p. 5.
Eupen district broadcasting fault locator starts service
The Radio Interference Center started its service in the district of Eupen to provide free assistance in case of radio interference.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.01.1941, p. 5.
Hitler Youth from Eupen/Malmedy as guests of the Reich Youth Leader
The Reich Youth Leader received the leaders of the Hitler Youth groups from the newly won territories, including Eupen-Malmedy, in Berlin.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.01.1941, p. 3.
Store closing time at 6 p.m. causes complications
In the Aachen administrative district, all stores had to close their store at 6 p.m. Grocery stores were exempt (until 7 p.m.). Nevertheless, numerous customers did not show up at the closed stores until after 6 pm.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.01.1941, p. 5.
Vigantol delivery in maternal counseling sessions.
Mothers who visited the counseling center in Eupen received Vigantol free of charge.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.01.1941, p. 5.
Suicide of a senior woman in Walhorn
A 70-year-old woman started suicide because she did not want to go to the nursing home.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.01.1941, p. 5.
Series of events "The flag up! Germany determines the future!"
The district leadership of the NSDAP organized a series of events entitled “Die Fahne hoch! Germany determines the future!” in Eupen, Raeren and Walhorn on January 18, 1941, and in Eynatten, Moresnet, Lontzen, Kettenis, Hauset, Hergenrath, Welkenraedt and Montzen. It was planned that Reich, Gau and district speakers would speak.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.01.1941, p. 5.
Training of the National Socialist People's Welfare Organization (NSV)
23 people from the Eupen district took part in a ten-day training course organized by the National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization (NSV) in Venau. (From 18.01.1941 to 27.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.01.1941, p. 5.
NSDAP rallies in the Cologne-Aachen district
NSDAP rallies were held in Cologne-Aachen Gau in honor of Adolf Hitler. Also held in Eupen, Raeren, Walhorn,Morsenet, Lontzen, Eynatten, Welkenraedt, Hergenrath and Kettenis. (From 18.01.1941 to 19.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.01.1941, p. 5.
Lecture on the "Colonial Lie of Guilt
The Bund deutscher Mädel and the NS-Frauenschaft organized with the Reichskolonialbund a lecture evening on the “colonial guilt lie” in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.01.1941, p. 5.
Relief action for the Winter Relief Fund of the German People (WHW) in Raeren
The local associations of Raeren organized a festive evening for the benefit of Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW) in Ludwig Pesch’s restaurant.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.01.1941, p. 5.
Soccer city derby: Youth Eupen vs. FC Eupen
In the local derby, Youth Eupen won 2:1 against FC Eupen 1920.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Lontzen
The Gaufilmstelle showed the party congress film “Triumph of the Will” in Lontzen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.01.1941, p. 5.
NS Lawyers' Association District of Eupen
The lawyer Dr. jur. Eberhard Knops from Eupen was appointed by the Reich Minister Dr. Frank as the new Kreisführer of the NS-Rechtswahrerbund in the district of Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.01.1941, p. 5.
New local chairman of the German Labor Front Eupen
Karl Willems became the new local chairman of the German Workers’ Front (DAF) in the district of Eupen. The local administration in Eupen was divided into two according to the NSDAP local groups: Eupen-City Hall and Eupen-Wesertal.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.01.1941, p. 5.
Information evening for home helpers
The Women’s Office of the German Workers’ Front organized an information evening for domestic helpers.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.01.1941, p. 5.
Judgments from the criminal court of Eupen
The court dealt with the following cases: 1) Passport and foreign exchange offenses. 2) Smuggling.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.01.1941, p. 5.
German Workers' Front criticizes poor worker protection in Eupen factories
The German Workers’ Front criticized the Eupen companies for the poor protection measures for their workers.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Eupen
The Gaufilmstelle showed the party congress film “Triumph of the Will” at the Capitol in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.01.1941, p. 5.
Institute for Borderland Studies of the TH about Eupen-Malmedy
The Institute for Borderland Studies of the TH addressed current issues and also dealt with the new districts of Eupen and Malmedy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.01.1941, p. 5.
Last film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Eupen
Last film screening “Triumph of the Will” in Eupen at Hotel Bosten.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Arrests for violations of the War Economy Ordinance
Police arrested three people for violations of the War Economy Ordinance. They had not complied with the restrictions and had hoarded goods.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.01.1941, p. 5.
Savings bank branch in Lontzen-Herbesthal
Opening of a savings bank branch for the Lontzen-Herbesthal-Welkenraedt area.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.01.1941, p. 5.
Local Service Appeals of the German Workers' Front in Herbesthal and Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.01.1941, p. 5.
Pensions for severely disabled persons
Appeal to all severely disabled persons of the district of Eupen to contact the mayors in order to receive a pension.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Training for the tax office
Training for employees of the tax office to become familiar with the German tax system.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Establishment of a bull keeping cooperative
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Association of house and land owners district Eupen joins the Reichsbund of house and land owners
The Association of House and Land Owners Kreis Eupen joined the Reichsbund of House and Land Owners. Tax issues were also discussed at the General Meeting. Intended as a counterpart to the Reichsdeutsche Landsmannschaft in Berlin, the Brussels group wants to take advantage of the contacts between people originating from the eastern cantons and those living in Old Belgium in order to take advantage of the orientation towards Belgium.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.01.1941, p. 5.
Assembly of homeowners and landowners of the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Works meetings of the German Workers' Front at Peters & Co and von Asten
Works meetings of the German Workers’ Front were held in the Eupen factories Peters & Co and von Asten.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Eynatten and Hauset
The Gaufilmstelle showed the party congress film “Triumph of the Will” in Eynatten and Hauset. (From 27.01.1941 to 28.01.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.01.1941, p. 5.
Area leader Heinz Hohoff at the Hitler Youth in Eupen
The area leader of the West-Cologne-Aachen area inspected the Hitler Youth in Eupen-Malmedy and was received by 305 young people in the Jünglingshaus in Eupen. After his inspection in Eupen, he was drawn further to Raeren and visited the new home for the Hitler Youth there.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.01.1941, p. 5.
Poisoned cattle feed?
Heinrichskapelle: The cattle of a local farmer showed signs of poisoning, so that the police had the feed examined.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Welkenraedt
The Gaufilmstelle showed the party congress film “Triumph of the Will” in Welkenraedt.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Maternity consultations in Kelmis and Neu-Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Soccer results: Union Kelmis
Burtscheider SV 3:3 Union Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Film evening for women
The NS Women’s Association of Eupen-City Hall and Eupen-Wesertal invited to a film evening for women at the Kurhotel Bredhol.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.01.1941, p. 5.
Local service appeals of the German Workers' Front in Raeren and Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Workshop of the German Workers' Front Craft Organization in Eupen
In the assembly hall of the German Workers’ Front, a meeting of the craftsmen’s organization was held and talked about the positive effects after the reunification with Germany.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Start of KDF car orders
All interested parties could submit an application to the NS “Strength through Joy” community to receive a KDF car.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Compulsory evening of the NS-Frauenschaft, local group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.01.1941, p. 6.
August Völl new leader of the Technical Assistance Service
August Völl, director of the municipal gas and water works in Eupen was appointed as the new leader of the Technical Assistance Service. In addition, he was elevated to the rank of Oberscharführer.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.01.1941, p. 5.
Appointment of the District Municipality of Eupen
Karl Rutté became district chief inspector, Paul Schillings district rentmaster, Josef Vogts district inspector, Hubert Ramakers district building inspector and Jos. Reder and Math. Vilvoye County Superintendents.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "Triumph of the Will" in Kettenis
The Gaufilmstelle showed the party congress film “Triumph of the Will” in Kettenis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.01.1941, p. 6.
Conference on Youth Protection and Legal Advice of the German Workers' Front
A meeting on youth protection and legal advice was held at the Bosten Hotel. This meeting was part of a series of events that had already provided information on occupational health and safety, the employment office and legal trustees.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.01.1941, p. 7.
Variety event of the Nazi community "Strength through Joy".
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
New head at the cadastral office district Eupen
Surveyor Behr became the new head of the cadastral office in Eupen. The previous head Sammer became the new head of the cadastral office in Ziegenhain.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.01.1941, p. 5.
Passed master exams district Eupen
Baker, dressmaker, miller, mechanic and machinist (From 01.02.1941 to 28.02.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.03.1941, p. 9.
Assembly of the Reichskolonialbund in Eupen
Assembly of the Reichskolonialbund at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
Leaders' meeting of the district leadership
The local group leaders, the district office heads and the highest-ranking branch leaders met in the meeting room of the district leadership. They discussed housing construction and the establishment of a public library.
Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.02.1941, p. 5.
Organ concert in the evangelic church in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
(From 03.02.1941 to 06.02.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.02.1941, p. 7.
Fire at the Mattar joinery in Eupen
Firefighters extinguished a fire at the Mattar joinery in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.02.1941, p. 5.
Soccer results: Youth Eupen, Union Kelmis
Alemannia Mariadorf 8:2 Jugend Eupen; Lura Aachen 1:5 Union Kelmis; Eynatten 1:9 VFB 05 Aachen; Reichsbahn Aachen vs. FC Raeren: Match cancelled
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.02.1941, p. 6.
Prince August Wilhelm (son of Kaiser Wilhelm II) in Eupen
Prince August Wilhelm, fourth son of Kaiser Wilhelm II, spoke at a major rally at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.02.1941, p. 6.
Representation of Eupen-Malmedy in the Reichstag secured
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.02.1941, p. 5.
Penitentiary and prison sentences for morality offenders
A 32-year-old and an 18-year-old were found to have committed a crime against an 8-year-old.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.02.1941, p. 5.
Cooperation between the employment office and the Eupen textile industry
In order to counteract the shortage of young people in the textile industry, the company now worked more closely with the employment office.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.02.1941, p. 5.
Maternity consultations in the Eupen district on February 6 cancelled
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.02.1941, p. 5.
Wehrmacht concert in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.02.1941, p. 5.
Theater performance of the Municipal Theater Aachen in Eupen
At the invitation of the Eupen City Council, the Municipal Theater came to Eupen on February 7, 1941.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.01.1941, p. 5.
Slide lecture of the NS-Reichskriegerbund about the Second World War
In a presentation, Chief Customs Inspector Thielen showed homemade images from the current war.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.02.1941, p. 5.
Meeting of the political leaders of the local group Kettenis as well as the NSV
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.02.1941, p. 5.
Police report Eupen district January 1941
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.02.1941, p. 9.
SA-Obergruppenführer Prince August Wilhelm in Eupen
SA-Obergruppenführer Prinz August Wilhelm spoke at the Kurhotel Bredohl and talked about Adolf Hitler’s achievements.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.02.1941, p. 5.
Group roll call of the Bund Deutscher Frauen und Jungmädel 7/673 Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.02.1941, p. 5.
Hitler Youth and German Young People of the City of Eupen to Receive the Youth Leader in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.02.1941, p. 10.
Swearing in of the aldermen of the Raeren municipal council
Aldermen were: Master carpenter Mennicken-Lenz, farmer Gerhard Huby and railroad official Wilhelm Weber.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.02.1941, p. 5.
Meeting of local farmers' leaders on the issue of land rent adjustment
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 1.02.1941, p. 6.
Establishment of a bull-keeping cooperative Lontzen-Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.02.1941, p. 9.
Reichsjugendführer Axmann comes to Eupen
Reichsjugendführer Axmann first came to a meeting at the border “Köpfchen” to meet with the troops of the surrounding villages. In the afternoon we went on to the opening of the new HJ accommodation in Stockem Castle. Later he moved on to Raeren and to Malmedy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.02.1941, p. 5.
Service call of the local group Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.02.1941, p. 5.
Works meeting in Herbesthal
Works meeting at the railroad maintenance facility.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.02.1941, p. 5.
District chairman Martini visits night workers in the district of Eupen
District Chairman Martini of the German Workers’ Front visited the night workers in a factory in the district of Eupen. (pictures available)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.02.1941, p. 5.
Assembly of the Youth Section of the German Workers' Front in Eupen
All girls from trade, crafts and commerce were invited to a meeting in the DAF meeting room.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.02.1941, p. 5.
German Women's Association lecture evening on hereditary diseases
Gauabteilungsleiterin vom rassenpolitischen Amt, Köln, Frau Dreibholz gave a lecture and showed the films “Erbkrank” and “Was du ererbst”.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.02.1941, p. 5.
German Women's Association lecture evening on hereditary diseases
Gauabteilungsleiterin vom rassenpolitischen Amt, Köln, Frau Dreibholz gave a lecture and showed the films “Erbkrank” and “Was du ererbst”.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.02.1941, p. 5.
Eupen horticultural association takes part in Hitler's "battle of nutrition
The Eupen Horticultural Society encouraged members and interested parties to diligently grow food in their gardens. This campaign was part of Hitler’s proclaimed “nutritional battle.”
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.02.1941, p. 5.
District leader and comradeship leader of the NSDAP Wolff received award from the Führer
Mr. Wolff, district leader and comradeship leader of the NSDAP, received the “Medaille für deutsche Volkspflege” from the Führer.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.02.1941, p. 5.
Raeren wayside cross from 1581 with swastika moved to Eupen
A wayside cross from Raeren, erected in 1581 and bearing a swastika in the meantime, was repositioned opposite the town hall in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.02.1941, p. 5.
German Young People of the Hitler Youth visiting the winter camp in Malmedy
The Cologne Pimpfe of the Hitler Youth in winter camp in Malmedy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.02.1941, p. 5.
Call for compulsory youth service 1929/31 Kreis Eupen
Those born between 1929 and 1931 had to report to the banns of the Hitler Youth in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.02.1941, p. 5.
Savings deposits of the Belgian State Savings Bank in the district taken over by the Eupen Savings Bank
The savings balance of residents from the district areas in the Belgian state bank was taken over by the savings bank in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.02.1941, p. 5.
German Police Day
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.02.1941, p. 9.
Fairy tale films for children at the Capitol in Eupen
The Nazi community “Strength through Joy” organized screenings of fairy tale films for children.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.02.1941, p. 5.
Foundation of the tenants association Kreis Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.02.1941, p. 5.
Training of the Eupen SA-Unterführer in Fredeburg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.03.1941, p. 8.
"Film People's Day" in Eupen
On the occasion of the “Film People’s Day” throughout the empire, the film “The Embarrassed Child” was shown in Eupen at the Capitol.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.02.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The rifle over" in Raeren
The Gaufilmstelle presented the soldier film “Das Gewehr über” in Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.02.1941, p. 5.
The oldest resident from Eupen
Mrs. widow Leonhard Gilles, living at Klötzerbahn 12, was 92 years old. She was a member of the Heimattreue Front.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.02.1941, p. 9.
Appeal for cells and block overseers as well as plant overseers and employees in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.02.1941, p. 9.
Workshop of the local master craftsmen and district leaders of the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.02.1941, p. 7.
First enrollment to vocational school district Eupen
Industrial, commercial and agricultural courses.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.02.1941, p. 7.
"Faith and Beauty" Bund deutscher Mädel Kreis Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.02.1941, p. 7.
Soccer results: Kelmis, Raeren and Eynatten
Eynatten 3:3 Black-White; Aachen; Union Kelmis 7:2 Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.02.1941, p. 7.
Assembly of the local farmers
The topic was the leases and feed allocation.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.02.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "The gun over" in Eupen
The Gauffilmstelle showed the soldier film “Das Gewehr über” in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.02.1941, p. 5.
Boxing match Eupen vs. Eschweiler
The first duel a few weeks ago ended Eupen 10:2 Eschweiler.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.02.1941, p. 11.
"Two hours of entertainment" - "Strength through Joy" organized evening in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.02.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Maternity consultations in Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kettenis, Kelmis, Neu-Moresnet, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 24.02.1941 to 27.02.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.02.1941, p. 7.
"Strength through joy" entertainment evening in Eupen
The event included lectures by the Kreisflnzug of the NSDAP in conjunction with the SS and singing.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.02.1941, p. 7.
Opening of the sanatorium at the Kaperberg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.02.1941, p. 7.
Farmers meeting in Raeren
Farmers meeting in Raeren with the topics lease matters, feed distribution, bull keeping cooperative.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.02.1941, p. 7.
Judgments of the local court of Eupen
Violation of price regulation and foreign exchange trading, bicycle theft, hunting offenses.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.02.1941, p. 5.
Councilors meeting in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.02.1941, p. 7.
Meeting of bakers district Eupen
A meeting of the bakers from the city of Eupen and the countryside took place in the spa hotel Bredohl in Eupen under the leadership of Inneungsobermeister and district master craftsman Walter Deneffe. The topic was labor and company law issues.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.03.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "The rifle over" in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.02.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "The rifle over" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.02.1941, p. 5.
New press office manager Eupen district
Dr. Otto Mahr was replaced by Willy Maier. Mahr was transferred to Cologne to head .
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.02.1941, p. 5.
Comradeship evening of the district administration and savings bank employees
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.02.1941, p. 5.
Meeting of the "Strength through Joy" collectors at the Golden Anchor Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.02.1941, p. 5.
Filing of income tax returns
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.02.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The rifle over" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.02.1941, p. 5.
Appointment of the aldermen Kettenis, Eynatten and Walhorn
At the suggestion of NSDAP district leader Gierets and with the approval of the district administrator in Eupen:
Factory owner Peter Schunk: 1. alderman community Kettenis
Designer Gerhard Breuer: 2nd alderman municipality Kettenis
Tramway supervisor Wilhelm Birken: Mayor Eynatten
Barber Karl Johae: 1st alderman municipality of Eynatten
Farmer Hubert Hennen: 2nd Alderman Municipality of Eynatten
Farmer Matthias Connote: Mayor Walhorn
Farmer Waldemar Funke: 1. alderman Walhorn municipality
Farmer Leonhard Kessel: 2nd alderman Walhorn municipalitySources
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.02.1941, p. 5.
Opening of NSV kindergarten in Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.02.1941, p. 5.
Bund deutscher Mädel Group 7/673 on sports
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.03.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "The rifle over" in Heinrichs Chapel
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.02.1941, p. 5.
Formation of a Motor-HJ in the bann Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.04.1941, p. 5.
Propaganda riding for the house and street collection district Eupen
Reitersturm 8/76 organized children’s rides and rides on the occasion of the house and street collection.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.02.1941, p. 5.
Rhenish country theater performs "Land of Smiles" in Eupen
The Rhenish Regional Theater performed the play “Land of Smiles” in Eupen on March 2 and 15. (From 02.03.1941 to 15.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.02.1941, p. 5.
Kettenis shooting club donates money to the winter relief service of the German people
(From 02.03.1941 to 09.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.03.1941, p. 9.
Theater performance "Land of Smiles" in Eupen
The theater performance “Land of Smiles” at the Young People’s House in Eupen was almost sold out, so there was a second performance on March 15, 1941.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The rifle over" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.03.1941, p. 7.
Retinue 3/673 Eupen-Wesertal early morning sport
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.03.1941, p. 7.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt, Herbestahl, Eupen-Unterstadt, Eynatten, Hauset, Lichtenbusch, Raeren. (From 03.03.1941 to 08.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.03.1941, p. 7.
Judicial assignment of business at the district court of Eupen
Senior District Judge Schäfer; District Court Counsel Dr. Deller; Assessor Dr. Elsner von Gronow
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.03.1941, p. 9.
Handball: Rhenania Rothe-Erde vs. Turngemeinde Eupen
Rhenania Rothe-Erde 7:2 Gymnastics Club Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.03.1941, p. 6.
Meeting of the local farmers' union of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.03.1941, p. 6.
Judgments from the criminal court of Eupen
Two weeks in prison for bicycle theft (author Willy Maier)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.03.1941, p. 5.
Cattle market in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.03.1941, p. 7.
Sixth Reich Road Collection District of Eupen: RM 12,213
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.03.1941, p. 5.
Sewing course of the NS Women's Society
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.03.1941, p. 5.
Professional group evening of the girls of the German Workers' Front district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.03.1941, p. 5.
Home Evening of the Girls of the German Workers' Front
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.03.1941, p. 5.
Bund Deutscher Mädel: Mowing and work at Stockem Castle
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.03.1941, p. 5.
Training of the factory managers of the German Workers' Front Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.03.1941, p. 5.
Eupen HJ at the area championships in boxing in Cologne
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.03.1941, p. 5.
Stew Sunday of the Winter Relief Organization of the German People in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
Stew dinner of the War Winter Relief Eupen Town Hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.03.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The Postmaster" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
Film screening of the Hitler Youth at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
Film screening of the Hitler Youth at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
Foundation of a sheep breeding association Hergenrath, Hauset and surroundings
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
General meeting of the horticultural association Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
NS-Frauenschaft: Meeting of the district working group of the Reichskolonialbund - slide show about Cameroon
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.03.1941, p. 9.
Soccer results: Union Kelmis, Raeren, Eynatten, Youth Eupen and FC Eupen
Youth Eupen 4:0 Sportvereinigung Malmedy; Kohlscheider SC 6:1 Raeren; Aachen Forst 3.2 Union Kelmis; Aachener SC 8:1 Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.03.1941, p. 10.
Film screening "The Postmaster" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.03.1941, p. 9.
Film screening "The Postmaster" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.03.1941, p. 5.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Cases: RM 50 fine for assault
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.03.1941, p. 5.
Assembly for milk producers and traders district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.03.1941, p. 5.
Sewing course of the NS Women's Society in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.03.1941, p. 9.
Film screening "The Postmaster" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.03.1941, p. 5.
Training of the girls of the Hitler Youth for health service
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.03.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The Postmaster" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.03.1941, p. 7.
Karl Kreutzer from Eupen passed his exam as a dentist in Königsberg.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.03.1941, p. 5.
Rhineland conference of the Reichshebammenschaft at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.06.1941, p. 3.
Parents' evening because of the week of the girls and boys
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.03.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The journey to Tilsit" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.03.1941, p. 9.
Heroes Memorial Day in Eupen and Hauset
The residents from Kettenis, Eynatten, Walhorn and Kettenis met in Hauset. Swastika flags were placed all over the circle.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.03.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
March 17: Welkenraedt-Herbestahl; March 18: Eupen-Unterstadt; March 20: Montzen and Bleiberg (From 17.03.1941 to 20.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.03.1941, p. 9.
Fatal traffic accident in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.03.1941, p. 5.
Visit of the Untergauführerin to the Jungmädeln and BDM in Stockem
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.03.1941, p. 5.
Gymnastics evening for girls in the young people's house Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.03.1941, p. 5.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Sentences for chicken theft (4 months in prison), abortion (four months in prison), and leaving a hospital without permission (RM 75 fine).
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.03.1941, p. 5.
Professional group evening of the DAF for housemaids in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.03.1941, p. 9.
General Assembly of the Eupen Volksbank
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.03.1941, p. 5.
Training of the HJ leaders in Malmedy
All Scharführer of the Banne Eupen, Malmedy and Monschau to a weekend training in Malmedy. (From 22.03.1941 to 23.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.03.1941, p. 8.
Silver Loyalty Service Medal for Dr. vet. med. Franz Krenn
Award by the leader for his faithful service for 25 years.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.04.1941, p. 4.
Day of the Wehrmacht
Among others, the old soldiers of the NS-reichskriegerbund, the NS-Marinebund and the NS-Kriegsopferversorgung came. There was a soccer game, music and the goulash cannon.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.03.1941, p. 5.
Colorful evening of the NS community "Strength through Joy" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.03.1941, p. 7.
Meeting of the HJ Kreis Eupen with the National Socialist Reichsbund für Leibesübungen in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The journey to Tilsit" in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.03.1941, p. 9.
NSDAP training course for block leaders and members of the NS teachers' association in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.03.1941, p. 7.
Afternoon of the pimp and girl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.03.1941, p. 9.
Spring forest run of the HJ canceled
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
(From 24.03.1941 to 27.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.03.1941, p. 7.
Distribution of oranges and tangerines in the supply section Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
Fatal car accident between Eynatten and Merols
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
Registration dates for mares
Registration date for mares in the Rhineland Stud Book for the administrative district of Aachen and Eupen-Malmedy. (From 25.03.1941 to 28.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.01.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The journey to Tilsit" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.03.1941, p. 7.
Judgments of the local court of Eupen
Attempted passport offense (RM 5 + 1 day in jail), tax evasion (RM 50 fine), trespassing (RM 100 fine).
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.03.1941, p. 6.
Hitler Youth Forest Run in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.03.1941, p. 6.
Film screening "The journey to Tilsit" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
New community leaders in Hauset
Exporter Joseph Bohn Mayor Hauset; farmer Peter Zimmermann 1st alderman Hauset; warehouse worker Joseph Frings 2nd Alderman Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.03.1941, p. 6.
Fairy tale films for children at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.03.1941, p. 5.
NSDAP cell leader meeting Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
Training course for accounting and retail trade in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.03.1941, p. 5.
"Funny Cabaret" of the NS Women's Society at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
Marriage of an SS man in Raeren
SS man Josef Thielen married Anna Maria Theresia Leisner in Raeren. Witnesses to the marriage were Stammführer Josef Haas and engineer Simon Zander. Other guests were Gefolgschaftsführer Leo Keutgen and Gruppenführer Elisabeth Vorhagen, Kreisamtsleiter Gierets, Kreisamtsleiter Herwanger, Sturmführer Marquet, Untergauführerin Bredohl.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 5.
Comradeship evening of the NS motor corps at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
The leader of Sturm 21, Motorenstandarte 76, Oberscharführer Bredohl organized a comradeship evening of the NSKK.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
War service roll call in the district of Eupen
The War Service Appeal was held on Saturday and Sunday after various meetings of the offices, the Nazi Women’s Association and the Nazi Party. (From 29.03.1941 to 30.03.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
Meetings of the Winter Relief Organization in the district of Eupen
Meetings were held in Kelmis, Hergenrath, Wallhorn, Raeren and Kettenis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 5.
Rat control district Eupen
(From 30.03.1941 to 06.04.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.03.1941, p. 6.
Film screening "The journey to Tilsit" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
Film screening "The journey to Tilsit" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
Artistic and dance evening of the NS community "Strength through Joy" at the Bergscheider Hof in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.03.1941, p. 5.
Dance and music evening at Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.03.1941, p. 5.
Sewing and handicraft work group in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
New children for the Hitler Youth
The children’s groups of the German Women’s Aid Society of the local groups Rathaus and Wesertal said goodbye to the children, who were now accepted into the Hitler Youth.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.04.1941, p. 5.
Deadline for applications for supplementary pension district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.03.1941, p. 7.
Compulsory service appeal of the German Women's Association, Wesertal chapter
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
Assembly of dairy farmers district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 5.
Call to join the SA Kreis Eupen
Kreisleiter Gierets and SA-Oberbannführer Bonner encouraged the male population in the district of Eupen to join the SA.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 5.
Reorganization of the school system in the district of Eupen: establishment of vocational schools
Establishment of vocational and technical schools planned in the district of Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.04.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Hooray, I'm a daddy!" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.03.1941, p. 5.
New opening hours for stores in rural areas, district of Eupen
Extension of opening hours until 10 pm because of summer time.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Maternity consultations in Eupen-Unterstadt, Eynatten, Hauset, Lichtenbusch and Raeren. (From 01.04.1941 to 03.04.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.03.1941, p. 9.
Handball: Aachener Turnerbund vs. Turngemeinde Eupen
The Aachener Turnerbund won 7:5 against the Eupener Turnerverein.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 6.
NSKK storm leader Erich Weißhaar appointed district builder in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.04.1941, p. 9.
Master confectioner Walter Deneffe appointed district master craftsman in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.04.1941, p. 5.
Auctions for the benefit of the Winter Relief Fund in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.04.1941, p. 3.
Installation of a local coin box at the post office in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.04.1941, p. 3.
General meeting of the NSDAP in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.04.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Hooray, I'm Daddy!" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.04.1941, p. 3.
50 war widows from the district of Eupen-Malmedy invited to a spa stay
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Works meeting of the German Workers' Front in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Soccer match between the ban team of the HJ against youth Eupen 3
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Hurray, I'm daddy!" in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Dress rehearsal of the HJ-Raeren 7/673 for the commitment ceremony
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Foundation of the warrior comradeship Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 5.
Comradeship evening of the employment office district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.04.1941, p. 9.
Slide show lecture of the Nazi community "Strength through Joy" on the topic "Soul forces in the struggle for Donaumont".
Colonel (ret.) Kurt von Klüfer gave a slide presentation at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.04.1941, p. 5.
Show and advertising gymnastics of the Eupen gymnastics community 76
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Exhibition of the NS Women's Association in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.04.1941, p. 9.
Ceremonial transfer of the Jungvolk and Jungmädelbund to the HJ and BDM respectively
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Ceremonial commitment to the HJ Youth in Kettenis-Eynatten-Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.04.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Herbestahl, Kelmis-Neu-Moresnet, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 06.04.1941 to 10.04.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.04.1941, p. 3.
Film screening "Hooray, I'm Daddy!" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.04.1941, p. 3.
Operational roll call of the municipality of Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
Friendly match Agrippina-Germania 1916 Cologne vs. Youth Eupen
Cologne 4:6 Youth Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.04.1941, p. 9.
Laying of the foundation stone of a comradeship shooting range of the war comradeship Judenstraße/Kaperberg
Among others, SS-Sturmführer Marquet was present.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.04.1941, p. 9.
Judenstrasse in Eupen gets new name
All Jewish street signs in Eupen were removed. A new name was to follow.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.04.1941, p. 9.
Film screening "Hooray, I'm a daddy!" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Court proceedings from belg. Time can now be continued in German courts
Court cases from May 18, 1940 onwards could be heard in German courts from April 8, 1941 onwards.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.04.1941, p. 4.
Burning of hedge waste allowed once in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.04.1941, p. 5.
Eupen district court: plant dropped
A charge of tax evasion was dropped.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.04.1941, p. 5.
Public meeting of the NSDAP with district office leader Hermanger in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.04.1941, p. 5.
Konrad Claßen appointed mayor of Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.04.1941, p. 5.
Training course for accounting and retail trade in Raeren-Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.04.1941, p. 3.
Merger of the gymnastics club 1893 and the soccer club 1912 Raeren
The new club was henceforth called “TSV 1893 Raeren”.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.04.1941, p. 4.
Group appel of the BDM group 7/673 in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.04.1941, p. 4.
Obtaining leather for well and pump repairs in the district of Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.04.1941, p. 4.
Passed master butcher exams district Eupen
From Eupen: Alfons Bormann, Adolf Theß, Heinrich Crott, Klaus Rennertz. From Raeren: Leo Huby.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.04.1941, p. 4.
25-year service anniversary of Walter Kriescher at the local health insurance fund
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.04.1941, p. 4.
Education and training of leaders for BDM and HJ
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.04.1941, p. 5.
Soccer match between ban team 673 against FC Eupen 2
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.04.1941, p. 5.
Easter vacations in the NSV kindergartens, district Eupen
(From 11.04.1941 to 16.04.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
450 birch trees planted in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
Concert of the Handwerkes-Gesangsverein in the Bergscheider Hof in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
New films in Eupen
“From a first marriage” at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.06.1941, p. 8.
Friendly match Agrippina-Germania 1916 Cologne vs. Youth Eupen
Cologne 5:0 Youth Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.04.1941, p. 5.
Area championship match of the HJ: Bann 673 Eupen-Malmedy vs. Aachen-City
Eupen-Malmedy 3:5 Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.04.1941, p. 5.
Theater performance "Suez Canal" in the Young People's House in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
HJ patrol at Stockem castle in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.05.1941, p. 4.
Potato and oat seed ready for farmers to collect
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.04.1941, p. 6.
Meeting of the teachers of the agricultural vocational school in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.04.1941, p. 5.
Eupen-Wesertal local group: roll call of office, cell and block leaders
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.04.1941, p. 4.
Entrance examination for Waffen-SS and Schutzpolizei in Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Attention, enemy is listening" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.04.1941, p. 5.
Lecture about England in Eupen
Professor Dr. Schmidt of the University of Bonn gave a lecture at the Hotel Bredohl on the topic of “Historical Foundations of British Arogance”.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.04.1941, p. 5.
New admission to the Hitler Youth Kreis Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.04.1941, p. 5.
The Hitler Youth from the Eupen district congratulated Adolf Hitler on his birthday in a radio broadcast
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.04.1941, p. 5.
NSV district roll call at Hotel Bosten in Eupen
The head of the NSV school from Venauen spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.04.1941, p. 5.
Admission of ten-year-olds to the Jungvolk or Jungmädel (Young People or Young Girls)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Call to join the NSV
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Admission of ten-year-olds to the Jungvolk or Jungmädel (Young People or Young Girls)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Attention, enemy is listening" in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.04.1941, p. 5.
Transfer of the BDM girls to the BDM factory "Faith and Beauty
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Attention, enemy is listening" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "The Enemy of the People" in Eupen on the occasion of the Führer's birthday for HJ and BDM
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.04.1941, p. 4.
Big parents' evening of the HJ, BDM and JM
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.04.1941, p. 5.
Cooking course of the Mothers' Service in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.04.1941, p. 5.
Graduation ceremony of health and baby nurses district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.04.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Attention, enemy is listening" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.04.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Kelmis-Neu-Moresnet, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 22.04.1941 to 24.04.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Burning of hedge waste allowed once in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.04.1941, p. 4.
Local group Eupen-Wesertal: Presentation Gaurichter Bernhoeftkörner
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.04.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Attention, enemy is listening" in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.04.1941, p. 4.
Improvement of the Burgstrasse in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.04.1941, p. 4.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.04.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Association Local Group Eupen Town Hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.04.1941, p. 4.
NS Women's Association of the Wesertal Local Group pays homage to the Führer on his birthday
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Gaugerichts chairman Utendörfer spoke about reunification at rally in Eupen
In the meeting room in the Bredohl spa hotel, the chairman of the Gaugerichts spoke about the reunification of the districts of Eupen and Malmedy with Germany.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.04.1941, p. 5.
District Chief Uschermann from Aachen spoke to the residents of Eynatten and Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.04.1941, p. 4.
District speaker Dr. Aschermann spoke in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.04.1941, p. 4.
Leonhard Kraft and Eugen Keldenich from Membach appointed as office elders in the Eupen region
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.04.1941, p. 5.
Relocation of the Social Insurance Institution Eupen-Malmedy to Düsseldorf
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 6.
Two-year course opened at the business school in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Industrial accident in Eupen textile factory: 19-year-old woman hospitalized with serious injuries
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“Friedrich Schiller” at the Schauburg; “Hochzeitsnacht” at the Capitol; “Sieg im Westen” at the Lichtburg in Kelmis: “Wunschkonzert” at the Metropol in Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 5.
Birth cohorts 1923 had to report to the city of Eupen for the purpose of the conscription law
(From 26.04.1941 to 10.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 6.
Cabaret tour through the villages in the district of Eupen
Moresnet, Raeren and Kettenis. (From 26.04.1941 to 27.04.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 4.
Photo lecture of the War Graves Commission "German homeland in foreign soil" in the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.04.1941, p. 4.
Forest run of the Eupen gymnastics club 1848 for youth and seniors
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.04.1941, p. 6.
NSDAP training course at the boys' school on the Kaperberg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Memorial cross-country race 1941 in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.04.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "F. III 88" at the Capitol in Eupen
On the occasion of the Aviation Advertising Week, the film “F. III 88” was shown. Speakers were deputy Standartenführer NSFK Obersturmführer Pehl from Cologne and Gebietsinspekteur Truppführer Roscheid.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.04.1941, p. 4.
Address by the head of the youth office of the DAF, Oberbannführer Schröder for young people from trade, commerce and small businesses.
The address took place at the Bredohl spa hotel in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Collection of money for the second war relief organization for the German Red Cross in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.05.1941, p. 4.
Baggage march of the SA in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 5.
Boys and girls from the Eupen district take a "country year
10 girls from the district of Eupen (8 from Eupen, 2 from Kelmis) did their country year in Viermünden. 5 boys from the Eupen district (4 from Eupen, 1 from Kelmis) did their country year in Neumünden.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Cabaret evening of the NS community "Strength through Joy" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 5.
State farmer leader von Eltz-Rübenach spoke in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Moresnet BDM girls visit Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 4.
Public meeting of the NSDAP in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Awarding of the arm stripes for the Eupen plant women's group
9 members of WFB Peters & Co, 24 of Kammgarnwerke, 8 of WFB von Aasten, 16 of Schokoladenfabrik, 10 of Eupener Textilwerke, 4 of Fa. Bruch & Co Herbestahl and 16 of the cable works.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.04.1941, p. 4.
Training for home design for expectant mothers Eupen district
Ten evenings were scheduled.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.04.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn and Kettenis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Senior secretary Johann Dahmen appointed deputy registrar in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 4.
Series of lectures on lease cleaning and debt relief of agriculture by the chief of staff Dr. Floßdorf in the district of Eupen
Hauset, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Raeren, Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 4.
National Orchestra Cologne to Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.03.1941, p. 5.
Parenting course of the Mothers' Service District of Eupen
The course prepared mothers to raise their children with games, music, etc.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results: Raeren
Youth match: Burtscheid 1:7 FC Eupen 1920; VfL 05 Aachen 4:0 Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 5.
Handball: Bannmannschaft 673 vs. Turngemeinde Eupen 2
Bannmann team 9:3 Gymnastics community Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 5.
Lecture by the art historian Hans Timotheus Kroeber at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Distribution for feed coupons for chicken farmers
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Factory owner Geuders, respectively Studienassessor Reuß and Mr. Fagnoul appointed as district commissioners of nature conservation in Eupen and Malmedy, respectively.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Eifelverein publishes work on the districts of Eupen-Malmedy in Bonn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Opening of the vocational and technical schools in Eupen
It was expected that 800 boys and girls would be enrolled.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
RM 20 fine or 10 days in jail for soiling a gutter of a storeroom in Eupen. RM 92.25 fine or 20 imprisonment for an offense against price regulations and foreign exchange crime.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Appointment of new officials for the district administration of Eupen
District Inspector Heinrich Mirgel was appointed District Chief Inspector and Administrative Clerk Heinrich Bertling was appointed District Chief Secretary.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.05.1941, p. 4.
Largest fry bag in Kelmis
In Kelmis, the world’s largest frit bag is filled with 1.2 tons of frits.
Film screening "The Fox of Glenarvon" in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.05.1941, p. 4.
Rhenish evening of the "Gaudeamus" Mönchengladbach in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Large rally of the NSDAP in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.05.1941, p. 4.
Open day for parents in the Bund Deutscher Mädel Kreis Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.05.1941, p. 5.
Actors from Düren perform the popular Raeren play "The Potters" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.04.1941, p. 4.
Symposium on German trade at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
Gaufach departmental administrator Hamacher spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.04.1941, p. 4.
Visit of the SA-Sturm 33/274 Raeren-Eynatten by Standartenführer Scheib
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.05.1941, p. 6.
Area championship of the HJ
2nd ban selection team Eupen 673 vs. 2nd ban selection team Geilenkirchen 389.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.05.1941, p. 4.
HJ-Gefolgschaft 1/673 meets at the market place in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.05.1941, p. 4.
Reichsfrauenführer Gertrud Scholtz-Klink comes to Eupen
The Reich Women’s Leader gave a lecture on “the tasks of German women in the war” at the Kurhaus Bredohl.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.04.1941, p. 4.
Training of the BDM girls 7/673 Raeren for the Reich Sports Competition
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 4.
Inspection of the storage rooms in the district of Eupen for fire protection reasons
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.05.1941, p. 6.
Film screening "The Fox of Glenarvon" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.05.1941, p. 5.
Motorcycle accident in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.05.1941, p. 5.
Workshop of the Racial Policy Office in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.05.1941, p. 7.
Service call of the political leaders and Walter in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.05.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Association Local Group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.05.1941, p. 4.
Führerdienstappell of the HJ at the Kurhotel Bredohl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.05.1941, p. 5.
Reichswerbe- und Opfertag: Street and house collections of the HJ Ortsgruppe Eupen-Rathaus
(From 10.05.1941 to 11.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.05.1941, p. 7.
Reichswerbe- und Opfertag: Street and house collections of the HJ Ortsgruppe Eupen-Rathaus
(From 10.05.1941 to 11.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.05.1941, p. 7.
Awards in Raeren for services to public welfare
Ortsgruppenleiter Kalff received a Führer plaque for his services during and after the foreign rule.
Katharina Masseng and Sophie Lohmeyer a medal for merits in folk care.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.05.1941, p. 7.
Commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation of Eupen-Malmedy
The local group Eupen-Wesertal organized a celebration at the Hotel Bosten.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.05.1941, p. 4.
General meeting of the horticultural association Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.05.1941, p. 4.
Bund deutscher Mädel collects money for the youth hostels
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.05.1941, p. 5.
Public rally of the Reichsbund of house and land owners at the Hotel Koch in Eupen
The mayor of the Hanseatic city of Bremen SA-Obergruppenführer Böhmker and the president of the Reichsbund für Haus und Grundbesitzer SA-Standartenführer Tribius spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.05.1941, p. 8.
Three months in prison for poacher
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.05.1941, p. 4.
New entry of the Raeren marble plant in the commercial register
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.05.1941, p. 3.
Assembly of restaurant operators district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.05.1941, p. 4.
Housing conditions in the city of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.05.1941, p. 5.
Establishment of a counseling center for folk and home economics
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.05.1941, p. 5.
Service meeting of the HJ leaders in Stockem Castle in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.05.1941, p. 4.
HJ camp of the banner Geilenkirchen 389
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.05.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Homburg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis-New Moresnet, Moresnet, Montzen, Bleyberg and Gemmenich. (From 14.05.1941 to 15.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.05.1941, p. 7.
Meeting of the "compulsory year girls" at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.05.1941, p. 5.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Association Local Group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.05.1941, p. 5.
Reorganization of agricultural and forestry leases in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.05.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "The Fox of Glenarvon" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.05.1941, p. 5.
Call to join the shooting clubs
The Eupen-Malmedy shooting clubs were already affiliated to the German Shooting Association.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.05.1941, p. 4.
Measuring and weighing of the BDM girls 7/673 in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.05.1941, p. 4.
Farewell of the longtime Savings Bank Director District Eupen Wilhelm Beck
Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 10.
NSV kindergarten teachers visit Cologne
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.05.1941, p. 3.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.05.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“Kampfgeschwader Lüztow” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Der liebe Augustin” at the Metropol Theater Welkenraedt.; “Frau im Strom” at the Lichtburg in Kelmis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 11.
Early closing time due to reunification celebrations in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 10.
Meeting of the Motor- and News HJ 1/673 at Horst-Wessel-Platz
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 10.
Eupener Heinrich Scholl wins championship title in small-bore shooting
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.05.1941, p. 4.
Parents' evening of the Hitler Youth Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.05.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 10.
Large rally of the NSDAP in Eupen on the occasion of the reunification with Germany
SA Chief of Staff Viktor Lutze spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.05.1941, p. 4.
Examination for swimming masters from the Rhine province in Bonn
(From 19.05.1941 to 21.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.04.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Baelen, Eupen-Unterstadt. (From 19.05.1941 to 20.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.05.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the bull keeping cooperative at Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.05.1941, p. 4.
Gymnastics competitions with Eupen participation
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.05.1941, p. 3.
Promotion of the kindergarten profession in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.05.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 10.
18 Eupen children return from the NSV children's home in Herchen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.05.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.05.1941, p. 3.
Swearing in of the employees of the technical emergency assistance district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Head of Gau Propaganda Richard Ohling spoke about "Experiences as a War Correspondent in the Polish Campaign and in the West
Meeting took place in the spa hotel Bredohl in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.05.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Association Local Group Herbesthal
The Gau department heads Grenzland-Ausland spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.05.1941, p. 4.
Josef Gielen and Karl Schnitzer became club leaders of the gymnastics club Kettenis 1912
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.05.1941, p. 4.
City run of the gymnastics club 1848 for youth and seniors in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.05.1941, p. 4.
New dates for the summer round of soccer matches
(22.05.1941 to 29.05.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.05.1941, p. 11.
Cologne special court deals with Eupen horse thief
2 years in prison for the thief.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.05.1941, p. 4.
Opening of a forest bath in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.05.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.05.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.05.1941, p. 4.
Mothers' tribute by the NS Women's Association local groups Eupen Town Hall and Weser Valley
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.05.1941, p. 4.
Community evening of the German Women's Association in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.05.1941, p. 3.
Receipt of the HJ patrol badges in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Visit of the Reichsreferentin of the BDM Dr. Jutta Rüdiger canceled
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Drainage of the Eupen soccer field
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Over RM 11,000 collected for the German Red Cross in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Course for the simple middle municipal administration, cashier and savings bank service in Eupen
Course for the simple middle municipal administration, cashier and savings bank service in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
First training day of the association for water sports in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 9.
Appointment of the district deputies Eupen
The director of the Kammgarnwerke and local group leader of the local group Eupen-Wesertal Hans Stahen as well as the local farmer leader in Kettenis and district head of the district farmers’ union Eupen farmer Josef Pauquet from Gut Libermé were appointed as deputies.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
BDM Reichsreferentin Dr. Jutta Rüdiger as guest in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.05.1941, p. 3.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Meeting of the Nazi war victims' supply district Eupen in the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.05.1941, p. 5.
Dance, humor and music event in the local Pesch in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.05.1941, p. 4.
NSKK men of the motorcycle squadron III/M 76 Eupen organize a German evening at the Hotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
Film screening "Viennese Stories" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
Comradeship evening of the NSKK at the Kurhaus Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.05.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kettenis and Kelmis-Neu-Moresnet. (From 26.05.1941 to 27.05.1941 )
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
Trier survey inspector Hopfe transferred to Eupen cadastral office
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.05.1941, p. 5.
The district administrator confirms the honorary, municipal mayors and aldermen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.05.1941, p. 4.
Parents' evening of the Bund deutscher Mädel in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
Public vaccinations district of Eupen
(From 28.05.1941 to 02.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.05.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Three persons engaged in smuggling (punishment: 6 months in prison. 4 months + 2 weeks and 3 months + 1 week); Unauthorized border crossing of Belgians (10 days in jail); Hunting offense (acquittal).
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.05.1941, p. 4.
SA-Reitersturm 1/76 Aachen exercises together with SA-Reitersturm 8/76 Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.05.1941, p. 5.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.05.1941, p. 4.
Whitsun Days of German Physical Education in the Subdistrict of Eupen-Malmedy
Soccer matches were held and in Raeren there was an exhibition and advertising gymnastics of the newly founded club TSV 1893 Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.05.1941, p. 5.
Pentecost hike of the Nazi community "Strength through Joy" in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.05.1941, p. 4.
Mothers' tribute by the NS Women's Union local group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.05.1941, p. 5; 29.05.1941, p. 4.
Celebration on the occasion of one year of belonging to Germany in Kelmis
There was a big party at the Lichtburg in Kelmis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 4.
Pflingslager of the HJ-Geilenkirchen in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.05.1941, p. 3.
Artists of the Cologne Opera House as guests at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Pig sale fraud
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 4.
Handball: Turngemeinde Eupen 76 vs. VfB 08 Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 5.
Anniversary of the "Schuhhaus Schmitzer" 1821 in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the councilors in the Eupen city hall
Agenda items: 1) Taking out a loan for the completion of the gymnasium and sports hall, the keeper’s house, as well as for the further draining of the playing field of the municipal sports field. 2) Acceptance of the account of the city treasury. 3) Appointment of advisory boards. 4) Expansion of Judenstrasse. 5) Levying of a tourist tax. 6) New fee schedule for the slaughterhouse. 7)Installation of a new chamber furnace for the gas plant
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Spielchor Eynatten performs together with the NS-Gemeinschaft KdF at the Hotel Tychon in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.05.1941, p. 4.
Whitsun fair in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.05.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Novel of a doctor" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 4.
Whit Monday: Fistball and swimming in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 5.
Distribution of ration coupons for chicken feed district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 4.
Demonstration with incendiary bombs by the Reichsluftschutzbund in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 4.
Control of the Colorado potato beetle in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Novel of a doctor" in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 4.
Second training course of the Red Cross in the district of Eupen
Courses were held in Raeren, Herbesthal-Welkenraedt, Kelmis and Eupen. Ms. Reuss taught the female aspirants, and Dr. Maraite taught the male aspirants.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Meeting of the peasant front district Eupen
Topics included crop protection, production slaughter, county horse show, farm monitoring, game damage and cooperative efforts.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.06.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“The Way Out” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Dear Augustin” at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 8.
HJ units Moresnet and Hergenrath-Hauset participate in the Reichssportwettkampf
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Third roll call of the NSV caretakers local group Eupen town hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Opening of the municipal library in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Novel of a doctor" in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 5.
The art in the Eupen region - An overview
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 4.
Theater performance of the Spielschar Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.06.1941, p. 4.
Eupener Turnverein 1876: Day of the playing teams
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "Novel of a doctor" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
HJ units Raeren and Kettenis take part in the Reichssportwettkampf in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Motor- and news-HJ 1/673 takes part in the Reichssportwettkampf
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Assembly of the Red Cross readiness
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.06.1941, p. 5.
Group appel of all BDM groups in Eupen Kreis Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.06.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Hombourg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis-New Moresnet, Eupen-Upper Town. (From 09.06.1941 to 12.06.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.06.1941, p. 5.
Athletics tournament of the Eupen and Raeren clubs
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.06.1941, p. 4.
Arbitrators and their deputies in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.06.1941, p. 4.
Pupil numbers of the Eupen municipal secondary school
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.06.1941, p. 4.
The art in the Eupen region - An overview
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.06.1941, p. 4.
New journey times for the Aachen-Eupen light railroad
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.06.1941, p. 4.
Expansion of the Judenstraße-Kehrweg bend in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.06.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders of the local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.06.1941, p. 4.
Results of the Reichssportwettkampf in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.06.1941, p. 4.
New entry in the commercial register
Retail Blaesgen and Müllender Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.06.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Association Local Group Herbestahl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.06.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the HJ-gear 1/673 at the castle Stockem in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.06.1941, p. 4.
Hike of the Mönchenglabacher Eifelvereins in the homeland areas Eupen-Malmedy
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.06.1941, p. 3.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Violation of the meat inspection law. 150RM fine or 15 days in jail
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.06.1941, p. 3.
Match abandoned at Jugend Eupen vs. FC Eupen because of aggressive play
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.07.1941, p. 4.
Street collection of the War Graves Commission for Germans Abroad in Eupen
On the occasion of the collection, the coats of arms of the towns which came home to the Empire, including Eupen, Malmedy and St. Vith, are sold.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.06.1941, p. 4.
Soccer weekend in Eupen
(From 14.06.1941 to 15.06.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.06.1941, p. 8.
Film screening "Novel of a doctor" in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.06.1941, p. 7.
Film screening "Novel of a doctor" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.06.1941, p. 7.
6 NSV kindergartens in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.06.1941, p. 3.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Baelen, Eupen, Montzen, Bleiberg and Gemmenich. (From 16.06.1941 to 19.06.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.06.1941, p. 7.
Handball: Eupener TV 1848 vs. Rhenania Rothe Erde
Eupen 3:12 Rothe Erde
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.06.1941, S. 3.
Lifeguard training course in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.06.1941, p. 3.
Athletics District Championships Results
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.06.1941, p. 4.
Health care training in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.05.1941, p. 4.
Comradeship evening of the NS-Reichskriegerbund in Walhorn with lecture by SS-Obersturmführer Riegel
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.06.1941, p. 4.
Parenting course of the Mothers' Service in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.06.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "A whole guy" in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.06.1941, p. 4.
Reorganization of the volunteer fire department district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.06.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Prison for four poachers.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.06.1941, p. 4.
Lecture by Gaurichter Dr. Utendörfer on the fall of England at the Eupen cable and rubber plant
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.06.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "A whole guy" in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.06.1941, p. 4.
Operational roll call of the municipality of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.06.1941, p. 4.
NSKK lecture by the Motorcycle Squadron III/M 76 Eupen on "Tank destroyers on the enemy" in Eupen
The lecture was given by Lieutenant W. Thielen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.06.1941, p. 3.
Announcement of the supply section Eupen about eggs
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "A whole guy" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "A whole guy" in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Block meeting in Lontzen-Busch
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Demonstration with English incendiary bombs in Eupen
(From 21.06.1941 to 23.06.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Casino opening in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.06.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“Ohm Kruger” at the Capitol in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.06.1941, p. 4.
Fight against the dust plague in the city of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, June 21, 1941, p. 4.
Assembly of poultry and small animal breeders from Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.06.1941, p. 4.
School graduation ceremony in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.06.1941, p. 4.
Summer game round in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Parents' evening at the school Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, June 21, 1941, p. 4.
Film screening "A whole guy" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.06.1941, p. 4.
Officers' roll call of the German Workers' Front in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.06.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kettenis, Kelmis-Neu-Moresnet and Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 23.06.1941 to 24.06.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, June 21, 1941, p. 4.
Handball: Aachener Turngemeinde Eupen vs. Sportverein Alsdorf
Eupen 4:6 Alsdorf
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.06.1941, p. 6.
Senior leader Hilde Schulze visits the BDM in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.06.1941, p. 4.
Athletics results of the Eupener Turnbund 1848
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.06.1941, p. 6.
Fight against Colorado potato beetle in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.06.1941, p. 4.
Red Cross district Eupen visits military hospitals in Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.06.1941, p. 4.
Death of the district leader of the NSDAP Stephan Gierets
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.06.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
8 months in jail and RM 500 fine for black market and price violations; 10 months for money counterfeiting
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.06.1941, p. 4.
High Fens is recognized as a nature reserve
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.07.1941, p. 4.
Textile collection district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.07.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "A whole guy" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.06.1941, p. 4.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.06.1941, p. 6.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.06.1941, p. 6.
Average hay harvest in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.06.1941, p. 4.
Promotion of cycling in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.06.1941, p. 8.
New films in Eupen
“The Swedish Nightingale” at the Capitol in Eupen; “The Singing Gate”.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.06.1941, p. 8.
Colorful evening of the NS community "Strength through Joy" in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Horse show of the district farmers' association in Eupen with about 100 horses
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.06.1941, p. 5.
Mandatory roll call of the BDM Women's Association "Faith and Beauty" at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Stadttheater Aachen performs the play "Her Majesty - the Lady" in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.06.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Raeren reports births, deaths, moving to and from Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Soccer results: Raeren, Youth Eupen and FC Eupen
Dürener Spielvereine 06 1:6 Youth Eupen; FC Eupen 2 2:1 Youth Eupen 3; Raeren 3:3 Sportvereinigung Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Re-examination by the Reichsversicherungsanstalt (National Insurance Institution) in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.06.1941, p. 4.
Appointment of Armand Bindels as senior judicial inspector and managing officer of the Eupen District Court.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, June 21, 1941, p. 4.
Issuance of the fat allowance for the less fortunate population in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Hall sport time in Eupen - Tunier
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.07.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders in Raeren
Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.07.1941, p. 5.
Court proceedings in Eupen
3 months in jail for theft; RM 20 and RM 50, respectively, for a violation of the consumption regulation ordinance; 2x RM 50 fines for exceeding the maximum price limit and aiding and abetting ban breaking; RM 150 fine for illegal use of his Wehrmacht driving licenses.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.07.1941, p. 4.
Karl Herwanger becomes commissarial district leader Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.07.1941, p. 3.
District association meeting of the Reichskolonialbund in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.06.1941, p. 4.
Fatal window fall in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.07.1941, p. 4.
Excursion with wagon of the NS Women's Association local group Eupen City Hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.07.1941, p. 4.
Cooking courses of the BDM factory "Faith and Beauty in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.07.1941, p. 4.
District test of working and protection dogs
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.07.1941, p. 5.
Stamp exhibition in the municipal library of Eupen at the Kaperberg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.07.1941, p. 4.
Visit of the factory choir of the Anna-Mariadorf mine in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.07.1941, p. 4.
Herwanger becomes NSDAP commissioner for the offices and municipalities of the Eupen district
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.07.1941, p. 5.
Cologne University of Music visiting Eupen-Malmedy
(From 05.07.1941 to 06.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.07.1941, p. 4.
Installation of NSKK traffic call stations
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.07.1941, p. 5.
Young girls training of the girls from Eupen and Herbesthal in Hauset
(From 05.07.1941 to 11.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.07.1941, p. 4.
DAF training for store stewards, stewards and organization stewards of the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.07.1941, p. 4.
Elimination competitions of the BDM 673 for the bann championships
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.07.1941, p. 4.
Start of school in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.08.1941, p. 4.
Deployment of young men from the Nationalpolitische Erziehungskraft Erziehungsanstalt Bensberg in Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.07.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“Auf Wiedersehen Franziska” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Wunschkonzert” at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.07.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Herbesthal, Heinrichskapelle, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 07.07.1941 to 08.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.07.1941, p. 5.
Farewell for the representative of the area leader for the bans Eupen and Malmedy Stammführer Geiger
Werle became the new commissioner for the Eupen-Malmedy banner.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.07.1941, p. 4.
Handball: HJ-Eupen vs. Nat.pol. Educational Institution Bensberg
Eupen 6:10 Bensberg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.07.1941, p. 4.
Home evening of the compulsory year girls and the housemaids in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.07.1941, p. 5.
Meeting of the Red Cross District Eupen at the Kolping House in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.07.1941, p. 5.
Statutes for the agricultural vocational schools in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.07.1941, p. 4.
Westphalian girls visit Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.07.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.07.1941, p. 4.
District service appeal of the party in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.07.1941, p. 4.
Street collection for the Red Cross reaches RM 11,585 in the district of Eupen
(From 12.07.1941 to 13.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.07.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“… rides for Germany” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Discretion – Matter of Honor” at the Metropol in Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.07.1941, p. 5.
Fistball practice game in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.07.1941, p. 4.
Inauguration of four new shooting ranges of the district warriors association in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.07.1941, p. 4.
Results of the warriors' club championships for women and the youth team matches
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.07.1941, p. 4.
Hans Herne takes over the tobacco business of Franz Herne in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.07.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Hombourg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Eupen Lower Town, Montzen, Bleyberg, Gemmenich. (From 14.07.1941 to 17.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.07.1941, p. 4.
Excursion of the NS Women's Association local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.07.1941, p. 4.
Reichssportlehrerbund trains in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.07.1941, p. 4.
Barn in Kettenis burns down
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.07.1941, p. 4.
Weekly testing of the alarm sirens of the air-raid shelter in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.07.1941, p. 4.
One and a half year old child drowns in drinking fountain at Heidberg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.07.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.07.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "Victory in the West" District of Eupen
(From 17.07.1941 to 29.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.07.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the local group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.07.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.07.1941, p. 5.
Induction ceremony for the new Kreisleiter Herwanger at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.07.1941, p. 4.
Films in the district of Eupen
“Submarines Westward” at the Capitol in Eupen Gasparone at the Schauburg.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.07.1941, p. 8.
Hike of the Nazi community Kraft durch Freude through Eupen and Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.07.1941, p. 4.
Public demonstration about the fight against incendiary bombs in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.07.1941, p. 4.
Beginning of the weekly office hours of the Nazi war victim care in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.08.1941, p. 4.
New registration of Peters & Co as a limited partnership
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Baelen, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 21.07.1941 to 24.07.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.07.1941, p. 5.
Blutenburg Castle
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.07.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results: Youth Eupen vs Moresnet
Moresnet 1:14 Youth Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.07.1941, p. 4.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.07.1941, p. 4.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.07.1941, p. 4.
Variety event of the Nazi community "Strength through Joy" at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.07.1941, p. 4.
Lecture for the group of factory wives and housemaids on "The promotion of the hereditarily healthy family with many children" in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.07.1941, p. 4.
Fire extinguished in Baraque Michels
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.07.1941, p. 4.
15 workers from Eupen to the Bayreuth Festival
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.07.1941, p. 4.
Foundation of a youth group in the German Women's Association district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.07.1941, p. 4.
Foundation of a youth group in the German Women's Association district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.07.1941, p. 4.
Beautification of the townscape in Herbesthal and Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.07.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.07.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders and Walter in Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.07.1941, p. 4.
Gymnastics rehearsal of the Eupen gymnastics club 1848
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.07.1941, p. 4.
Award of the Badge of Loyalty to Judicial Inspector Janssen of the District Court of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.07.1941, p. 4.
Sports promotion week in Eupen-Malmedy
(From 26.07.1941 to 03.08.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.07.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“Blood Brotherhood” at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.07.1941, p. 5.
Opening of the second and third NSV kindergarten in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.07.1941, p. 4.
Fair in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.07.1941, p. 4.
Fistball games of the gymnastics club Kettenis 1912 and Eupener Turngemeinde 1876
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.07.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kettenis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.07.1941, p. 5.
Payment of military pensions at the post office in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.07.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Violation of export ban on potatoes: 1 month in prison; theft of wooden stakes of the Westwall: 3 months in prison.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.07.1941, p. 4.
Results of the sports promotion week district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, July 31, 1941, p. 4.
Followers roll call in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.08.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Raeren reports births, deaths, moving to and from Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.08.1941, p. 4.
New films circle Eupen
“The master in the house” in the whole district area (From 01.08.1941 to 10.08.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.07.1941, p. 4.
Handball results of the Eupen sports promotion week
Eupener Turngemeinde 71 13:1 Eupener Turnbund 1848
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.08.1941, p. 4.
Improvement of the Iterstraße and the two squares Am Plei and Josef-Kerres-Straße in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, August 2, 1941, p. 4.
Re-establishment of the district office of the NS-Frauenschaft in the district headquarters of the NSDAP in Eupen
Well Aachenerstrasse 89, in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, August 2, 1941, p. 4.
Extension of the award of the Cross of Honor of the German Mother to the territories of Eupen, Malmedy and Moresnet.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Chicken thieves in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Bike Race Cologne-Eupen-Malmedy-Cologne
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.07.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Eupen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.10.1941, p. 4.
Start of the winter potato harvest in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.10.1941, p. 4.
Leaders of the BDM to the pentathlon and triathlon
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.08.1941, p. 4.
Distribution of tax cards in Eupen
In Eupen the tax cards were distributed.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.01.1941, p. 7.
Results of the sports promotion week
Soccer: Eupen city 5:1 Eupen country; all-around; weightlifting; judo
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Herbesthal, Heinrichskappelle, eupen-Unterstadt, Eynatten, Raeren. (From 04.08.1941 to 07.08.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, August 2, 1941, p. 4.
Award for the families with many children in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.08.1941, p. 4.
First results of the Reichsstoffsammlung in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.08.1941, p. 4.
Bielefeld BDM girls as guests in Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.08.1941, p. 4.
German Workers' Front organizes recreational vacations in Waldbröhl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.08.1941, p. 4.
Comradeship evening of the railwaymen in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
12,382.96 RM in the last district collection for the German Red Cross
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Appeals of the NSV-keepers in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Germany's struggle against Bolshevism and plutocracy Events in the district of Eupen
Events in the local group Eupen-City Hall, Eupen-Wesertal and Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Value added tax in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.08.1941, p. 4.
Eupen BDM girls work in the Warthegau in Poland
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.08.1941, p. 4.
Jünglingshaus in Eupen becomes district administration of the DAF district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.08.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the NSDAP local group Eupen town hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Events of the DAF in the district of Eupen
Colorful evenings, “The sold grandfather”, Cologne Hännschen, Albert Laube.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.08.1941, p. 4.
Eupen tenants meeting at Hotel Bosten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.08.1941, p. 4.
Municipal council meeting in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Hombourg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 11.08.1941 to 14.08.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.08.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the Joseph shooters Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.08.1941, p. 4.
Ceremonial handing over of the traditional flag of the NS-warrior comradeship in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.08.1941, p. 4.
Eupen boys train in Vogelsang
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.08.1941, p. 4.
Fair in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.08.1941, p. 4.
"My Life for Ireland" at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beob10.08.achter, 12.08.1941, p. 4.
Parents' evening of the Bund deutscher Mädel in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Award of the Cross of Honor for mothers with many children in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the soccer clubs district Eupen and district Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Creation of the land registers in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Course of the HJ leaders Bann Eupen 673 in Vogelsang
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Councilors meeting in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
Results of the cross-country ride of the SA riders Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.08.1941, p. 4.
Five NS sisters offer counseling hours in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.08.1941, p. 4.
Distribution of ration cards in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.08.1941, p. 4.
Gaure speaker Sieger as a guest in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.08.1941, p. 4.
Josef Kriescher appointed mayor in Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.08.1941, p. 4.
Rally of the NSDAP local group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.08.1941, p. 4.
448 applications for the award of the Cross of Honor with large families in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.08.1941, p. 4.
Appeal of the NSV local group Eupen town hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.08.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the local group Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.08.1941, p. 4.
51 applications for the award of the Cross of Honor with large families in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.08.1941, p. 5.
Public party meeting of the NSDAP in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.08.1941, p. 4.
Public rally of the NSDAP local group Kettenis at the Hotel Tychon in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.08.1941, p. 5.
NSDAP meeting in Montzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.08.1941, p. 5.
Propaganda march of the NSKK at the Raeren funfair
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.08.1941, p. 4.
Four participants at the athletics championship in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.08.1941, p. 4.
NSDAP meeting in Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.08.1941, p. 5.
Motorcycle accident in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.08.1941, p. 4.
Start of the elementary schools in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.08.1941, p. 4.
City of Eupen plans to repair the roads after the Kieg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.08.1941, p. 4.
House fire in the street "of the 18th May" in Kelmis extinguished
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.08.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Baelen, Eupen-Unterstadt, Montzen, Bleyberg, Gemmenich. (From 18.08.1941 to 21.08.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.08.1941, p. 5.
Announcement of the 27th supply section Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.08.1941, p. 4.
Publicity tour of the War Graves Commission for Germans Abroad in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.08.1941, p. 4.
Westphalian girls visit Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.08.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the NSDAP local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Moresnet registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the Eupen gymnastics community 1876 in the Josef-Kerres school at Kaperberg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Already three tons collected at the Moresnet spinning collection
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Appelle der Ortswalter anlässlich des anstehenden Winters und Vorbereitungen für das WHV 1941/1942
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.08.1941, S. 4.
Outdoor hedge burning allowed in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.08.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Society of the Eupen Town Hall Local Group
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.08.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Society of the Local Group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Music evening of the Westphalian BDM girls in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Textile collection in Walhorn, Hauset, Eynatten and Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.08.1941, p. 4.
Excursion of the NS Women's Association (Kettenis, Raeren, Eynatten and Hauset) to Monschau
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.08.1941, p. 4.
Film evening of the NS Women's Association at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.10.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the local group Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Beautification of the streetscape in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, May 24, 1941, p. 7.
Rheinisches Landestheater Neuss in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.08.1941, p. 4.
Film screening "The Vulture Wally" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.08.1941, p. 5.
Appeal of the district warriors association Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.08.1941, p. 4.
Skittles: District Challenge Cup Eupen-Aachen-Würselen-Kohlscheid
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.08.1941, p. 5.
Athletics competition in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.08.1941, p. 5.
Film screening "The Vulture Wally" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.08.1941, p. 5.
Relay races in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.08.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kettenis, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 25.08.1941 to 28.08.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.08.1941, p. 5.
Gauwirtschaftsberater Freiherr von Schröder speaks at the working conference of the factory managers in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.08.1941, p. 4.
Grunsfeld new local chairman of the DAF
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.08.1941, p. 4.
Lectures and events of an artistic nature in the district of Eupen for the NS Women's Association
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.08.1941, p. 4.
Ludwig Lamberts replaces Siemons as cell leader of the NSDAP in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.08.1941, p. 4.
Transfer of Court Assessor Dr. Elsner von Gronow to the Aachen Regional Court
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 27, 1941, p. 4.
Amendment of the Rules of Procedure of the District Court of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 27, 1941, p. 4.
Gau Department Head for Culture, Education and Training speaks at meeting of NS Women's Association in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 27, 1941, p. 4.
Cooking course of the NS Women's Society in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Aug. 21, 1941, p. 4.
Cologne puppet stage in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.08.1941, p. 4.
Training of the German Red Cross in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
Cabaret evening of the NS community "Strength through Joy" in Hergenrath
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.08.1941, p. 4.
Cologne Hänneschen Theater at the Bergscheider Hof in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
"Scout Hallgarten" at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.08.1941, p. 4.
NSKK Motorsturm 23/M 76 celebrates first anniversary in Moresnet
Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
Celebration of Troop 3 of the NSKK Motor Storm 23/M 76 in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
German youth team fights in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.08.1941, p. 4.
Athletics competition in Eupen
Relay race
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.08.1941, p. 4.
General meeting of the Eupen gymnastics federation 1876
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.08.1941, p. 4.
Girls of Eupen gymnastics club 1848 compete in BDM fights
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.08.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Hesbethal, Eupen-Unterstadt, Eynatten, Raeren. (From 01.09.1941 to 04.09.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.08.1941, p. 4.
New judges in the Anerbengericht in Eupen
Ludwig Simons from Walhorn, Josef Paquet from Kettenis, Thomas Gouder from Eupen, Josef Chantraine from Lontzen, Peter Stickelmann from Walhorn, Leonhard Jakob Hubert Zimmermann from Eynatten.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.09.1941, p. 4.
Imperial pig census in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Raeren reports births, deaths, moving to and from Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
"Strength through Joy" announces 7 events in the district of Eupen
Eynatten, Welkenraedt, Eupen, Raeren, Kettenis and Moresnet.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
Collection of school fees Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.11.1941, p. 4.
Athletics city competition Eupen-Malmedy
City of Eupen won.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
Fire department hangs orientation signs in the city of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the HJ Gefolgschaft 7/673 Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
2 weeks in jail for begging and peddling without a business license. 3 months in prison for grand theft. Acquittal for pandering
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Eupen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Montzen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.09.1941, p. 4.
Day of the housemaids district Eupen
A big celebration was organized.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.09.1941, p. 4.
Master craftsman examinations passed in the motor trade district of Eupen
Johann Wehrmanns and Emil Kalscheuer.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.09.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the minstrels in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.09.1941, p. 4.
Group appel of the BDM group 7/673 in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
New soccer year and club overview
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.09.1941, p. 4.
Weekend training of the BDM leaders Untergau Eupen in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.09.1941, p. 4.
Special performance of the wrestlers and boxers of the gymnastics club Eupen 1889
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 4.
Sports clubs Kreis Eupen join the NS-Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (NS Reich Federation for Physical Education)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 3.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Black slaughterer before the special court: 15 months imprisonment + 100RM fine and 1 year imprisonment + 100RM fine
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“The Rothschilds”; “My husband must not know” at the Schauburg in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 3.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Homburg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 4.
Foundation of a beautification association Herbesthal-Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.09.1941, p. 3.
District Leader Herwanger Attends Propaganda Conference of the Cologne-Aachen Gau
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.09.1941, p. 3.
Concert and theater evening at Hotel Tychon in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.09.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the political leaders of the local group Eupen-Wesertal
Followed by a visit to the country year camp in Bethane and Membach.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Swimming results: Wassersprotverein Eupen vs. Postsportgemeinschaft Aachen
Eupen 80:78 Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.09.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.09.1941, p. 4.
Honoring long-serving administrators of the city of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.09.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results: Raeren, Youth Eupen and FC Eupen
Youth Eupen 7:1 Reichsbahn Eschweiler; Borussia Brand 2:2 FC Eupen; Raeren 2:0 SC Aachen; Moresnet vs. Post Aachen (forfeit for Aachen)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.09.1941, p. 4.
Foundation of a traffic and beautification association in Herbesthal-Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.09.1941, p. 4.
Sewerage works in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.09.1941, p. 4.
Establishment of an aviation HJ in Raeren
Buildup is already a few months back. Course was strongly attended.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
62 wagons of potatoes arrived from the Reich for the district of Eupen
Retailers are allowed to give away 1 hundredweight per household
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Court Assessor Dr. Hans Freiherr Elsner von Gronow appointed as District Court Counsel in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Assembly of the local farmers' union Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Film evening of the NS-Frauenschaft local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Film evening of the NS-Frauenschaft local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Good hay harvest in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.09.1941, p. 4.
Cologne Millowitsch Group performs "Drei Köllsche Jung" in Herbesthal-Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.09.1941, p. 4.
Aachen Regional Court sentences Kelmiser to 2 years in prison
The farmer Jakob Francois from Kelmis was condemned for having stashed away foodstuffs and sold them without coupons.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.09.1941, p. 4.
Two Eupener sentenced to prison in Aachen for theft
14 months penitentiary or 3 months imprisonment
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.09.1941, p. 4.
Comradeship evening of the tax office Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.09.1941, p. 4.
Publication of the match schedules for soccer and handball
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.09.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“On the Heath in the Evening” at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.09.1941, p. 4.
35 boys from the district of Eupen as guests in Vogelsang
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.09.1941, p. 4.
Eupen singers as guests in Mariadorf
In gratitude for the visit of the choir of the pit from Mariadorf, Eupener now visited Mariadorf (From 13.09.1941 to 14.09.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.09.1941, p. 4.
Handball: Turngemeinde Eupen 76 vs. SB Streiffeld
Eupen 13:3 Streiffeld
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.09.1941, p. 4.
"The Glass Ball" at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.09.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Baelen, Eupen-Unterstadt, Montzen, Bleyberg, Gemmenich.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.09.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results: Youth Eupen, Lontzen, Eynatten, Raeren and FC Eupen
FC Eupen 1:0 Raeren; Post Aachen 10:2 Kriegsgeeinschaft Eynatten/Hauset; Lontzen 1:4 Borussia Brand; TB Haaren 2:7 Jugend Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.09.1941, p. 4.
Walter Rexroth appointed official mayor
The previous acting mayor of the city of Eupen Rexroth, has now been appointed official mayor.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.09.1941, p. 4.
Training campaign of the Reichsbund for civil servants at the Kurhotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.09.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders of the local group Herbesthal-Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.09.1941, p. 4.
Gymnastics rehearsal of the Eupen gymnastics club 1848
(From 16.09.1941 to 17.09.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.09.1941, p. 4.
Burning of hedge waste in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.09.1941, p. 4.
Gauffilm screening "Trenck, the Pandur" in the district of Eupen
(From 17.09.1941 to 28.09.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.09.1941, p. 4.
Mr. Seulen appointed district administrator in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.09.1941, p. 4.
Fair in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.09.1941, p. 4.
Collection for the Winterhilfswerk reaches 9.780RM in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.09.1941, p. 4.
Dr. Flossdorf from Eupen appointed Agricultural Councillor Aachen-Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.09.1941, p. 4.
Eupener wins RM 1,000 in the lottery
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.09.1941, p. 4.
Working hour of the NS-Frauenschaft local group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.09.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.09.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders local group Herbestahl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.09.1941, p. 4.
Large rally of the NSDAP local group Raeren
The head of the Venauen school Rudolf Friedt spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.09.1941, p. 4.
Star hike of the young girls in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.09.1941, p. 4.
100 years celebration of the St. Nicholas Hospital in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.09.1941, p. 4.
Parents' evening of the NS Women's Association Eynaten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.09.1941, p. 4.
Cones: Eupen vs. Würselen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.09.1941, p. 5.
Warrior community "green corps" holds comrades meeting in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.09.1941, p. 4.
Fatal traffic accident in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.09.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kettenis, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt (From 22.09.1941 to 25.09.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.09.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results: Raeren, Lontzen, Youth Eupen and FC Eupen
Alemannia Mariadorf 3:2 Youth Eupen; Raeren 8:0 Lontzen; FC Eupen 5:0 VfL Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.09.1941, p. 4.
Circus Holzmüller in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.09.1941, p. 4.
German citizenship
The inhabitants of the old Prussian districts of Eupen-Malmedy as well as Neutral-Moresnets receive German citizenship automatically (retroactively to May 18, 1940) and without formality.
Soccer results: Local clubs
FC Membach 5:1 Old Moresnet; Sparta Gemmenich 6:1 FC Baelen; FC Homburg 2:1 CC Welkenraedt; Olympia Montzen 3:1 FC Canaris Bleyberg; Alliance Welkenraedt 2:1 Union Heinrichskappelle; Youth Sippenaeken 8:2 FC Montzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.09.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.09.1941, p. 4.
Establishment of a community library in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.09.1941, p. 4.
Merger of the Kettenis shooting clubs
Sebastianus Schützengesellschaft and Flobertklub merge and henceforth called themselves Sebastianus Schützengesellschaft.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.09.1941, p. 3.
Meeting of the local farmers' association Kreis Eupen in Kurhotel Bredohl
Discussed the last half of the year and the upcoming winter.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.09.1941, p. 3.
Meeting of the aldermen in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
Raeren soldiers receive messages from home
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
Lecture on "The Jewish-Bolshevik Monster Tumbles" in Eupen
Lecture of the local group Eupen-City Hall in the Kurhotel Bredohl and the lecture of the local group Eupen-Wesertal in the Hotel Bosten.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
Moresnet registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“Turmoil in the Ladies’ Convent” at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
Admission of members of the Heimatreue Front to the NSDAP
In the local group Eupen-City 180 people were admitted and Eupen-City 200 people. (From 27.09.1941 to 28.09.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.09.1941, p. 4.
Public rally of the NSDAP local group Kettenis in the restaurant Klein
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.09.1941, p. 4.
Event for the blind in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.09.1941, p. 4.
Raeren sports clubs participate in collection for WHW
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.09.1941, p. 4.
Sports events on the occasion of the collection for the Winterhilfswerk in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.09.1941, p. 4.
Fair in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.09.1941, p. 4.
Basket ball game in Eupen
Eupener Turnbund 1848 7:1 Turngemeinde Eupen 1876; victory of Eupener Textilwerke against Fa. Peters & Co.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.09.1941, p. 4.
Three Eupener at dog show in Stolberg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.10.1941, p. 4.
Handball: TB Eupen 1876 vs. tower municipality Eupen
TB Eupen 9:3 Turngemeinde Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.09.1941, p. 4.
Gymnastics demonstrations of the two Eupen gymnastics clubs
The TB Eupen showed their skills in the Haasstraße and the Turngemeinde Eupen at the Marktplatz. The BDM was on the Klötzerbahn. In addition, the shooting club opened its doors.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.09.1941, p. 4.
Wrestling Eupen vs. Malmedy
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.12.1941, p. 4.
Company outing of the electricity company Eupen to Monschau
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.10.1941, p. 4.
Two people from Eupen win 100 RM each in the lottery.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.09.1941, p. 4.
Issuance of grease coupons for the less fortunate population in Kettenis
Kettenis, Eynatten, Walhorn, Hauset (From 30.09.1941 to 02.10.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.10.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Raeren reports births, deaths, moving to and from Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.10.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.10.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lichtenbusch, Eynatten, Hauset.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.09.1941, p. 3.
Excursion of the NS Women's Association Raeren to Monschau
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.09.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Association Local Group Herbestahl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.09.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Montzen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.10.1941, p. 4.
Farmers can register at the dairy Walhorn
Interested farmers could join the Walhorn dairy until October 10, 1941. (From 03.10.1941 to 10.10.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.10.1941, p. 4.
Excursion of the District Administration and the District Savings Bank Eupen to Monschau
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.10.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
A farmer from Henreichskappelle was sentenced by the Eupen District Court to a RM 200 fine or 40 days in jail for withholding cream and selling butter without a ration card. 3 people from Kelmis-Moresnet were sentenced by the Landsgericht Aachen for black slaughter.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.10.1941, p. 4.
Amendment of the statutes of the municipality of Eupen
Bgm. Rexroth was hired full-time and given three aldermen. The aldermen were limited to 12.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.10.1941, p. 4.
German Civil Service Insurance approved in the districts of Eupen, Malmedy and Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.10.1941, p. 6.
Raeren celebrates day of the country girls in the restaurant Radermacher
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.10.1941, p. 4.
Almost 1,000 mothers from the district of Eupen receive honorary cross for large families
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.10.1941, p. 4.
26 Aachen BDM girls visit Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.10.1941, p. 4.
Spielschar of the Obergau sings on the Eupen market place
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.10.1941, p. 5.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.10.1941, p. 5.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Herbesthal, Eupen-Unterstadt, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 06.10.1941 to 09.10.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.10.1941, p. 5.
Annual General Meeting of the Eupen worsted mill
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.09.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Youth Eupen 4:1 VfR Aachen Forst; SG Eynatten-Hauset 0:4; Borussia Brand; Sportvereinigung Moresnet 3:1 SC 1910 Aachen; VfL 05 Aachen 9:0 Lontzen; Eintracht Kornelimünster 1:7 FC Eupen; Post Aachen 1:2 Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.10.1941, p. 6.
Red Cross training course in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.10.1941, p. 5.
Eupen reaches second place in the district challenge cup bowling
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.10.1941, p. 3.
Burning waste in the garden allowed in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.10.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
FC Montzen 1:4 FC Membach; CS Welkenraedt 2:1 Sparta Gemmenich; FC Baelen 1:3 FC Homburg; FC Bleyberg 2:1 Alliance Welkenraedt; FC Alt-Moresnet 3:2 Youth Sippenaeken; Union Heinrichskappelle 5:1 Olympia Montzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.10.1941, p. 4.
New entry in the commercial register
Julius Rexroth Dye Works newly entered in the Commercial Register.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.10.1941, p. 4.
Handball results
Eupener Turngemeinde 8:18 Rhenania Rothe Erde; Eupener Turnverein 1848 3:6 Reichsbahn-Sportgemeinschaft Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.10.1941, p. 4.
Determination of consumer prices for potatoes
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.10.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.10.1941, p. 3.
Moresnet registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.10.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“Mrs. Luna” at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.10.1941, p. 3.
DAF and KdF organize lecture on "Front Airmen in the West" in Eupen and Raeren
Dr. Kuermann spoke.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.10.1941, p. 4.
Herbesthal cattle market
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.09.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Grün Weiß Eschweiler 3:3 Jugend Eupen; Fc Eupen 0:1 SC Aachen; TuS Raeren 8:0 Sportgemeinschaft Eynatten-Hauset; Sportgemeinschaft Moresnet 7:2 Borussia Brand; Lontzen 2:4 Eintracht Kornelimünster
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.10.1941, p. 4.
Nettenbeck becomes senior government secretary in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.10.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Homburg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis, Moresnet, Bleyberg, Gemmenich. (From 13.10.1941 to 16.10.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.10.1941, p. 3.
Assembly of the local farmers' union Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.10.1941, p. 3.
Cattle market in Herbestahl
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.10.1941, p. 3.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Elch from Cologne on "The United States and Us" at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.10.1941, p. 4.
Slide show about pest infestation in the Bergscheiderhof in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.10.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Olympia Montzen 4:4 Old Moresnet; Fc Membach 0:6 FC Bleyberg; Sparta Gemmenich 3:1 Union Henrichskappelle; FC Homurg 1:0 FC Montzen; Alliance Welkenraedt 4:1 FC Baelen; Youth Sippenaeken 2:4 CS Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.10.1941, p. 4.
Open lecture about the war production battle in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.10.1941, p. 3.
Court proceedings in Eupen
2 juveniles sentenced to 6 weeks in jail for theft; A farmer from Baelen illegally sold butter and received 10 days in jail; Illegal possession of weapons by an Italian: 1 week in jail.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.10.1941, p. 3.
Lecture on the creation of the Belgian state in Welkenraedt by the head of the district office Neuhaus
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.10.1941, p. 3.
Film screening "The Heart of a Queen" in Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“Family Connection” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Captain Orlando” at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
Assembly of the entourage 11/673 Moresnet in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.10.1941, p. 3.
Speech by Kreisleiter Herwanger in Moresnet
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
Air force music corps plays on the market place in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
Public meeting of the NSDAP in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.10.1941, p. 3.
Film screening "The Heart of a Queen" in Membach
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
Opening of a girls' department in the agric. School in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.10.1941, p. 3.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Baelen, Eupen-Unterstadt, Eupen-Oberstadt, Kettenis, Raeren. (From 20.10.1941 to 23.10.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.10.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
Youth Eupen 3:4 Alemannia Mariadorf; FC Eupen 2 7:4 FC Raeren 2
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.10.1941, p. 3.
Comradeship evening of the NS-Reichskriegerbund in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.10.1941, p. 3.
NSKK sports fights with Eupen participation
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.10.1941, p. 4.
Theater evening in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.11.1941, p. 4.
Boxing fights in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.10.1941, p. 4.
30 women and girls from Eupen visit military hospital in Aachen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.10.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Alt-Moresnet 1:15 Alliance Welkenraedt; CS Welkenraedt 6:1 FC Membach; Baelener FC 5:1 Olympia Montzen; Union Heinrichskappelle 2:0 FC Homburg (abr.); Fc Montzen 3:5 Sparta Gemmenich; FC Bleyberg 5:0 Youth Sippenaeken
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.10.1941, p. 3.
Handball: Alsdorfer Sportvereinigung 9:2 Eupener Turngemeinde 76
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.10.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the NSDAP local group Eupen town hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.10.1941, p. 4.
Film evening of the NS Women's Society in the spa hotel about hereditary diseases
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.10.1941, p. 3.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.10.1941, p. 4.
Jakob Rosskamp from Raeren passes master's examination as ladies' and men's hairdresser
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.10.1941, p. 4.
Open lecture about the war production battle in Montzen
For farmers from Montzen and Homburg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.10.1941, p. 4.
Workshop of the German Workers' Front for plant managers and chairmen in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.10.1941, p. 4.
Prohibition of burning grave lights on All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day
It was forbidden because of the air war.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.10.1941, p. 4.
Lecture by the Reichskolonialbund on "The Colonial Will of the German People" in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.10.1941, p. 3.
Public party meeting of the NSDAP with Kreisobmann Martini in Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.10.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“Mother” at the Capitol and “Annette” at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.10.1941, p. 4.
Second Reich Street Collection for the Winter Relief Fund in the District of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.10.1941, p. 4.
HJ leaders' meeting in Cologne with participation from Eupen-Malmedy
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.10.1941, p. 4.
Parents' evening of the children's groups of the NS Frauenschaft in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.10.1941, p. 3.
Book exhibition in the municipal library of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.10.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Lontzen, Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kelmis. (From 27.10.1941 to 28.10.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.10.1941, p. 3.
Request for Christmas donation for parents whose sons died in the war
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.10.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
FC Eupen 10:1 Postsportverein Aachen; SB Moresnet 13:0 TuS Raeren; Alemannia Aachen 7:1 Jugend Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.10.1941, p. 4.
Bankruptcy proceedings against Jean Lindt of Eynatten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.10.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
SC 1910 Aachen 12:1 Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.10.1941, p. 4.
Cooking course of the NS Women's Association in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.10.1941, p. 3.
New electricity prices in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.10.1941, p. 3.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.10.1941, p. 3.
Comradeship evening of the marble plant Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.10.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
FC Membach 0:1 Union Heinrichskappelle; FC Bleyberg 7:1 FC Baelen; Alliance Welkenraedt 14:1 FC Montzen; Olympia Montzen 1:8 CS Welkenraedt; FC Homburg 8:0 FC Alt-Moresnet; Youth Sippenaeken 1:4 FC Gemmenich
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.10.1941, p. 3.
Special exhibition of the University of Cologne about Eupen-Malmedy
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.10.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.10.1941, p. 4.
BDM Reichsreferentin Dr. Jutta Rüdiger as guest in Eupen
Dr. Jutta Rüdiger was received at the (former) border by Kreisleiter Herwanger and BDM girls. This was followed by a speech at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen. The entire city was decorated with flags. Later, she occupied the HJ-Heim Burg Stockem.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.10.1941, p. 4.
Italian-German music evening with Antonio Bozanella at the Jünglingshaus Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.10.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the factory men at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
400 men came together.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, Eupen edition, 03.11.1941, p. 4.
Opening of the new district branch of the Savings Bank in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.10.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“13 Chairs” at the Schauburg in Eupen; “A famous doctor is on trial…” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Goodbye Franziska” Metropol in Welkenraedt; “On the Heath in the Evening” at the Lichtburg in Kelmis.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.11.1941, p. 6.
Film screening "Jud sweet" in the district of Eupen
(From 01.11.1941 to 15.11.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.11.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
FC Baelen 0:4 FC Membach; FC Montzen 0:5 Olympia Montzen; CS Welkenraedt 2:5 Alliance Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.11.1941, p. 4.
Opening of the public library in Walhorn
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.10.1941, p. 4.
No control stamps for tobacco products for the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.11.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.11.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Montzen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.11.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Raeren reports births, deaths, moving to and from Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.11.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Herbesthal, Eupen-Unterstadt, Lichtenbusch, Eynatten, Hauset (From 03.11.1941 to 06.11.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.11.1941, p. 4.
Order penalty for farmer from Sippenaeken
The farmer had not delivered all the milk to the dairy.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.11.1941, p. 4.
Lecture on "Oil and Mohammed" at the Jünglingshaus in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.11.1941, p. 4.
Welkenraedter pupils visit the Rhine
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.11.1941, p. 4.
Film evening of the NSDAP local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.11.1941, p. 4.
Appointments of teachers district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.11.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.12.1941, p. 3.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.11.1941, p. 4.
Eupener wins RM 1,000 in the lottery
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.11.1941, p. 4.
Meeting for sheep farmers from Raeren and Eynatten in the restaurant Radermacher in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.11.1941, p. 4.
Training of the office, cell and official administrators of the local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.11.1941, p. 4.
BDM and HJ of the local group Eupen-City Hall collect bottles in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 07.11.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Eupen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.11.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
“Always just… you” at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.11.1941, p. 3.
NSKK and HJ collect bottles in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.11.1941, p. 3.
Eupener wins RM 500 in lottery
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.11.1941, p. 3.
Heroes' Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers in all local groups of the district of Eupen
All local groups held commemorative ceremonies. In addition, Kreisleiter Herwanger laid a wreath at the grave of Josef Kerres.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.11.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Moresnet 0:0 FC Eupen; 05 Aachen 2:3 Raeren; Kornelimünster 10:1 Eynatten-Hauset; Post Aachen 7:3 Lontzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.11.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Homburg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt. (From 10.11.1941 to 13.11.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.11.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
Fc Membacch 4:3 Sparta Gemmenich; Fc Homburg 2:4 Alliance Welkenraedt; CS Welkenraedt 4:1 FC Baelen; Union Heinrichskapelle 11:1 FC Alt-Moresnet; FC Bleyberg 5:0 FC Montzen; Olympia Montzen 3:6 Youth Sippenaeken
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.11.1941, p. 4.
Art historian Dr. Kroeber speaks to the staff of the Kammgarnwerk about the soul of the German landscape
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.11.1941, p. 3.
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Elch from Cologne on "The United States and Us" at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.11.1941, p. 3.
Founding of the Herbesthal community group in the Reichsluftschutzbund
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.11.1941, p. 3.
Third Reich Street Collection in the District of Eupen
(From 15.11.1941 to 16.11.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 14.11.1941, p. 4.
Raeren music corps plays for the Winter Relief Fund
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.11.1941, p. 3.
Film screening "Bismarck" in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.11.1941, p. 3.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 30.10.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Eupen Lower Town, Bleyberg. (From 17.11.1941 to 20.11.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.11.1941, p. 3.
Selection matches Bann Eupen vs. Bann Malmedy
Bann Eupen 673 5:3 Bann Malmedy 674
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.11.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Kohlscheider SC 2:2 Youth Eupen; FC Eupen 3:0 Sportgem. Eynatten-Hauset
Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.11.1941, p. 4.
Gaufrauenschaftsleiterin of the Wartheland Helga Thrö speaks to the women from the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.11.1941, p. 4.
Foreclosures in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.11.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.11.1941, p. 3.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.12.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
FC Membach 3:1 FC Homburg; Fc Montzen 5:2 Union Heinrichskappelle; Sparta Gemmenich 2:2 FC Bleyberg; Allianz Welkenraedt 6:1 Olympia Moesnet; Alt-Moresnet 1:8 CS Welkenraedt
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.11.1941, p. 4.
Handball: Eupener Turngemeinde vs. Eupener Turnverein
Eupen TG 8:5 Eupen TV
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.11.1941, p. 4.
More than 14,000 RM collected during the third Reichsstrasse collection in the district of Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.11.1941, p. 4.
Thieves break into bakery in Hauset
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.11.1941, p. 4.
Ophthalmologist at the Nikolaus Hospital in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.11.1941, p. 4.
Trainings of the German Workers Front District Eupen
German, arithmetic, introduction to bookkeeping, bookkeeping for the retail trade, chart of accounts and carbonless copy bookkeeping, commercial correspondence and commercial studies.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.11.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Montzen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.11.1941, p. 4.
Professional group evening of the housemaids district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.11.1941, p. 3.
Trainings of the German Workers Front District Eupen
Typewriting, German shorthand
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.11.1941, p. 4.
German War Graves Commission holds illustrated lecture on "German Sites of Honor in the East" at Hotel Bredohl in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.11.1941, p. 4.
Accelerated delivery of tax cards
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.11.1941, p. 4.
89 Marriage loans granted in the districts of Eupen-Malmedy
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.11.1941, p. 4.
Foundation of a local branch Eupen of the Reichsbund der Schwerhörigen (Reich Association of the Hard of Hearing)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.11.1941, p. 4.
Eupen Town Hall local group shows the film "All life is struggle".
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 21.11.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
Little girls, little worries at the Capitol in Eupen; Noise in the front building at the Schauburg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.11.1941, p. 4.
Raeren has 3,271 inhabitants
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.11.1941, p. 3.
Welkenraedt-Hesbesthal cell meeting with district office director Mießen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.11.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Union Heinrichskappelle 1:7 CS Welkenraedt; FC Bleyberg 1:2 FC Homburg; Olympia Montzen 3:2 FC Membach; FC Baelen 1:3 FC Montzen; FC Alt-Moresnet 2:3 Sparta Gemmenich; Allianz Welkenraedt 7:4 Youth Sippenaeken
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.11.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis has 4,335 inhabitants
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.11.1941, p. 3.
Eupen has 13,640 inhabitants
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 25.11.1941, p. 3.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Eupen town hall
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.11.1941, p. 4.
Deadline for crediting union dues paid during Belgian period at DAF
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.11.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.11.1941, p. 4.
Herbesthal has 2,085 inhabitants
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.11.1941, p. 4.
Fatal traffic accident in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.11.1941, p. 4.
Kraft durch Freude organizes "fairy tale film evening" at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.11.1941, p. 4.
Payment of military and disability pension
(From 28.11.1941 to 01.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.11.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 26.11.1941, p. 3.
Music evening of the German Workers' Front at the Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 28.11.1941, p. 4.
Meeting of the political leaders of the local group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.11.1941, p. 4.
Fire in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.11.1941, p. 3.
New films in Eupen
Carl Peters at the Schauburg in Eupen; The Gasman at the Capitol in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.11.1941, p. 3.
Meeting of the NSDAP local group Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.11.1941, p. 3.
Prices for Christmas trees in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.12.1941, p. 4.
Councilors meeting in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.12.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
Youth Eupen 5:0 SC Bardenberg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.12.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Welkenraedt-Herbesthal, Eupen-Unterstadt, Lichtenbusch, Eynatten, Hauset. (From 01.12.1941 to 04.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.11.1941, p. 3.
Ludwig Lavalle passes master craftsman's examination as motor vehicle mechanic
- Ludwig Lavalle passes master craftsman’s examination as motor vehicle mechanic
Film screening "The sinful village" in the district of Eupen
(From 01.12.1941 to 15.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.11.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
SC Welkenraedt 3:6 FC Bleyberg; FC Homburg 2:3 Olympia Montzen; FC Montzen 4:1 Alt-Moresnet; Sparta Gemmenich 4:4 Allianz Welkenraedt; FC Baelen 0:2 Union Heinirhcskappelle; FC Membach 3:2 Youth Sippenaeken
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 02.12.1941, p. 4.
Kettenis registry office reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.12.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Raeren reports births, deaths, moving to and from Raeren.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.12.1941, p. 4.
Shorthand course at the girls' school on the Schilsweg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.12.1941, p. 4.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Man from Welkenraedt imprisoned or fined for tax fraud. Man from Neu-Moresnet for two counts of theft 3 months and 2 weeks in jail; 3 months for hunting offence for a farmer from Homburg; RM 400 fine for tax fencing.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.12.1941, p. 3.
Home Evening German Women's Work and Youth Groups, Local Group Eupen-Wesertal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.12.1941, p. 3.
Josef Vorhagen from Raeren your ensign leader district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 03.12.1941, p. 4.
Registry office Montzen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.12.1941, p. 4.
Service roll call of the NSDAP local group Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 04.12.1941, p. 4.
Annual closing party of the DAF at Hotel Bosten in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.12.1941, p. 3.
Christmas party of the NSKK Motor Squadron III/M76 with wounded soldiers at the Hotel Bredohl in Eupen
There was music, speeches and gifts for the military hospital.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.12.1941, p. 3.
Registry office Eupen reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.12.1941, p. 3.
Master craftsman examinations passed in the motor vehicle trade and mechanical engineering district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.12.1941, p. 3.
Exhibition of the NS Women's Society in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 05.12.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“Hello” at the Schauburg in Eupen; “The Light Girl” at the Capitol in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.12.1941, p. 4.
Promotional show of the small animal breeders at the Hotel Koch in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.11.1941, p. 4.
House collection of the 4th Offering Sunday reaches RM 9,641.12
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.12.1941, p. 3.
Flag dedication and swearing in ceremony of the Red Cross district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.11.1941, p. 4.
December plan of Strength through Joy in the district of Eupen
Raeren: Landestheater Reuß “Young wine in old wineskins”; Welkenraedt: Landestheater “The pattern builder”; Eynatten and Lichtenbusch: Theater evening Volk in Rot; Eupen-City Hall: “Africa as I saw it”; Eupen-Wesertal: “Colorful afternoon; Moresnet: Landestheater Reuß “Holzappel” (From 07.12.1941 to 14.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 01.12.1941, p. 4.
Service call of the political leaders in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 08.12.1941, p. 3.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Homburg, Sippenaeken, Old Moresnet, Kelmis. Eupen-Oberstadt (From 08.12.1941 to 09.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.12.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
Olympia Montzen 1:4 Sparta Gemmenich; FC Alt-Moresnet 1:4 Baelener FC; Allianz Welkenraedt 5:0 Membach; Youth Sippenaeken 4:2 Homburg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 09.12.1941, p. 4.
Increased bicycle theft in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.12.1941, p. 3.
Decisions of the Eupen City Council
Create reserve for the expansion of the city hall; The city contributes to the cost of repair work due to the housing shortage; Expansion of the Hissesgasse; New construction of the youth hostel.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.12.1941, p. 3.
Ketteniser Josef Orban receives honorary letter of the NS-Reichsbund für Leibesübungen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 10.12.1941, p. 3.
Room fire in Raeren extinguished
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.12.1941, p. 3.
Apprenticeship graduation ceremony of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Registration for the Eupen-Malmedy district in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 11.12.1941, p. 3.
Strength through Joy organizes lecture on "Africa as I saw it".
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 06.12.1941, p. 3.
New store opening hours for Christmas in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 12.12.1941, p. 4.
Savings Bank Director Karl Delanuit passes away after long illness
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.12.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen, Kelmis, Welkenraedt and Herbesthal
“In the Shadow of the Mountain” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Money in New Frisco” at the Schauburg in Eupen; “I Accuse” at the Lichtburg in Kelmis and Metropol in Welkenraedt; “The Meeting Place in the West – Entertainment Concert” at the Kursaal Casino in Herbesthal
- West German Observer, 13.12.1941, p. 3, 4
Setting rental prices for empty and furnished rooms
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.12.1941, p. 4.
Eupen singing club as guest in Roetgen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.12.1941, p. 3.
NSDAP local group Raeren meets for shooting practice
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.12.1941, p. 4.
NSDAP comradeship Moresnet holds meeting on pension rights
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.12.1941, p. 4.
Soccer results
Youth Eupen 5:5 Alsdorfer Spielvereinigung
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 15.12.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Membach, Eupen-Unterstadt, Raeren, Montzen, Bleyberg, Gemmenich. (From 15.12.1941 to 18.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 13.12.1941, p. 4.
Wrestling matches in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.12.1941, p. 3.
Handball: Eupener TB 1848 vs. Alsdorfer Sportverein
Eupener TB 1848 0:10 Alsdorfer Sportverein
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.12.1941, p. 3.
Soccer results
Union Heinrichskappelle 3:0 FC Homburg; Old Moresnet 0:20 FC Bleyberg; GC Welkenraedt 4:2 FC Montzen; Olympia Montzen 2 0:9 Sparta Gemmenich
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 16.12.1941, p. 3.
NSDAP local group Raeren sends gifts to Raeren soldiers
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.12.1941, p. 4.
Foundation of a tourist association in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.12.1941, p. 4.
New fire engine for Eupen fire department
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 17.12.1941, p. 3.
Annual General Meeting of Elektrizitätsgesellschaft Eupen und Umgebung AG
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
Home Evening of the NS Women's Society of the Local Group Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 18.12.1941, p. 3.
Delivery of income tax cards in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
Delivery of income tax cards in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
Serious accident at the marble plant in Raeren
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
Registry office Herbesthal reports births, deaths, moving in and out.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
Beautification of Raeren
New trees were planted along Adolf-Hitler-Straße from the corner of Josef-Kerres-Straße to Burgstraße-Neustraße.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
BDM girls organize gift sale at Stockem Castle in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
Beautification of the Werth Square in Eupen
Around the monument were planted firs and mending with stone slabs.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
Water pipe burst on the Schilsweg in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
Theater performance "Minna von Barnhelm" in Kelmis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.12.1941, p. 7.
Issuance of grease coupons for the less fortunate population in Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
New comradeship home in Homburg
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
New films in Eupen
“The Sinful Village” at the Capitol in Eupen; “The Dark Spot” at the Schauburg in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
Assembly of the local farmers' union of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 19.12.1941, p. 3.
VfL 05 Aachen 3:2 Youth Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 22.12.1941, p. 4.
Maternity services in the district of Eupen
Hergenrath, Walhorn, Kelmis, Eupen-Oberstadt (From 22.12.1941 to 23.12.1941)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 20.12.1941, p. 4.
SS organizes Yule celebration in spa hotel Bredohl
Schmitz, main leader of the standard gave a speech.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 23.12.1941, p. 3.
Court proceedings in Eupen
Smuggler from Henri-Chappelle fined.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.12.1941, p. 7.
New films in Eupen
“Comedians” at the Capitol in Eupen; “Enemies” at the Schauburg in Eupen.
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.12.1941, p. 8.
Musical performance of the "Fidelen Freunde" in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.12.1941, p. 7.
Winter action for physical education in the district of Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.12.1941, p. 6.
Issuance of grease coupons for the less fortunate population in Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.12.1941, p. 5.
Issuance of grease coupons for the less fortunate population in Kettenis
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.12.1941, p. 5.
Large wool and winter collection in the district of Eupen for the winter
(From 27.12.1941 to 04.01.1942)
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 24.12.1941, p. 7.
Strategy housing district Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.12.1941, p. 4.
Woman drowns in Eupen pond
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 29.12.1941, p. 4.
Musical New Year's Eve at Hotel Bosten
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.12.1941, p. 6.
New Year's Eve entertainment evening in the Kursaal Casino Herbesthal
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.12.1941, p. 6.
Re-establishment of "Der Kreissparkasse Eupen" by decision of the Reich Minister of Economics
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.12.1941, p. 5.
Year 1924 asked to create the true tribe roll
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 27.12.1941, p. 6.
Rheinisches Landestheater Cologne comes to Eupen
- Westdeutscher Beobachter, 31.12.1941, p. 5.
Aircraft attack on the camp
Allied aircraft attack the Elsernborn training area. Soldiers, Russian prisoners and civilians are killed in the process.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Retreat of Wehrmacht units
Units of the Wehrmacht are in retreat through the Eifel.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Escape to the East
Reich German and NSDAP functionaries and officials leave Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Evacuation order for the district of Eupen
East Belgium & 10 May_44
Evacuation order for population
On September 4, 1944, the German authorities order the evacuation of the villages in what is now the Belgian Eifel. The so-called “long trek” is formed, in which several hundred civilians leave the region and flee to Germany.
American troops march into Eupen
American troops march into Eupen. In the marketplace there is a brief skirmish in which three to twenty people were killed. Some houses go up in flames. The population is frightened as the “armée blanche” immediately follows the Americans and the first so-called purges take place.
Americans direction Westwall
American units reach the eastern cantons and break through the Westwall at Roetgen. In the course of this move in, the events of the war take a turn. Is also Eynatten still under fire, the canton of Eupen is liberated. (From 11.09.1944 to 12.04.1944)
- GE, 12.09.1964
Eupen under Belgian administration
After the occupation of the Eupen area by the Americans, a Belgian administration is able to re-establish itself in the city.
- Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 68
Americans in camp
The Americans take possession of the Elsenborn troop camp.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Advance of the Yanks
Bütgenbach, Lanzerath and Manderfeld ended up in American hands. After battles in/around Rocherath-Krinkelt, German units retreat behind the old imperial border. – The situation in the Belgian Eifel will continue to be characterized by mutual attacks and shifting front lines for some time. (From 13.09.1944 to 15.09.1944)
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Bridge demolitions before the invasion of the Americans
Shortly before the invasion of American troops, German commandos blow up several bridges, including the Bütgenbach viaduct.
American troops march into St. Vith
American troops march into St. Vith and the villages of the Belgian Eifel, ending the Nazi regime’s reign of terror. The majority of the population was frightened because their own future was uncertain. The streets were empty. It was only with the passage of time that this moment was under-interpreted in the region as a liberation.
Start of the Ardennes offensive
With a massive military buildup, German troops attempt to capture the port of Antwerp through a surprise attack through the Ardennes, halting the advance of Allied forces.
Evacuation orders
The Americans order the evacuation of the population in Elsenborn and Mürringen. – Evacuations follow in Rocherath-Krinkelt, Büllingen and Bütgenbach.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
U.S. Inf. Division in the Eifel
Near Rocherath-Krinkelt, the 99th U.S. Inf. Division establishes itself. They provide the former border area between Wahlerscheid and Losheim.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Battle of the Bulge
Before six o’clock in the morning, the German Wehrmacht units lying on the West Wall open fire on the American positions. – In the end, it will be the last major attack of the German Empire.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Target Malmedy
American-occupied Malmedy is attacked by the US Air Force. The reason for this is both confusion and misinformation from the air squadrons. – In the end, there are an estimated 600 casualties (one-third civilians, two-thirds U.S. soldiers).
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Attack target Saint Vith
The British Air Force attacks with Lancaster and Halifax bombers and razes the city to the ground.
- Lüttgens 1792-1980
Collapse of the Rundstedt Offensive – At the end of the month, U.S. units succeed in advancing across the Westwall border. (From 30.01.1945 to 01.02.1945)
- GE, 12.09.1964; Lüttgens 1792-1980
Border Echo's social aid agency launches first appeal.
Grenz-Echo appeals to the human compassion and charity of its readers. By the end of 1946, a sum of approx. 77,130 francs were collected.
- GE, 31.12.1946
Collapse of the Rundstedt Offensive – At the end of the month, U.S. units succeed in advancing across the Westwall border. (From 30.01.1945 to 01.02.1945)
- GE, 12.09.1964; Lüttgens 1792-1980
Border Echo's social aid agency launches first appeal.
Grenz-Echo appeals to the human compassion and charity of its readers. By the end of 1946, a sum of approx. 77,130 francs were collected.
- GE, 31.12.1946
Minister of Education Vos visits Eupen.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Judgments of the court martial
The Malmedy court martial sentences the traitors of Elsenborn to death or to life imprisonment.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Foreign Minister Spaak on the road in Eupen and the border region.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Onset of winter
Heavy snowstorms affect traffic on rural roads.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Minister of the Interior Buisseret visits Eupen and the border area.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Civil War Victims
17-year-old killed by mine explosion in Reuland.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Heavy storms and downpours cause flooding in numerous locations.
- GE, 30.12.1947
First mayor sworn in
16 Mayors of the East Cantons take the constitutional oath before the associate county commissioner.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Return of the church bells
Celebrations of the return of the bells in Eupen, Malmedy, Saint Vith and Beho. (From 19.04.1947 to 20.04.1947)
- GE, 30.12.1947
The first 80 dead heroes repatriated from Germany arrive at the Belgian-German border.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Reconstruction of a private house
Laying of the foundation stone for the reconstruction of the first private house in Saint Vith.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Prisoners of war on their way home
The first 3,000 released German prisoners of war return home via Herbesthal.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Life imprisonment
The liberators of Saint Vith are sentenced to life imprisonment by the court martial of Malmedy. For 13 other (absent) defendants the death penalty is pronounced.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Death sentences
The Eben-Emael strikers are sentenced to death by the Malmedy court martial.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Minister visit to the dam
Behogne, Minister of Public Works, visits the Weser Dam and various businesses.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Last session of the Malmedy court martial
- GE, 24.06.1947
Vacation guests from Austria
More than 100 Austrian children arrive for a three-month stay in East Canton. (From 05.07.1947 to 12.10.1947)
- GE, 30.12.1947
Court martial Eupen closes
The court martial and the auditorium of Eupen cease their activities.
- GE, 30.12.1947
French vacation children
More than 200 French vacation children arrive in Malmedy for a vacation of several weeks in the East Cantons.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Forest burns
From mid-August onwards, forest fires occur more frequently. They spread due to prolonged drought. The danger of expansion can only be contained by heavy rain showers on 23.09.1947. (From 14.09.1947 to 23.09.1947)
- GE, 30.12.1947
Assembly ban due to polio
The occurrence of cases of spinal polio leads to the closure of public bathing establishments, children’s playgrounds, … in the province of Liege until further notice. – Not until 15.10. the precautionary measures end.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Aircraft accident site discovered
In the forest near Heppenbach, a destroyed engl. Aircraft and the body of the pilot found.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Ministerial visit to East Belgium
Minister of Health Vebist is on the road in Eupen, Malmedy and Saint Vith.
- GE, 30.12.1947
End of the special regime in prospect
Minister of Education Huysmans publishes a bill providing for the abolition of the special regime for education in the Eastern cantons as of Aug. 31, 1948.
- GE, 30.12.1947
Research Center
Inauguration of the new scientific research station on Mont Rigi
- GE, 30.12.1947
Large floods in the eastern cantons, with Malmedy, Weismes and Reuland particularly affected. (From 27.12.1947 to 28.12.1947)
- GE, 30.12.1947
East Belgium topic of chamber debate
Chamber debate on the deprivation of nationality under the 1934 law.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Mayors receive ministers
Minister of the Interior Vermeylen at a meeting of the mayors of the Eastern cantons in Eupen.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Rationing partially lifted
First meat rationing lifted. Bread, fats and sugar remain rationed.
- GE, 31.12.1948
No mayors in East Belgium
Chamber rejects proposed law on appointment of district mayors in East Belgium.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Unbranded food
Gingerbread, biscuits and pasta are once again available unbranded.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Topic reconstruction
Minister De Man and a Senate Commission for Reconstruction are staying in Malmedy and Saint Vith.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Children on vacation
Arrival of Viennese children for a vacation of 6 months. – Their return is scheduled for 23.11.1948.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Inauguration of a pulmonary sanatorium in Eupen
The complex on the Kehrweg had been set up as a pulmonary sanatorium for university students. – Queen Elizabeth, Minister of Health Verbist and the Rector of the University of Louvain attend the official opening.
- GE, 12.03.1965
Free bread sale
- GE, 31.12.1948
Sugar and table oil free
- GE, 31.12.1948
Coal on sale again
Release of coals. This removes the last measure of management in Belgium.
- GE, 31.12.1948
Death sentences
In the trial of the Malmedy murderers, 6 death sentences are pronounced.
- GE, 31.12.1949
Boundary corrections
Boundary adjustments are made. Particularly parts of Bildchen and Losheim are separated from Germany.
- GE, 31.12.1949
National elections
National elections to fill the House and Senate. The CSP wins a majority in the Senate and almost half of the seats in the House.
- GE, 31.12.1949
Bridge in Moresnet in operation
Resumption of rail traffic over the Moresnet bridge.
- GE, 31.12.1949
Minister of the Interior on visit
National elections to fill the House and Senate. The CSP wins a majority in the Senate and almost half of the seats in the House.
- GE, 31.12.1949
New Carmelite Monastery
Ceremonial inauguration of the new Carmelite monastery on the domain in Bütgenbach.
- GE, 31.12.1949
The plot Vassen in Mürringen becomes the target of a crime. Two strangers rob the store owner and shoot her 35-year-old brother. – On March 13 and 20, respectively, the alleged perpetrators and accomplices are arrested.
- GE, 30.12.1950
Referendum on the King Question
- GE, 30.12.1950
Foundation stone for new Episcopal school
Laying of the foundation stone of the new Episcopal School in Saint Vith by Bishop Kerkhofs.
- GE, 30.12.1950
Rome trip
300 young pilgrims from East Belgium set out for Rome. (From 10.04.1950 to 21.04.1950)
- GE, 30.12.1950
Process start
The murderers of Mürringen are on trial. They receive life imprisonment.
- GE, 30.12.1950
Parliamentary elections
Elections across the country. Victory of the CSP in the eastern cantons.
- GE, 30.12.1950
A middle school for girls
The ecclesiastical authority encourages the town of Saint Vith to establish a Catholic secondary school for girls.
- GE, 30.12.1950
First visit of the Tour de France in East Belgium
On the second stage of the Tour de France from Metz to Liège, the racing cyclists pass through the still partially destroyed city of Saint Vith.
- GE, 02.06.2017
Strikes and sabotage
Beginning of political strikes and acts of sabotage throughout the country. The situation does not ease in Eupen until August 3.
- GE, 30.12.1950
Customs Officers School
Opening of a training center for customs officers in Eupen. – Inauguration of the building by Minister of Finance Van Houtte on May 5, 1951.
- GE, 29.12.1951
Maternal counseling
A counseling center for young mothers opens in Eupen.
- GE, 29.12.1951
Concerns of the eastern cantons
Minister of the Interior Brasseur personally informs himself about the problems of the Eastern cantons.
- GE, 29.12.1951
Inauguration of the Episcopal School of Saint Vith
New house of workers
A Christian Workers’ House is inaugurated in Kelmis.
- GE, 29.12.1951
Visit to the Eastern Territories
The Harmel Commission is on the move in the eastern territories.
- GE, 29.12.1951
The economy in view
Minister of Economy Coppé meets industrialists and craftsmen in Eupen.
- GE, 29.12.1951
Refugee children on recreation
Mediated by the Eastern Priests’ Aid, 144 German refugee children arrive, followed by 155 Hungarian ones by the end of the month. They are to recover in eastern Belgium. – They return to their countries of origin in early December.
- GE, 31.12.1952
Local council elections
- GE, 31.12.1952
Wedding gift from the eastern cantons
In the Eastern Cantons, some Frs 180,000 will be donated as a gift to Princess Josephine-Charlotte on the occasion of her wedding to the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Prince Jean.
- GE, 28.03.1953
Europe rally with high East Belgian participation
A Europe rally is held in Udenbreth/Eifel, with the participation of residents, personalities and associations from both the Belgian and German sides. A mutual understanding across borders is urged and, above all, lived on this Sunday afternoon. The speeches of the East Belgian speakers, however, are decidedly restrained.
- GE, 14.06.1953
Merger of the tourist associations
In Malmedy, the transport associations are discussing a merger. The competent Provincial General Commissariat shall encourage the creation of such sub-associations.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Travel facilitation
Travel to Germany is facilitated. Later on, the travel visa is also not required.
- GE, 30.12.1953
In Bütgenbach, a German film company takes advantage of the jubilee of the Burgklänge music society to make film footage for a documentary strip about the European meeting in Udenbreth.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Less coffee tax
Coffee smuggling decreases noticeably after German coffee tax is lowered.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Road improvement
In Sankt Vith, people are highly satisfied that the Major Long and Station Streets have been restored to a decent condition.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Social situation in Kelmis
Minister of Labor Van den Daele stays in Kelmis to discuss issues concerning the social situation in Kelmis.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Advertising associations of the eastern cantons in the network
The Federation of Advertising Associations of the Eastern Cantons is founded in the Town Hall of Saint Vith.
- GE, 09.10.1959
Modern traffic road
In Weismes, the Voye Antône, an ultra-modern road, is opened.
Start of the Kolping Week
The international Kolping Week is opened in Eupen with participants from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Saarland and Switzerland.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Blessing of the hospital
Bishop Kerkhofs blesses the new Saint Joseph Hospital in Saint Vith.
- GE, 30.12.1953
The language in the old Belgian communities
Minister of the Interior Moyersoen receives the complaints of the 10 Old Belgian municipalities on the language issue at a meeting of interested mayors in Welkenraedt. They argue for maintaining the monolingual French regime. The only exception is Kelmis, where German is officially recognized alongside French. Nor should Low German be regarded as an official language.
- GE, 07.08.1953; 22.09.1953; 30.12.1953
Girls home in Eupen
Pastor Gielen sets up a beautiful home for the Eupen Catholic girls on Aachener Straße.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Television age begins in Belgium - INR broadcasts for the first time
- GE, 03.11.2003
Open for traffic
Border crossing point Petergensfeld is reopened for all traffic.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Welfare office open
Saint Vith can reopen its tuberculosis care Prince Baudouin.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Visit of the Minister of Education
Minister Harmel visits the secondary schools in Kelmis and Eupen.
- GE,30.12.1953
Froebel school starts
In Eupen, the Fröbelschule Unterstadt is opened.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Marian Jubilee Year
The cantons celebrate the beginning of the Marian Year in all churches.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Anniversary of the Girls' Protection Network
The Verviers Girls’ Protection Association, which has been a blessing for the female youth of the cantons, celebrates its 50th anniversary.
- GE, 30.11.1953
Dam fills
Heavy thaw sets in. The Weser Valley Reservoir, little filled after three months of drought (since September 1953), has an inflow of 5 million cubic meters of water in one day.
- GE, 30.12.1953
Wedding ceremony on the High Fens
First wedding ceremony in the Fischbach Chapel on the High Fens. (2nd time on 19.02.1955)
- GE, 30.12.1954
Completion of the activity
The Sinistrierten-Kooperative Malmedy ceases its activities after 90 percent of the injured parties have been compensated. However, the service responsible for the payment of war damages would continue to exist.
- GE, 10.03.1954; 12.03.1954
Reconstruction of the parish church
All preparations for the reconstruction of the destroyed parish church in Saint Vith are completed. Now the preparation of the construction site can begin.
- GE, 23.03.1954
Master craftsman honored
A number of master craftsmen from the cantons are awarded the Lauréat de la Formation Professionelle badge of honor in Brussels.
- GE, 30.12.1954
Orientation and view
Orientation tables will be installed at the observation tower on Botrange.
- GE, 24.04.1954
Foundation stone for the St. Vither church
Laying of the foundation stone of the new parish church of Saint Vith.
- GE, 26.05.1954
Countrywomen in Banneux
On the occasion of the Marian Year, about a thousand countrywomen of the Eastern Cantons commemorate the Mother of God in a great celebration in Banneux.
- GE, 30.12.1954
End of the visa requirement
The lifting of the visa requirement between Germany and Belgium leads to a sharp decline in coffee smuggling, as the German population can now supply itself with coffee.
- GE, 30.12.1954
Jubilee pilgrimage
Eupen Kevelaer pilgrimage looks back on 150 years of existence.
- GE, 30.12.1954
City Council and the school issue
Reactions to the national school struggle between the ruling Socialists and Liberals on the one hand and the Catholic faction on the other also reach the Eupen Stadtradt.
- GE, 18.09.1954
Foundation stone for Sankt Vither elementary school
Laying of the foundation stone of the new elementary school in Saint Vith by Minister of Labor Van Glabbeke
- GE, 02.10.1954
End of the line Lommersweiler-Reuland
A decree of the Minister of Transport seals the final cancellation of the Lommersweiler-Reuland railroad line.
- GE, 02.11.1954
Survey tower on Botrange
For the purpose of surveying work, a 32 m high metal tower has been erected on Botrange. The new tower will be removed after the surveys.
- GE, 13.11.1954
School strike in the eastern cantons
The left-wing government’s teaching policy is polarizing. The Christian union has called for a protest. Teacher and parent groups join the majority.
- GE, 22.11.1954; 24.11.1954; 26.11.1954
Security guard services in Brussels
For the first time, East Belgian soldiers of the Ardennes Hunters Battalion in Vielsalm take over guard duties in front of the royal castles in Brussels.
- GE, 12.12.1954; 17.12.1954
Commemoration in Baugnez
A ceremony at the memorial in Baugnez commemorates the 10th anniversary of the murder of 86 American soldiers at the site.
- GE, 1954.12.30
Memorandum to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
A delegation of the East Cantons, led by the provincial governor Clerdent, presents the Minister of Foreign Affairs with a memorandum from the local economic committee.
- GE, 04.01.1956
Opposing Collard's school legislation
Creation of local committees to defend democratic freedoms in Eupen, and later in other municipalities.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Pastoral letter on the school problem
The Collard Laws evoke resentment.
- GE, 19.02.195
Pastoral letter on the school issue
The bishop expresses his thoughts on the school issue.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Petition in the matter of school system
The Eupen City Council decides to petition the King and the government to maintain the present form of municipal education.
- GE, 31.12.1955
More than a thousand Catholics from Eupen and the rural parishes gather in three halls in total to protest against the government’s school policy.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Municipal councils of the cantons of Malmedy and Saint Vith establish special purpose association
Although the administrative language is German, not a single law or other administrative document is sent to the municipalities in German. – A concerted action and reaction to this situation prompts the 60 representatives of municipal councils of the cantons of Malmedy and Saint Vith to form this alliance.
- GE, 23.03.1955
School strike
Almost all schools in the country are heeding the call to strike in connection with the protests over the Collard texts. One on the 26.03. scheduled protest rally in Brussels is banned, but still a success that a few hundred residents of the eastern cantons may also share.
- GE, 31.12.1955
New settlement in Malmedy
Blessing of the construction site and laying of the foundation stone of the first house in Rue Bragard.
- GE, 30.03.1955
New settlement in Kelmis
Laying of the foundation stone for a new housing development in Kelmiser Steinkaulstraße.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Against the Collard laws
Second protest rally in Eupen against the Collard laws
- GE, 31.12.1955
Testimony of faith
Powerful rally of faith in Saint Vith joined by over 5000 Catholics
- GE, 31.12.1955
Interministerial Commission
An interministerial commission is set up from Brussels and meets for the first time. Their task will be to ensure that the most important laws are translated into German.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Sidewalks in Saint Vith
In Saint Vith, the laying of sidewalks has begun, thus fulfilling a long-standing wish of the population.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Language regime at Herbesthal station
In response to a question from MP Kofferschläger to the Minister of Transport regarding the language regime at Herbesthal station, there are now explanations: In order to comply with the specifications, there are not enough staff who can also use the German language. However, one wants to receive the travel customers in the best possible way. – He will address the topic of bilingualism again in December with the same intention.
- GE, 09.07.1955
Pig market ban
Due to the presence of swine fever throughout the province, all pig markets are banned until further notice.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Inauguration marathon
In the municipality of Elsenborn, the new community center, a water tower, the girls’ school in the village itself and a kindergarten in Nidrum are handed over for their intended use.
- GE, 31.12.1955
New post office
The new post office is opened in Saint Vith.
- GE, 04.08.1955; 31.12.1955
Herd book exhibition
In Eupen, the Herd Book Association celebrates its 100th anniversary. An exhibition will be held to mark the occasion.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Russia returnee
A Malmedy resident is warmly welcomed home by his family and friends.
- GE, 31.12.1955
The Protestant church in Eupen celebrates its centenary.
- 31.12.1955
Aerial bomb
A heavy American aerial bomb is defused in Sankt Vith.
- GE, 12.09.1955; 31.12.1955
Late start of school
The schools of Schönberg and Eimerscheid, which had been closed due to a case of polio, reopen.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Local meeting of conservationists
The Friends of the Veins and the Ministers of Public Works and Agriculture have agreed to meet on site in Jalhay. Their topic: the nature reserve in the High Fens desired by the Friends of the Fens.
- GE, 30.09.1955; 31.12.1955
Border opening
The Raeren-Meurisse border crossing is opened to road traffic.
- GE, 31.12.1955
First regional Marian celebration in Rocherath
In Rocherath, a first Catholic meeting for the veneration of Mary takes place. Father Peter Joppen and the Monfortaner Order are the joint initiators of this Marian rally. Subsequently, in the Belgian Eifel, a circle of patrons is founded, who want to organize this festival annually in turn and spread the magazine of the Monfortaner Fathers.
- GE, 24.08.2004
Anniversary concert
The German-language radio for the eastern cantons celebrates its 10th anniversary at the Brussels Broadcasting House with a gala concert.
- GE, 22.10.1955; 31.12.1955
Whereabouts of the East Belgian prisoners of war
Member of Parliament Peter Kofferschläger and the chairman of the Eupen Parents’ Association intervene with Foreign Minister Spaak on behalf of Russian prisoners from the local areas.
- GE, 23.11.1955
Tourist office of the three borders
The municipalities of Kelmis, Montzen, Moresnet, Neu-Moresnet, Gemmenich, Sippenaeken, Homburg, Remersdael and Teuven jointly establish a community of interest in tourism.
- GE, 15.10.1955
Procedural question clarified
On September 23, a Russian returnee from Eupen had arrived in Berlin. The next day he turned back at the border in Bildchen and asked for asylum in Aachen. Now he is returning to Eupen.
- GE, 22.10.1955; 17.12.1955.; 31.12.1955
Over bridge faster in Prüm
The new Steinebrück bridge is inaugurated and improves the transport connection between the Eifel towns of Sankt Vith and Prüm.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Girls home celebrates
In Liège, the girls’ home celebrates its 25th anniversary.
- GE, 31.12.1955
Constitution in German
125 years after the founding of Belgium, the constitution is now also available in Dutch. The special commission of the Ministry of the Interior, which deals with the problems of the eastern cantons, will try to have the text translated into German.
- GE, 04.01.956; 05.01.1955; 31.12.1956
Canon Cardijn visiting
Canon Cardijn, General Praeses of the Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne (J.O.C.) or Christian Workers Youth (CAJ), visits the Eupen Jocists.
- GE, 09.01.1956
Light strike
The middle class of East Belgium protests against the neglect and disregard of its interests. He joins a nationwide light strike. Stores remain dark in the evening for three days. (From 13.03.1956 to 15.03.1956)
- GE, 13.03.1956; 14.03.1956
Proposed legislation in the context of the purge
Representative Kofferschläger (CSP) deposits a bill that takes into account the special situation of occupied East Belgium. – It deals with the civil cleansing in the territories arbitrarily occupied by the enemy.
- GE, 26.03.1956
Laying of the foundation stone hospital Malmedy
Minister Leburton will attend the ceremony at the new Clinique Reine Astrid.
- GE, 31.12.1956
Consecration of the flag of the war invalids in Malmedy
Delegations from the three cantons attend the 1940-45 War Victims Association event.
- GE, 31.12.1956
Tour de France passes through Eupen
The Tour de France visits East Belgium for the second time. On the stage from Cologne to Liège, the peleton crosses the city of Eupen.
- GE, 02.06.2017
Jubilee celebration in the Heidberg
The jubilee celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the Heidberg begin.
- GE, 31.12.1956
King visit
The king is warmly welcomed in the camp and in the community of Elsenborn.
- GE, 31.12.1956
First Esperanto Congress in Eupen
Esperantists from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany attend the meeting. They predict a great future for the world language.
- GE, 31.12.1956
Passport requirement lifted
As of this date, the passport requirement for border crossings between the FRG, Luxembourg and Belgium will no longer apply. For the first time since the end of World War I, an identity card is sufficient when crossing the border.
GE, 1956.12.31; 27.07.1956; 12.07.1956; 11.06.1956
Mission "Congo Church
Father Finken SVD has called for donations for the Mission Church project. More than half a million francs were collected for the so-called Congo Church.
- GE, 30.08.1956; 31.08.1956
King's visit to the eastern cantons
The King receives a warm welcome in Malmedy and Saint Vith as well as in Weismes, where he visits his godchild.
- GE, 31.12.1956
Treaty on the Belgian-German border adjustment
Foreign Minister Spaak and German Chancellor Adenauer sign a Belgian-German border agreement in Brussels. It regulates the final course of the border between the two states. – The Chancellor received a warm welcome at the German border crossing point Bildchen in the morning.
GE, 21.09.1956; 24.09.1956
East Belgium helps Hungary
Hungary’s will to leave the Warsaw Pact and thereby escape Soviet influence leads to severe Soviet agitation. As a result of Bloody Sunday, when the Hungarians’ efforts for freedom were crushed by the Russian occupation, the East Belgian population shows solidarity with the Hungarian population. The church bells ring and work is stopped for 5 minutes on this day.
- GE, 03.11.1956; 05.11.1956
Silent marches
With silent marches in Büllingen and Walhorn, local young men show solidarity with the Hungarian freedom fighters.
- GE, 31.12.1956
Sunday driving ban
A Sunday ban on motor vehicles is intended to help ration fuel. In practice, this measure causes protests.
- GE, 29.11.1956; 31.12.1956
End of Sunday delivery
Sunday mail delivery will be discontinued with the exception of newspapers.
- GE, 02.01.1958
High Fens nature reserve founded
By royal decree, the High Fens Nature Reserve is established as the first nature reserve in Belgium. 1438 ha are placed under protection around Baraque Michel.
Minister Vanaudenhove visiting
… in Malmedy and Saint Vith. He takes a list of all the public works required in East Belgium from the hands of the Beig. District Commissioner.
- GE, 25.03.1957
Grand rally of the war invalids
Major rally of war invalids and survivors in Eupen, which aims to highlight the abuses and delays in the application of pension benefits. The protesters are demanding recognition as military war victims and not just civilian war victims.
GE, 02.04.1957; 08.04.1957
Prices for bread and beer
While the government has set the price of bread at 7.50 Fr. leaves, may beer per glass by 0.50 Fr. become more expensive.
- GE, 02.01.1958
First KLJ district meeting
800 members of the Catholic Rural Youth (KLJ) gather in Bütgenbach.
Inauguration of the Pietkin monument
The renovation and re-erection of the monument, destroyed in May 1940, had been completed in October 1956.
- GE, 03.06.1957; 31.12.1956
High Fens Nature Reserve
Agriculture Minister Lefèbvre justifies the designation of the new national nature reserve by erecting a memorial stone.
- GE, 18.06.1957
Laying of the foundation stone for the new buildings of the Maria Goretti School
In a short ceremony, poems are recited before Monsignor Malmendier, Vicar General, speaks.
- GE, 02.01.1958; 02.07.1957
Metalworkers strike
In the course of the nationwide strike wave, metalworkers also stop work in Eupen and take part in rallies. (From 03.07.1957 to 12.07.1957)
- GE, 03.07.1957
New building wing for the hospital
Laying of the foundation stone for the new building of the St. Nicholas Hospital
- GE, 02.01.1958; 29.07.1957
100th Anniversary of the Franciscan Sisters in Eupen
- GE, 29.07.1957; 31.07.1957
Jocists in Rome
50 boys and girls go to Rome for the meeting of the Christian Workers.
- GE, 17.08.1957
Technical school in Eupen
New technical school opens in Eupen.
- GE, 03.08.1957
Shorter military service
As of now, a service period of 15 months applies.
New workshops
The new workrooms of the Eupen Technical School are inaugurated.
- GE, 02.01.1959
District Association of Retired Persons
In Verviers, delegations from Eupen, Raeren and Kelmis are also present at the founding act.
- GE, 07.02.1958
Vaccinations against polio
First free polio vaccinations administered in Eupen …
- GE, 27.03.1958
Parliamentary elections
Rome trip of the KLJ
160 local young people are taking part in the trip. After a community mass in Dürler, 5 buses set off.
- GE, 16.08.1958
Bollenien end
The Belgian-German border treaty comes into force: Bildchen, Losheim and Hemmeres become German again.
First crossing guards
Volunteer 6th grade students have been guided to serve as traffic volunteers before and after school. After an induction ceremony on 10.09. they go into action for the first time today.
- GE, 16.05.1958; 10.09.1958
Chamber of Commerce in Eupen
A chamber of commerce is established in Eupen.
Minke, Eupen 1974, p. 61
Minister Scheyven in Eupen
During his visit, he meets representatives of business and industry.
- GE, 30.09.1958
Local council elections
- GE, 13.10.1958; 14.10.1958
Electricity strike
In the cantons, businesses have to close, stores remain dark. (From21.11.1958 to 24.11.1958)
A newspaper only more weekdays
Sunday delivery of newspapers is history. From now on, they will be delivered on Saturday afternoons.
Farewell General Bolles
The military governorate for Bildchen and Losheim is dissolved. General Bolle leaves Eupen.
- GE, 04.12.1958
First Cultural Representative for East Belgium
Minister Harmel appoints Dr. jur. Joseph Schmitz as commissioner for all cultural issues in the German-speaking region of Belgium.
- GE, 12.01.1959
German-Belgian border problems
In Aachen, German and Belgian parliamentarians discuss border problems.
- GE, 20.01.1959
Location of the new boundary stones
A Belgian-German commission deals on the spot with the final vote in the matter of border demarcation. (From 27.02.1959 to 04.02.1959)
- GE, 05.03.1959
Report of the Belgian-German Boundary Commission
The report of the on-site visit is coordinated in the district commissariat of Malmedy.
Speed checks
A speed limit of 80 km/h applies on the major rural roads in the region over the Easter weekend. The gendarmerie checks compliance with the rule between 17.00 and 01.00. (From 28.03.1959 to 30.03.1959)
- GE, 27.03.1959
Bus runs between Herbesthal and Raeren
The cancellation of passenger service on the Herbesthal-Raeren train line causes the line to be served by buses.
- GE, 11.03.1959; 12.03.1959; 14.03.1959
Father Pire in Eupen
Nobel Laureate Father Pire stays in Eupen on the occasion of the aid campaign launched in the Eastern Cantons for his refugee villages. The Father Pire campaign is a great success.
- GE, 29.04.1959
Postulants dressed
In August 1958, an institute of the School Brothers of Saint Gabriel had been established in Lontzen’s Grosshaus Castle. – Eleven postulants are solemnly vested in the church on this day. A two-year probationary period will now begin for them, during which they will prepare for the assignment of a school brother.
- GE, 02.05.1959
Traffic census in Eupen
In Eupen, the focus of interest is the statistical registration of vehicles. At the city exits are counted. On Pentecost Sunday alone, 10,000 cars were registered.
- GE, 06.05.1959; 12.05.1959
300th Anniversary of the Order
The Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration has existed for 300 years. The Thal Castle in Kettenis, where they settled with a small group in 1902, is the place of celebration.
- GE, 25.05.1959
European Village "Anne Frank
Near Wuppertal, representatives of the East Cantons are also involved when the sixth Europe Village of the Belgian Dominican Father Pire is founded with a memorial stone laying ceremony. – Donations for the Father Pire campaign in eastern Belgium alone amounted to approx. 500,000 Frs has been collected.
- GE, 01.06.1959
Closing time at 20:00
The association of small and medium-sized businesses of Eupen and its surroundings introduces the closing of stores at 20.00. Raeren, Kelmis and Welkenraedt will also quickly join this arrangement.
- GE, 04.06.1959
Sankt Vith church consecration
The new church is consecrated by Bishop Wilhelm van Zuylen.
Record summer
In the media, buzzwords like: Tropical heat, stream of tourists, bathing establishments, motorcades, forest as a tourist destination, record weekend, … (From 01.07.1959 to 31.08.1959)
Second district meeting of the KLJ
In Eupen, the KLJ gathers. The youth movement is on the rise. Auxiliary Bishop van Zuylen celebrates Mass with the young people and hands out mission letters to KLJ leaders.
- GE, 27.07.1959
100 years Kolping Family
About 500 guests are expected by the Eupen Kolping Family for the anniversary celebrations.
- GE, 17.08.1959
School service in Congo
Two Sankt Vither service members take up the offer of the Ministry of Defense to work as young teachers in the Congo.
- GE, 20.08.1959
Judge Thierron retired
Dr. Robert Thierron, a lawyer from Kettenis, is retiring. Since 18.05.1929 he was employed at the Court of First Instance in Verviers. In doing so, he mainly headed the German-speaking chamber.
- GE, 20.08.1959
Minister of Health on a visit
Minister Meyers visits Kelmis. The closure of various businesses in the region are issues, as well as projects in the social sector (infant care, housing, home for the elderly, …).
- GE, 28.08.1959
Advantage knowledge of foreign languages
The Grenz-Echo comments on an article in the Aachener Volkszeitung. The final demand of the German writer is fully supported by the Eupen daily. The youth should learn languages. In the predominantly German-speaking eastern cantons, thorough learning of French should be the goal.
- GE, 25.09.1959
12 months of service
The 15 months of service in the Belgian military is a thing of the past. From now on, draftees will only be obligated for one year. The change in compulsory service will result in about 12,000 early discharges.
- GE, 20.09.1959; 30.09.1959
Successful action Father Pire
The Action Committee for the Support of Refugee Village Projects is proud of its success. The Rotary Club can give Father about 1.5 mill. francs.
- GE, 06.10.1959
Military in Malmedy
Malmedy becomes a garrison town again.
- GE, 12.10.1959
Fixed potato price
A ministerial decree sets the potato price at 3.10 Fr./kg. Potato wholesalers responded with strikes. Traders in the eastern cantons also join in a supply freeze, but this is only maintained for four days. (From 12.10.1959 to 16.10.1959)
- GE, 15.10.1959; 16.10.1959
Empty streets
Symbolic protest – motorists strike against the increasingly oppressive tax burden on all motorists. – There is a call to leave the motor vehicles parked on this day if possible. – On 30.11.1959, gasoline will nevertheless become 0.84 Fr./l more expensive.
- GE, 20.11.1959; 30.11.1959
Missile defense installed
Commissioning of an anti-aircraft station at the Elsenborn camp. It is the first European station of its kind that can be equipped with modern American Nike missiles.
- GE, 23.12.1959
Christmas bell for the Congo Church of the East Cantons
Missionary Finken’s appeal for donations has been successful. About 30,000 Fr. have come together. The future church bell of Bagata will be christened Emmanuel and will refer to the sponsors by the inscription Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith.
- GE, 23.12.1959
Projects in East Belgium
Around 50 mill. Fr. provides for the national budget for the eastern cantons. Both the repair of war damage and the execution of quite normal public works are imminent.
- GE, 18.02.1960; 19.02.1960
Cinemas closed
The cinema owners want to protest against high taxes with a strike.
- GE, 26.03.1960
Consecration of the flag
The 1940-45 war invalids and survivors meet in Saint Vith. Meanwhile united in an action committee, the representatives of Eupen, Malmedy and Saint Vith want to join all forces to preserve the war victim’s statute.
- GE, 06.05.1960; 09.05.1960
Ardennes fighters on Congo mission
A marching company of the 3rd Ardennes Infantry Battalion sets out for the Congo. Their mission: to protect the Europeans living there. (From 14.07.1960 to 12.10.1960)
- GE, 14.07.1960; 18.07.1960; 20.07.1960
Final limit
In Aachen, agreement is reached on the final marking of the Belgian-German border.
Post offices motorized
The main post offices in the eastern cantons are motorized. Postmaster General De Gryse personally gives the starting signal in Saint Vith.
- GE, 15.11.1960
Uniform law and strikes
Parliamentary debates on the so-called Uniform Law, a legislative package combining several individual laws, trigger protests and strikes starting on Dec. 20, 1960. The first consequences for public transport are also quickly becoming apparent in the eastern cantons.
- GE, 22.12.1960
Call for a general strike
The FGTB orders a general strike. The targets of the protests are gas and electricity supply and heavy industry.
- GE, 22.12.1960
Electricity savings
The strike of the gas and electricity companies leads to restrictions in the supply of electricity. In order to secure the minimum requirements and to maintain the basic supply of the population, however, the supply of the businesses is minimized. – After Christmas, therefore, most businesses find themselves forced to close because of mandated electricity savings.
- GE, 27.12.1960; 07.01.1961
The previous assistant district commissioner Hoen is appointed arrondissement commissioner of Verviers.
- GE, 03.02.1961
Advisory Cultural Committee
Minister van Elslande sets up the new advisory cultural committee for German-language broadcasting in Eupen.
Minister Urbain in Eupen
Two weeks before the parliamentary elections, the Minister of Labor visits Eupen. Accompanied by CSC President August Cool, the guests would like to thank labor for its attitude during the strike unrest.
- GE, 10.03.1961; 13.03.1961
Parliamentary elections
At the home area level, the CSP is the undisputed winner. Their candidate on the chamber list, Willy Schins, receives more than 10,000 preferential votes.
- GE, 27.03.1961
Preservation of the community sections
Delegations from 12 local councils meet in Bütgenbach. They deliberate on the abolition of municipal sections prescribed by the Uniform Law. They would like to defend themselves against this requirement at the highest level.
- GE, 29.03.1961
Royal visit
Queen Fabiola visits the hospitals in Malmedy and Eupen.
- GE, 08.05.1961
Topic: War victims
A delegation of the War Invalids Association of the Eastern Cantons is received by Minister Fayat.
- GE, 29.06.1961
Purge law
After the necessary consultations, the law on the consequences of the purge enters into force.
- GE, 12.06.1961
War Damage Problem
Representatives Schyns, Parisis, and Discry file a bill to bring about a final settlement of the war claims problem.
- GE, 31.07.1961
Patrol meeting
A total of 800 members of the patrol youth from the nearby region gather in Eupen for a district meeting.
- GE, 02.10.1961
Boerenbond meeting
750 farmers of the region meet in Saint Vith. It is about the profitability of farms, markets, the health of animals, … but also about the activities in rural women’s guilds or youth organizations.
- GE, 24.10.1961; 25.10.1961
Language situation with the Ardennes fighters
The Defense Department report notes that 130 East Belgian service members in the 3rd Battalion are being instructed in German. The only exception are the commands in the infantry drill regulations. – The German-speaking reserve officer aspirants belong to three language regimes. However, the literary quality of the training officers’ knowledge of German varies.
- GE, 30.11.1961
Language law for OB
The text of the new language law for East Belgium is agreed upon in the Ministry of the Interior. – Consultations on this were initiated by Secretary of the Interior Gilson before the end of 1961. The report of the so-called Centre Harmel was consulted.
- GE, 02.12.1961
Resolution on the language issue in the eastern cantons
The mayors of the communes in the eastern cantons react to the proposed law concerning the language issue in the administrations. In Saint Vith, a bilingual German-French district is to be retained, and in Malmedy, the attached district commissioner’s office is to be left in Malmedy as the contact for all municipalities of the three cantons. (From 17.01.1962 to 18.01.1962)
- GE, 20.01.1962
Chamber and language law
In the Chamber, deliberations on the new language law will begin.
GE, 02.01.1962
Smallpox alert
A fitter brought the disease from India to Lammersdorf and infected his daughter. The Roetgen-Petergensfeld border crossing is closed and the first protective vaccinations are ordered in Raeren and Eynatten. – Other measures include vaccination cards and travel restrictions.
Organized carnival cancels
In the district of Verviers, the authorities are forced to cancel all carnival events due to the risk of contagion with smallpox. This meant a ban on assembly, parades and dancing. Only the non-organized carnival remains allowed.
Relaxation of the ban on events
The event ban will not be partially lifted until the middle of the month. Theaters, cinemas and sports facilities reopen.
Ceremony at the American memorial
Ceremonial dedication of the American memorial in Saint Vith
Right of way
From now on, specifications for right-of-way apply. Drivers must first adjust to the new traffic regulations.
Celebrity visit
Zarah Leander on a flying visit to Eupen
End of a preventive measure
Smallpox disease subsides. From now on, residents of the Belgian border area no longer need to show their vaccination certificate at customs.
Friendship meeting of the Eupen priests
At the invitation of Prelate Nikolaus Jansen, a native of Eupen and working in Aachen, 22 priests from Eupen gathered in the little monastery.
Saint Vither Trade Fair
Trade Minister De Clerck will be in the Eifel city for the opening of the event.
Freeway customs office Lichtenbusch
Minister Merlot is received in Lichtenbusch for the laying of the foundation stone.
Birthday celebrations for Silvio Gesell
The 100. Anniversary of the birthday of Silvio Gesell, son of the city of Saint Vith, prompts celebrations.
Sponsorship of the 2nd Cyclist Battalion by the city of Eupen
Herd book clubs in Weywertz
At the opening of the 6th traveling exhibition of the herdbook associations Büllingen, Malmedy and Sankt Vith, Minister of Agriculture Heger is a guest. (From 02.09.1962 to 03.09.1692)
Eupen looks back on the 15th anniversary of the University Sanatorium.
Information visit
Minister Merlot stays in the canton of Saint Vith.
International Youth Meeting
In Saint Vith, young people meet for a great rally of faith.
Museum in Raeren
The pottery museum is opened in the old moated castle.
Strike of the tax officials
A general strike in the financial administration has repercussions as far away as eastern Belgium. At border crossings, officials do their job to the letter, causing traffic chaos. – From July 17, the customs clearance of goods is completely suspended.
- GE, 17.07.1963
International Youth Meeting
The Rotary Club has invited to the 11th Youth Meeting in Eupen. The intention: To experience and live the European idea of international understanding in a concrete way.
- GE, 05.03.1963
Language border
The first of the three language laws enters into force.
- GE, 02.09.1963
Social housing in Sankt Vith
Laying of the foundation stone in the city by the housing company St. Vith
- GE, 05.09.1963
Bridge Herbesthal-Eupen
The Herbesthal-Eupen bridge over the freeway is opened to traffic.
Strike at the cable and rubber plants
Around 800 workers resume their work on January 20.
- GE, 17.01.1964
Petition of the Mayors of the Eastern Cantons
The heads of the municipalities of the three cantons had appointed no less a person than the king himself as the addressee of their petition. Their concern: to preserve the administrative link of East Belgium to the district of Verviers instead of abandoning it.
Prophylactic care in Saint Vith
Founded in 1937, the social welfare organization followed the motto Prevention is better than cure. Doctors received and advised school children and those seeking advice. – Now the welfare service moves into modern premises on Pulverstrasse.
- GE, 13.01.1964
Belgian-German social agreement
The agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany, which has been in force since December 7, 1957, is now available in an updated version.
- GE, 29.02.1964
Nature reserve in the fens
Along the German border, 14 km² of Venn area between Weser and Getzbach are placed under protection.
- GE, 29.02.1964
Church Day in Eupen
Protestant Christians from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium meet in Eupen for a church congress. Between the ringing in of the meeting on Saturday and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Sunday evening, a rich program will be offered. (From 07.03.1964 to 08.03.1964)
- GE, 06.03.1964
Doctors strike
During the strike period, an emergency medical service will be established. (From 26.03.1964 to 20.04.1964)
- GE, 26.03.1964
Opening of border crossing Wahlerscheid
Between 7 am and 10 pm, this customs office will already be open due to Easter travel. – However, this is only temporary, as the utilization of this transition until October 31, 1964 is yet to prove its significance.
- GE; 17.03.1964
Fire in the fens
About 800 hectares of fens and forest burn opposite Botrange.
- GE, 25.05.1964; 26.05.1964; 28.05.1964
Generals meeting
The former Opponents, H. v. Manteuffel and B. Clarke meet in Saint Vith.
- GE, 25.07.1964
Four oaks and a memorial stone for friends of the Fens
The renowned nature lovers Marie-Anne Libert, Abbé Joseph Bastin, Albert Bonjean and François Toussaint are remembered at the Fischbach Chapel.
- GE, 11.08.1964
Local council elections
- GE, 21.09.1964
Young people as delegates to the provincial governor
How they would like to help shape their own future and what is preventing them from doing so is what Catholic youth delegates would like to bring to the attention of the provincial governor.
- GE, 22.10.1964
Federation of shooting societies
With the support of Födecam, the shooting clubs of the canton of Eupen join forces.
- GE, 20.10.1964
Hot iron" action
About 1500 young people meet in Saint Vith to share with each other their questions and concerns for the future. In doing so, they refer to the results of a survey in which 3,821 young people participated with their answers and suggestions.
- GE, 26.10.1964
Release of the King Baudouin Highway
A great day for the border town of Lichtenbusch! The opening ceremony of this route, which connects Cologne with Antwerp, is attended by King Balduin and President Lübke.
- GE, 07.11.1964
Customs complex Lichtenbusch in operation
Start of service at the new customs complex
Eupen band "The Rackets" tours Israel
During three months the Eupen band “The Rackets” tours Israel and gives numerous concerts.
- GE, 31.07.2004
Action Committee "Hot Irons" starts work.
University sanatorium is closed
Originally intended for university students with lung disease, the pulmonary hospital must now close due to unprofitability.
- GE, 12.03.1965
First deanery meeting of choirs
In Rocherath, the choirs of the deanery of Malmedy gather for an exceptional meeting.
- GE, 02.04.1965
Liturgy as evolution
In the course of the new liturgical design, singing in the native language is deliberately included as a design element. Against this background, a meeting of church choirs will be held in the deanery church of Saint Vith.
- GE, 12.04.1965
Start for "Parents' Hot Irons
Motto: Involve the parents in the deliberations on current youth issues and look for solutions together.
GE, 14.05.1965
Youth meeting in Saint Vith
Youth leaders from Aachen are guests at the Chiro. They discuss with each other and experienced a joint program of activities.
- GE, 14.05.1965; 18.05.1965
Provincial governor on a visit
Provincial Governor Clerdent visits factories in Raeren and Manderfeld.
Parliamentary elections
In the district of Verviers, Willy Schyns (CSP) is re-elected to the Chamber.
- GE, 25.05.1965
International shooting meeting in Büllingen
It is the first international meeting of shooters on Belgian soil.
A week to "check and choose
In February 1965, the Testing and Voting Working Group had been formed in Saint Vith. The main aim of the participants is to take a critical look at the mass media. – About 65 participants will meet on this topic in the monastery of St. Raphael in Montenau.
- GE, 03.09.1965; 27.09.1965
KLJ celebrates 10 years
In Eupen, about 300 young people meet under the motto Who sees the future, stays young. (From 16.10.1965 to 17.10.1965)
- GE, 24.09.1965; 18.10.1965
Foundation of the historical association ZVS
- GE, 23.12.1965
Cultural Council for the Eastern Cantons
In the Cabinet Council, the government discussed the establishment of cultural councils. The German-speaking area of Belgium was also considered.
- GE, 06.12.1965
Foundation of an Adult Education Center of the Eastern Cantons (VHS)
On the initiative of the Christian Workers’ Movement and the Boerenbond, an adult education center is founded for the eastern cantons. The new youth hostel at Ovifat will host the opening ceremony.
- GE, 04.01.1966; 04.12.1965
14th International Trade Fair in Saint Vith
Secretary of State Maisse is a guest.
Industrialization theme
Minister State Secretary for Regional Economy, Urbain, visits Saint Vith.
Congress of the European Association Ardennes-Eifel
The meeting, which will bring together about 200 congressmen, will focus on issues of valorization and interconnection of regional concerns, as there are economic, transport, cultural and especially tourist. The Minister of Tourism, Piers, is a guest in Malmedy. (From 21.05.1966 to 22.05.1966)
- GE, 23.05.1966; 24.05.1966
Wild rabies
The first signs of rabies among game populations are making themselves felt in Eifel forests.
- GE, 28.07.1966
New Kneipp spa
At the opening of the new Kneipp spa in Eupen, Minister of Health Hulpiau is among the guests of honor.
Border clearance point in operation
The new Belgian-German border clearance point Steinebrück goes into operation.
Interest missile base
The open day at the Elsenborn camp will also deliberately focus attention on the Hercules-equipped missile base. The announcement says that the base can successfully fight any enemy.
- GE, 01.09.1966; 05.09.1966
First Minister Vanden Boeynants visits Eupen and Raeren
Various companies receive the head of government.
Minister De Riemaker in Saint Vith
The first social housing estate is inaugurated in the city. The Minister of Family and Housing does the honors.
- GE, 23.09.1966
Tourist tour of the eastern cantons
Tourism Minister Piers is in on the action. In Lichtenbusch, he inaugurates the border pavilion and receives information about the regional needs in the field of tourism.
- GE, 11.10.1966
Nature Conservation Diploma for the High Fens
Freiherr von Ittinghoff-Schell, Member of the Council of Europe, presents Minister of Agriculture Heger with the quality seal of the Ministerial Committee.
- GE, 14.10.1966
Action "Hot iron" with statute
The movement establishes a non-profit company.
- GE, 08.11.1966
Opening on the domain Berterath
Minister of the Interior Vanderpoorten attends the opening of the Spicher company.
- GE, 28.10.1966
Cardinal Cardijn speaks
In the deaneries of Saint Vith and Malmedy the youth week comes to an end. In the closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon, Cardinal Cardijn will speak to the young people.
- GE, 31.10.1966
Eumavia in Eupen
The students of Leuven celebrate their foundation party in Eupen
400th anniversary of the Protestant Parish of Eupen
The program in the newly renovated Friedenskirche includes the festive service, an exhibition, concerts and, above all, lectures by speakers. Signs of ecumenical thought permeate the entire jubilee. (From 03.12.1966 to 04.12.1966)
- GE, 05.12.1966
Special Committee of the "Meyers Commission
The parliamentarians of this body are determined. Its task is to deal with the relations between the linguistic communities of the country. Their topics include the problems of cultural, linguistic and economic …
- GE, 14.04.1967
Measures to control rabies
The risk of rabies still exists. That’s why forestry and veterinary managers now rely on fumigation of fox dens. (From 17.04.1967 to 29.04.1967)
- GE, 29.04.1967
Flash visit of the king
The High Fens and his godchild in Schönberg are the background of the king’s flying visit.
- GE, 02.06.196; 03.06.1967
Alcohol tests
… are officially introduced.
Inauguration of the Center for Professional Training
Minister of SMEs dAlcantara stays in Eupen as a guest of honor.
Opening of the local history museum in Saint Vith
It is a realization of the still young Historical Association Between the Fens and the Schneifel (ZVS), which has particularly promoted the establishment in memory of the former museum that perished in the war.
Association of dairy companies
The merger of the Büllingen-Sankt Vith dairy cooperative with the Amel private dairy is sealed.
- GE, 15.12.1967
Sudden onset of winter
The village of Lommersweiler is snowed in. Only heavy equipment can make the place accessible to the outside world.
- GE, 12.01.1968
Report on the situation in the German-speaking region of Belgium
The Meyers Special Committee for the German Language Area begins its deliberations. In doing so, he relies on a comprehensive memorandum by County Commissioner Hoen.
- GE, 11.01.1968
Minister Parisis at the Historical Society ZVS
The minister visits the museum and pledges his support to the association.
Special committee meets in Malmedy
After an initial meeting in Brussels, the special committee is now contacting representatives of authorities and associations. On the spot, so to speak, he lets people from political, economic or cultural life have their say.
- GE, 09.02.1968; 17.02.1968
Parliamentary elections
Willy Schyns (CSP) from Kelmis is elected to the House, and Michel Louis (PFF) from Sankt Vither to the Senate.
First Malmedy Trade Fair
Meeting of the European Educational Confederation (EEB)
For the German language area of East Belgium, a separate section is formed in Saint Vith, from which representatives are delegated to the national headquarters in Brussels.
GE, 20.05.1968
Farmer protest against milk price reduction
In the run-up to the EEC agricultural meeting in Brussels, farmers’ associations position themselves across borders. About 2000 farmers gather for a rally in Eupen.
- GE, 22.05.1968
Protest march and rally in Eupen
About 2000 dairy farmers protest against the plans of the EEC Agricultural Commission to promote farm profitability by lowering milk prices.
GE, 25.05.1968
Commemoration of Abbé Peters
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the execution of Abbé Peters of Malmedy in Berlin-Plötzensee, commemorative ceremonies are scheduled in Malmedy.
Information points at the border crossing
Promising initiatives of the Federation of Tourist Associations – Pavilions are inaugurated in Losheimergraben and Lengeler, providing incoming tourists with initial information about the country and its people. (From 09.07.1968 to 24.07.1968)
- GE, 09.07.1968
Minister of French Culture in Buetgenbach
Minister Parisis welcomes the construction of a water sports center on the lake of Buetgenbach.
Parade of the Ardennes Fighters in Saint Vith
A three-day maneuver in the Saint Vith area is concluded with a military parade.
Herd book clubs exhibit
In Büllingen, the vernast organizers of the herdbook exhibition count more than 10,000 visitors. (From 23.08.1968 to 26.08.1968)
East Belgian with special mission
In the cabinet of the Minster of Parisis, Johann Weynand becomes the special representative for East Belgian affairs.
Metalworkers meet
Delegates of the metal industry meet in Manderfeld.
Athletes to Mexico for the Olympics
In Brussels, Fredy Herbrand, Leo Dütz and Roswitha Emonts-Gast set off for Mexico.
Knitwear factory
A consequence of the Hot Irons action: A Daleiden factory wants to establish a branch in Sankt Vith and create numerous jobs.
Foundation of the deanery Büllingen
In addition to the German-speaking parishes of the deanery of Malmedy, it also includes the parishes of Manderfeld, Heppenbach and Herresbach. On September 25, Pastor Ferdinand Hilgers is inaugurated as dean.
- GE, 12.11.1968
Major celebrations take place in Malmedy and Kelmis 50 years after the First World War.
- GE, 12.11.1968
Economy needs connection
The Economic Committee of the Eastern Cantons holds its General Assembly in Eupen. He identifies deficits and discusses the situation in East Belgium.
- GE, 27.11.1968
Two-day strike
Pupils of the upper school of the Kgl. Athenaeum Saint Vith refuse to attend classes because since the beginning of the school year not all subjects could be taught. The prospect of filling the vacancies ends the protest.
GE, 03.12.1968, 04.12.1968; 05.12.1968
Cultural autonomy in focus
Cabinet delegates of the Ministers of Cultural Affairs for French and Dutch culture seek discussion in Eupen and Saint Vith. Its goal: to clarify questions and explore possibilities in advance of a contemplated cultural autonomy for German-speaking East Belgians. (From 17.12.1968 to 18.12.1968)
- GE, 20.12.1968
Driver training becomes mandatory
From now on, the acquisition of the driver’s license is preceded by a successfully completed driver training course. Theoretical knowledge in particular will become more important.
- GE, 02.01.1969
12-point resolution of the CSP section Eupen
In the run-up to the constitutional reform, CSP officers formulate 12 expectations regarding future inter-community relations.
- GE, 13.01.1969
Cultural autonomy - yes or no?
Senator Dr. Louis addresses all mayors or councils in an open letter. In it, he asks for opinions regarding the future design of a cultural autonomy alongside the other two cultural communities.
- GE, 01.02.1969
Mayors resolution
A clear majority of the 24 mayors of German-speaking municipalities present in the Eupen City Hall decide to give Senator Dr. Louis two proposed amendments for further consideration in the Senate. They pursue one goal: full cultural autonomy for German-speaking Belgium.
- GE, 13.02.1969
Resolution of the Eifel CSP
The CSP local sections Büllingen, Crombach, Meyerode and Sankt Vith discuss and adopt an adapted version of the resolution of 14.02.1969.
- GE, 19.03.1969
First drafts of a sector plan
To a first information meeting in Weismes invites the Department of Public Works. The sector plan Malmedy-Sankt Vith is presented to the mayors.
- GE, 12.03.1969
Laying of the foundation stone for the Eupen retirement home
Minister of Health Namèche is on site. The construction project provides for 77 single rooms and 4 apartments.
10th International Trade Exhibition in Saint Vith
Secretary of Commerce Leburton does the honors. – Record attendance on 50,000 m² of exhibition space.
Proposal "Eastern Province
The Volksunie submits a bill that aims, among other things, to create a tenth province. The idea is causing quite a stir.
- GE, 23.07.1969
The namesake, who is honored with this street naming, personally attends the unveiling ceremony.
American veterans as guests in Sankt Vith
25 years after the Battle of the Bulge, former members of the 106th Airborne Brigade are staying in the Netherlands. US Division in the region.
Kelmis 50 years Belgian
The municipality of Kelmis celebrates 50 years of belonging to Belgium in the presence of illustrious guests: Minister of the Interior Harmegnies, Minister of Culture Parisis, Provincial Governor Clerdent and District Commissioner Hoen are present. (From 20.09.1969 to 21.09.1969)
- GE, 2.09.1969
Peace Rally
Youth movements throughout the German-speaking communities are participating in the campaign. Your daily program starts in Kelmis and ends in Saint Vith. Autobuses will take care of the transfer of the participating youth groups.
- GE, 24.09.1969
20 years of Les Beaux Spectacles Français
Minister of Culture Parisis attends the anniversary. The association has so far welcomed around 70,000 visitors to some 280 events.
- GE, 12.11.1969
Veterans of former enemy military units in Saint Vith
50 members of the former German Parachute Regiment 9 and 37 veterans of the 99th Infantry Division jointly commemorate the dead of the World War.
- GE, 15.12.1969
Introduction of postal codes
March of the Ardennes Hunters through the Eastern Cantons
Started from Vielsalm via Sankt Vith, Malmedy to Eupen (From 09.01.1970 to 11.01.1970)
- GE, 09.01.1970
Mayor with the Prime Minister
The German-speaking mayors visit the Prime Minister.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Knitwear Geyer
The Geyer knitwear factory is opened in Sankt Vith. 200 new jobs will be created.
- GE, 02.01.1971
"Day of the tree"
A decision of the Council of Europe declared 1970 as the International Year of Nature Conservation. Belgium then designated April 18 as Arbor Day. The local communities also follow this recommendation and plant trees. – Hergenrath makes the beginning with a 5-year-old blood beech.
- GE, 26.03.1970; 06.04.1970
25 years of peace
The armistice of the Second World War receives special attention for the occasion.
- GE, 08.05.1970
Minister for Community Affairs Terwagne
The Minister for Community Affairs, Freddy Terwagne (PS), participates in a discussion evening in Malmedy. This one is about the linguistic and cultural concerns of the eastern cantons.
- GE, 02.01.1971
Ministerial visit to Eupen
The Minister of French Culture, Albert Parisis (PSC), and the Minister of Health, Louis Namèche (PS), visit Eupen.
- GE, 02.01.1971
Delegation of the Ministry of Health
A delegation of the Minister of Health Louis Namèche (PS) visits community representatives in Bütgenbach for the purpose of discussing the future of the Bütgenbach hospital.
- GE1 02.01.1971
Senate debate on the field of German language
Senate debate on the field of German language: for a constitutionally guaranteed election of the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
The "Willems case
Forced transfer of a German-speaking teacher in favor of a French-speaking teacher.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Chamber debate on the territory of deuscher language
Willy Schyns speaks in the Chamber against an election of the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Liège - Saint Vith expressway
Governor Pierre Clerdent announces the construction of an expressway from Liège via Malmedy to Saint Vith, which has been decided in principle.
- GE, 02.01.1971
Schröder affair
Dismissal of journalist Horst Schröder from the service of Belgian Radio.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Local council elections
The local council elections are being hyped up as a symbol of the autonomy debate.
- GE, 02.01.1971
Adult Day Care
Opening of a day care center for adults at St. Joseph’s Home in Eupen
- GE, 09.10.1970; 23.10.1970
Bird Catching
Protest actions by Belgian and German bird conservationists mobilize in Losheimergraben against bird trapping in Belgium.
- GE, 02.11.1971
Teachers' strike in the province of Liège
Reason: delay in salary payments and inadequacies in the social statute
- GE, 27.10.1970
Silent march of the CAJ
Against injustice and for peace in the world demonstrated about 100 young people in Eupen.
- GE, 09.11.1970
Teachers' strike in the province of Liège
(From 16.11.1970 to 18.11.1970)
- GE, 18.11.1970
Farmers protest action
450 farmers from the cantons of Malmedy, Saint Vith, Stavelot and Vielsalm demonstrate for support of their profession and an increase in milk prices.
- GE, 02.01.1971
Adoption constitutional reform
The constitutional reform is approved by the House. The German-speaking cultural community receives full autonomy.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium; GE, 10.12.1970
Resignation CSP Board of Directors
After the defeat in the municipal council elections, the CSP board of directors resigns.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Eifel-CSP positions itself on state reform
The Eifel-CSP positions itself positively on the state reform. That is why people talk about a springtime of the CSP in the Eifel sections.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Foundation of the Association of Parents' Councils
The Association of Parents’ Councils is founded in Elsenborn. It is intended to be an interface between parents, schools and official agencies.
- GE, 05.01.1972
German-Belgian agreement on spatial planning
The Minister of Public Works, Jos De Saeger (CVP), and the German Minister of the Interior, Hans-Dietrich Genscher (FDP), sign an agreement on spatial planning and the creation of a nature park High Fens-Eifel Nordeifel-Schneifel.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Founding act High Fens-Eifel Society
The High Fens-Eifel Society is founded in the Provincial Palace in Liège.
- GE, 05.01.1972
German speaking youth council
The German-speaking Youth Council starts its work even before its official recognition.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Foundation of East Belgian Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
The East Belgian Small Business Association is founded in Sourbrodt.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Protests against ski slope
Conservationists mobilize against the construction of a ski slope in Elsenborn.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Inauguration Center for Vocational Training
In Eupen, the vocational training center is inaugurated in the presence of Charles Hanin (PSC), Minister of SMEs.
- GE, 14.06.1971
Silvius Magnago in Saint Vith
The South Tyrolean autonomist Silvius Magnago gives a speech in Saint Vith.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Interministerial Commission
First interdepartmental commission for the field of German language.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Minister of French Culture in Saint Vith
The Minister of French Culture, Albert Parisis (PSC), visits the city.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Mayors meeting
The mayors discuss and adopt a resolution on the future of the German language area.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Second Conference of Mayors
The East Belgian mayors meet to discuss the problems of the area.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Leo Tindemans in Eupen
Leo Tindemans (CVP) gives a speech in Eupen.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Inaugural visit provincial governor
The new provincial governor Paul-Emile Mottard visits the eastern cantons.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Foundation CUW
The Christian Independent Voters Union (CUW) is founded. It advocates more autonomy.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
King visit
The King visits the Gileppe Dam and Eupen, where he meets representatives of the East Belgian municipalities.
- GE, 05.01.1972
District Commissariat East Cantons
The eastern cantons receive their own district commissariat.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Federal elections
Federal elections are held.
- GE, 05.01.1972
First case Johann Weynand
Despite promises to the contrary, Johann Weynand is not sent to parliament by the PSC.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Second case Johann Weynand
Despite promises to the contrary, Johann Weynand is ultimately not co-opted into parliament at all.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
PDB foundation
The Party of German-speaking Belgians (PDB) is founded.
- GE, 05.01.1972
Johann Weynand Advisor to the Prime Minister
Johann Weynand becomes advisor to the prime minister.
- GE, 03.01.1973
Beka strike
The staff of the Beka company goes on strike for several weeks.
- GE, 03.01.1973
PDB program
The Party of German-speaking Belgians draws up its program.
- GE, 03.01.1973
Creation of the RDK
The preliminary project on the creation of a Council of the German Cultural Community is approved by the Government.
- GE, 03.01.1973
Spicher-Werke Manderfeld
For the time being, the strike at the Spicher plants in Manderfeld, which has been going on for several months, comes to an end.
- GE, 03.01.1973
Mergers of the municipalities
The municipal councils take a position on the scheduled municipal mergers.
- GE, 28.12.1972
Willy Schyns State Secretary
Willy Schyns becomes state secretary.
- GE, 03.01.1973
Interministerial Commission
Second interdepartmental commission for the field of German language.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Eupen vehicle inspection station
The vehicle testing center in Eupen is opened.
- GE, 03.01.1974
War victims' pensions
The supplementary agreement to the German-Belgian treaty on war victims’ pensions is signed by Willy Schyns and the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Peter Limbourg.
- GE, 03.01.1974
PS rally in Saint Vith
Prime Minister Edmund Leburton, Ministers Edouard Close and Codell, and the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia are present at the PS party congress in Saint Vith. The main topic is the freeway connection Verviers-Prüm and the settlement of the post-war problems.
- GE, 03.01.1974
Creation Council of the German Cultural Community
The House and Senate pass the bill creating the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Medell Protective Workshop
The sheltered workshop The Future opens in Medell.
- GE, 03.01.1974
Teacher shortage
There is a shortage of around 100 teachers at schools in eastern Belgium, which means that regular classes cannot be held in some cases. It takes a few weeks for the National Ministry of Education to fix the problem.
- GE, 03.01.1974
Establishment Council of the German Cultural Community
The Council of the German Cultural Community is established. Johann Weynand becomes the first chairman of the council.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Resignation of Willy Schyn
Due to a reduction in the size of the government, the previous Secretary of State Willy Schyns has to resign.
- GE, 03.01.1974
Congress of the Tourist Associations of the Eastern Cantons
The first congress of the transport associations of the eastern cantons takes place. Greater cooperation is planned.
- GE, 26.11.1973
First Congress of the PDB
The Party of German-speaking Belgians holds its first congress.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Emmels forest dispute
In Saint Vith, the Emmelser Forest dispute is stirring up emotions.
- GE, 08.01.1974
Federal and community elections
The first election of the Council of the German Cultural Community takes place. CSP and PFF form a coalition. At the national level, Alfred Evers (PFF), Willy Schyns (CSP) and Albert Daulne (SP) are sent to the House and Senate.
- East Belgium hears East Belgium
Establishment Council of the German Cultural Community
Establishment of the first directly elected council of the German cultural community.
- GE, 02.01.1975
300 years city of Eupen
Eupen celebrates its tercentenary as a city.
- GE, 15.06.1974
Royal visit to Saint Vith
King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola visit Saint Vith.
- GE, 02.01.1975
Red Cross section Büllingen-Bütgenbach founded
A Red Cross section is founded in Bütgenbach, which will take over ambulance transports and emergency care in the future.
- GE, 31.08.2004
Prime Minister as guest
Prime Minister Leo Tindemans (CVP) and Interior Minister Joseph Michel (PSC) visit the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- GE, 02.01.1975
Verviers-Prüm freeway
Minister Jean Defraigne (PRL) explains the plans for a freeway link between Verviers and Prüm in Saint Vith.
- GE, 02.01.1975
Mergers of the municipalities
Interior Minister Joseph Michel (PSC) presents his merger plans. In East Belgium, 8 municipalities are to remain.
- GE, 02.01.1975
Decision of the municipality mergers
The majority of the chamber votes in favor of the merger plans of the municipalities
GE, 24.11.1975
Municipal mergers also a done deal in the Senate
By the time local council elections are held in October 1976, only 590 of the 2,359 mayoral offices will remain. 1,769 small municipalities are abolished.
Language survey
13,000 parents are surveyed on the topic of teaching and language on behalf of the Cultural Council.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Subsidies from the Council of the German Cultural Community
The Council of the German Cultural Community discusses the subsidization of school sports associations and other sports associations.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Approval for retirement home construction in Sankt Vith
Secretary of State Robert Moreau (PS) confirms the construction of a retirement home in Saint Vith.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Minister of Economics on visit
The Minister of Economy Fernand Herman (PSC) visits the town of Malmedy.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Culture Budget Council of the German Cultural Community
The budget of the Council of the German Cultural Community is 27 million francs.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Eupens wiring
The city of Eupen is gradually receiving cable television.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Extension Malmedy hospital
The hospital of the city of Malmedy receives an extension with 65 beds.
- GE, 05.01.1977
Survey foreign language skills
The results of the language survey (26.01.1976) cause surprise. While parents are in favor of learning French even in specialized classes, teachers are against it.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Local council elections
Municipal elections are also held in East Belgium.
- GE, 15.01.1977
Outgoing district commissioner
The district commissioner Henri Hoen leaves the service.
- GE, 15.01.1977
New district commissioner
Johann Weynand becomes the new district commissioner.
- GE, 15.01.1977
New President of the Council of the German Cultural Community
Albert Gehlen succeeds the outgoing president of the Council of the German Cultural Community, Johann Weynand.
- GE, 07.01.1978
German language court district
Following parliamentary questions by Alfred Evers and Yvan Ylieff (PS) on a German-language judicial district, Minister of Justice Herman Vanderpoorten (PVV) submits a bill.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Priority for German-speaking officials
The Council of the German Cultural Community decides that German-speaking candidates have priority in East Belgian departments.
- GE, 07.01.1978
RTB broadcast
The four East Belgian parties discuss the problems of German-speaking Belgians in an RTB broadcast.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Culture budget adopted
The operating budget of the Council of the German Cultural Community is adopted. It includes 34 million francs. – For comparison, the municipality of Burg-Reuland has a budget of 94 million francs, while the budget of the municipality of Eupen is 307 million francs.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Student Association: Discussion
The student associations Paludia and Eumavia organize a discussion with the politicians of the German-speaking parties on the regionalization models for East Belgium.
- GE, 07.01.1978
RTB broadcast
RTB broadcasts a program in German. The topic is the election debates of the East Belgian parties.
- GE, 07.0.1978
National elections
Result: Willy Schyns (CSP) and Ferdi Dupont (SP) become representatives of East Belgium in parliament. Later, Alfred Evers (PFF) is co-opted into the Senate.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Closure Janard branch
71 workers of the Janard company lose their jobs as the company closes its branch in Saint Vith.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Signing Egmont Pact
The Egmont Pact is signed by the governing parties.
Attorney General at the Court of Appeal
Joseph Schmitz becomes Attorney General at the Court of Appeal in Liège.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Ran magazine
The Council of German-speaking Youth publishes the magazine ran for the first time.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Creation of a radio and television center
The Council of the German Cultural Community adopts the decree establishing the German-speaking Radio and Television Center.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Guy Mathonet in East Belgium
The Minister of Public Works, Guy Mathonet, is in East Belgium for a fact-finding visit.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Joseph Michel in East Belgium
The Minister of National Education Joseph Michel is in East Belgium. The establishment of a contact office for teaching issues is announced.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Rik Boel in East Belgium
The Minister of the Interior, Rik Boel, is in East Belgium for a fact-finding visit.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Inauguration Europe Monument
The Europe Monument is inaugurated in Ouren.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Demand of the Economic Committee
The East Canton Business Committee calls for a consultative council on regionalized matters.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Community Council of the German Cultural Community
The Council of the German Cultural Community adopts a resolution to create a Community Council for the German Cultural Community.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Foundation of the German-speaking Radio and Television Center
BRF celebrates the founding of the German-language radio and television center.
- GE, 07.01.1978
Unemployment East Belgium
In eastern Belgium, 1,650 people are unemployed. This corresponds to 5.7% of the employed population. Unemployment is slightly lower than in the whole district of Verviers (8.7%).
- GE, 07.01.1978
An MEP in the future?
In the Chamber, the Belgian representation in the European Parliament is discussed. Also the representation of the German-speaking Belgians is dskutiert.
- GE, 09.01.1978
Stuyvenberg result
East Belgian parties react to the results of the Stuyvenberg Agreement.
- GE, 18.01.1978
Students organize discussion
The student associations of German-speaking students Destuna, Paludia and Eumavia organized a political discussion round with all parties.
- GE, 17.04.1978
German Ambassador to East Belgium
The German Ambassador in Belgium, Peter Limbourg, visits the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- GE, 28.04.1978
Legislative proposals of own electoral districts
Willy Schyns submits two legislative proposals for a separate electoral district for German-speaking Belgians.
- GE, 31.05.1978
Overall budget in focus
The Council of the German Cultural Community debates the general budget for the German language area for the first time.
- GE, 01.06.1978
Resolution own constituency
The Council of the German Cultural Community adopts a resolution to create a separate electoral district for German-speaking Belgians.
- GE, 03.11.1978
Federal elections
Federal elections are held in Belgium. The newly elected House and Senate should be constitutional.
- GE, 17.12.1978
New post office building
A new post office building is opened in Eupen. There are 70 people employed there.
- GE, 08.01.1980
Memorandum of the Council of the German Cultural Community
The PDB, the PFF and the SP send a memorandum to the government builder Wilfried Martens. In it, they call for prescriptive powers for the council and a collegial executive formed from the council with an appropriate administration.
- GE, 1979.02.07
Future of the German language area
An academic conference with francophone political scientists on the future of the German language area is held at the University of Liège.
- GE, 19.05.1990
Poster campaign of the Council of the High German Ethnic Group V.o.G.
The Council of the High German Ethnic Group V.o.G. promotes a region-free area with full autonomy.
- GE, 30.05.1979
New BRF Director
Peter Moutschen becomes the new director of the BRF.
- GE, 08.01.1980
Heinrich Toussaint Federal Cross of Merit
The Grenz-Echo editor-in-chief Heinrich Toussaint receives the Federal Cross of Merit.
- GE, 08.01.1980
Opening Worriken
The Worriken Sports and Leisure Center is opened.
- GE, 29.09.1979
Twenty boat people find new home in Eupen
To escape the hardships of the war-torn country and the terror of the communist dictatorship, some 1.6 million flee Vietnam across the South China Sea. 20 of these so-called boat people come to Eupen and are accompanied by a “Vietnam Committee” and sponsor families. Their integration is considered exemplary.
Resolution constitutional reform
The Council of the German Cultural Community adopts a resolution. The government should be made aware that the German speakers want to be taken into account in the next constitutional reform.
- GE, 17.10.1979
Resolution on the war damage issue
Unanimously, the Council of the German Cultural Community passes a resolution to the government. The latter is called upon to find a solution to East Belgium’s post-war problems.
- GE, 27.11.1979
Anniversaries at Elisabethhaus
The Augustinian community in Manderfeld celebrates the 70th anniversary of its convent and the 50th anniversary of its house.
- GE, 08.09.1980
Pope's visit to Cologne
Pope John Paul II visits the city of Cologne.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Drafts of the special law
The Council of the German Cultural Community has before it the draft laws that will grant the future Council of the German-speaking Community decree powers. An opinion on the specified cultural and personal issues must be submitted within 60 days.
- GE, 30.12.1980
Coalition agreement between CSP, PFF and SP
The coalition parties set as a stated goal to get the East Belgium texts over the parliamentary hurdle.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Opinion of the CSP, PFF and SP on Article 59ter
The coalition of CSP, PFF and SP gives an opinion, not requested by the national government, on Article 59ter of the Constitution.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Creative center
A creative center is opened in Raeren.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Electrification of the Luxembourg-Liège railroad line
The railroad line between Luxembourg and Liège is to be electrified. The continued existence of the line is thus assured.
- GE, 1981.12.31
Endowments for the German-speaking Community
The Cabinet Council sets an allocation of 319 million BF for the German-speaking community for the cultural sectors.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Lament: Emmel forest
The city council of the municipality of Saint Vith decides to file a lawsuit against the state in the matter of the Emmels forest.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Telephone tapping affair
The investigative committee of the Council of the German Cultural Community concludes that the Council’s parties were not wiretapped.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Beka strikes
The employees of the Eupen needle factory Beka keep the factory occupied. 100 employees storm Eupen City Hall and force negotiations on job security.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Strike action Eupen workers
250 textile and metal workers block the highway crossing in Lichtenbusch for two hours.
Occupation of the CCI
Delegates of the CSC occupy the Chamber of Commerce to obtain the preparation of an economic study on East Belgium.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Draft expert opinion
The coalition of CSP, PFF and SP submits a draft opinion on the ordinary law on the Council of the German-speaking Community, calling for, among other things, German as the language of administration and the relocation of the district commissioner’s office to the area of German language.
- GE, 31.12.1981
New building Collège Patronné
The Ministry of Education decides to rebuild the Eupen Collège Patronné.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Construction multipurpose hall Raeren
The construction of a multipurpose hall in Raeren is decided by the Raeren municipal council.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Minister of Education as guest
Minister of Education Philippe Busquin (PS) visits the State Institute for Special Education and the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Construction sports hall Herbesthal
The construction of a sports hall in Herbesthal is decided by the Lontzen municipal council.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Division of labor Walloon Region and German-speaking Community
The Ministerial Committee for Institutional Reform decides that a system of division of labor between the Walloon Region and the German-speaking Community will be established. A direct transfer of regional competences had not been constitutionally possible at present.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Constitutional Article 59ter for the German-speaking Community
The Council of Ministers approves a new 59th constitutional article for the German-speaking Community. The latter is given decree and executive powers.
Ge, 31.12.1981
Expansion of BRF program
Expansion of BRF broadcasting program by 10 hours.
- GE, 31.12.1981
Vennstraße extension
Work begins on the most important north-south link in eastern Belgium
- GE, 31.12.1981
Site House Rotenberg
Foundation of the company Stätte für Behinderte Haus Rotenberg in Eupen
- GE, 31.12.1981
Resolution Association of Parents Councils
The Association of Parents’ Councils (independent schools) is against the introduction of a compulsory French subject in the first two years of elementary school.
- GE, 31.12.1981
French sections secondary schools
East Belgian parliamentarians and school principals support the retention of French-language sections in East Belgian schools.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Population East Belgium
The German language area of Belgium has 64,713 inhabitants.
- GE, 02.01.1981
School Fees Resolution
German students should pay school fees at local schools.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Federal Cross of Merit Josef Königs
The former mayor of Rocherath, Königs, receives the Federal Cross of Merit for his services to European unification.
- GE, 02.01.1981
RTBF broadcast East Belgium
More than one million viewers watch a program on the political situation in eastern Belgium.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Tuition condition
School fees are only charged to German children if school fees must also be paid for a similar educational institution in the Federal Republic.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Free Radio in East Belgium
Radio Distel broadcasts for the first time at the fifteenth anniversary celebration of the Adult Education Center of Eastern Cantons.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Constitutional Article 59ter for the German-speaking Community
No majority in parliament for the new constitutional article 59ter. This was to be the basis for the Council of the German-speaking Community with decree and executive powers.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Modernization Wetzlarbad
The Eupen Wetzlarbad is reopened after modernization work.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Coalition rupture
The coalition between CSP, PFF and SP fails.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Protest of the association of middle class
The middle-class associations of Büllingen and Sankt Vith protest against the government’s tax policy.
- GE, 02.01.1981
There are 2,289 registered unemployed in East Belgium.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Renovation pottery museum
After renovation, the pottery museum in Raeren is reopened. The new curator is Helmut Rehker.
- GE, 02.01.1981
Eupen trade fair
The second Eupen Trade Fair opens with 35,000 visitors.
- GE, 04.01.1981
New nature reserve
The Holzwarche valley becomes a nature reserve in Rocherath.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Closure Nadelfarbik Beka
The board of directors of the Beka needle factory announces the closure of the plant and stops production two days later.
- GE, 04.01.981
Evers proposal 59th
Alfred Evers makes new proposals regarding Article 59ter of the Constitution.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Autonomy for economic committee
The East Belgium Economic Committee becomes an independent subdivision of the Walloon Economic Council (CEW).
- GE, 04.01.1981
New CSP Regional President
Johann Haas is elected as the new regional president of the CSP.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Opening Eupen station
A new station building is opened in Eupen.
- GE, 04.01.1981
New elections in East Belgium
In eastern Belgium, the Liberals are on the rise. The Chrisltich Social Party suffers a loss of votes. In the Council of the German Cultural Community, the CSP has 9 seats, the PDB 7, the PFF 6 and the SP 3. Albert Gehlen (CSP) and Alfred Evers (PFF) become deputies.
- GE, 04.01.1981
New majority in the Council of the German Cultural Community
CSP and PFF form the new majority in the Council of the German Cultural Community. Manfred Betsch becomes the new President of the Council.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Co-option Bernhard Eicher
Bernhard Eicher (SP) is co-opted into the Senate.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Federal Cross of Merit for Albert Gehlen
Albert Gehlen (CSP) receives the Federal Cross of Merit for his commitment to German-Belgian relations.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Border population against new barriers
New German border crossings at Lichtenbusch and Roetgen are rejected by the border population.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Problem balances in the chamber
Albert Gehlen (CSP) and Alfred Evers (PFF) present a comprehensive list of East Belgium problems in the Chamber. – One day later Bernhard Eicher (SP) follows with his overview at the same place.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Transfer of executive power to prime minister
The executive power of the German-speaking Community is given to the Prime Minister Wilfried Martens (CVP).
- GE, 04.01.1981
Federation of families
The Federation of Families is considering the creation of its own German-speaking regional organization.
- GE, 04.01.1981
Josef Maraite becomes new head of the East Belgium Cabinet
Josef Maraite (CSP) becomes the new head of the East Belgium Cabinet. This advisory body to the Prime Minister was to provide for the solution of numerous problems of the German language area.
- GE, 09.01.1982
High Council of War Invalids, Participants and Victims.
The High Council of War Invalids, War Participants and War Victims is established in Brussels. The latter also becomes responsible for those conscripted into the Wehrmacht and their legal successors.
- GE, 11.01.1982
Tripartite coalition in eastern Belgium
After the Walloon PS helped Article 59ter of the Constitution win a two-thirds parliamentary majority, the East Belgian SP rejoined the PFF-CSP coalition at the community level.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Introduction of the electronic telephone exchange
In Eupen, the electronic telephone exchange is introduced instead of the electrical-mechanical one.
- GE, 14.01.1982
East Belgium and institutional reforms
In Brussels, a delegation of the Council of the German Cultural Community and Albert Gehlen (CSP, Chamber), Alfred Evers (PFF, Chamber) and Bernhard Eicher (SP, Senate) meet with the Ministers for Institutional Reform Jean Gol and Jean-Luc Dehaene. The aim is to define new priorities for East Belgium policy.
- GE, 03.01.1983
East Belgium Initiative of the SP
The SP proposes to regulate the regional matters not via article 57ter, but via a special law of the German-speaking community.
- GE, 31.12.1982
Chief Executive Officer
Josef Maraite (CSP) and Bruno Fagnoul (PFF) become the main representatives of the German language executive of the territory. Since December 22, 1981, the Belgian Prime Minister was the exectuive of the German-speaking Community. In view of a transfer of this function, the task is carried out by Joseph Maraite and Bruno Fagnoul.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Housing Minister in Saint Vith
Housing Minister Betrouille visits the city.
- GE, 29.12.1983
Joseph Schmitz becomes Advocate General at the Liège Court of Appeal.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Second language teaching French
The Council of the German Cultural Community advocates the use of French as a second language in elementary school. Compulsory from the 1st grade, 4 hours from the 4th grade and technical terminology from the 5th grade.
- GE, 30.03.1982
Prime Minister wants to solve post-war problems
Manfred Betsch, President of the Council of the German Cultural Community, visits Prime Minister Wilfried Martens. The latter wants to discuss the post-war problems of East Belgium with Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
- GE, 03.01.1983
War Consequences Laws
In the parliament, the War Consequences Laws for East Belgium are discussed.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Council for popular and adult education
The Council for Popular and Adult Education is established after five years of provisional existence.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Regional of the Federation of Families
A separate independent regional organization of the Federation of Families is established for the German language area.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Restatement 59th Constitution
The Council of Ministers approves the reformulation of Article 59ter of the Constitution. The government draft is forwarded to the special commission of the Chamber.
- GE, 03.01.1983
59th in special commission of the chamber
In the special commission of the Chamber, Article 59ter of the Constitution is discussed.
- GE, 03.01.1983
No Walloon minority!
The PDB demands in Brussels that the German-speaking Belgians should not become a Walloon minority.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Prime Minister in Eupen
Prime Minister Wilfried Martens (CVP) is a guest at the Council of the German Cultural Community. In particular, the reformulation of Article 59ter of the Constitution was discussed.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Regulation debt money issue
The settlement of the debt money issue between the Federal Republic of Germany and Belgium has been announced.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Gehlen report on 59th published
Albert Gehen’s (CSP) report on Article 59ter of the Constitution is published.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Prince Albert in East Belgium
Prince Albert and Princess Paola pay an official visit to the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 03.01.1983
New President of the USICE
Johann Weynand becomes the new president of the Union of Tourist Associations in East Belgium (USICE).
- GE, 03.01.1983
The PS calls priority for East Belgium question a neo-provincialism.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Upgrading Council of the German cultural community
The Chamber decides to upgrade the Council of the German Cultural Community. However, the paragraph on the link with the Walloon Regional Council does not find a majority.
- GE, 01.04.1983
New building Collège Patronné
In August, the construction of the new Collège Patronné will begin.
- GE, 04.01.1983
Minister of Education Tromont
Minister of Education Michel Tromont (MR) visits East Belgium. In the Council of the German Cultural Community he discusses the school problems of East Belgium.
- GE, 04.01.1983
Laying of the foundation stone Worriken
Prime Minister Martens lays the foundation stone of the swimming and sports hall and the Worriken vacation village.
- GE, 04.01.1983
End of the raceway
The last train runs on the Vennbahn line between Weismes and Sankt Vith.
- GE, 04.01.1983
Local council elections
On October 10, 1982, new municipal councils are elected in East Belgium. Ecolo is running in the municipal elections for the first time.
- GE, 04.01.1983
New version Article 59ter of the Constitution
Minister Jean Gol pledges to rewrite article 59ter of the Constitution on cooperation with the Walloon Region.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Language order in the judiciary
Ablert Gehlen (CSP, Chamber) and Alfred Evers (PFF, Chamber) complain about disadvantages of the language order in the judiciary for German speakers.
- GE, 03.01.1983
Adoption of the third paragraph of the constitutional article 59ter
The Chamber adopts the third paragraph of Constitutional Article 59ter on the extended autonomy of the German-speaking Community. This provides that, by mutual agreement, regional powers can be transferred from Wallonia to the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 30.12.1983
First Community Executive
The CSP-PFF-SP coalition, which will form the first executive of the German-speaking Community, presents its coalition agreement.
- GE, 30.12.1983
End of the Eupen freight station
SNCB finally seals the closure of the Eupen freight station.
- GE, 29.12.1983
Visit Wilfried Martens
Prime Minister Wilfried Martens visits the cable plant and attends the budget debate of the Council of the German Cultural Community.
- GE, 29.12.1983
Senate committee approves 59th
Senate Committee on Institutional Affairs approves rewrite of Constitutional Article 59ter.
- GE, 30.12.1983
BRF Studio in Saint Vith
A new BRF house is opened and inaugurated in Malmedyer Straße
- GE, 01.04.1983
Alarm bell rejection
Against the implementation law of the constitutional article 59ter, the PDB faction initiated the procedure of the alarm bell. The procedure was rejected by the relevant committee.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Reform of the Economic Council
The former Walloon Regional Economic Council becomes the Economic and Social Council for the Walloon Region and the East Belgian representation is better anchored in it.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Senate for 59th
The Senate passes by a large majority the rewrite of Article 59ter of the Constitution.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Preliminary project own jurisdiction East Belgium
Preliminary projects by Justice Minister Jean Gol involving a German-speaking judicial district are causing resentment in the Verviers judicial district.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Adoption implementation law 59ter
The House passes the implementing legislation for Constitutional Article 59ter and forwards it to the Senate.
- GE. 30.12.1983
Redevelopment and redundancies
The two companies Heinen and Eupener Schalterbau are being restructured. 106 employees lose their jobs
- GE, 29.12.1983
Regional Minister Mayence in Eupen
Regional Minister Jacqueline Mayence-Goossens visits the Eupen building cooperative.
- GE, 29.12.1983
Strike in the north of eastern Belgium
Major strike action in the north of eastern Belgium paralyzes bus and truck traffic.
- GE, 29.12.1983
Senate implementing bill 59ter
The Senate shall pass the bill implementing Article 59ter of the Constitution. He refers it to the House for minor amendments.
GE, 30.12.1983
High attendance in companies
The Prime Minister of the Walloon Region, Jean-Maurice Dehousse, visits the Eupen cable factory and the Chocolaterie Jacques.
- GE, 29.12.1983
Minister in the making
Bruno Fagnoul (PFF, Chairman), Josef Maraite (CSP) and Marcel Lejoly (SP) are to be part of the first East Belgium Executive.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Definitive adoption of the 59th Amendment Act
The implementing law on 59ter of the Constitution is definitively adopted. On the same day, representatives of the CSP, PFF and SP present their new coalition.
- GE, 30.12.1983
Establishment of the Council of the German-speaking Community
The Council of the German-speaking Community is established in the presence of Prime Minister Wilfried Martens. Bruno Fagnoul, Josef Maraite and Marcel Lejoly become the first Community Ministers.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Agreement on the establishment of management
The four parties of the Council of the German-speaking Community sign an agreement on the establishment of a community administration.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Community Policy Statement
The Executive Board of the German-speaking Community presents its first medium-term projects.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Introduction of the electronic telephone exchange
In the Saint Vith telephone zone, the electronic telephone exchange is introduced instead of the electrical-mechanical one.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Inauguration State Pedagogical University
The new building of the State College of Education is inaugurated in Eupen.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Teachers rally
300 teachers demonstrate in front of the headquarters of the Council of the German-speaking Community and the Executive.
- GE, 28.12.1984
Council of German-speaking Youth
A council of German-speaking youth is established.
- GE, 28.12.1984
Discussion with Regional Minister Wathelet
Walloon Regional Minister Wathelet discusses with students.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Performance "3 Tornados
The anarchist cabaret group 3 Tornados performs twice in Kettenis due to great audience response.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Botrange Nature Park Center
The Botrange Nature Park Center is inaugurated.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Royal visit
King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola visit the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Protest against bypass road
1,955 Eupen citizens protest against the construction of the bypass road through the Klinkeshöfchen park.
- GE, 27.12.1984
European elections
The Greens emerge victorious in the European elections.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Regional minister visit to East Belgium
Walloon Regional Minister Féaux and his colleague Wathelet visit the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 27.12.1983
First Community Agreement
For the first time, a community agreement is concluded in Belgium. The German-speaking and French communities want to work together at the administrative level. The PDB criticizes the project as a sellout of autonomy.
- GE, 27.12.1984
Poor German language skills
The Community-funded Pedagogical Working Group presents a critical report on the situation of German language teaching in secondary education in the Community.
- GE, 27.12.1984
BRT broadcast East Belgium
BRT broadcasts two television programs entitled The Other Belgians about the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 29.12.1984
WDR broadcast East Belgium
The WDR program Wednesdays in Eupen causes discussion about their balance.
- GE, 29.12.1984
Opening of the Göhltal Museum in Kelmis
The Göhltal Museum is opened in Kelmis. It displays numerous exhibits on the history of the site and the mining of calamine by the “Vieille Montagne”. The company operated mining not only in Kelmis, but in the 19th century already worldwide as a global player.
- GE, 29.05.2004
Farmers demonstrate
Around 1,000 farmers protest in the streets of Eupen against the milk quota system.
- GE, 29.12.1984
Regional Minister in Büllingen
Regional Minister Damseaux visits Büllingen and informs himself about the timber industry.
- GE, 29.12.1984
Eastern cantons transport office
At a meeting of the tourist associations of the eastern cantons it is announced that a separate tourist office of the eastern cantons is to be founded.
- GE, 29.12.1984
Carolers at the Chancellor
For the first time, the German Chancellor also receives carol singers from eastern Belgium at the annual carol singing reception.
- GE, 08.01.1985
Kurt Ortmann new RDG president
Kurt Ortmann (CSP) becomes the new President of the Council of the German-speaking Community. He succeeds the late Manfred Betsch.
- GE, 27.12.1985
Agora premiere
The Agora theater group performs its first play Aquarium.
- GE, 27.11.1985
Civil proceedings Emmelser Forest
The civil case Emmelser Wald of the city of Saint Vith against the Belgian State is opened.
- GE, 27.12.1985
Pope in Belgium
Pope John Paul II visits Belgium. At a religious rally in Banneux, about 3,000 East Belgians also take part.
- GE, 28.12.1985
Arrest in Lichtenbusch
German MEP Dieter Rogalla tries to saw through a barrier at the Lichtenbusch border crossing. He is apprehended by Belgian gendarmes during his plan.
- GE, 30.12.1985
Autonomy expansion
Federal Minister Louis Olivier (PRWL) decides to establish a new district office of the State Buildings Administration in Eupen and to extend the jurisdiction of the State Roads Administration in Saint Vith to the whole of East Belgium.
- GE, 30.12.1981
Population East Belgium
The German language area of Belgium has 66,218 inhabitants.
- GE, 30.12.1985
European King Shooting in Eupen
Eupen hosts the 6th European King Shooting, which is expected to attract 30,000 shooters from all over Europe.
- GE, 30.12.1985
Border echo takeover
East Belgian entrepreneurs Edgar Thommessen and Alfred Küchenberg take over the Grenz-Echo.
- GE, 31.12.1981
National elections
The governing parties are confirmed in office. Ecolo and PS record gains in votes, the PDB a drop in votes. Albert Gehlen (CSP) is seconded to the chamber. Alfred Evers (PFF) and Bernhard Eicher (SP) have to wait for their co-optation.
- GE, 31.12.1985
Two resolutions
The Council of the German-speaking Community adopts two resolutions concerning a consideration of East Belgium in the communization of education and the problem of forced soldiers.
- GE, 31.12.1985
BRT broadcast East Belgium
BRT broadcasts Maurice de Wilde’s broadcasts on collaboration in Eupen-Malmedy during World War II.
- GE, 31.12.1984
High Fens-Eifel Nature Park
The advisory commission of the nature reserve High Fens and the administrative commission for the nature park High Fens-Eifel are established.
- GE, 29.12.1986
First international theater festival
The first International Theater Festival of the German-speaking Community takes place in Saint Vith.
- GE, 29.12.1986
Demo by teachers, parents and students
In Eupen, 1,000 students, teachers and parents protest against austerity measures in education.
- GE, 30.12.1986
Closure company Petit
The Petit carded yarn spinning mill in Raeren filed for bankruptcy. 128 people lose their jobs.
- GE, 31.12.1986
Community elections
For the first time, the Ecolo party and the SEP party enter the Council of the German-speaking Community. The CSP is gaining votes; the PFF and PDB are losing votes. A coalition of CSP and PFF is formed.
- GE, 02.01.1987
Inaugural meeting of the new council
First meeting of the new Council of the German-speaking Community. Joseph Maraite becomes the new chairman of the council. Marie-Hélène Düsseldorf is the first woman on the Council.
- GE, 02.01.1987
Inauguration Vennliner
A direct bus connection is established between Eupen and Saint Vith.
- GE, 30.12.1987
Court district for the territory of German language
The separate judicial district for the German-speaking Community is gradually taking shape.
- GE, 04.01.1988
Visit Antoine Duquesne
Minister of Education Antoine Duquesne visits the Executive of the German-speaking Community with a view to communitarizing education.
- GE, 04.01.1988
Center for Continuing Education of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
In Eupen, construction of the Center for Continuous Education of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses begins.
- GE, 04.01.1988
End of the Bütgenbach Hospital
The closure of the Bütgenbach hospital is sealed. The hospitals in Eupen and Saint Vith are the last in the German-speaking area.
- GE, 04.01.1988
Start of the Niermann affair
An affair involving the subsidization of organizations in eastern Belgium by the Düsseldorf-based Hermann Niermann Foundation, which lasted several years, begins.
- GE, 05.01.1988
East Belgian coat of arms
What a future coat of arms for the German-speaking Community might look like is now published as a proposal and can be discussed in the Council.
- GE, 05.01.1988
Opening Worriken
The Worriken Sports, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Center is officially opened at Lake Bütgenbach.
- GE, 07.01.1988
Ministerial visit
The Walloon Prime Minister Melchior Wathelet visits the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 07.01.1988
National elections
National elections are held. CSP and Ecolo can record gains in votes. Albert Gehlen (CSP) is seconded to the chamber. Alfred Evers (PFF) and Bernhard Eicher (SP) will move into the Senate.
- GE, 07.01.1988
Establishment of a panel of experts
Community Minister Bruno Fagnoul announces the creation of a commission of experts on the communitarization of education.
- GE, 29.12.1988
Premiere "Algunas Bestias
The Agora theater group performs the play Algunas Bestias, in which a live chicken is decapitated. Animal rights activists are mobilizing against the play.
- GE, 29.12.1988; 26.02.1988
Infrastructure for old people and nursing homes
The Council of the German-speaking Community decides to improve the elderly and nursing home infrastructure.
- GE, 30.12.1988
German language court district
Official establishment of the German language judicial district. The President of the Court of First Instance is Leo Stangherlin.
- GE, 31.12.1988
Schoonbroodt excommunication
The Bishop of Liège excommunicates the traditionalist priest Paul Schoonbroodt from Steffeshausen.
Local council elections
- GE, 02.01.1989
Strikes in the health sector
In Eupen, health care workers are on strike. – An identical measure follows on March 16.
- GE, 27.12.1989
Protest against Republicans
The German party Die Republikaner wants to hold a meeting in Eupen. 400 people then demonstrate against the planned meeting and fascism.
- GE, 27.12.1989
Support association for day care center Hergenrath
In Hergenrath, a sponsoring association is founded that wants to operate a daycare center.
Chemotherapy pumps in Eupen
Eupen’s Saint Nicholas Hospital receives chemotherapy pumps from the Belgian cancer charity.
- GE, 28.12.1989
Protests against "The Last Temptation of Christ
After protests, the broadcast of the Scorsese film “The Last Temptation of Christ” is postponed by the Volksbildungswerk.
- GE, 28.12.1989
Extension training ground
Ecolo and the Green Party are mobilizing against an expansion of the Elsenborn military training area.
- GE, 28.12.1989
Visit of the royal couple
King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola visit East Belgium.
- GE, 28.12.1989
Low birth cohorts
In East Belgium, the number of students is declining due to the low birth rate.
- GE, 28.12.1989
Protest march against bird trapping
In Losheim 400 bird trapping opponents meet for a protest march
- GE, 30.12.1989
Psychiatry in Saint Vith
The establishment of a psychiatric ward in Sankt Vith provides the hospital with more beds. The future of the hospital is secured by the expansion.
- GE, 30.12.1989
Prime Minister as guest
The Prime Minister Wilfried Martens visits the Executive of the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 30.12.1989
Aachener Volkszeitung East Belgium
The East Belgium edition of the Aachener Volkszeitung is discontinued. In the future, there will only be the AVZ city edition.
- GE, 30.12.1989
Endowments too low
The representatives of all parties demand higher endowments for the communization of education. The budgeted 2.6 billion BF is too little, he said.
- GE, 28.12.1990
Exhibition: Repressed years
The exhibition The Repressed Years 1914-1945, which deals with the history of East Belgium, receives lively interest.
- GE, 29.12.1990
New BRF Director
Hans Engels becomes the new director of the Belgian Broadcasting Corporation.
GE, 29.12.1990
Vennbahn tourism
The Vennbahn starts its tourist operation.
- GE, 29.12.1990
Coat of arms for the German-speaking Community
The new coat of arms for the German-speaking Community is presented.
- GE, 31.12.1990
Own FOREM service
A dedicated FOREM service is established in Eupen.
- GE, 31.12.1990
Community elections
CSP loses votes, Ecolo and SP gain votes. The CSP, the PFF and SP formed a coalition. Ministers will be Joseph Maraite (CSP), Bernd Gentges (PFF) and Karl-Heinz Lambertz (SP).
- GE, 02.01.1990
First day of the German-speaking Community
The German-speaking community celebrates its feast day for the first time.
- GE, 02.01.1990
Josephine Koch Foundation
The Josephine Koch Foundation is established. Seriously ill people are to be supported by the foundation.
- GE, 30.12.1991
Restructure police services
East Belgian mayors meet with Louis Tobback, provincial governor, and district commissioner Marcel Lejoly in Büllingen to plan the restructuring of police services.
- GE, 31.12.1991
Stichting Euregio Meuse-Rhine
The Euregio Meuse-Rhine is given its own legal personality.
- GE, 31.12.1991
Service for persons with disabilities
The Board of Directors of the Service Agency for Persons with Disabilities is established. Helmut Heinen becomes the first director.
- GE, 31.12.1991
Royal visit to Eupen
King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola visit the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 31.12.1991
East cantons - 4th region
Mamedy Mayor Robert Denis proposes making East Cantons the fourth region.
- GE, 02.01.1992
East Belgium - 4th region
Further discussions are taking place around the fourth region of East Belgium. Should the communities around Welkenraedt also be added to this? -The German-speaking parties speak out against the project in the Council of the German-speaking Community. However, they design future projects for the field of German language.
- GE, 02.01.1992
Community and national elections
The results of the last community election are confirmed. While Ecolo is gaining votes, the PDB is losing support. Albert Gehlen (CSP, House), Fred Evers (PFF, Senate) and Joseph Benker (Ecolo, Senate) enter parliament as German-speaking representatives.
- GE, 03.01.1992
Strike in the freight forwarding industry
In eastern Belgium, 600 workers in the freight forwarding industry go on strike to express their displeasure at the elimination of their sector just days before the European Community summit in Maastricht.
- GE, 03.01.1992
Own treasury
The Council of the German-speaking Community decides to establish a Treasury as of 1992.
- GE, 03.01.1992
Discussion series "Art propos" starts
Since 1990, the founder of the IKOB, Francis Feidler, has been on the road in terms of contemporary art and preparatory initiatives for an art center. – Under the format Art propos he starts from now on in Sankt Vith and Eupen a discussion series for people interested in art.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Population figures German-speaking community
The German-speaking community has 67,584 citizens.
- GE, 29.12.1992
Subregional service of the FOREM
The successor organization of the former employment office is set up in Saint Vith.
- GE, 29.12.1922
South Tyrol/East Belgium: Position of the Regions in Europe
The Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community Joseph Maraite and the Governor of South Tyrol sign a declaration on the position of the regions in Europe and establish an information cooperation.
- GE, 30.12.1992
Customs officers strike
The abolition of the EC internal borders is scheduled for January 1, 1993. – Because of their uncertain future in the European Community, customs declarants at all border crossings are on strike.
- GE, 30.12.1992
Consumer Protection Center
The East Belgium Consumer Protection Center is established in Saint Vith.
- GE, 30.12.1992
Own media center
The Media Center of the German-speaking Community is established.
- GE, 31.12.1992
German language skills in Malemedyer Wallonia decrease significantly
The German-speaking Community becomes a full member of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine; alongside the Province of Liège, the Provinces of Dutch and Belgian Limburg and the Regio Aachen.
- GE, 30.12.1992
A region of Europe
The German-speaking Community becomes a member of the Assembly of European Regions.
- GE, 31.12.1992
Children from Chernobyl in East Belgium
Several hundred children from the region around the damaged Chernobyl nuclear power plant are spending their summer with host families in eastern Belgium.
- GE, 31.12.1992
Opening of the Blood Plasma Center in Amel
The Red Cross opens a blood plasma center in Amel. It is the first center of its kind in the German-speaking Community.
Against separatism
In a Border Echo survey of 400 citizens, participants speak out against separatism. If the country were to break away, 48% would be in favor of belonging to Wallonia, 4% to Germany, 22% to Luxembourg and 22% to independence.
- GE, 02.01.1993; 04.11.1992; 26.10.1992
Yes to the Maastricht Treaty
The Council of the German-speaking Community, as the last competent Belgian authority, approves the Maastricht Treaty.
- GE, 02.01.1993
Community funding
A long-term model for funding the German-speaking Community is adopted.
- GE, 02.01.1993
Improve social housing
A convention between the Walloon Region and the German-speaking Community aims to improve the supply of social housing.
- GE, 02.01.1993
Resentment of East Belgian farmers
550 East Belgian farmers take to the streets against the agricultural compromise in the GATT negotiations.
- GE, 02.01.1993
Elimination of internal borders
Customs formalities at internal European borders are eliminated.
- GE, 29.12.1993
Federalization of Belgium
The upcoming federalization of Belgium is discussed in the Council of the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 29.12.1993
IKOB founds V.o.E.
The non-profit association called IKOB, International Art Center of East Belgium, is founded. – It aims to promote contemporary art in East Belgium.
- GE, 24.03.1993
East Belgium Development Plan
A development plan of East Belgium Invest for East Belgium is presented in Eupen. It should be an important tool for the economic development of the area.
- GE, 29.12.1993
Employment in the public sector
In eastern Belgium, according to the Ministry of the Interior, 2,379 persons worked in the civil service in April 1993 (2,206 in 1991). Of these, 2,204 are in teaching.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Legacy of the war
A 200 and a 500 kilogram bomb are found in Saint Vith.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Visit King Baudouin
The king visits the city of Eupen.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Federalization of Belgium
The Council of the German-speaking Community adopts an opinion on the simple law on the completion of the federal state structure.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Collaboration Agreement Rhineland-Palatinate
The Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate and the German-speaking Community sign a Joint Protocol on Neighborly Cooperation.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Contact 93
A first major project – The IKOB is the sponsor of a sculpture exhibition in the municipal parks of Eupen, in which all Belgian artists participate.
- GE, 24.03.1993
New editor in chief
Paul Maraite becomes BRF’s new editor-in-chief.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Executive becomes government
With the adoption of the Special Act on the Completion of the State Reform, the Executive of the German-speaking Community becomes the Government of the German-speaking Community. The chairman of the executive branch becomes the prime minister.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Population East Belgium
There are 68,471 citizens living in East Belgium.
- GE, 30.12.1993
BRF Television
BRF’s first television programs are broadcast.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Outrage over allegedly blasphemous films
The Center for Applied Audio-Visual Media in East Belgium (ZAMO) makes local film offerings at the Z Cinema on the Rotenberg. Outrage spreads when allegedly blasphemous films are added to the current schedule.
- GE, 30.12.1993
Social Congress in East Belgium
The first social congress of people employed in this sector is held in East Belgium.
- GE, 03.01.1994
Wood crisis in the Eifel communities
Due to windthrows and excess quantities, the Eifel timber industry – traders and sawmill operations – is in crisis.
- GE, 03.01.1994
Royal visit to East Belgium
Albert II visits East Belgium.
- GE, 03.01.1994
Economic Development East Belgium
The Economic Development Corporation holds its inaugural meeting. It is the successor of the Economic Committee of Eastern Cantons (WAO).
Budget German-speaking Community
The budget of the German-speaking Community includes expenditures of 4.455 billion francs.
- GE, 03.01.1994
Unemployment in East Belgium
In East Belgium, 2,199 full-time unemployed persons are registered. This corresponds to an unemployment rate of 8%.
- GE, 03.01.1994
Press Assistance Decree
The Council of the German-speaking Community adopts a heavily debated press aid decree.
- GE, 29.12.1994
Disbandment 3rd Ardennes Fighter Battalion
The 3rd Ardennes Fighter Battalion, where mainly Eastern Belgians were trained, is disbanded after 59 years of existence in Vielsalm.
- GE, 29.12.1994
Hermann Niermann Foundation Funding freeze
The Hermann Niermann Foundation ceases its funding activities in the German-speaking Community. Between 1987 and 1993, it had granted federal funds amounting to 86 million francs to East Belgian organizations.
GE, 29.12.1994
East Belgian MEP
Belgium receives its 25th mandate in the European Parliament. This mandate is reserved for a German-speaking Belgian.
- GE, 29.12.1994
Cabaret "Everyman" starts in Eupen
After a course of InED with Steffen Matkowitz, the first cabaret evening of the group “Everyman” takes place in the studio “Art and Stage”.
European elections
Mathieu Grosch (CSP) becomes the first East Belgian MEP.
- GE, 30.12.1994
Financing of school infrastructure
In the Council of the German-speaking Community, the decree concerning new conditions for the financing of the school infrastructure is adopted.
- GE, 30.12.1994
Minister of Defense on visit
The Minister of Defense Leo Delcroix visits the German-speaking Community and the Elsenborn military training area.
- GE, 31.12.1994
Inaugural visit
The Prime Minister of the Walloon Region, Robert Collignon, pays his inaugural visit to the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 31.12.1994
Emergency doctor service in the Eifel
The Eifel emergency medical service officially begins operations.
- GE, 31.12.1994
Population East Belgium
East Belgium has 68,741 inhabitants.
- GE, 31.12.1994
Retransfer monument and landscape protection
The Walloon Region transfers the protection of monuments and landscapes back to the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 31.12.1994
Protest march against planned nuclear waste repository
Around 9,000 people demonstrate in Amel against a planned final storage facility for nuclear waste.
- GE, 31.12.1994
New RDG President
Manfred Schunck becomes the new President of the Council of the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 31.12.1994
Municipal and provincial elections
Municipal and provincial council elections are held in East Belgium.
- GE, 02.01.1995
Day care center Hergenrath opened
A day care center “King Baudouin” is opened in Hergenrath, with room for 24 people.
Musicians against nuclear waste
In Büllingen, about 3,000 people attend a concert in the sports hall. Under the motto Musicians against nuclear waste, 10 music bands participate in the protest concert.
- GE, 02.01.1995
Royal visit to East Belgium
King Albert II and Queen Paola come to Saint Vith for the Day of the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 02.01.1995
Promotional copies for East Belgian cinemas
To promote East Belgian cinemas, national releases should also be shown simultaneously in East Belgium.
- GE, 02.01.1995
Commemorations Battle of the Bulge
Saint Vith commemorates after 50 years the destruction of the city in December 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge.
- GE, 02.01.1995
Last section of highway
The last section of the E42 freeway between Malmedy and Francorchamps is opened.
- GE, 02.01.1995
BRF Radio House Opening
The new BRF broadcasting center is opened in Eupen.
- GE, 02.01.1996
The Vennliner runs regularly between Saint Vith and Eupen.
- GE, 29.12.1995
Community elections
The CSP emerges victorious from the community elections and enters into a coalition with the SP.
- GE 1995.12.29
Demo by teachers, parents and students
In Eupen, 1,000 students, teachers and parents protest against austerity measures in education.
- GE, 1986.12.30
School merger
In Eupen, the two high schools Heidberg and Collège Patronné merge to form the Pater Damian School.
- GE, 29.12.1995
Jean-Luc Dehaene in East Belgium
Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene visits the German-speaking Community.
- GE 1996.01.02
Rally against austerity measures
2,000 teachers demonstrate against austerity measures in education. – More rallies and work stoppages by East Belgian teachers follow on March 4.
- GE 1996.12.28
Partial takeover
The border echo is partially taken over by the Rossel press group.
- GE 1997.01.02
Full barns
Twelve international artists exhibit in twelve barns in twelve villages in the border triangle of Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg during three months.
- GE, 03.06.1997
Agreement with Luxembourg
Prime Minister Maraite and Minister of Education Schröder reach an agreement with their Luxembourg ministerial counterparts regarding Luxembourg’s participation in special education costs.
GE, 31.12.1997
Investment: hospital system
The German-speaking Community and the Hospital of Saint Vith and Eupen decide to modernize the hospitals.
- GE, 32.12.1997
Final Report Niermann Foundation
In the Council of the German-speaking Community, the Committee of Inquiry into the Niermann Foundation presents its final report.
GE, 31.12.1997
Hit radio 100.5
The radio station 100,5 – Das Hitradio has its broadcasting start. BRF and the German-speaking Community are involved in this.
GE, 02.01.1999
Statement of the RdJ
De RdJ speaks out in favor of legalizing soft drugs in a statement.
- GE, 1998.12.29
Visit Federal President, Roman Herzog
The German President Roman Herzog visits Eupen with the royal couple.
Open Channel East Belgium
Constituent meeting of the Open Channel East Belgium
- GE, 1998.12.31
Animal slaughter
Animals are to be slaughtered at the Eupen slaughterhouse – now sold to a Turkish company. This causes protests among the population.
- GE, 29.12.1999
100 service
A new center for the 100 service is opened in Eupen.
Ge, 29.12.1999
German speaking community with own website
The German-speaking Community launches its own website.
- GE, 08.05.2004
Exhibition space for the IKOB
Since May 1999, the IKOB has been renting a space of 600 square meters in the center of Eupen on a long-term basis and has been transforming a warehouse into a bright and spacious exhibition space with its own resources.
- GE, 20.05.1999
Parliamentary, community and regional elections
PFF, SP and Ecolo form a coalition at the community level. Karl-Heinz Lambertz (SP) becomes Minister President, Bernd Gentges (PFF) and Hans Niessen (Ecolo) become Ministers. Edmund Stoffels (SP) and Elmar Keutgen (CSP) become regional parliamentarians.
- GE, 30.12.1999
Sale Worriken
The Worriken Center was purchased by the German-speaking Community.
- GE 1999.12.31
Daily television magazine on BRF launches
Under the title “10vor”, BRF launches the daily TV magazine, which focuses on regional events for ten minutes.
No "bug" on New Year's Day
All preparations are made, but the bug remains out. East Belgium celebrates the change to the year 2000 without any technical glitches.
Paperless make application
142 so-called paperless people apply for regularization as part of the nationwide campaign in East Belgium. 450 people were denied entry during intensified border controls as part of the regularization campaign at East Belgian borders. (From 10.01.2000 to 31.01.2000)
- GE, 05.01.2000; 28.01.2000; 01.02.2000; 04.02.2000
Border controls strengthened
As part of the nationwide regularization campaign for paperless persons, increased checks are also being carried out at the East Belgian border crossings.
- GE, 11.01.2000
Psychiatric day clinic
For 10 years, the St. Josef Clinic in Sankt Vith has had a psychiatric department. Initially housed in containers, the care services move to a new 30-bed building in 1995. – Now a psychiatric day clinic can also be opened.
- GE, 17.01.2000
Protest against own employment office
Trade union representatives protest in front of the RDG council building even before the debate on the draft decree to create a separate labor office.
- GE, 18.01.2000
Inaugural visit to the province
Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde visit Verviers and Saint Vith during their inaugural visit to the province of Liège.
- GE, 08.01.2000
East German Taster Days in East Belgium
Following a campaign by the German Bild newspaper and at the invitation of Minister-President Karl-Heinz Lambertz, 29 East German workers arrive for trial days to put an end to the shortage of skilled workers in local companies. No employment contracts are concluded. (From 14.02.2000 to 16.02.2000)
- GE, 29.02.2000
Presentation of a ministry building
9040 square meters in size, costing 350 million francs: the planned new ministry building is unveiled in Eupen.
- GE, 09.03.2000
New cultural center in Malmedy
The newly built cultural center is put into operation in Malmedy.
GE, 02.03.2000
Athenaeum Bütgenbach facing closure?
The closure plans of the Minister of Education for the KAB have been known since March (14.03.2000). Discussions about the closure of the Athenaeum Bütgenbach dominate the RDG debate. There are protest rallies.
- GE, 06.04.2000; 16.03.2000
Recruitment campaign of skilled workers
10 skilled workers from Brandenburg sign employment contracts with East Belgian companies. They were to receive further training in local companies by May 20.
- GE, 26.04.2000
August Tonnar Center Eupen
45,000 visitors crowd into the Eupen ATC on the opening weekend. (From 07.04.2000 to 09.04.2000)
- GE, 16.04.2000
Inauguration of the "Fraternité" in Malmedy
Inauguration of the new cultural center Fraternité in Malmedy.
- GE, 22.05.2000
Judgment on the Emmel forest
A court decision puts an end to the century-long dispute over the Emmels forests. The municipality of Sankt Vith becomes the owner.
- GE, 23.06.2000
Judgment on the Emmel forest
A court decision puts an end to the century-long dispute over the Emmels forests. The municipality of Sankt Vith becomes the owner.
- GE, 23.06.2000
Decree creates "Economic and Social Council" for the DG
The RDG adopts a decree that provides for the creation of an “Economic and Social Council.” The Council is an organization of the East Belgian social partners. It is composed of seven representatives of the employers’ organizations (General Confederation of Employers, St.Vith and Eupen SME associations) and seven employees’ organizations (CSC, FGTB and CGSLB) and a president. It succeeds the Subregional Vocational Training and Job Creation Committee (SABA). With the transfer of the power of employment from the Walloon Region to the German-speaking Community at the beginning of 2000, the SABA lost part of its raison d’être, namely its “sub-regional” role. Since the German-speaking Community is now autonomous in matters of training and employment, it made sense to create an independent body of social partnership concertation for the territory.
- GE, 05.12.2003
Network "Eastern Belgians in the World" launched
The constituent meeting of the WFG project “East Belgians in the World” is held in the Belgian pavilion at Expo 2000 in Hanover. 18 citizens from the DG living abroad participated. In the future, the “East Belgians in the World” are to meet at least once at the end of the year, thus strengthening the connection with the old homeland through informal contacts.
- 20.07.2000
Registration in electoral lists for municipal elections
For the first time, EU citizens can register on the electoral rolls for local elections. 1,477 out of a possible 9,000 EU citizens make use of it in eastern Belgium by October 8.
- GE, 11.05.2000; 06.10.2000; 04.08.2000
Out for Athenaeum Bütgenbach
The Council of State rejects the appeal of parents and teachers against the closure decree of the government concerning the secondary school department of the Kgl. Athenaeum Bütgenbach (29.06.2000) back, so that it comes into force with immediate effect.
- GE, 02.08.2000
IZOM project opens borders
The IZOM project of the health insurance companies opens the borders for consultation with specialists in the neighboring country. The model project will run in a probationary phase until September 30, 2002.
- GE, 16.09.2000; 15.05.2001
TEC strike
On Public Transport Day, the drivers of the TEC buses also went on strike in Eupen.
- GE, 10.02.2000
Info Office of the Walloon Region
The Walloon Region opens an information office in Eupen.
- GE, 07.09.2000
Large exhibition of the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine
In Liège, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine presents itself. Life and work at euregional level is illustrated by good examples. (From 07.09.2000 to 21.09.2000)
- GE, 01.09.2000
Truck drivers strike
Striking truck drivers block roads in eastern Belgium. They demand a special tariff for diesel fuel for trucks.
- GE, 15.09.2000
School merger in law
The municipal council gives the green light to the merger of the community and municipal school law. Deadline: September 1, 2000.
- GE, 31.03.2000
Establishment of the employment office
The DG Labor Office is established in the Saint Vitus City Hall.
- GE, 29.09.2000
Nato pipeline
A new NATO pipeline is being laid between the law and the German border.
- GE, 03.10.2000
Local council elections
The municipal elections lead to changes of power in Eupen and Sankt Vith. In Eupen, the CSP and PDB form the majority.
- GE, 08.10.2000
Psychiatric day clinic in Eupen
The hospital in Saint Vith opens a psychiatric day clinic in Eupen.
- GE, 05.10.2000
Proceedings opened against Schmitz
The proceedings against the suspended First Advocate General Joseph Schmitz are opened in Brussels.
- GE, 11.10.2000; 24.10.2000
Agency for Sustainable Development (ANE) constituted as V.o.G.
The Agency for Sustainable Development (ANE) has constituted itself as a V.o.G.. After the Federal State created the framework conditions with the Law of May 5, 1997 on the Coordination of the Federal Policy of Sustainable Development, the DG Government decided in September 1999 to establish a corresponding agency. It is pluralistically supported by various adult education organizations.
- 31.01.2004
Kneipp Institute taken over
After 106 years, on January 1, 2001, the Eupen Kneipp Spa House will be run by the Franciscan Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi. Family taken over by the V.o.E. Cliniques St-Joseph Liège.
- GE, 28.11.2000
Support community on the Internet
As the first business association in East Belgium, the Fördergemeinschaft Sankt Vith launches its own website.
- GE, 19.11.2000
Asylum seekers' home in Manderfeld?
The news of the imminent establishment of a reception center for asylum seekers at St. Elisabeth House in Manderfeld is causing many unanswered questions.
- GE, 12.07.2000
Illegals rejected
At the German-Belgian border, up to 30 illegal immigrants are turned back every day.
Positive BSE test
A positive BSE rapid test is registered at the Sankt Vither slaughterhouse.
- GE, 12.02.2001
Cooperation agreement
A basic agreement is made between the employment office and the responsible service for the placement, training and counseling of persons with a disability.
- GE, 31.01.2001
Consultations on co-operations with the Walloon Region
Representatives of the German-speaking Community and the Walloon Region discuss cooperation in Eupen. The Walloon Prime Minister asked them: “Tell us what you want and where you want to go!
- GE, 06.02.2001; 07.02.2001
Cooperative for organic farmers
14 organic farmers and three consumers join forces in Wiesenbach/Sankt Vith to form a cooperative for organic agriculture (BEA).
- GE, 14.02.2001
Cooperation agreement with Flanders renewed
The DG and Flanders renew their cooperation agreement.
- GE, 15.02.2001
Schmitz sentenced
The former First Advocate General at the Liège Court of Appeal, Dr. Joseph Schmitz, from Eupen, is sentenced to five years’ imprisonment (half suspended) for forgery, fraud, bribery, receiving stolen goods and breach of professional secrecy. He is appealing to the State Council.
- GE, 20.02.2001
Farmers protest
In Liège and Verviers, East Belgian farmers also protest against EU measures in the context of the BSE crisis.
- GE, 21.02.2001
Reconstruction phase hospital Eupen
At Eupen’s St. Nicholas Hospital, the first part of an extensive reconstruction project has been completed. A kidney dyalisis service is inaugurated.
- GE, 05.03.2001
Foundation of an autonomous municipal government in Saint Vith
In Saint Vith, with a view to the possible construction of a cultural, conference and exhibition center, the bylaws for an autonomous municipal government are adopted.
- GE, 24.03.2001
New boarding school at the DG Institute for Special Education
The new building of the boarding school at the DG Institute for Special Education on Monschauer Strasse in Eupen is opened.
- GE, 23.03.2001
Memorial fires and rallies of farmers
Foot and mouth disease leads to a crisis. Reminder fires are lit. A rally is held in Eupen against the mass slaughter of cattle and pigs. The borders with neighboring countries are partially closed.
- GE, 02.04.2001
Foot and mouth disease is spreading
Foot-and-mouth disease is spreading. Numerous security measures are introduced.
Lichtenbusch occupied
500 employees of the Continental tire factory in Herstal, which is to be closed, block the Lichtenbusch highway border crossing.
- GE, 04.07.2001
Draft resolution for long-term care insurance
A draft resolution is deposited in the RDG, which provides for the introduction of long-term care insurance for all citizens of the DG.
Aloys Jousten new bishop
Albert Houssiau is succeeded as bishop of Liège by Aloys Jousten, dean of Eupen.
- GE, 02.05.2001; 05.06.2001
Hospital expansion lacks finances
The DG government gets an unpleasant surprise. There is a shortfall of 100 million Swiss francs for the expansion of hospitals.
- GE, 15.05.2001; 16.05.2001
RDG move to the sanatorium?
The RDG is debating a possible move of the Council to the former sanatorium.
Juncker as guest in Eupen
Luxembourg Prime Minister Juncker discusses the problems of border regions in Eupen.
Xenophobic attack
In Eupen, thugs of the Aryan Storm Front attack a foreigner.
- GE, 01.06.2001
New bishop consecrated
Aloys Josten is consecrated the 91st Bishop of Liège.
- GE, 10.05.2001
Appointment procedure for Joseph Schmitz
The Court of Cassation upholds the judgment against former Advocate General Joseph Schmitz.
- GE, 14.06.2001
Expansion of the Marienheim
The Marienheim is being expanded at a cost of 260 million Swiss francs.
- GE, 14.06.2001
First East Belgian Art Award
The first East Belgian Art Award goes to photographer Willi Filz.
- GE, 15.06.2001
Municipalities discuss police reform
The unpredictable cost of police reform is a concern for communities.
- GE, 23.06.2001; 26.06.2001
Wood route opened
The promotion of wood as a raw material in all its components is the goal of the project.
- 37069
New Episcopal Vicar
The new episcopal vicar for eastern Belgium will be the pastor of Walhorn, François Palm.
- 37070
East-West expressway under discussion
In the Belgian Eifel region, the construction of an east-west expressway between Sankt Vith and Dahlem is being considered.
- 37071
BSE case in Aldringen
A farm from Aldringen reports a case of BSE.
- 37083
Study for expressway Blankenheim-Büllingen-Sankt Vith
Study for expressway Blankenheim-Büllingen-Sankt Vith
- 37084
Action day for wind farm
Action day in Elsenborn-Roderhöhe for the establishment of a wind farm.
- 37088
Discussions about kayak ban on the river Our
The regional government in Namür bans kayaking on the Our River as of October 1. The declining population of river pearl mussels is cited as an argument.
- 37095
Rally against mobile phone mast.
In Raeren, citizens demonstrate against the erection of a transmission tower. A committee against harmful radiation had already been formed in mid-June.
- 37064
Saint Vith-Born bike trail
For the opening of the cycle route, the municipalities of Saint Vith and Amel offer an attractive program.
- 37107
Controversy over school regulations in Sankt Vith
A new school regulation at the Episcopal School and ZAWM in Saint Vith attracts international attention. Now it is coming into force.
- 37141
Controversy over school regulations in Sankt Vith
A new school regulation at the Episcopal School and ZAWM in Saint Vith attracts international attention. Now it is coming into force.
- 37141
Conversion of the Heidberg monastery?
In Eupen, plans are being discussed for a conversion of the former Heidberg monastery.
- 37149
Maiden voyage of the Euregio Railway
The Euregiobahn goes on its maiden voyage between Eupen and Stolberg.
- 37152
Couven Route
The Couven Route and Couven Square in Nispert will be inaugurated in the fall. A book about the master builder born 300 years ago is published.
Traffic circle heats up the tempers
The Drossart traffic circle in the middle of the High Fens heats up the emotions.
- 37177
First asylum seekers in Manderfeld
The first asylum seekers arrive at the newly built Manderfeld asylum center.
- 37167
BSE case in Crombach
Another BSE case in eastern Belgium. 118 animals are culled.
- 37170
Princess Astrid in the asylum seekers home
Princess Astrid visits the newly built home for asylum seekers in Manderfeld and the new Red Cross building in Eupen. Prince Laurent visits Ternell.
- 37190
Increase in ministerial salaries
The increase in ministerial salaries is heating up the minds of the population and the opposition.
- 37203
Meningitis cases in the Eifel
Several cases of meningitis in the Belgian Eifel region are causing concern among the population.
- 37205
Emergency service center without German-speaking employees
As of December, the emergency service center in Liège will no longer be able to handle calls in German.
- 37225
Emergency call center with new employees
The Ministry of the Interior decides to increase the number of bilingual staff at the Liège emergency center from six to eight as of May 2002.
- 37237
The euro is here
Eastern Belgians are also making their first experiences with the new European single currency, the euro.
New police zones
The new police zones, created as part of the police reform, begin their work. But neither the Weser-Göhl police zone nor the Eifel police zone are ready to go.
Schmitz in custody
Former First Solicitor General Dr. Joseph Schmitz begins his prison term. However, a few days after entering custody, he is free again and is to be electronically monitored. This decision is revoked shortly thereafter. Schmitz has to go to prison.
- 37275
End for local station REWI
Local station REWI in Hünningen/Sankt Vith ceases broadcasting after 17 years.
- 37356
Theater box dissolves
After 20 years of stage presence, the curtain finally falls on the Theaterkiste, which mainly made theater with young people.
- 37320
Electric car from Saint Vith
The Warny F8919, an electric car, is presented in Saint Vith.
- 37335
VoE Vennbahn dissolves
The over-indebted V.o.E. Vennbahn dissolves and asks the court to appoint an administrator.
- 37340
Espaces Tourisme et culture (ETC) opened
The new cultural and tourist center ETC in the old abbey of Stavelot is inaugurated.
- 37348
Laying of the foundation stone in the Klösterchen
In Eupen, the foundation stone is laid for the expansion and modernization of the Sankt Franziskus (Klösterchen) senior citizens’ center. 2.1 million euros will be invested.
- 37350
Government meets in the house of the community
The DG government meets for the first time in the Community House in Saint Vith.
- 37365
Kayak ban for the Our valley
The ban on kayaking imposed by Regional Minister José Happart (from March 16 to September 30) provokes strong protests in the Our Valley.
Giro in East Belgium
The Giro d’Italia touches East Belgium (among others Elsenborn, Sourbrodt and Malmedy).
- 37390
Green light for the construction of the Triangle
In Saint Vith, the course is set for the construction of the Triangel Culture, Congress and Exhibition Center at a cost of 6.078 million euros.
- 37407
Frit king in retirement
On May 31, frit king Rainer Autmans retires after 28 years.
- 37405
Sign dispute in court
Since the beginning of June, the dispute over passenger cars registered in Luxembourg but mostly driving in Belgium and eastern Belgium has been occupying the courts.
- 37371
Cross-border fire assistance
The mayors of Aachen, Raeren, Eupen and Roermond sign an agreement on mutual assistance in fire fighting.
- #37427
Interreg III project "Heaths, moors, meadows" approved
The protection, restoration and long-term maintenance of wetland landscapes in the German-Belgian border area is approved by the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
- GE, 19.06.2002
Export Oscar for NMC
The company NMC in Eynatten receives the Export Oscar of Wallonia.
- 37429
School Mergers
In Raeren (June 18) and Bütgenbach (June 28), the community schools will be integrated into the existing community schools.
- 37436
Earthquake in the Euregio
An earthquake of magnitude 4.5 to 5 shakes the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
- 37430
Public utilities handed over
Stadtwerke Sankt Vith hands over the electricity sector to Interost-Electrabel.
- 37468
Espagit remediation
The redevelopment of the former Espagit munitions factory, where poison gas was produced during the First World War, among other things, has so far cost 42 million euros. There is no end in sight to the cleanup.
- 37487
TGV construction site gets closer
Houses have to be demolished in Walhorn for the construction site of the new TGV high-speed road. The work is starting slowly.
- 37471
Interest for railroad Eupen-Aachen
A survey shows that there is a great interest in a rail connection Eupen-Aachen.
- 37488
First "One World Festival" in Eupen
In Eupen, people from 25 nations celebrate the first One World Festival
- 37496
Schmitz released from custody
After seven months, former First Liege Advocate General Dr. Joseph Schmitz is released from prison.
- 37526
Carolers at the RDG
Council President Fred Evers receives carolers from three nations.
- 37266
Krewinkel chapel opened after renovation
In Krewinkel, the chapel, restored at a cost of 616,000 euros, is opened. (From 07.09.2002 to 08.09.2002)
- 09.09.2002
New Eupen-Kelmis deanery on track
Bishop Aloys Jousten comments on the reorganization of the diocese of Liège, including the creation of a large deanery of Eupen-Kelmis.
- 37517
Unanimous resolution
The RDG unanimously passes a resolution calling for further powers for the German-speaking Community. The Walloon Prime Minister continues to express his opposition.
- 37517
Saint Vith police court rules in sign dispute
For the first time, the police court of Saint Vith sentences drivers who drive cars registered in Luxembourg largely only in Belgium.
- 37517
Walloon prime minister against more autonomy for German speakers
Speaking to the newspaper De Standard, Walloon Prime Minister Van Cauwenberghe reiterated his refusal to grant the DG more autonomy.
- 37448
Right-leaning publications?
The DG government is having allegations investigated as to what extent the DG’s permanent representative in Brussels, Jörg Horn, has published right-leaning publications.
- 37524
Demonstration for more childcare places
The CSC/CNE demonstrates in Eupen for more childcare places.
- 37526
Permanent representative dismissed
The DG government dismisses its representative in Brussels, Jörg Horn, who has come under fire for publications in right-wing publications. In his government statement, Minister President Lambertz sharply attacks the press.
- 37531
Establishment of the Senior Citizens Council for the DG
A council of senior citizens is set up in Eupen to serve as a point of contact for the DG government. It includes representatives from popular and adult education organizations working in the field of seniors, representatives from the nine municipalities and two citizens.
- GE, 08.03.2004
PISA test above average
According to the PISA study, the DG’s students are above average in international comparison.
- 37538
Heavy autumn storms
Severe autumn storms also cause tame damage in eastern Belgium.
- 37557
Will to continue emergency medical services
At a working meeting with all partners involved, the will to continue the emergency doctor service in the Eifel is expressed.
- 37573
Wild boar plague decree
The Walloon Minister of Hunting and Forestry, José Happart, orders a controversial ban on forest exploitation in eastern Belgium, but this is later lifted thanks to the efforts of the DG government (05.12.2002).
- 37587
Cabbage garden condemned
In an appeal in Liège, the cabbage garden is convicted of defamation of character.
- 37588
Establishment of a cross-border biotope network over 4,000 hectares starts
In the next four years, within the framework of Interreg III, almost 4000 hectares will be connected to form a biotope network of heath,moor and bristly grassland – and this will take place across borders. In a first phase from June 2002 to May 2004, particularly threatened biotopes are to be restored. The coordination of the project, estimated at two million euros, lies with the Botrange Nature Park Center, with numerous German and Belgian partners working together. Half of the costs are borne by the EU. 418,000 is to be invested in East Belgium.
- GE, 16.11.2002
Racists condemned
Young racists are sentenced at the criminal court in Eupen.
- 37579
Eifel-Ardennes Expo
Premiere in Malmedy: The Eifel-Ardennes Expo attracts 11,000 visitors. (From 23.11.2002 to 24.11.2002)
- 37586
Premiere: jury in German language
For the first time, a jury court sits in German at the Assisenhof in Liège. (From 02.12.2002 to 06.12.2002)
- 37587
New service for tourism infrastructure
Worriken-Bütgenbach and Talsperre Eupen are merged into a single service.
- 37595
New funding for police zones
The Federal State decides on a financial increase for the Weser-Göhl and Eifel police zones.
- 37560
Santer Commission meets in Saint Vith
The so-called Santer Commission (B-D-F-L) meets in Saint Vith
- 37600
A 60 passable throughout
Completion: The A 60 Steinbrück-Wittlich freeway is passable throughout.
- 37587
Initiation of bankruptcy proceedings for ATC Eupen
Bankruptcy proceedings are initiated for the August Tonnar Center Eupen. The investor has put its investment in the shopping center at 37 million euros.
- GE, 03.12.2003
ATC files for bankruptcy
The operator of the ATC shopping center, which opened in April 2000, files for bankruptcy. Business operations continue for the time being.
- 37606
Cooperation agreement between Hungary and the DG
The German-speaking Community and the Republic of Hungary sign a five-year cooperation agreement in Eupen. Special emphasis is placed on education, where the kindergarten pedagogy,bilingual education, teaching “German as a mother tongue” (for the Hungarian Germans) and vocational education are particularly focused.
Decree on "school reform
The RDG adopts the decree on school reform.
- 37608
Gasoline tourism at the border
Thanks to the German eco-tax, gasoline tourism is booming near the border.
- GE, 16.01.2003
Public utilities to Interost
After 77 years, Stadtwerke Sankt Vith is taken over by Interost.
- GE, 02.01.2003
Innovations in waste collection
While Sankt Vith is a pioneer in separate waste collection with the introduction of the Duoback system, chip containers in Lontzen enable precise recording of the amount of waste.
- GE, 04.01.2003
Weser Dam Complex
The DG takes over the Wesertalsperre tourism complex
- GE, 20.01.2003
Start of the open youth work
By appointing a street social worker for Kelmis and Eupen, the DG is breaking new ground in open youth work.
- GE, 08.02.2003
Call for the unified list of candidates for the Chamber
The PJU-PDB is calling for a joint slate of candidates from all DG parties for the May 18 Chamber election.
- GE, 10.01.2003; 11.01.2003
Peace demonstration in Saint Vith
In Saint Vith 1200 people demonstrate for the world peace threatened by the Iraq war.
- GE, 15.01.2003
PJU-PDB renounces candidacy
Because of the five-percent clause that will apply in the future, the PJU-PDB announces early on that it will not run in the May 18 parliamentary elections.
- GE, 14.02.2003
Lynx again in the German-Belgian border area
The Forestry Directorate Malmedy confirms in a press release that there have been several lynx sightings also in East Belgium since August 2003. The animal was exterminated 250 years ago in the region between the Meuse and the Rhine. In the German Eifel, first lynx sightings were reported in 1997.
- GE, 07.02.2004
First Children's Community Council in East Belgium
In Kelmis, the first Children’s Community Council of East Belgium is established.
- GE, 10.02.2003
Work stoppage at Electrabel
A work stoppage at Electrabel due to the dismissal of 82 employees also affects the Eupen E-Werk.
- GE, 13.02.2003
Inauguration of the new building of the Sankt Vith Clinic
After a construction period of around four years, the new building at the Sankt Josef Clinic in Sankt Vith is inaugurated. Thousands of visitors come on the open day.
- GE, 19.02.2003
Job cuts at the cable plant
The cable plant announces that it will lay off 100 of its 1,050 employees.
- GE, 03/15/2003
New function for district office
In Malmedy, the new financial administration is opened in the former district administration office.
- GE, 18.03.2003
Inauguration of the Rovert II industrial zone
The municipality of Raeren inaugurates the new Rovert II industrial zone.
- GE, 20.03.2003
First wind turbine on Rodderhöhe
The first wind turbine is erected at the Rodderhöhe wind farm near Elsenborn.
- GE, 05.04.2003
Convention for the expansion of hospitals
After the necessary guarantees for the own contribution have been provided, the German-speaking Community signs the Convention on Construction Measures at the Eupen and Saint Vith Hospitals.
- GE, 10.04.2003
Antiwar rally
300 people take part in an euregional anti-war rally at the border triangle.
- GE, 23.04.2003
First cross-border border controls
Police units from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands carry out joint border controls for the first time.
Largest fry bag in Kelmis
In Kelmis, the world’s largest frit bag is filled with 1.2 tons of frits.
No "Belgissimo" exhibition
An expo that would present the most exquisite works of famous Belgians cannot be set up in Eupen. The sponsors do not consider the infrastructural and organizational requirements to be met.
- GE, 23.05.2003
Eifel municipalities to guarantee emergency doctor service
Under the jurisdiction of the hospital since January 2003. Ministers Niessen and Tavernier weigh in on the emergency service situation in the Eifel.
- GE, 08.05.2003
Parliamentary elections
No East Belgian deputy is elected to the House.
- GE, 20.05.2003
First company in new industrial zone
The first company settles in Eupen’s new industrial zone.
- GE, 07.06.2003
Windstorm causes severe damage
A tornado causes severe damage on the German-Belgian border.
- GE, 12.06.2003
Augustinian nuns say goodbye
With the departure of the Augustinian Sisters, an era in the Saint Vither Clinic comes to an end after 120 years.
- GE, 10.07.2003
Goal: Common industrial zone
Regional Minister Michel Foret provisionally approves the creation of a joint industrial zone Baelen-Eupen-Lontzen-Welkenraedt.
- GE, 23.07.2003
Saint Vith Golf Center
A golf and seminar center is being built in Sankt Vith for two million euros.
- GE, 16.08.2003
Green light for commercial zones
Minister Michel Foret gives the go-ahead for the expansion of the Amel/Kaiserbaracke and Sankt Vith/Rodt industrial zones.
Eupen lawyer deputy UN chief prosecutor
Serge Brammertz, a lawyer from Eupen, is appointed by the UN as Deputy Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Taking office on November 1.
- GE, 10.09.2003
Cost explosion for church steeple renovation
The renovation of the Lower Town church tower in Eupen, already approved and set in motion since 2003, again occupied the city council and the DG. In addition to the €1,837,416 already invested, a further €931,835 will be due to complete the refurbishment. Completion is now scheduled for the end of 2008.
- GE, 12.09.2007
Open doors in the new building of the ministry
Citizens can visit the new building of the Ministry of DG during an open weekend. (From 13.09.2003 to 14.09.2003)
- GE, 10.09.2003
Cross-border against nuclear energy
Participants from the German-speaking community also demonstrate between Huy and Tihange. Some 2,000 protesters demand compliance with the 2003 nuclear phase-out plan.
- 40805
Folk festival for the anniversary
The DG celebrates its anniversary 30/20, 30 years of council and 20 years of government, with a folk festival in Worriken.
- GE, 19.09.2003; 11.09.2003
Kneipp Institute before the end
The Board of Directors of the Kneipp Institute in Eupen decides at the General Assembly to close the spa, which was founded 109 years ago. Only two and a half years ago, the spa house had been taken over by the LiègeVoE “Les Cliniques St. Joseph”. The occupancy rate has been too low in recent years to cover costs.
- GE, 15.10.2003
Open day successful
The open day becomes a success with the public. Thousands of visitors visit the Capaul and Chocolaterie Jacques companies in Eupen and the Bodarwé quarry in Arimont/Weismes.
- GE, 03.10.2003; 26.09.2003
"History Day" - History Workshop Not an Option?
50 historians and amateur historians meet at the State Archives for the first “History Day” in the DG. The proposal put forward by Minister Bernd Gentges in the fall of 2002 to establish an open history workshop was met with strong reservations and rather reluctance in the plenum. The added value of a loose association was questioned. The proposal had already been discussed at preparatory meetings.
- GE, 21.10.2003
DG is "European Region of the Year 2004
In Eupen, Minister-President Karl-Heinz Lambertz and the president of the association “The European Region of the Year” sign the contract that makes the German-speaking Community the “European Region of the Year 2004”. Eight regions from 45 Council of Europe states applied. In addition to the DG, Madeira will also receive the title.
- GE, 23.10.2003
Loss of own EU constituency?
The Council of Ministers of the Federal Government adopts a bill on the new distribution of Belgian seats in the EU Parliament. For the 2005-2009 legislative period, Belgium has only 24 deputies instead of the previous 25. The draft stipulates that the new German-speaking municipalities will no longer be able to elect their own MEP in their own constituency. Politicians, the press and public opinion in East Belgium are alarmed. The RDG will debate this decision at its November 27 meeting. Parliamentary President Alfred Evers is combative.
Jobs in the sheltered workshops at risk
In 1999, the guaranteed monthly minimum wage (1233.53 euros) had been introduced in the sheltered employment sector. The federal government committed to financing a contribution of the additional costs in the amount of 61.45 percent. Now the government has decided to cut back on this share. In eastern Belgium, the Adapta Kelmis, Eupen and Meyerode sheltered workshops employ around 220 workers in the social economy. The resulting additional annual costs would amount to 44,000 euros for BW Meyerode, 40,000 euros for BW Eupen and 24,000 euros for Adapta Kelmis. The additional cost for the 26,000 jobs in this sector in Belgium would be 7.5 million euros, which would present many companies with serious financial problems.
- GE, 24.10.2003
Expansion plans for Eupen-Baelen-Lontzen industrial zone too tight?
The municipalities of Eupen, Baelen, Lontzen and Welkenraedt, together with the provincial economic development agency and the WFG, would like to designate an area of 140 to 145 hectares as a new industrial site. However, Minister of Spatial Planning Michel Foret has earmarked only 127 ha. However, the missing 20 ha are of crucial importance especially for the mobility problems. The initiators announce protest and renegotiation.
- GE, 25.10.2003
Branch office of the consumer protection center closes in Sankt Vith
The Saint Vith branch of the East Belgium Consumer Protection Center closes as part of cost-cutting measures. In 1992, the branch office had been opened as the headquarters of the consumer protection center. Starting in November, consultations will be held on two Fridays per month in Sankt Vith upon telephone request.
- GE, 10/17/2003
All nine East Belgian municipalities in the black
In a study, Dexia Bank concludes that probably all nine German-speaking municipalities will have a positive budget outcome in 2004. In 2001, seven municipalities were still in deficit. The same study reveals that the population increase in East Belgium between 1992-2003 was 5.5 percent, while in the Walloon Region it was only 3.3 percent.
- GE, 02.11.2004
Brammertz sworn in as Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the International Court of Justice
In The Hague, Eupen-born lawyer Serge Brammertz is sworn in as Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the International Court of Justice.
- GE, 04.11.2003; 05.11.2003
Court of Auditors criticizes DG budget
The Court of Audit criticizes the DG’s budget. “There has been no balanced budget, the budget result has not improved, and the debt level has not decreased,” the Border Echo quoted the report as saying.
- GE, 04.11.2003
Second cooperation agreement signed with Province of Liège
The German-speaking Community and the Province of Liège sign the second cooperation agreement in the Provincial Palace of Liège. The treaty agreement always leads to heated discussions in East Belgium, since German-speaking Belgians pay about 15 million in provincial taxes, but the province invests only a small fraction of the money in East Belgium. It is now determined what and where the province will provide financial support until Dec. 31, 2006.
- GE, 17.12.2003
Last Vennbahn train sold
The last two Vennbahn trains are sold and leave Raeren station for good. It is the definitive end of the tourist Vennbahn.
- GE, 10.11.2003
First internet hacker in court in Eupen
Premiere at the court in Eupen: For the first time, an Internet hacker has been charged in Belgium. The East Belgian Internet provider filed a lawsuit because the defendant gained access to the servers. It is the first case of a “cybercriminal” in Belgium. The case is being tried on the basis of a law on computer crime passed by Parliament in November 2000. The law provides for prison sentences of up to five years for hackers.
- GE, 03.11.2003
Eifel-Ardennes Marketing founded
A European Economic Interest Grouping for Eifel-Ardennes Marketing (D/B) is founded in Saint Vith. The project is funded by the Interreg III program, among others. The financial base is 870,000 euros. The joint approach is intended to make the German-Belgian border disappear more and more in tourism advertising. The partners (the Tourist Office of the Eastern Cantons (VAO), the Rhineland-Palatinate Eifel Tourismus GmbH, the North Rhine-Westphalia Eifel Tourism Agency and the Tourist Association of the Province of Liège) will present themselves together for the first time on the last weekend of November at the Cologne Travel Market.
- GE, 14.11.2003
"Jugend forscht" - first and unique for DG students
For the first time and for the time being, East Belgian students can participate in the German competition “Jugend forscht”.
- GE, 14.11.2003
Eupen Post switches to Georoute
After Lontzen, Raeren and Kelmis, the Eupen Post Office is now also switching to the controversial Georoute. From now on, only three of the 22 mail carriers will be on foot. Bicycles are no longer used.
- GE, 15.11.2003
"Contemporary Witness" television production on KA3
BRF launches a six-part series of eyewitness interviews on its station KA3 to mark the anniversary of “30 years of the Council and 20 years of government.” In each episode of 30 to 40 minutes, East Belgians explain individual aspects of recent East Belgian history: the media is explained by Hubert Jenniges, politics by Kurt Ortmann, the economy by Michel Hahn, culture by Marie-Therese Weinert, the church by Karl Gatzweiler, and society and school by Jacques Keil.
- GE, 19.11.2003
King to the DG jubilee in Eupen
King Albert II is the guest of honor at the celebrations marking the double anniversary of 30 years of the Council and 20 years of the government of the German-speaking Community. In the political speeches during the ceremony, Prime Minister Karl-Heinz Lambertz (SP) and President of the Parliament Alfred Evers (PFF) called for the retention of their own constituency for the EU elections and for an expansion of the autonomy of the German speakers. The course of the ceremony leads to political discussions afterwards – among others in the RDG: Should the speeches all be held in German? Why were almost no Flemish politicians present? What messages are appropriate from such an occasion?
- GE, 09.11.2003; 21.11.2003
ATC is sold to investor
The August Tonnar Center Eupen is sold to French businessman Olivier-Noël Martin for 3.4 million euros on December 13, 2002, following the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings. According to the initiator, the investment in the shopping center amounted to 37 million euros.
- GE, 03.12.2003
EU constituency for DG remains
The separate constituency for the German-speaking Community in European elections should be abolished and extended to French constituencies on the proposal of Interior Minister Patrick Dewael (VLD). The proposed amendment was criticized by the Council of State in an advisory opinion. Now the core cabinet of the federal government decides that the constituency for the DG will be preserved. Interior Minister Patrick Dewael was not available for comment when asked by the East Belgian press.
- GE, 27.11.2003
Open-space conference on the challenges of aging
In an open-space conference, 65 citizens from East Belgium discuss the challenges of aging. They formulate options for action that can be implemented by citizens in the DG. Open-space conferences are forms of citizen participation.
- GE, 01.12.2003
RDG adopts the budget for 2004
The RDG adopts the budget for 2004, which provides for expenditures of 143 million euros. A positive budget result of 28,000 euros is foreseen.
ZDF records Agora production "The Little Red Prince
A ten-person camera team of the ZDF takes during two and a half days in Saint Vith to record the play of the Agora Theater “The Little Red Prince”. The production of the Agora Theater had been selected for this television recording at the “Dream Games 2003” of the Kultursekretariat Nordrhein-Westfalen.
- GE, 05.12.2003
Extension of the quarry "La Warchenne" in Arimont
The Walloon Region gives the green light for an extension of the quarry “Les Carrières de la Warchenne” near Arimont by 31 ha. The quarry is operated by Bodarwé SA, which employs a total of 220 people in road construction, among other activities.
- GE, 06.12.2003
MediaDG at the start - online networking of libraries
The MediaDG team presents the online networking of initially eight East Belgian libraries and media libraries, which provides access to 150,000 to 200,000 media. At the same time, East Belgian users can access the holdings of the catalogs of the Aachen Media Center, the university libraries of Liège, Namur and Maastricht, and the libraries of Rhineland-Palatinate via links. From now on, there will be a direct exchange between public media libraries and school libraries in East Belgium. In the future, every East Belgian user will receive only one reading card, which is valid for all libraries. The German-speaking Community has invested around 1 million euros in the project, which it describes as a European “lighthouse project”. More libraries are to be connected.
- GE, 13.12.2003
DG joins European consortium for urban and rural development
The German-speaking Community joins the European Working Group (ARGE) Urban and Rural Development (Vienna), which was founded in 1988 and organizes the European Village Renewal Award every two years. ARGE has numerous member regions, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. It aims to provide impetus for rural development and lobby for disadvantaged rural areas.
- GE, 12.12.2003
Last permanent guest leaves Kneipp spa house
Following the decision of voluntary liquidation of the Kneipp Spa House on October 3, 2003, the transitional period has been completed. The last permanent guest has left, the staff has been dismissed and the Franciscan Sisters have retired.
- GE, 23.12.2003
Prime Minister receives RDG delegation
Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt (VLD) receives representatives of all political groups at the RDG. He had extended the invitation on the occasion of the anniversary “30 years of RDG and 20 years of government”. The East Belgian politicians present their demands to the head of government, which have often been adopted as resolutions in the RDG: a separate EU constituency, guaranteed representation of two deputies in the House and the Senate, the transfer of provincial powers and a systematic translation of all federal regulatory texts into German.
- GE, 16.12.2003; 17.12.2003
Management advisory committee for three community centers
The three community centers now have an advisory management committee. The first chairman is Oliver Paasch (PJU-PDB).
- GE, 19.12.2003
Three East Belgium service companies allowed to accept checks
The DG government recognizes three social service organizations that will be allowed to accept service vouchers in the future: the Alternative V.o.E., the SOS Self-Help V.o.E. and the Family Help V.o.E. Service vouchers are intended to create new jobs for low-skilled workers in a correct employment relationship.
- GE, 19.12.2003
Citizens against wind farm Galhausen
More than 80 percent of the population in Galhausen and Neidingen are against the planned wind farm in a citizens’ survey. The municipal council officially withdraws the project at its January 28 meeting.
- GE, 12.01.2004; 30.01.2004
Emergency physician service after transition phase with high costs
In Belgium, according to the federal law (Royal Decree of August 10, 1998 with various implementing decrees until 2002) and in accordance with the European Qualification Directives, much stricter standards have applied to the emergency medical service since January 1, 2003. The facility must be affiliated with a hospital, and staffing requirements have also been tightened: the emergency physician may be on duty for no more than 24 consecutive hours and must be accompanied in emergencies by an emergency nurse practitioner with training specifically geared to this task. However, these criteria are difficult to fulfill for rural areas – especially in the Belgian Eifel region. The cost was 564,000 euros for the transition year 2003. The deficit to be borne by the municipalities in 2002 amounted to 6 mill. Bfr. (150,000 euros), in 2003 at 85,000 euros (as the positions were not all filled) and is expected to be 315,000 euros in 2004. Part of the deficit is borne by the five Eifel communities.
- GE, 16.01.2004
Laying of the foundation stone for the extension of the Marienheim Raeren
The Raeren Marienheim is being expanded. The extension is expected to cost around 7.6 million. The DG covers 60 percent of the costs. 60 new rooms are to be built by May 2005.
- GE, 23.01.2004
Berni Collas sworn in as new senator
Berni Collas is sworn in as the new senator of the German-speaking Community. He succeeds – according to the coalition agreement – Louis Siquet. The change was controversial in eastern Belgium.
- GE, 22.01.2004
East Belgian farmers' organization facing split?
The East Belgium Farmers Union reports that 94 percent of its members have renewed their membership. The professional association sees this as a vote against a splinter group that wants to join the Fédération Wallonne Agricole. The Farmers’ Union argues that only with them is it possible to provide professional support to farmers in German.
- GE, 23.01.2004
Groundbreaking ceremony for new BW Eupen production hall
In Eupen, ground is broken for the construction of a new production hall for the sheltered workshop (BW).
- GE, 24.01.2004
East Belgian farmers found local sections of the Walloon FWA
Around 50 farmers found a local section Eupen and a local section Saint Vith of the Fédération Wallonne Agricole (FWA). They justify their step with the fact that East Belgium belongs to the Walloon Region and therefore the important decisions on agricultural policy are made in Namür. This would give them a direct say.
- GE, 23.01.2004; 27.01.2004
Prelude to "Small is beautifull"
For the anniversary of 30 years of RdK/RDG and 20 years of government, the DG government invited to an event titled “Small is beautifull”. More than 80 high-ranking diplomats, scientists and politicians exchange views in Eupen on the role of small member states in Europe. Cooperation and opening up to other partners would have to compensate for the disadvantages, they said. The Prime Minister of the Walloon Region, Jean-Claude Van Cauwenberghe (PS), who spoke out against further powers for the DG, but later qualified this statement, caused a stir.
- GE, 02.02.2004; 03.02.2004
August Tonnar Center" becomes "Eupen Plaza
On February 1, the management of the “August Tonnar Center” passes into new hands. From April 1, the shopping center will then operate under the name “Eupen Plaza”. New tenants for the only moderately frequented center are not in sight.
Farmers protest against assumption of costs for BSE tests
On the highway bridge in Eynatten (and later in Brussels), East Belgian farmers also protested against the assumption of the costs for the BSE tests.
- GE, 05.02.2004
Discussions about the future of the Westwall
The sale of 14 meters of the Westwall between Hallschlag and Losheim to an American private collector receives national media coverage. The Westwall is under the control of the Federal Property Office. On the one hand, bunkers that posed a danger to humans or animals have been dismantled in recent years; on the other hand, numerous interest groups are calling for the Westwall to be preserved as a memorial and given new value for commemorative work, but also for nature conservation.
- GE, 06.02.2004
Lynx again in the German-Belgian border area
The Forestry Directorate Malmedy confirms in a press release that there have been several lynx sightings also in East Belgium since August 2003. The animal was exterminated 250 years ago in the region between the Meuse and the Rhine. In the German Eifel, first lynx sightings were reported in 1997.
- GE, 07.02.2004
Walloon Association of Towns and Municipalities meets for the first time in the DG
For the first time, the Walloon Association of Towns and Municipalities met for a working session in East Belgium. The committee met in Bütgenbach. The first alderman of the municipality of Bütgenbach, Charly Servaty, is a member of the board of directors of the body that aims to lobby the various governments.
- GE, 12.02.2004
ZAWM offers first distance learning course via Internet
The Center for Training and Further Education of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (ZAWM) is offering a distance learning course via the Internet for the first time. The topic: the use of the oscilloscope in automotive diagnostics.
- GE, 14.02.2004
New information system "Info DoG" of the RdJ presented
The Council of German-speaking Youth (RdJ) introduces a new information system (“Info DoG”). 30 pillars with information material for young people and parents are to be placed in public places where there is a lot of public traffic. The RdJ takes over the regular replenishment of the info pillars.
- GE, 18.02.2004
Laying of the foundation stone for the Triangel cultural center in Sankt Vith
The Saint Vither prince Alain I. and the child prince Steven I. let the foolish session end by laying a foundation stone for the planned cultural center at the former signal box. They “hope for many imitators so that the center will eventually become a reality.”
- GE, 25.02.2004
Common rural development policy
Minister President Karl-Heinz Lambertz (SP), Minister Hans Niessen (Ecolo) and the Chairman of the Rural Foundation of Wallonia (LSW), Marc Tarabella, agree in a working meeting to coordinate efforts in the field of rural development. There is a need for clarification in the community development plans, the village competition, the recording and promotion of the small cultural heritage and the Leader project “100 villages – one future”.
- GE, 26.04.2004
BRF upgrades Studio Sankt Vith
The BRF upgrades the Sankt Vith studio both spatially and technically (new video editing suites). The investments are being made against the background of the studio being integrated into the DG’s administrative center at Triangel from 2006/2007.
- GE, 28.02.2004
Pediatric Heart Center for the Euregio
A pediatric heart center for the entire Euregio is opened at Aachen University Hospital.
- GE, 03.12.2004
NRW and DG with declaration on neighborly cooperation
In Eupen, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Peer Steinbrück, and his East Belgian counterpart, Karl-Heinz Lambertz, sign a joint declaration on neighborly cooperation. This is intended to deepen the existing cooperation.
- GE, 05.03.2004
"Tach Nachbar" in Cologne
The German-speaking community says “Tach Nachbar” with an exhibition and events (mainly from art, literature and history) in Cologne. (From 08.03.2004 to 12.03.2004)
- GE, 02.03.2004
Regional and federal authorities too often disregard German language
On the one hand, German-speaking citizens are too little informed about their rights in the use of the German language; on the other hand, too much important regional and federal information is not available in German. This is the complaint of the working group “Labor Market Relevance of the German Language”, which is largely made up of experts. The government has already submitted objectionable cases to the Language Control Commission.
- GE, 13.03.2004
Technology Center Saint Vith shelved
The head of the cabinet of the Minister of Education Bernd Gentges, Leo Kreins, announces that the project of a technology center Saint Vith is finally shelved. Here, the Technical Institute, the Center for Education and Training of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, the Employment Office and the German-speaking Community were to create a training center for technical professions. First, no building permit was shared, then the partners could not agree on a concept and appropriate burden sharing.
200. Anniversary of the Eupen Kevelaervereinigung
For the 200. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Eupen Kevelaervereinigung, a 152-page documentation is published, an exhibition is held (March 13-28) and the annual pilgrimage receives special attention.
- GE, 13.03.2004
Pottery Museum Raeren presents excavation results
The Raeren Pottery Museum presents finds from five excavations made in Raeren over the past three years. These were the first systematic excavations with scientific support. Among the outstanding finds are the foundations of a potter’s wheel and a pottery workshop.
- GE, 16.03.2004
Another case of BSE in East Belgium
The cow of a farmer from the old municipality of Schönberg tests positive for BSE.
- GE, 17.03.2004
Publication "Impulses" for rural areas
On the initiative of the government of the German-speaking Community, the actors of rural development in East Belgium have been meeting since 2003: the Economic Development Agency (WFG), the Agency for Sustainable Development (ANE), the Rural Foundation of Wallonia (FRW) and the cabinet of Minister Niessen. Now the coordination round has launched the publication “Impulse” to inform the actors on the ground about rural development.
- GE, 18.03.2004
Norbert Heukemes appointed Secretary General
The government appoints Norbert Heukemes as Secretary General of the Administration of the German-speaking Community. Heukemes will take office on April 1, 2004.
- GE, 20.03.2004
Thona AG from Eupen acquired by Swedish group
The Swedish group Hexagon announces that it has acquired the Eupen-based company Thona AG. Thona produces rubber compounds for automotive suppliers. Thona AG has subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, the USA and Canada. It achieved sales of 98 million euros in 2003 and employs 268 people worldwide. Since July 2002, the financial holding company Andlinger was already the main shareholder of Thona AG.
- GE, 23.03.2004; 26.03.2004
DG Anniversary 30/20 Cultural Weekend
The German-speaking Community celebrates 30 years of Rdk and 20 years of government with a cultural weekend to which the East Belgians are invited in Eupen and in the Belgian Eifel. (From 26.03.2004 to 28.03.2004)
- GE, 10.03.2004
Malmedy cooperates with the Citadelle clinic
The clinic in Malmedy agrees to collaborate with the Citadelle clinic in Liège.
Bütgenbach reservoir emptied due to renovation of the dam wall
Water is drained from the Bütgenbach reservoir in order to be able to rehabilitate the dam. Every day the level drops by 40 cm.
- GE, 14.04.2004
East Belgian discovers new star
A team of researchers led by Gregor Rauw from Bütgenbach discovers a new star in space.
- GE, 25.05.2004
IHK celebrates 200. Foundation Day
The French Revolution introduced freedom of trade. Commercial businesses needed advocacy. The French government created “consultative chambers for industry and small trade” by the law of April 12, 1803. The law of April 2, 1804 established these chambers in 154 cities that belonged to what was then France. The list also includes the cities of Eupen and Malmedy. In Eupen, the first elections to this chamber took place on March 5, 1805.
GE, 02.04.2004; 29.04.2004
Visitor center at Eupen dam reopened
The visitor center at the Eupen Dam has reopened after renovation. The German-speaking Community took over the infrastructure from the Belgian federal state at a symbolic euro and has now invested around 530,000 euros. The condition of the complex was considered obsolete. In addition to the visitor center at the Eupen Dam, the DG has also taken over the Worriken sports complex (Bütgenbach) and the KUZ (Reuland Castle) as infrastructure from the Belgian state.
- GE, 03.05.2004
TGV construction site opening in East Belgium
Construction of the new Cologne-Brussels high-speed rail link is now also starting with the opening of the construction section in eastern Belgium. There are 1,000 working days available for the work. The route is scheduled for completion in November 2006. The first Thalys is scheduled to run over the line in mid-2007.
- GE, 30.06.2004; 05.04.2004
German-Belgian farce about Ourtal bridge
The urgently needed renovation of the Ourtal bridge near Steinebrück on the E42/A60 freeway, which has been planned for some time, has so far failed due to a VAT dispute between Belgium and Germany. The 712-meter bridge stands 482 meters on Belgian territory and 230 meters on German territory. The construction was only made possible by an international treaty, which became binding by a federal law of February 5, 1979. The viaduct was built according to the Belgian technical code. However, Rhineland-Palatinate does not want to bear the VAT costs for the rehabilitation of the German section. The tender was won by a Belgian construction company.
- GE, 14.04.2004
RDG regulates language use in the classroom for the first time itself
In 1997, the responsibility for regulating the use of languages in education was transferred to the German-speaking Community. Until now, the central state language regime from 1963 still applied to eastern Belgium. Now the RDG has adopted its own decree that regulates language teaching and use. In advance, all the Council’s parliamentary groups had agreed on 20 key statements. For example, French classes have been mandatory since the first year of school. Some activities in the first foreign language must now also be offered in kindergarten.
- GE, 04/21/2004
East Belgium backdrop for television and cinema productions
On several occasions, East Belgium provides the backdrop for action scenes in television (Alarm for Cobra 11, etc.) and cinema productions (The Clown).
- GE, 04/21/2004
Approval of new business parks
The Walloon Region government approves 36 new or expanded business parks. In East Belgium, the industrial park Kaiserbaracke (Amel) can be enlarged by 31 ha, Sankt Vith-Rodt II by 33 ha and Baelen-Eupen-Welkenraedt-Lontzen by 130 ha. The demand from investors for the soon-to-be-developed land is there, according to the communities involved.
- GE, 23.04.2004; 24.04.2004
Evers relinquishes chairmanship of Febetra
The Eupen politician and entrepreneur Alfred Evers steps down as chairman of Febetra, the Belgian association of transport operators, after 14 years.
- GE, 14.04.2004
East Belgium tops the Walloon Region in solar panels
Saint Vith is awarded as the municipality with the most solar panels per 1,000 inhabitants (76.8 sqm/1,000 inhabitants). Amel follows in second place (76.68 sqm/1,000 inhabitants), Büllingen in third place (71.11 sqm/1,000 inhabitants). The other six East Belgian municipalities are also among the top ten municipalities in the Walloon Region. They are all above the European average of 34 sqm/1,000 inhabitants. In eastern Belgium alone, solar panels have been subsidized since 1995. The Center for Training and Further Education of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses has also been offering further training for craftsmen since 1995.
- GE, 03.05.2004
Consider challenges posed by priest shortage
In an interview with the German magazine “Publik-Forum,” which is critical of the church, Bishop Aloys Jousten explains that in the diocese of Liège the 530 parishes are to be reduced to 120 in just three years. Episcopal vicar François Palm (Walhorn) points out that for the first time in decades there is no German-speaking seminarian studying in the Liège seminary. Therefore, he said, the questions of the shortage of priests will soon arise in eastern Belgium as well. The foundation of parish associations and the establishment of so-called contact groups has begun.
- GE, 30.04.2004
Cable plant with 19 million euros loss
The cable plant closed the 2003 financial year with a loss of around 19 million euros. 2002 (approximately 7 million loss) and 2001 (14 million loss) were also closed with a negative business result. However, the situation is not worrying, the management said. The cable plant continues to find its place in the world market.
- GE, 24.04.2004; 30.04.2004
Opportunities for East Belgium through the Eifel National Park?
Does the creation of the Eifel National Park offer new opportunities to the Belgian Eifel? This question will be addressed at a symposium in the town hall of Büllingen, which is being held on the initiative of the Friends of the National Park. Minister Hans Niessen (Ecolo) represents East Belgium in this committee.
- GE, 06.05.2004
Relaunch of the DG website
The DG website (dglive) has undergone a fundamental relaunch. It is unlocked as of now. In a call for tenders, Grenz-Echo and the Eupen-based company Demetec were awarded the contract for relaunch, consulting and support until 2006.
- GE, 08.05.2004
Interim balance of the cooperation DG and RLP
The State Chancellery in Mainz presents a 125-page balance sheet of cross-border cooperation at the regular annual meeting of the Minister Presidents from Rhineland-Palatinate and the German-speaking Community. The cooperation dates back to a contract signed on May 19, 1993.
- GE, 08.05.2004
Walloon Parliament votes for transfer of municipal supervision
The Parliament of the Walloon Region votes to transfer the supervision of municipalities to the German-speaking Community. Now the approval of the RDG is still missing. The transfer is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2005.
- GE, 13.06.2004
"School for all" with support for the highly gifted
The Ministry’s working group “Support for the Gifted” presents brochures and work materials specifically aimed at gifted students. According to the worldwide statistical average, about 300 students in East Belgium are said to be highly gifted. As part of the “School for All” project, they will also find support in the future.
- GE, 15.05.2004
Securing funding for the Eifel emergency medical service.
Funding for the Eifel emergency medical service is secured.
- GE, 18.05.2004
CSC clear winner in social elections in the DG
Social elections were held in 34 East Belgian companies. The CSC won 213 of the 270 mandates with 79 percent, the socialist FGTB gained 2.3 percentage points and 52 mandates, and the liberal union won 5 mandates with 1.8 percent.
- GE, 22.05.2004
Pony team with 102 animals recognized as world record in St. Vith
At the Comisa/GLS business fair, Karl-Joseph and Zita Hansen achieve a world record and an entry in the Guinness Book of Records with a Shetland pony team of 102 animals.
- GE, 07.09.2004
Tour of Belgium for cyclists ends in Eupen
The Tour of Belgium for cyclists ends for the first time in East Belgium after its revival in 2002.
- GE, 11.05.2004
Walloon Region delegates the power of supervision of municipalities to the DG
The Walloon Region delegates the power of municipal supervision to the German-speaking Community. The latter is to exercise the new competence as of January 1, 2005. In concrete terms, this means that the DG reviews the decisions of the nine municipal councils, the nine colleges of mayors and aldermen, the two police councils, the autonomous communal regiments, and the 43 church factories for their legality and opportuneness.
- GE, 27.10.2004
Renovated museum in Kelmis reopened
The Göhltalmuseum in Kelmis was renovated and the exhibition area was enlarged. This weekend it reopened 20 years after its opening on October 6, 1984.
- GE, 29.05.2004; 15.04.2004
First golf course opened in St. Vith
In Saint Vith, the first golf course with a nine-hole field opens with the “GreenHous”. This is how this sport is to be established in East Belgium.
- GE, 01.06.2004
Green House opened
The Green House Saint Vith is officially opened, after the game operation (golf) was already started at the beginning of April.
- GE, 2004.04.03
Ernst von Frühbuss deceased
Ernst von Frühbuss (*05.02.1921) dies in Wallerode at the age of 83. Through his social commitment he set numerous impulses in agriculture (co-founder of the traveling exhibitions, dairy cooperative) and in the cultural field (co-founder of the Volksbildungswerk and the history association “Zwischen Venn und Schneifel”).
- GE, 05.06.2004
Contaminated Espagit site near Kehr to be remediated
A new attempt to clear the B-zone around the former “Espagit” munitions factory in Hallschlag/Kehr, which has now shrunk to 80 hectares, begins. A specialist company will clear 50 hectares of heavily polluted land of contaminated sites in three phases, which are also scheduled to last three years. Espagit produced poison gas, among other things, during the First World War. The plant exploded in 1920. So far, only parts have been disposed of properly.
- GE, 28.05.2004
RDG adopts decree on the transfer of municipal supervision
The RDG adopts the decree transferring the supervision of municipalities from the Walloon Region to the DG. This is the largest transfer of competence from Namur to Eupen to date. As of January 1, 2005, the DG will manage this competence on its own. To carry out this power, the Region transfers 17.1 million euros per year to the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 03.06.2004
Recognition of six radio stations in eastern Belgium
According to an opinion of the Media Council, the DG government recognizes six radio stations, each of which receives its own frequency in eastern Belgium: three regional and three local stations.
Partnership agreement between neighboring cities Eupen and Monschau
The cities of Eupen and Monschau sign a partnership agreement that provides for increased cooperation in the areas of culture, schools, employment, transport and environmental protection.
- GE, 07.06.2004
DG and Wallonia cooperate in sports
Minister-President Karl-Heinz Lambertz and the Minister of Sport of the French Community sign an agreement aimed at strengthening cooperation between the two constituent states in the fields of sport, training and qualifications in sport, health promotion, the fight against doping, coach education, top-level sport and sports holiday camps.
- GE, 09.06.2004
Election advertising with "the latest forms of technology"
The Grenz-Echo reports that in this election campaign several top candidates are promoting themselves “with the latest technologies in the form of a personal Internet website” and cites specific examples.
- GE, 08.06.2004
Two channels for BRF's Open Channel and KA 3
Cable distributor Interost will provide two separate channels to the two East Belgian television formats, BRF’s Offener Kanal and KA3, starting in September. This will significantly expand the capabilities of both providers.
- GE, 11.06.2004
Elections at three levels - slight changes with major consequences in East Belgium?
In the RDG elections, CSP (eight), PFF (five) and Ecolo (two) lose one seat, PDB-PJU keeps its three seats, SP (five) gains one seat, while Vivant gains two seats. The previous majority of SP, PFF and Ecolo thus no longer has a majority. Ecolo also loses its caucus status. In the regional elections, three deputies from eastern Belgium may have been elected to the Walloon Regional Council for the first time. Mathieu Grosch (CSP) defends his mandate as MEP very clearly.
- GE, 14.06.2004
Three regional deputies from the DG for the first time
Three regional deputies from the DG represent the interests of their German-speaking constituents and their constituents from the Verviers constituency in the Walloon Regional Parliament. This is a first. Edmund Stoffels (PS), Herbert Grommes (CSP) and Monika Dethier-Neumann (Ecolo) will meet in Namur during the upcoming legislative period.
- GE, 15.06.2004
Aid delivery from St. Vith to Iraq
Bonn-based “Internationale Nothilfe” e.V. and the Sankt Vith fire department deliver relief supplies from Sankt Vith to Kirkuk, Iraq.
- GE, 17.06.2004
MUH pays top price for milk
The Milchunion Hocheifel (MUH) pays out the highest milk price in Germany, even though many farmers complain that this is not enough for a profitable income. This was announced at the general meeting of the dairy cooperative Büllingen-St. Vith known. Very many East Belgian farmers deliver their milk to MUH in Pronsfeld.
- GE, 19.06.2004
SP, PFF and PJU-PDB start coalition negotiations
SP, PFF and PJU-PDB start coalition negotiations.
- GE, 19.06.2004
New coalition for four ministers - fierce controversies
PFF, SP and PJU-PDB agree on a coalition agreement and decide to increase the number of ministers in the DG from three to four in the future. The last point leads to numerous letters to the editor, discussions and controversies in the following weeks.
- GE, 24.06.2004
New location for material lending in Eupen
The city of Eupen will cede the former industrial halls in Langesthal 3-5 to the DG. In the foreseeable future, the materials lending department will be housed there.
- GE, 30.06.2004
Coalition agreement of the new majority signed
The new majority in the RDG of SP, PFF and PJU-PDB signs its coalition agreement in Eupen, which contains 146 individual measures.
- GE, 03.07.2004
St. Vith-Weismes cycle path opened as a pre-Ravel
The cycle path from St. Vith to Weismes on the old railroad line of the Vennbahn has been developed as a pre-Ravel cycle path with gravel surface and opened with great participation.
- GE, 06.07.2004
Constitution of the RDG and election of the fifth government for East Belgium
The Council of the German-speaking Community meets for the first time and elects Louis Siquet (SP) as President of Parliament, Karl-Heinz Lambertz (SP) as Prime Minister, and Isabelle Weykmans (PFF), Bernd Gentges (PFF) and Oliver Paasch (PJU-PDB) as Ministers. At 24, Isabelle Weykmans is the youngest minister the DG has ever had and also the youngest minister in Belgium. It is the fifth government of the German-speaking Community. Seven of the 25 elected representatives did not take up their mandate, including three ministers and two regional deputies. Two politicians did not even take office.
- GE, 07.07.2004; 08.07.2004
Petition against fourth minister presented
A petition with 3059 signatures against the appointment of a fourth minister in the government of the German-speaking Community is presented to RDG President Louis Siquet.
- GE, 09.07.2004
Berni Collas sworn in as new senator
Berni Collas is sworn in as the new Senator of the German-speaking Community in the Brussels Senate.
- GE, 09.07.2004
RDG becomes Parliament of the German-speaking Community
Following an amendment to the Belgian Constitution on July 9, 2004, the former regional and community councils are officially referred to as “parliaments.” This also upgrades the Council of the German-speaking Community to the Parliament of the German-speaking Community. The publication in the Belgian Official Gazette will take place on August 13.
- http://www.pdg.be/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-4068/7164_read-41446/ (retrieved 08/19/2020)
No change in the language decree
In an interview with the Border Echo, the new Minister of Education, Oliver Paasch (PJU-PDB), clarifies that he does not seek any change in the language decree, but – on the contrary – supports broad foreign language learning.
- GE, 10.07.2004
Post introduces geo-route in last municipality in DG
St. Vith is the last municipality where the Post Office is introducing the so-called geo-route, which will result in extra work for letter carriers and changed delivery times for customers.
- GE, 08.07.2004
Railbike on the railroad line Kalterherberg-Sourbrodt
Today, a tourist project starts on the former railroad line Kalterherberg-Sourbrodt, which makes it possible to explore the route via Railbike, a kind of rail bike. The operator is the Liège-based company At home. The latter has leased the section from EBBS, the company responsible for maintaining the tracks. The tourist project is welcomed.
Discussions about conversion of Vogelsang Castle
On January 1, 2006, the Belgian Army, as the user of the Vogelsang military training area, will have vacated the camp. The Eifel National Park is to be created on 11,000 ha. Numerous discussions are currently underway about the conversion of the former Ordensburg Vogelsang.
- GE, 26.07.2020
Swiss Post cuts 9,000 jobs - only a few in eastern Belgium
The Belgian postal service says it will cut around 9,000 jobs as part of the liberalization process. East Belgian employees are expected to be only marginally affected.
- GE, 03.08.2004
Several "last special trips" on the Vennbahn
A farewell trip is to conclude the history of the Vennbahn. A total of three “last trips” will be made on the line, which was so important at the beginning of the century.
- GE, 09.08.2004
Dispute over spelling reform - but without East Belgium
The announcement by several major German publishers that they will return to the spelling used before the 1996 reform has intensified the debate, especially in Germany. The border echo and Minister of Education Paasch explain that there will be no East Belgian special path and East Belgium will comply.
- GE, 07.08.2004
Large fire in the High Fens
A major fire in the High Fens destroys 150 hectares of fens. More than 150 firefighters from seven fire departments, the civil defense, soldiers from the Elsenborn camp and the forestry administration participate in the firefighting work. In addition to considerable damage to fauna and flora, numerous kilometers of boardwalks that guide tourists dryly through the Venn landscape are also destroyed. A disagreement arose over the deployment of two German fire-fighting helicopters, which were deployed rather late on Tuesday after the fire flared up again. The fire received a lot of attention in the international press. (From 09.08.2004 to 13.08.2004)
- GE, 10.08.2004; 11.08.2004; 12.08.2004; 13.08.2004; 14.08.2004
Worriken without sales slump despite empty lake
The Worriken Recreation Center posts only small losses, despite the fact that the water in Lake Bütgenbach was drained this summer due to renovation work on the dam.
- GE, 27.08.2004
Appreciation of Jean Arnolds on the 60th anniversary of his death
Alfred Minke and Freddy Derwahl pay tribute in detailed articles to Jean Arnold, who 60 years ago was sentenced to death by the National Socialist People’s Court and executed on August 28, 1944.
- GE, 28.08.2004
First East Belgian activity plan for kindergartens comes into force
In the kindergartens of the German-speaking Community, for the first time, an activity plan comes into force, which was developed by a working group in the Ministry. Among other things, it is intended to create better continuity between the kindergartens and the elementary school.
- GE, 13.05.2004
Cable plant receives loan from the Walloon Region
The Eupen cable plant, which is suffering from economic problems, receives a loan of five million euros from the Walloon Region. This will improve the company’s financial base, according to company management.
- GE, 01.09.2004
Double taxation agreement disadvantages Germans working in Belgium
German and East Belgian politicians complain in a press briefing about the disadvantages of the double taxation treaty that came into force on January 1, complaining about employees living in Germany but working in Belgium. The negotiations for the agreement took ten years. About 300 to 500 people could be affected, making the East Belgian and Belgian labor market less attractive for them.
- GE, 06.09.2004
Fire destroys restaurant in Worriken
A fire largely destroys the restaurant in the Worriken (Bütgenbach) leisure center. The complex finds an alternative in the “Seepanorama
- GE, 07.09.2004
Petition against fourth minister to be considered by committee
3059 citizens signed a petition against a fourth minister. This has now been referred to the relevant committee in the PDG.
- GE, 08.09.2004
Fractional aids for Ecolo and Vivant under review
Since the June elections, Ecolo and Vivant have been represented in the PDG by only two mandataries. They do not have faction status. Now the PDG Presidium is considering how these parties can be helped in their day-to-day political work by increasing funding.
- GE, 08.09.2004
Researchers warn of drying up of the venna
Researchers at the University of Louvain warn that the High Fens could dry up in 20 to 30 years due to a warming climate.
- GE, 09.09.2004
Start of new legislative period with government declaration in PDG
The new majority in the PDG starts the new legislative period with a government declaration. This naturally leads to heated controversy.
- GE, 16.09.2004
Deputies in Eupen meet for the first time as parliamentarians
At the first meeting in the new legislative period, the German-speaking deputies are now meeting as parliamentarians following the official renaming of the “Council of the German Cultural Community” to the “Parliament of the German-speaking Community” on July 9.
- GE, 17.08.2004; 13.09.2004
First inaugural visit of the new German ambassador to Eupen
The new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Christoph Jessen, visits the German-speaking Community during his first inaugural visit to Belgium. He has been in office since July.
Last ride of the Vennbahn from Trois-Pont to Büllingen
Farewell and regret. After the special runs of August 7 and 28, the Vennbahn runs the line between Trois-Ponts and Büllingen for the last time. This will be shut down afterwards.
- GE, 26.08.2004
Walloon Minister of Agriculture as guest
Walloon Minister of Agriculture Sabine Laruelle (MR) visits East Belgian farms.
IHK of the Euregio celebrate together 200. Birthday in Aachen
The Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Aachen, Eupen-Malmedy-St. Vith, Verviers and Zuid-Limburg celebrate their 200th anniversary together in Aachen. Birthday. The keynote speaker will be the German Federal Minister of Economics and Labor, Wolfgang Clement.
- GE, 24.09.2004
Countrywomen celebrate 50th anniversary with own book
The East Belgian countrywomen celebrate their 50th birthday with their own book. Numerous other celebrations round off the anniversary.
- GE, 02.10.2004
Rock 'n' Roll World Cup in Bütgenbach
High-performance dancing is on offer in Bütgenbach at the Rock’n’Roll World Cup with participants from 15 nations. The organizers are the Hot Shoes Bütgenbach.
- GE, 05.10.2004
Inauguration of the new viaduct in Moresnet
Over the weekend, more than 9,000 visitors celebrate the inauguration of the new viaduct in Moresnet.
- GE, 05.10.2004
BRF television magazine "Blickpunkt" with 15 minutes a day
BRF’s regional TV magazine “10vor,” which started exactly five years ago, is renamed “Blickpunkt” and expanded to 15 minutes. The broadcast date, which was previously 10 minutes before the hour, will be brought forward by five minutes.
New regional television format at BRF
BRF not only changes channels for its regional TV format and gets its own TV frequency, but also renames its “10 vor” show “BRF-Blickpunkt.” The broadcast time will also be increased from 10 to 15 minutes. The program is broadcast a quarter of an hour before the hour starting at 5:45 pm.
- GE, 30.09.2004
PDG Committee III starts decree work for new university
Talks have been ongoing since 2000. On September 1, 2005, a new autonomous college is to continue the work of the previous three colleges: the Pedagogical College of the German-speaking Community (PHDG), the Pedagogical College of Father Damian (PHPD) and the School of Nursing (KPS). The PDG’s Committee III has now begun deliberations to prepare a decree to that effect.
- GE, 07.10.2004
One drug-related death per year in the DG
According to the annual report of the Working Group for Addiction Prevention and Life Skills Eupen (ASL), the DG records one drug-related death per year.
- GE, 07.10.2004
City of Eupen buys the "Capitol
The City Council of Eupen approves the purchase of the Eupen “Capitol” to complete the cultural infrastructure.
- GE, 08.10.2004
First Walloon premium for energy-saving new house construction according to Kettenis
The first of 150 awards offered by the Walloon Region for energy-saving new houses goes to Kettenis. The house achieves a K-value of 16, which the architect calls a record for Wallonia.
- GE, 08.10.2004
Malmedy receives new flood protection
In Malmedy, a new embankment wall is being raised at a cost of around 1 million euros to serve as flood protection. The new wall is about one meter higher than the old one.
- GE, 08.10.2004
Catholic meeting in Saint Vith with 1400 participants
A Catholic Day is held in Saint Vith, attended by about 1400 Christians. The organizer was the Pastoral Council. Cardinal Gottfried Daneels and Bishop Aloys Jousten were present as guests.
- GE, 11.10.2004; 16.10.2004; 19.10.2004
"Jugend forscht" - now also possible for DG students
For the first time, students from the German-speaking Community can now take part in Europe’s largest competition for young researchers, “Jugend forscht”. In addition, they will be able to experiment together with experts under real conditions at Forschungszentrum Jülich in the future.
- GE, 13.10.2004
Major fire in the old town of Malmedy
In the evening, there was a serious fire in the old town of Malmedy, which severely damaged five houses in the old town.
- GE, 14.10.2004; 15.10.2004
Dismantling of the railroad line Jünkerath-Losheimergraben
The Jünkerath-Losheimergraben railroad line will be dismantled by December. The maintenance costs are not offset by any income. It is the last cross-border rail connection between the Moselle and Aachen. The continuing Losheimergraben-Weywertz line is to be closed to freight traffic before the end of 2004.
New production hall for BW Eupen
The sheltered workshop (BW) puts a new, 1000 square meter production hall into operation. The construction of the hall was BW’s largest construction project to date.
- GE, 16.10.2004
Velo-Tours High Fens-Eifel go to the start
The Velo-Tours Hohes Venn-Eifel are launched as a forward-looking bicycle project. The project includes 850 km of bike lanes, 182 intersections, 27 large and 155 small exit signs, 551 intersection signs and 1497 intermediate signs. The costs amount to around 180,000 euros.
- GE, 18.10.2004
Institutional forum used as a think tank in the Senate
The so-called “Institutional Forum” was set up in the Senate as a think tank to consider and advise on further reforms of the Belgian state. Minister President Karl-Heinz Lambertz is a member of the forum as an observer for the DG, and Senator Berni Collas has been designated as an alternate.
- GE, 20.10.2004
Dean Albert Backes deceased
In St. Vith, Albert Backes dies shortly before his 70th birthday. As a priest and dean, he helped shape the East Belgian church. In socio-political terms, too, the chaplain was an important source of inspiration for the region.
- GE, 20.10.2004; 21.10.2004; 23.10.2004; 25.10.2004
Farewell to Bolland in Eupen
Provincial Governor Paul Bolland, who retired on September 30, is given a farewell in Eupen.
- GE, 22.10.2004
Largest karting center in the region opens in Eupen
In Eupen, the largest karting center in the region is starting up. The operator invested over one million euros in the project.
- GE, 23.10.2004
Facts about the dispute over financial transfers in Belgium
The Flemish administration Abifim has calculated the financial transfers from Flanders to Wallonia in a study commissioned by the Flemish government. Accordingly, financial transfers via federal taxes and social security amounted to 6.6 billion euros in 2003. Since the 1960s, there has been a steady transfer from Flanders to Wallonia and, since the 1990s, to Brussels. The topic is an ongoing issue that is also being closely followed in eastern Belgium.
- GE, 25.10.2004
Simplification through structure plan for all subsidized work
The Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community, Karl-Heinz Lambertz, informs through the press that after taking over the municipal supervision on January 1, 2005, there will no longer be a specific set of legal rules for the investment applications of the municipalities. All community requests will feed into the existing infrastructure plan. The very complex system of Walloon three-year plans will be abolished and administration will be significantly simplified as a result.
- GE, 27.10.2004
Eifel National Park opens its doors
Almost three years after the founding idea, the Eifel National Park is officially opened with a citizens’ festival. The protected area, the first in North Rhine-Westphalia, covers 110 square kilometers and borders directly on the municipality of Büllingen. On January 1, the ordinance for the large protected area came into force. So far, 230 endangered plant and animal species have been identified there.
- GE, 30.12.2003; 03.01.2004; 09.01.2004; 12.01.2004
All nine East Belgian municipalities in the black
In a study, Dexia Bank concludes that probably all nine German-speaking municipalities will have a positive budget outcome in 2004. In 2001, seven municipalities were still in deficit. The same study reveals that the population increase in East Belgium between 1992-2003 was 5.5 percent, while in the Walloon Region it was only 3.3 percent.
- GE, 02.11.2004
Tax equalization payments from the Grand Duchy for municipalities
On December 14, 2001, Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg sign an agreement on financial compensation for cross-border commuters in Luxembourg. These work in Luxembourg, are taxed there, but do not pay tax to their municipalities at their place of residence. Through the treaty, the Luxembourg state is now paying compensation payments for the municipalities amounting to 15 million euros to Belgium for the first time on top of taxable income in 2002. The town of Arlon will receive about 4,155,000 euros, Reuland Castle 235,000 euros, St. Vith 281,000 euros, Amel 109,000 euros, Büllingen 73,000 euros and Bütgenbach 54,000 euros.
- GE, 06.11.2004
Number of cross-border commuters to Luxembourg doubled in ten years
From the Belgian Eifel region, 2177 employees commute to Luxembourg every day, and another 142 come from the northern municipalities of the DG. The number of commuters has more than doubled in the past ten years. Almost every third person is employed in the construction industry. The number of commuting women is particularly high from the municipalities of Burg Reuland and St. Vith. These often find work in the border markets.
- GE, 06.11.2004
"Heath, moors, meadows" starts the second phase
The Interreg III project “Heath, moors, meadows” starts its second phase. With 314,000 euros of Interreg III funds, further biotopes in wetlands are to be developed into a cross-border biotope network by the end of 2005. Deforestation, renaturation and landscape management are thus intended to promote biodiversity.
- GE, 12.11.2004
Building permit for Büllingen wind farm
After a complaint, Regional Minister André Antoine has now approved the construction of the wind farm on Bolder-Biert (not far from Mürringen and Hünningen). The developer is Electrabel.
- GE, 16.11.2004
Saint Vith declared "war martyr city
The city of Saint Vith is awarded the title of “war martyr city”, or victim city of the Second World War, by King Albert in Brussels. 91 Belgian municipalities receive this title. Strangely enough, Saint Vith was the only municipality from the Belgian Eifel to receive this title, although all the municipalities were heavily destroyed.
- GE, 23.11.2004
Site for Palace of Justice Eupen determined
After extensive discussions between all parties concerned, the location of the new Palace of Justice in Eupen is determined. There were nine options to choose from. The new building is to be built at the town hall square.
- GE, 12.11.2004; 25.11.2004
First graduates of the DG distance learning course for special and remedial education.
In 2001, the DG government concluded a cooperation agreement with the Fernuni Hagen (Germany) to organize further education in special and remedial education in East Belgium through a three-year distance learning program. Now the first 47 completions were awarded. However, further cooperation with the Fernuni Hagen is no longer possible, as the special and remedial education department will be discontinued in Hagen next summer.
- GE, 24.11.2004
Spectacular action at TGV construction site Walhorn
Two 35-meter-long steel girders for the new TGV bridge were laid in a spectacular operation at the weekend.
- GE, 29.11.2004
Commemoration of the anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge
The month of December is marked by numerous commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
- GE, 13.12.2004
Renovation of the Ourtal bridge
For the time being, differing views on the content of the 1979 treaty were expressed in a VAT dispute between Germany and Belgium. Now that this has been settled, the reorganization project can start.
- 38324
Award of contract for Lichtenbusch border crossing construction project
The Lichtenbusch border crossing on the Liège-Aachen freeway is being redesigned. The petroleum company “Total Belgium” is awarded the contract for the eight-million-euro project, where new gas stations, stores, restaurant, etc. are to be built.
- GE, 02.12.2004
Land acquisition for continuation of the Ravel in Reuland
After negotiations with the national railroad company SNCB, the municipality of Burg Reuland can take over the former railroad line from Auel to Lengeler for a symbolic euro. This creates the conditions for the Ravel route to be built with connections on the German and Luxembourg sides.
- GE, 04.12.2004
German speakers forgotten in Wallonia's future contract?
By mailshot, all residents of the Walloon Region received the “Future Contract of the Walloon Region”, published under the title “Join in”. The PDB-PJU draws attention to the fact that German speakers have been largely forgotten in this future treaty.
- GE, 03.12.2004
Cross-border trunk road vision considered
So far, there is a fairly straight connection from Diekirch via Reuland, Sankt Vith to Büllingen. A new connection to the A1 freeway is intended to strengthen this traffic axis. Two variants are being discussed in cross-border planning: via Wahlerscheid, Vogelsang, Gemünd and Wießkirchen or via Losheimergraben, Dahlem and Blankenheim. The district administration of Euskirchen is in charge. It is not possible to predict whether funds will be available for the plans.
- GE, 04.12.2004
Results of the second PISA study for DG satisfactory
After PISA I (2000), results are again available. 782 students, all 15 years old, participated in the school achievement test this time. At 46 percent, eastern Belgium has the highest school backlog in the country. East Belgium students scored in the middle range in the areas tested (math, science, problem solving, and reading). Flanders reaches top places, whereas the students of the French Community are quite clearly below average. The deficits are to be worked through.
- GE, 08.12.2004
Introduction of the electronic ID card by 2009
So far, only 100,000 Belgians have an electronic ID card. Interior Minister Patrick Dewael announces that the transition should be completed by 2009.
- 13.12.2004
Cooperation agreement between BRF and RTBF
The Belgian Broadcasting Corporation of the German-speaking Community (BRF) and the Radio and Television Broadcasting Corporation of the French Community (RTBF) sign a cooperation agreement which, among other things, will enable the BRF to make use of news reports from RTBF television in the future.
- GE, 14.12.2004
Marathon session for the adoption of the DG budget.
PDG members debated for over 18 hours before passing the 2005 budget with majority votes. The budget provides for expenditures of 163 million euros.
- GE, 16.12.2004
Society debates early retirement for teachers
The planned change in early retirement for teachers (from 55 to 58 years of age, among other things) is causing social debate.
- GE, 14.12.2004
Painter Peter Hodiamont deceased
In Baelen, the painter Peter Hodiamont dies of a heart attack shortly before his 80th birthday. He left numerous works of art in East Belgium.
- GE, 17.12.2004
Establishment of a founding council for an autonomous university.
The German-speaking Community would like to join forces in the field of education and merge the two existing universities. After lengthy preliminary discussions, a founding council is now being set up, which is to be the forerunner of the subsequent board of directors. The Autonomous University is scheduled to begin operations on September 1, 2005.
- GE, 16.12.2004
Numerous US veterans commemorate Battle of the Bulge
Around the 60th anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Bulge, many U.S. veterans are staying in the Belgian Eifel region, where they join locals in commemorating the events of the war.
- GE, 14.12.2004
Construction of the TGV line is on schedule - Walhorn is paralyzed
Construction of the TGV high-speed train link between Liège and Aachen is on schedule. The 1232-meter viaduct near Battice is in place, with four more viaducts to follow by July 2005. The work between Welkenraedt and Hergenrath is scheduled for completion in 2006. Walhorn, through which the TGV route runs, can no longer be passed because of the construction site. As well as the interim balance sheet of the company in charge of the construction.
- GE, 18.12.2004
PDG adopts decree on municipal supervision
The Parliament of the German-speaking Community (PDG) adopts, after an extensive discussion, the decree on the administrative supervision of the subordinate authorities, i.e. the municipal supervision. Policymakers largely agreed that these powers would allow for more effective policies, bring municipalities and the community closer together, and allow for more solidarity to grow between northern and southern communities.
- GE, 22.12.2004
Warning strikes in the schools - government improvement
The three unions have called on teachers in eastern Belgium to go on strike. They are protesting tougher early retirement rules, a freeze on appointments in the elementary school system, and an increase in services for part-time employees. After the walkout, the first since 1997, Education Minister Oliver Paasch submitted a compromise proposal on early retirement.
- GE, 17.12.2004; 23.12.2004
East Belgians escape tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean
A magnitude 9.1 earthquake off Sumatra triggers numerous tsunamis. 230,000 people die. All East Belgian tourists present in the disaster region survive the disaster unharmed. In the first days, 30 Belgians were considered missing.
- GE, 29.12.2004
Broad remembrance of war and destruction
The 60th anniversary of the destruction of Saint Vith was the occasion for a dedicated reminder against war and destruction. Under the slogan “Denk-mal” took place, among others, a concert, an exhibition and several performances of the play “Somewhere” by the Agora. The play was adapted, enriched by testimonies of contemporary witnesses and performed in Saint Vith at 17 stations.
Eifel National Park as a visitor magnet
The Eifel National Park, which borders directly on eastern Belgium, attracted around 11,000 visitors in its first year. It is the only national park in North Rhine-Westphalia.
- GE, 29.12.2004
Gerard Cremer new editor-in-chief of the Border Echo
Editor-in-chief Heinz Warny leaves Grenz-Echo and retires. His successor will be Gerard Cremer from Eupen.
- GE, 31.12.2004
DG responsible for community supervision
After the Walloon Region and the German-speaking Community agreed to transfer the power of supervision of municipalities from Namur to Eupen and the two parliaments agreed, the German-speaking Community has been responsible for this new power since January 1. Two full-time employees and two part-time employees will be hired for this purpose in the administration.
Separate collection of household waste
Since the turn of the year, separate collection of household waste has been in effect in all Eifel communities.
- GE, 05.01.2005
Expansion of the industrial zone Kaiserbaracke
By ministerial decree of the Walloon regional minister André Antoine, the Amel industrial park Kaiserbaracke can be extended.
- GE, 22.12.2006
N62 study
The Ministry of Roads commissions a new study on the routing of the N62 Sankt Vith-Wemperhardt.
- GE, 13.01.2005
Lichtenbusch before reconstruction
The Lichtenbusch highway border crossing is to be rebuilt.
- GE, 26.01.2005
Teachers' strike
In the DG, teachers are on strike.
- GE, 28.01.2005
Genorm lays down balance sheet
The construction company Genorm from Schoppen lays down the balance sheet.
- GE, 10.02.2005
Exhibition "Apocalypse
BRF and the Adult Education Center of Eastern Cantons present the exhibition Apocalypse for the 60th anniversary of the liberation from Nazism. (From 20.02.2005 to 20.03.2005)
- GE, 14.02.2005
Creation of an autonomous university
The Parliament of the German-speaking Community adopts the decree creating an autonomous university.
GE, 23.02.2005
Closure of the Agency for Sustainable Development
The Agency for Sustainable Development is closed.
GE, 23.02.2005
100 days of community supervision
Minister President Karl-Heinz Lambertz takes positive stock. The takeover of the municipal supervision on January 1, 2005 has confirmed a simplification of procedures.
- GE,03.22. 2005; 12.04.2005
A museum for contemporary art
At an extraordinary general assembly, the IKOB designates and identifies itself as a museum of contemporary art.
Large-scale cross-border control operation
Belgian, German and Dutch police officers jointly carry out a large-scale control operation.
- GE, 23.04.2005
Head redesign
The Raeren municipal council decides to redesign the Köpfchen border crossing.
- GE, 28.04.2005
Status of Ecolo and Vivant upgraded
The status of Vivant and Ecolo in the Parliament of the German-speaking Community is upgraded.
- GE, 11.05.2005
Teacher protest
In front of the PDG, numerous teachers demonstrate against the collection decree.
- GE, 13.05.2005
Autonomous municipal government for Eupen
The Eupen City Council adopts the founding statutes for an autonomous municipal government.
- GE, 06.01.2005
Best quality of life
Saint Vith, Amel and Raeren are among the top ten municipalities for quality of life in the province of Liège, according to a study by Le Vif/LExpress.
- GE, 11.06.2005
Raeren grows
Raeren is the third municipality in the DG to exceed 10,000 inhabitants.
- GE, 08.06.2005
Collective decree adopted
The PDG adopts an omnibus decree for education.
- GE, 08.06.2005
For European Constitution
DG Parliament votes in favor of European Constitution.
- GE, 22.06.2005
Employment Alliance
The DG government and the social partners sign the third installment of a Community Alliance for Training and Employment (GABB III).
- GE, 24.06.2005
Joint government meeting in Namur
The governments of the Walloon Region and the German-speaking Community meet jointly in Namur.
- GE, 02.07.2005
World Youth Day in Cologne
Participants of the World Youth Day in Cologne will be accommodated and looked after by East Belgian host families in the run-up to the event. (From 16.08.2005 to 21.08.2005)
- GE, 09.08.2005
Neutralia celebrations
The Neutralia celebrations take place in Kelmis. Aspects of the former neutrality are recalled. (From 02.09.2005 to 04.09.2005
- GE, 05.09.2005; 07.09.2005
Action against double taxation agreement
The municipality of Raeren is taking legal action against what it sees as an injustice in the double taxation agreement.
- GE, 10.09.2005
Expanded sorting center
In Saint Vith, Idelux’s expanded facilities are officially opened at the Saint Vith sorting center.
- GE, 16.09.2005
Belgian week in Ostvorpommern
The DG participates in the Belgian week in Ostvorpommern. (From 03.10.2005 to 10.10.2005)
- GE, 10.05.2005
Weywertz space physicist awarded
Alain Sarlette, a space physicist from Weywertz, has been awarded the Odissea Prize of the Belgian Senate.
Fire in the High Fens
The fire in the High Fens lasted from 30.10.2005 to 31.10.2005.
- GE, 02.11.2005
Travel broadcaster broke
Radio East Belgium travel station Kelmis is broke.
- GE, 30.11.2005
Home club of Bosnians in Eupen
Bosnians living in Eupen open a home club.
- GE,17.11. 2005
GE, 2005.11.02;
The mayor of Eupen, Elmar Keutgen, warns against incitement against foreigners.
- GE, 16.11.2005
Köníg at the day of the DG
The day of the Detuschsprachigen community celebrate the DG and the royal couple together in Bütgenbach.
- GE, 17.11.2005
Extension Kaiserbaracke
After the signing of the corresponding decree by Regional Minister André Antoine (CDH), nothing stands in the way of further development of the industrial zone.
- GE, 14.12.2005
Reform of municipal legislation meets with rejection
The reform of municipal legislation in the Walloon parliament has met with strong criticism from mayors in the north of the DG.
- GE, 02.12.2005
Prince Philip visits Reuland.
- GE, 08.12.2005
Minister of the Interior in Eupen
Minister of the Interior Patrick Dewael visits the Federal Police Eupen.
- GE, 10.12.2005
EU Commissioner on Lichtenbusch
The EU Commissioner for Transport, Jacques Barrot, exchanges views with local representatives of the transport sector at the freeway border crossing in Lichtenbusch.
- GE, 12.12.2005
Belgian forces clear Vogelsang.
East Belgian UN Special Investigator
Serge Brammertz, a lawyer from Eupen, is appointed UN special investigator in the Hariri murder case.
- GE, 24.01.2006
Railroad electrification
The electrified railroad line between Welkenraedt and Montzen is put into operation.
- GE, 28.01.2006
Laying of the foundation stone for the extension of the Sankt Vith Clinic
In Saint Vith, the foundation stone is laid for the expansion of the Saint Joseph Clinic.
- GE, 07.01.2006; 30.01.2006
Laying of the foundation stone for the extension of the Sankt Vith Clinic
In Saint Vith, the foundation stone is laid for the expansion of the Saint Joseph Clinic.
- GE, 07.01.2006; 30.01.2006
First small pitch artificial turf in Eupen
Eupen is the first municipality in Belgium to have a small-field artificial turf pitch.
- GE, 30.01.2006
First small pitch artificial turf in Eupen
Eupen is the first municipality in Belgium to have a small-field artificial turf pitch.
- GE, 30.01.2006
Municipality of Büllingen against mobility study
- GE, 07.02.2006; 11.01.2006
Mayors consult about N62
The mayors of the municipalities concerned discuss the routing of the N62 Sankt Vith-Wemperhardt bypass.
Ambassador of the social economy
The Recycl bulky waste sorting center located in Herbesthal is allowed to use the title of Ambassador of Social Economy for one year.
- GE, 07.03.2006; 31.05.2006
Opening of the "East Belgium Action and Fun Center
The “East Belgium Action and Fun Center” opens in Grüfflingen.
- GE, 18.03.2006
Taster weeks
During the Easter vacations, more than 400 young people take part in the taster weeks of the Institute for Training and Further Education of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. (From 03.04.2006 to 05.04.2006)
- GE, 12.04.2006
Foundation stone for Adapta new building
The foundation stone for the new Adapta building is laid in Hergenrath.
- GE, 08.04.2006
Saint Vither Peace Festival
- GE, 10.04.2006
First Girlsday in East Belgium
The first Girls Day in East Belgium aims to introduce girls to technical and skilled trades.
- GE, 28.04.2006
Police Euregioprotect
Cross-border police checks take place in the Euregio.
- GE, 16.05.2006; 04.10.2006
Citizens against ammunition tests
In Elsenborn, there is resistance to the planned construction of a firing range by the Mecar ammunition factory.
- GE, 15.05.2006; 18.05.2006; 22.05.2006
No relief road through Klinkespark
The Eupen City Council ends discussions about a possible relief road through the Klinkeshöfchen park.
- GE, 24.05.2006
Happart and Bacquelaine resign
Jean-Marie Happart and Yves Bacquelaine have to resign from the top of the marketing company of the Spa-Francorchamps circuit.
- GE, 27.05.2006; 07.06.2006
Industrial park Kaiserbaracke fully booked
The industrial zone Kaiserbaracke is fully booked.
- GE, 08.06.2006
Regional minister on visit
Regional Minister André Antoine visits the municipalities of Kelmis, Raeren, Lontzen and Eupen.
- GE, 24.06.2006
Nine parish associations in East Belgium
Bishop Aloys Jousten decrees nine parish associations in East Belgium that overlap with parish boundaries.
- GE, 07.07.2006
Regional Cultural Center North
The DG and the City of Eupen sign the financial convention for the construction of the Regional Cultural Center North.
- GE, 19.07.2006
Regional Minister in East Belgium
The Minister of Health and Social Affairs of the Walloon Region, Christiane Vienne, visits East Belgium.
Ravel Neidungen-Steinbrück
The Ravel section Neidingen-Steinebrück is opened.
- GE, 04.09.2006
Social enterprise quits
The Eupen social enterprise Die Alternative has to dismiss 97 people due to faulty administration. Beginning October 1, the New Alternative may resume work with the same staff under service vouchers.
- GE, 08.09.2006; 21.09.2006; 01.10.2006
Citizens express fears
Criticism of the Renogen waste-to-energy plant is forming.
- GE, 15.09.2006
Municipal and provincial elections
Christian Krings wins a landslide election victory with 18 of 21 seats in Sankt Vith. Only in Büllingen is a new mayor appointed, Friedhelm Wirtz.
- GE, 07.10.2006; 09.10.2006
First Wood Energy Day
- GE, 27.10.2006; 4.11.2006
Milk Union and Humana
The Milch-Union Hocheifel concludes a partnership agreement with Humana. The aim is to merge the two milk processing companies on January 1, 2008.
- GE, 16.11.2006
Award of the Israeli state
Annie Nyssen-Suymens from Eupen receives the highest award of the State of Israel.
- GE, 17.11.2006
Laying of the foundation stone of the triangle in Sankt Vith
The foundation stone of the Triangel Culture and Exhibition Center is laid in Saint Vith.
- GE, 17.11.2006
Weapons collection
Since the new weapons law came into force on June 9, 2006, many weapons have been handed in in East Belgium. (Amnesty period until 30 June 2007) (From 20.11.2006 to 25.11.2006)
- GE, 05.12.2006
Statute of the sport shooters
Parliament adopts a decree on the statute of sport shooters.
- GE, 05.12.2006
Marienheim with new building
The Marienheim in Raeren inaugurates its new building. (From 25.11.2006 to 26.11.2006)
- GE, 27.11.2006
Approval for wind farm confirmed
The Regional Minister André Antoine confirms the approval for the Amel wind farm.
- GE, 12.12.2006
Judgment against Falkenberg brothers
The Huy Criminal Court sentences the Falkenberg entrepreneurs to four years in prison with suspended sentences for several offenses.
- GE, 05.01.2007
Total smoking ban
Since January 1, 2007, there has been a total ban on smoking in restaurants and sports canteens. In pubs, smoking is still allowed in separate smoking rooms with smoke outlets.
The new digital radio system for public services goes online. – Sufficient network coverage is necessary should the new digital radio communications system be brought into service. The first three masts are erected at the Elsenborn, Büllingen and Lascheid camps.
- GE, 06.01.2007; 30.12.2006; 11.12.2007
Euregio Meuse-Rhine moves to Eupen
At the beginning of the year, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine office, previously located in Maastricht, moves to new premises in Eupen.
- GE, 04.01.2007
Magnetic resonance tomograph for Sankt Vith
With his decision to position the 1.5 million euro MRI scanner in Sankt Vith and not in the Eupen hospital, DG Health Minister Bernd Gentges has met with criticism.
- GE, 08.01.2007; 13.01.2007
Comisa end
The Autonomous Municipal Government (AGR) in St. Vith announces that the trade fair Comisa 2008 will no longer take place in its current form.
- GE, 27.01.2007
Stricter requirements for weapons testing
The Walloon region adopts stricter requirements for weapons testing. This also affects the company Mecar, which carries out controversial ammunition tests at the Elsenborn camp.
- GE, 26.01.2007
"The Green House" closes
The golf and congress center The Green House in St. Vith ceases its activities and concludes your service contract with the Puratos group.
- GE, 03.03.2007
Bar association reacts
The Eupen Bar Association responds to perceived abuses of the judicial system.
- GE, 10.04.2007; 27.02.2007; 01.03.2007
Hurricane "Kyrill" causes high damage
Hurricane Kyrill causes considerable damage in eastern Belgium. An estimated 70,000 solid cubic meters of timber fall victim to the hurricane.
- GE, 19.01.2007; 20.01.2007; 23.01.2007
Grand Duke visiting
Within the framework of a state visit, Luxembourg’s Grand Duke Henri and his wife Maria Teresa, together with the Belgian royal couple, are also guests in Eupen.
- GE, 23.03.2007
Emergency service center Büllingen
In Büllingen, the new emergency service center is handed over for its intended purpose.
- GE, 02.04.2007; 28.03.2007
New communities in rural development
Four more municipalities are joining the rural development program: Bütgenbach, Sankt Vith, Büllingen and Raeren.
- GE, 05.04.2007
Major fire at NMC
A major fire in the warehouse of NMC in Eynatten is extinguished by all fire departments in the area. No persons are injured.
- GE, 21.04.2007
Last trade fair GLS-Comisa
Prüm will host the last international trade fair GLS-Comisa with a total of 200 international exhibitors. In July, it is decided not to hold another Comisa. (From 27.04.2007 to 01.05.2007)
- GL, 03.05.2007; 05.07.2007
East Belgium Tour, Citizens' Dialogue with DG Ministers
The DG ministers started their East Belgium tour. The format is a citizen dialogue that stops every week in one of the 9 municipalities of the DG. Here, citizens have the opportunity to get up close and personal with their government and discuss all matters with the associated ministers in group discussions.
- GE, 04.05.2007
DG in Russian children magazine
The Russian children’s magazine “Schrumdirum” features the DG in one issue. The magazine itself is used in Russian schools in language and regional studies classes.
- GE, 04.08.2007
First international logging championship in Aldringen
After successes of East Belgian participants in other championships in previous years, now also an international logging championship was held in a domestic setting. The event was framed by a show program and the proceeds generated went as a donation to the Eifel Cancer Aid.
- GE, 08.05.2007
Raeren pots are European cultural heritage
The historical Raeren stoneware and its most important reference collection in the Raeren Pottery Museum receives the label of European Cultural Heritage on the proposal of the DG.
- GE, 11.05.2007
A mini tornado wreaks havoc in Honsfeld-Buchholz-Losheimergraben.
- GE, 15.05.2007
Chemical company Paramelt closes
The Eupen chemical plant Paramelt in the Hütte district closes.ä
- GE, 15.05.2007
Merger of the cable providers
The negotiations and measures to merge all Walloon cable providers, including Interost in East Belgium, which took more than two years, have been completed. The new company will operate under the name Voo and will in principle cover the entire southern half of Belgium, as well as Brussels. Partnership negotiations are also already underway with the Flemish provider Telenet, which covers the northern half of Belgium.
- GE, 19.05.2007
Quality label for East Belgian vacation homes
As a result of the two-year review by the VAO (Verkehrsamt der Ostkantone), 188 of the 230 evaluated properties may now call themselves official vacation apartments and have been awarded the equivalent “ears of corn” in analogy to the hotel stars. The more ears on the package, the higher the quality standard.
- GE, 16.05.2007
Opening of the slate tunnel
In Recht, the new Schieferstollen visitor mine is officially opened after ten years of work.
- GE, 10.05.2007
Bottleneck at the rescue service Nordeifel
In a meeting of the Red Cross and the mayors of the municipalities of Amel, Büllingen and Bütgenbach, the acute problem of staff shortages was discussed and solutions were sought together. Changes in regulations for volunteer work complicate the situation and an interim solution had to be set up with exemptions for staff deployment outside regular working hours.
- GE, 23.05.2007
Three extensive infrastructure projects in Büllingen finalized
Almost simultaneously, after several years of work, the construction projects located in the town centers of Hünningen and Büllingen were completed. In addition to renewal of utility infrastructures, improvements to transportation infrastructure and building renovations were on the agenda. Both the DG and Wallonia have contributed financially to the measures.
- GE, 04.06.2007
Steffeshausen winner of "Our village should have a future
Steffeshausen won the village competition in the DG and thus also received the qualification for participation at the European level in the following year. There 36 European villages will meet and have the opportunity to present themselves and their region accordingly.
- GE, 19.06.2007
DG receives delegation from Austria
A delegation from Carinthia is visiting the DG to learn about successful cross-border cooperation. Especially the concept and the integration into the Euregio and the implementation of Interreg programs evokes great enthusiasm among the guests. At the same time, the DG benefits from the experience of the Carinthians in the field of renewable energy and spatial development in rural areas.
- GE, 14.06.2007
Positive development in the skilled trades
ZAWM reports a 25% increase in apprentices over the last two years. At the same time, 95% of all graduates find employment in the first month after completing their training. The cooperation with the IHK Aachen will also be strengthened to enable cross-border training.
- GE, 15.06.2007
Magnetic resonance tomograph in operation
In Sankt Vith, the MRI scanner goes into operation.
- GE, 18.06.2007
Cross-border fire fighting
The cooperation between the fire departments of Monschau and Eupen has now, after a long period of practice, also been legally secured and fixed by the signing of a corresponding agreement between the two cities.
- GE, 22.06.2007
Chamber deputies from the DG
After 8 years of abstinence, the DG is again represented by PFF-MR politician Katrin Jadin in the Chamber of Deputies of the Belgian government.
- GE, 29.06.2007
Home for the disabled closed
After long discussions, the Deidenberg home for the disabled is closed.
- GE, 12.07.2007
Children's and youth group of the media center receive prize from KiKA
Out of 5000 entries in the “Eat smart and move smart” campaign, a group from the media center wins. The submitted entry will be broadcast on television and the participants will be able to receive their prize at the big KiKA birthday party in Erfurt.
- GE, 07.07.2007
Kurt Beck (SPD) in Eupen
As a prominent participant of the Greater Region Intermediate Summit, the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate does the honors in Eupen.
- GE, 11.07.2007
Results of the first family survey of the DG
The first family survey has been successfully completed and nearly 25% of East Belgium families participated. As a result, there is an enormously high value placed on family in everyday life, but also a high degree of difficulty in achieving a harmonious family life. Great difficulties are also evident in the distribution of tasks within families. In terms of childcare, grandparents are a very important factor. The DG’s many offerings are also mostly known, but not yet fully utilized.
- GE, 19.07.2007
Royal visit in Büllingen
On the occasion of the national holiday, Prince Laurent and Princess Claire visit the commune of Büllingen.
- GE, 23.07.2007
Montenau celebrates Ravel
A total of 1,200 cyclists are taking part in the charity event Montenau celebrates Ravel 2007.
- GE, 24.07.2007
International Scout Meeting
1,300 Scouts from all over Belgium watch the sunrise in the High Fens, starting the second century of international Scouting together. (From 31.07.2007 to 02.08.2007)
- GE, 31.07.2007
Increase in traffic violations
The DG follows the national negative trend and also records an increase in traffic offenses. In the last two months alone, there were 481 speeding violations within the Weser-Goehl police zone.
- GE, 10.08.2007
Fire in sawmill
Early Saturday morning, a fire broke out on the premises of the Thönnes sawmill. Thanks to the rapid intervention of the Eupen fire department and reinforcements from Lontzen, it was possible to prevent the fire from spreading. Nevertheless, an 80m² production hall including inventory was completely destroyed. The operation lasted over 4 hours.
- GE, 13.08.2007
Go Pass action reaches milestone
The action initiated by the city of Eupen, which provides 10 free rides for young people on the SNCB, is very popular. With a small addition of extra vouchers for Karting Eupen, the issuance of the 10,000th voucher was celebrated. Passses, to a young Eupen woman, honored.
- GE, 18.08.2007
Eneco tour passes Eupen
The international stage race of professional road cycling, organized by the UCI ProTour, crosses the city center of Eupen in the course of a stage over several hours.
- GE, 20.08.2007
Eifel-Ardennes-High Fens Cycle Route
The cross-border Eifel-Ardennes-Hohes Venn cycle route is opened with a festive event in Steinebrück.
- GE, 25.08.2007; 24.08.2007
Kelmis is the first municipality in East Belgium to celebrate the "Fêtes de Wallonie
Kelmis hosts the Fêtes de Wallonie, which are held for the first time in a municipality belonging to the DG.
- GE, 25.08.2007; 28.08.2007
Inauguration of the Lichtenbusch freeway complex
The tank and service area complex built at the former border crossing was officially opened. The total project cost 13 million euros and the adjacent hotel also opens in the following weeks.
- GE, 29.08.2007
1st Euregional March and Show Music Festival
On Sunday, September 2, the first Euregie March and Show Music Festival will take place in Eupen. The formations start their tour from the Josephine Koch parking lot and finish the parade at the stadium of AS Eupen.
- GE, 31.08.2007
Cooperation between Raeren and Roetgen
The municipal councils of Raeren and Roetgen meet together to find a cross-border solution for wastewater declaration. The aim is to divert the wastewater from Raeren to the wastewater treatment plant in Roetgen and to enter into more cooperation in the future.
- GE, 06.09.2007
80 years GrenzEcho
GrenzEcho celebrates its 80th anniversary and presents its new digital newspaper archive. From now on, the old issues up to 1945 can be viewed as a digital PDF version in the online archive.
- GE, 08.09.2007
Cost explosion for church steeple renovation
The renovation of the Lower Town church tower in Eupen, already approved and set in motion since 2003, again occupied the city council and the DG. In addition to the €1,837,416 already invested, a further €931,835 will be due to complete the refurbishment. Completion is now scheduled for the end of 2008.
- GE, 12.09.2007
50 years of nature conservation in the High Fens and regional delicacies
On the occasion of the celebration, there was a lively crowd at the Botrange Nature Park Center and visitors were also able to see part of Zone C of the nature reserve, which is otherwise not freely accessible. At the same time the first country product market of the Eifel-Ardennes Table took place.
- GE,17.09.2007
Construction measures in Büllingen
While the designation of an additional industrial area and thus the expansion of the Pauls sawmill was rejected, there was a clear yes for the expansion of the schools in Rocherath and Honsfeld. The DG pays 80% of the expansion costs.
- GE, 29.09.2007
Language discrimination against DG counter clerks at the post office
The exams for salary increases are only offered in French, and only those who pass the test receive a salary increase. Five years earlier, this was still offered in German.
- GE, 03.10.2007
Protests against ammunition tests
Despite strong protests against the ammunition tests of the private company Mecar on the military training area Elsenborn, the company can continue its tests.
- GE, 05.10.2007
Expansion completed
The expansion of the Sankt Vith retirement home will create 30 new beds.
- GE, 04.10.2007
Border crossing Köpfchen to become a destination for excursions
Within the framework of a European project, the border crossing is to be integrated into the region’s tourism through various measures. A budget of over 1.2 million euros is estimated for the development of the necessary infrastructure.
- GE, 12.10.2007
Eyneburg in Hergenrath becomes backdrop for international film shooting
The French-Belgian-Luxembourg co-production “Les enfants du Timpelbach”, in which Gérard Dépardieu is also involved, uses the Eyneburg as a film set for several weeks.
- GE, 11.10.2007
St. Joseph celebrates 100th anniversary and prepares the expansion
In addition to the anniversary, the expansion estimated at 5 million euros will be presented. It includes a building extension and an increase in bed capacity from 60 to 90 (from 12.10.2007 to 14.10.2007).
- GE, 05.10.2007
RWTH becomes an elite university
RWTH Aachen University is awarded the status of an elite university in the second attempt of the Excellence Initiative.
- GE, 20.10.2007
Botrange without operator
The operator of the Signal de Botrange files for bankruptcy. A dispute arises between Weismes and the operator over responsibilities and omissions.
- GE, 03.11.2007
East Belgium in Harry Potter fever
From the north to the south, events with a supporting program are taking place in Kelmis, Eupen and St.-Vith to mark the start of sales of the latest Harry Potter volume. Bookstores open late in the evening and from midnight the sale of the volume starts. (From 26.10.2007 to 27.10.2007)
- GE, 25.10.2007
East Belgian police officially receive professional code of conduct in German for the first time
The General Commissioner of the Federal Police solemnly presented the professional code of conduct, written in German, to the Director of the Poilzei in Eupen. The text has been legally binding since 2006 through illustration in the State Gazette.
- GE, 27.10.2007
Post presents plan for DG
The Post presents its structural plan for the coming years to the DG communities and promises to maintain one post office per community. All others are to be closed.
- GE, 06.11.2007
End of ammunition testing
Defense Minister André Flahaut orders that ammunition tests at the Elsenborn military training area must cease with immediate effect.
- GE, 09.11.2007
Opening of the traveling exhibition on the DG
The marketing campaign to raise awareness of the DG within Belgium has opened with a traveling exhibition in Brussels. The exhibition is touring throughout Belgium until spring 2009.
- GE, 16.11.2007
Eupen station secured
The national railroad company SNCB/NMBS confirms that the Eupen station remains open. The company Rail&Trail for the repair of locomotives will also be retained, and new rail connections are envisaged.
- GE, 15.11.2007
DG Music Academy in crisis
Performance levels continue to decline and waiting lists are growing; the problems have existed for many years. Urgent reforms are needed, but the DG government is failing with its solutions to the music teachers’ service law.
- GE, 17.11.2007
Reading promotion project "Growing up with books" celebrates its tenth anniversary
With 200 active children, from all communities of the DG, the Bidlungsprojekt celebrated its successful anniversary in Bütgenbach. The initiative is all about improving school children’s reading skills and making reading fun.
- GE, 19.11.2007
First Eupen Film Festival Cinema in the River
With support from Germany and Luxembourg, the first film festival of the “Kino im Fluss” format already established there took place. Films were presented on screen non-stop for hours, and there was also a competition for East Belgian filmmakers. (From 23.11.2007 to 25.11.2007)
- GE, 27.11.2007
Little surprise for the DG in the new Guide Michelins
The star restaurant Hotel zur Post in St. Vith continues to fight for its return to the second star and the restaurant Kreutz in Büllingen loses its star.
- GE, 28.11.2007
AnikoS, new employers' association for non-commercial sector founded
Eight associations have jointly founded AnikoS. The aim is to meet the increased needs of representation of the non-commercial sector in social and political bodies and to strengthen the perception of the importance of the sector.
- GE, 10.12.2007
First Belgian milk vending machine
In the city center of Eupen, a milk vending machine will be installed in early December near the Athenaeum by the Ketteniser farmer Bernd Jacobs. It is the first vending machine of its kind in the whole of Belgium.
- GE, 15.12.2007
Rededication Old textile factory Peters
After DG takes over the building, the VoG “All under one roof” becomes the new tenant of the 3000m² hall.
- GE, 24.12.2007
Strengthening the DG's coverage of volunteerism.
As part of the initiative “Strengthening the Voluntary Office”, the DG has decided to offer free supplementary insurance for volunteers. After successful application for accreditation, Ethias is the insurance carrier and contact person for the organizations.
- GE, 24.11.2007
Good results for East Belgian students at PISA
Among the 3 communities, the DG is again in second place and well above the OECD average. Belgium ranks 12/57 in reading literacy, 12/57 in math, and 19/57 in science.
- GE, 05.12.2007
Closure of Elsenborn post office decided
In the context of the national rationalization measures of the postal service, it was decided to close the branch in Elsenborn. Implementation is scheduled for the first half of 2008.
- GE, 06.12.2007
Opening train stop Hergenrath
After more than 50 years, there is once again a stop for SNCB trains in Hergenrath. Trains on the Liège-Aachen line now also stop in Hergenrath every 2 hours.
- GE, 08.12.2007
Environmentally friendly barn conversion wins Walloon show house award
The Confédération Construction Wallonne awards the conversion of the barn of the former slaughterhouse of Eupen by “The Caterpillar” with the first prize for environmentally friendly construction. The ecological model house, is also one of the first low-energy houses in the region.
- GE, 11.12.2007
End for ZAWM Weywertz decided
The ZAWM branch in Weywertz is to be closed as ofSeptember 2008. Existing classes will be transferred to St. Vith and Eupen.
- GE, 13.12.2007
Museum Baugnez 44 Historical Center opened
Exactly 63 years after the Baugnez massacre committed during the Battle of the Bulge, the new Baugnez 44 Museum opens in Malmedy. It is at the same time also a memorial.
- GE, 12.12.2007; 18.12.2007; 24.12.2007
Enlargement of the industrial zone II Saint Vither planned
Regional Minister André Antoine signs the approval and expropriation decree, clearing a crucial hurdle for the project.
- GE, 21.12.2007
Hotel "Domaine des Hautes Fagnes" closes
The hotel “Domaine des Hautes Fagnes”, Sourbrodt, one of the largest hotels in the region, closes for financial reasons.
- GE, 04.01.2008
Belle-Vue convalescent home closes
The Belle-Vue convalescent home in Eupen is closed due to insufficient profitability. Employees will be laid off and the building’s continued use is still unclear.
- GE, 14.09.2007; 12.12.2007
Border Echo sells sheetfed printing plant
Grenz-Echo AG sells its sheetfed printing plant to the Dutch group Thieme Beheer BV at the end of the year. The location will remain and the staff will also be taken over.
- GE, 07.12.2007
Upgrading of the Eupen stewards to the order guard service
The 6 stewards of the city of Eupen are upgraded by government decree to a law enforcement service and receive appropriate additional training. Other municipalities will be required to follow suit.
- GE, 12.12.2007
Petition against industrial zone Herbesthal tree
150 citizens sign a petition against the planned industrial zone of Herbesthal-Baum.
- GE, 03.01.2008
Discussion about old Vennbahn line
The discussion about the dismantling of the old Vennbahn line raises the question of a possible return of Belgian territory to Germany. The media response is great.
- GE, 08.01.2008
Dethier-Neumann called a Nazi
The mayor of the city of Huy causes a scandal when she calls the East Belgian Ecolo politician Monika Dethier-Neumann a Nazi.
- GE, 18.01.2008
Ammunition test continue
The armaments company Mecar is allowed to carry out further ammunition tests at the Elsenborn camp for the time being.
- GE, 23.01.2008
Paasch with own list
Minister of Education Oliver Paasch announces his own list for the community elections at the PDB’s New Year’s reception.
- GE, 25.01.2008
PDG president sings hit songs
PDG President Louis Siquet’s hit song My Little Belgium is a talking point in East Belgium.
- GE, 29.01.2008
Filming in Raeren
The old train station in Raeren forms the backdrop for the WDR documentary feature film Fräulein Stinnes fährt um die Welt (Miss Stinnes Travels Around the World), which will be broadcast in spring 2009.
- GE, 22.02.2008
Triangle Saint Vith triggers construction boom
The Triangel culture and exhibition center in Sankt Vith is slowly taking shape, triggering a building boom on the old railroad site.
- GE, 12.02.2008
The IKOB Collection
The IKOB international art collection (with more than 300 works by 90 artists) is exhibited for the first time at the IKOB in Eupen.
- GE, 06.02.2008
Domaine des Hautes Fagnes with new operator
Hotel Domaine des Hautes Fagnes opens with a new operator.
- GE, 16.02.2008
PDG against ammunition testing
The PDG opposes ammunition testing by the Mecar company at the Elsenborn camp.
- GE, 27.02.2008
Saint Vith officially seals the twinning with the Romanian city of Teius.
Hungarian President as guest
The Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom is guest of the DG in Eupen.
- GE, 18.04.2008
Wind farm Oberhart
Inauguration of the Oberhart-Valender wind farm in the municipality of Amel.
- GE, 24.04.2008
Wind farm planned
It becomes known that a wind farm is planned on Walhorn field.
- GE, 30.04.2008
Starting signal for "EuRegionale 2008
The EuRegionale 2008 project is launched in Aachen.
- GE, 05.05.2008
Only traffic lights dismantled
The new traffic circle is inaugurated at the Hünningen/Sankt Vith intersection. The only traffic light system in the Belgian Eifel region has thus finally had its day.
- GE, 26.05.2008
Farmers protest
About 200 East Belgian farmers join the milk supply boycott in Germany and protest at the seat of government in Eupen and in front of department stores (From 29.05.2008 to 30.05.2008).
Ammunition test denied
The Regional Minister André Antoine refuses to grant the Mecar company a global permit to carry out ammunition tests at the Elsenborn camp.
- GE, 06.06.2008
ProDG arises
Education Minister Oliver Paasch’s new political movement has given itself a name: ProDG.
- GE, 14.06.2008
Luck in misfortune
The village of Dürler narrowly escapes a flaming inferno when a fully loaded fuel tanker crashes.
- GE, 17.06.2008
Citizens' initiative for N62
After the tanker accident, a citizens’ initiative “Jetzt reichts” (“Enough is enough”) is formed. In front of 100 supporters, she calls for the construction of the N62 Sankt Vith-Wemperhardt bypass, which has been planned for years.
- GE, 02.07.2008
Lichtenbusch inaugurated
Minister Didier Reynders inaugurates the new premises for customs and police at the Lichtenbusch border crossing.
- GE, 02.07.2008
Dechurching progresses
The Belgian Bishops’ Conference presents a study it commissioned from the Catholic University of Leuven on dechurching. East Belgium is considered as a separate entity.
- GE, 09.07.2008
Yves Noël becomes knight
The State Gazette reports that NMC Board President Yves Noël becomes the second East Belgian, after Knight Alfred Bourseaux, to be elevated to the peerage by the King.
- GE, 15.07.2008
Thunderstorms rage
In the Belgian Eifel, storms rage so strongly that two youth camps have to be evacuated in Andler.
- GE, 28.07.2008
Malmedy BSK overthrown
In the Malmedy City Council, the majority around Mayor Jean-Paul Bastin is toppled by a constructive vote of no confidence. This is a novelty in the Walloon Region.
- GE, 21.08.2008
Minister of Defense in Elsenborn
Defense Minister Pieter De Crem visits the Elsenborn camp, where controversial private munitions tests are conducted.
- GE, 28.05.2008
First Oxfam Trailwalker
The first Oxfam Trailwalker on the European mainland starts in the DG. 600 hikers take part and march through the High Fens.
- GE, 01.09.2008
Free transportation for students under 12 years
The PDG decides on 7.10. retroactively free school bus transportation for students under the age of twelve.
DG Guest of Honor at Agricultural Fair
In Battice, 23,000 visitors flock to the Expo site of the agricultural fair. The DG is the guest of honor. (From 05.09.2008 to 07.09.2008)
Campaign against radon
In the Belgian Eifel region, a prevention campaign for protection against radon is launched.
- GE, 03.10.2008
DG retains seat in EU Parliament
The federal government decides that the DG will keep its seat in the EU Parliament. The decision is not taken up in the press.
- GE, 06.12.2008
Men quartet disbanded
The Kgl. Men’s quartet Eupen announces its disbandment because of problems with new blood.
- GE, 25.10.2008
DG takes over castle
By Royal Decree of October 24, 2008 (published on November 18, 2008), the German-speaking Community takes full possession of the Castle of Reuland.
Girls' Day
The first girls’ day in the DG took place in Eupen
Stunts in Bütgenbach
Spectacular stunts can be marveled at on Lake Bütgenbach during filming of the RTL series Alarm for Cobra 11.
- GE, 30.10.2008
Short-time working at Hydro Aluminium
As a result of the economic crisis, production at Hydro Aluminium in Raeren now takes place on only four days instead of six.
- GE, 27.11.2008
Prime Minister in Eupen
Prime Minister Yves Leterme comes to Eupen as guest of honor for the DG Day.
Niessen becomes director of the Euregio
Ecolo deputy and former DG minister Hans Niessen prevails against 51 competitors to become the new director of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
- GE, 22.11.2008
First whisky from East Belgium
The distillery Radermacher from Raeren presents the first whiskey from East Belgium.
- GE, 21.11.2008
Euregio moves in Eupen
The staff of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine are settling into their new home on Gospertstrasse in Eupen.
Radioactive waste through the Eifel
Six trucks carrying highly toxic, radioactive materials cross the Eifel region without emergency services or civil protection being informed.
- GE, 09.12.2008
Jost Group grows
With the takeover of Transports Weerts, the Jost Group of Büllinger-born Roland Jost rises to become Belgium’s second-largest transport and logistics company.
- GE, 13.12.2008
Alice Smeets with "Unicef Photo of the Year
Alice Smeets with “Unicef Photo of the Year
- GE, 19.12.2008
Hans Niessen Director of the Euregio
Former Ecolo minister Hans Niessen becomes the new director of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
BRF television via antenna
BRF announces that its television programming will also be available via terrestrial television (DVB-T) from 2013.
- GE, 09.01.2009
Special stamps for the DG
Five special stamps with motifs of the German-speaking Community will appear at the post office.
- GE, 13.01.2009
Bolder-Biert wind farm on the grid
The highest wind farm in Belgium is connected to the grid in the municipality of Büllingen.
- GE, 22.01.2008
Planned excommunication lifted
Pope Benedict lifts the planned excommunication of four traditionalist bishops. The East Belgian traditionalist pastor Schoonbroodt expresses satisfaction.
- GE, 26.01.2009
No prison for Eupen
Justice Minister Stefaan De Clerck tells the Chamber’s Justice Committee that it makes no sense to build a prison in the Eupen judicial district.
- GE, 29.01.2009
DG celebrates 25th birthday
The German-speaking Community celebrates its 25th birthday with a ceremony.
- GE, 02.02.2009
New safety regulations for carnival floats
A circular from State Secretary Etienne Schouppe in connection with the safety of carnival floats in road traffic is causing confusion in East Belgian carnival circles.
- GE, 07.02.2009
Floods in the Our valley
After heavy rainfall, the Our valley is flooded.
- GE, 12.02.2009
Threats of austerity
The German-speaking Community is threatened with austerity. The endowment is to be reduced by at least €8.5 million.
- GE, 19.02.2009
First "Night of the Open Community
With a wide-ranging program, the first night of the Open Community of the DG goes over the stage.
- GE, 11.03.2009
Opening of the long-distance hiking trail "Eifelsteig
The 313 km long distance hiking trail in 15 stages from Aachen through the German Eifel to Trier is opened.
Muslim cemetery application denied
In Bütgenbach, a citizen who has converted to Islam submits a request for a Muslim cemetery. This is rejected.
- GE, 08.04.2009
Folk festival for the DG anniversary
A folk festival is held in Bütgenbach to celebrate the DG anniversary.
- GE, 19.05.2009
Action awarded
The action Journalist for a Day of the Border Echo and the Belgian Radio is awarded the Readers’ Leaf Binding Prize of the German company Ferag.
- GE, 20.05.2009
Community elections
PFF, Ecolo and ProDG win, CSP loses votes significantly. Ecolo regains its factional strength, Vivant remains in the PDG. The existing majority still announces on election night that it wants to continue the coalition.
- GE, 25.06.2010
New coalition decided
While the other communities and regions are still exploring and negotiating, the SP, the PFF and ProDG sign the intergovernmental agreement.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Dairy farmers protest
Dairy farmers in eastern Belgium demonstrate against low milk prices.
- GE, 20.06.2009
Function grants cut
The DG-Parliament Bureau cuts the functional subsidy for Vivant, which henceforth operates as a non-recognized faction.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Thunderstorm in East Belgium
Especially the city of Eupen was hit by a strong storm.
- GE, 08.08.2009
First case of "swine flu
A woman from Kelmis is diagnosed with the first case of swine flu in eastern Belgium.
- GE, 11.08.2009
Opening triangle
The Triangel Culture, Conference and Exhibition Center and the DG Service Center are opened in St. Vith.
- GE, 17.09.2009
New building retirement home?
Interkommunale Vivias announces that it plans to build a new retirement home on Malmedyer Strasse in Sankt Vith.
- GE, 03.01.2018
Farmers protest in Eupen
With about 40 tractors, around 50 farmers demonstrate against the low milk prices in front of the government building on the Klötzerbahn in Eupen.
- GE, 03.10.2009
New director at the transport office
Sandra De Taeye will be the new director at the East Canton Transportation Authority. She replaces Manfred Dahmen.
- GE, 15.10.2009
PDB decides end
The general meeting of the Party of German-speaking Belgians decides to dissolve the party as of November 14.
- GE, 17.10.2009
Procedure of conflict of interest by DG possible
The Rompuy I government is in danger of breaking up over the permanent conflict in the Brussels-Hall-Vilvoorde (BHV) constituency. The German-speaking community could declare a conflict of interest and thus grant the government a grace period of 120 days.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Discussion about conflict of interest
The Parliament of the German-speaking Community is discussing whether to declare the procedure of a conflict of interest.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Flemish activists in Eupen
Flemish activists protest in Eupen against the DG’s declaration of a conflict of interest. Thus, the split of BHV would be postponed.
- GE, 25.06.2010
PDG votes for conflict of interest
With Vivant’s dissenting votes alone, the PDG declares a conflict of interest on the BHV issue.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Institutional German Language Award for DG
In Kassel, the German-speaking Community is awarded the German Language Institution Prize.
- GE, 02.11.2009
Final point for PDB
With an academic session, the PDB is dissolved.
- GE, 16.11.2009
Day of DG without Fleming
The DG invites to a reception in Brussels on the occasion of her feast day. Not a single Flemish minister or parliamentarian takes part.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Christmas tree for St. Peter's Square in Rome
Since 1983, the Christmas tree that decorates St. Peter’s Square in Rome has come from another country. This year from Francorchamps, Belgium.
- GE, 24.11.2009
Costs for parliament double
The Parliament estimates the cost of the reconstruction of the sanatorium at 22.43 million euros instead of the original 11.5 million. Parliament Speaker Siquet calls this the price of democracy.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Costs for parliament reduced
The parliament decides to significantly reduce the costs for the reconstruction and expansion of the sanatorium.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Government seat costs defended
Minister President Karl-Heinz Lambertz defends the costs for the remodeling of the government building Gospert 42.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Marcel Cremer deceased
The East Belgian cultural scene mourns the death of Marcel Cremer: the founder and artistic director of the Agora Theater succumbs to cancer at the age of 54.
- GE, 21.11.2009
PPP school project presented
The DG government presents to the citizens the planned PPP school project to be realized in Eupen.
- GE, 20.01.2010
Ferdel Schröder new president of parliament
Ferdel Schröder is elected as the new President of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community. Louis Siquet, the former Speaker of the House, becomes a senator again.
- GE, 02.02.2010
Castling in the majority
As provided for in the government agreement, Ferdel Schröder (PFF) will become the new president of the PDG. Louis Siquet makes way to take on the role of Community Senator in Brussels .
- GE, 25.06.2010
Siquet sworn in
Louis Siquet is sworn in as Community Senator in Brussels. He replaces Berni Collas.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Cheaper variant for the parliament
The Drees & Sommer planning team from Luxembourg is presenting lower-cost variants for the conversion and expansion of the parliament.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Media library at KAS
The school media library is inaugurated at the Royal Athenaeum of Saint Vith.
- GE, 11.02.2010
Groundbreaking ceremony for new RWTH campus
NRW Minister President Jürgen Rüttgers breaks ground to mark the start of construction of the RWTH Aachen campus.
- GE, 18.02.2010
New management for Agora Theater
Kurt Pothen and Roger Hilgers take over the artistic direction of the Agora Theater in Sankt Vith
- GE, 25.02.2010
Carrefour withdraws from Eupen
The department store chain Carrefour announces that it will close the branch it opened in Eupen 39 years ago in the middle of the year.
- GE, 24.02.2010
Xynthia also rages in the region
Storm Xynthia also causes severe damage in eastern Belgium.
- GE, 01.03.2010
Parliament relocation decided
Parliament decides to move the PDG to the former sanatorium after heated debates.
- GE, 16.03.2010
Parliament restructuring decided
After a heated debate in parliament, it is decided to rebuild and expand the sanatorium.
- GE, 25.06.2010
Grenade found in Grüfflingen
Several grenades are found and defused at a construction site in Grüfflingen.
- GE, 30.03.2010
Protest march in Eupen
Around 800 demonstrators protest in Eupen city center for work and against job cuts to draw attention to the effects of the crisis in the German-speaking Community.
- GE, 28.12.2010
BRF Studio in the Triangle Saint Vith
The BRF presents its studio in the Triangle Saint Vith to the public.
- GE, 08.04.2010
Reception center for asylum seekers in Eupen
The first refugees move into the reception center for asylum seekers in Eupen.
- GE, 15.04.2010
Wind farm Weismes
Walloon Minister Philippe Henry grants global approval for the planned wind farm in Weismes, which will be operated by the Courant d’Air cooperative, Elsenborn, among others.
- GE, 06.05.2010
Ikob enlarged and modernized
The Ikob invites after enlargement and modernization to the nude opening.
- GE, 08.05.2010
Vote on PPP project
Parliament votes on the 150 million euro investment in Eupen school buildings based on a PPP project. The government is linking the decision to a vote of confidence.
- GE, 25.06.2010
AS Eupen rises
AS Eupen is promoted to the first division.
- GE, 23.05.2010
Government for stadium expansion
Three days after AS Eupen’s promotion, the government announces its financial support in principle for the stadium expansion.
- GE, 25.06.2010
BRF director leaves
BRF Director Hans Engels retires after 20 years.
- GE, 29.05.2010
Federal elections
Elections for House and Senate. Ecolo gains in eastern Belgium, the CSP loses. Kattrin Jadin (PFF) defends her seat in the House, Claudia Niessen is elected to the Senate.
- GE, 29.10.2010
Eupen stadium expansion
The Eupen City Council approves the expansion of AS Eupen’s stadium following its promotion to the 1st Division.
Heidberg monastery burns down
A lightning strike starts a fire in the roof truss of the Heidberg Chapel, which burns to the ground.
- GE, 05.07.2010
Expansion hospital Eupen
An agreement between Eupen Hospital and the DG government secures investments of more than 20 million euros in construction and equipment (third and four
Please note that this timeline has been translated automatically. Some terms may therefore not quite match the German original. If in doubt, please consult the German version (‘Chronik’).